我的外国朋友表达 浓 都用stronger
this cup of tea tastes stronger than the other one.
如果说来客人做接待用的话,一次性的杯子,3克最适宜,不会让有些人觉得太浓,也不会让有些人觉得味道太淡。如果说自己喝的话,就看个人喜好了,偏好浓茶的话就多放点茶叶,偏好淡一点的时候,就少放点茶叶,都是没关系 的。但是晚上睡觉前不建议喝浓茶,可能会对睡眠不利的,呵呵。
由 一杯茶,摇摇椅,一盆茉莉花 作文怎么写
铁观音 [词典] Tie Guanyin, a variety of oolong tea (中国乌龙茶); [例句]东方美人茶和铁观音香气成分的比较研究Comparison of Aroma Constituents between Oriental Beauty Tea and Tieguanyin Tea2023-07-08 03:46:001
Tieguanyin and Longjing2023-07-08 03:46:0814
Tieh-Kuan-Yin2023-07-08 03:46:588
铁的菩萨2023-07-08 03:47:152
Iron-Buddha Oolong-tea2021年六月英文四级铁观音翻译铁观音(Tieguanyin)是中国最受欢迎的茶之一,原产自福建省安溪县西坪镇,如今安溪全县普遍种植,但该县不同地区生产的铁观音又各具风味。铁观音一年四季均可采摘,尤以春秋两季采摘的茶叶品质最佳。铁观音加工非常复杂,需要专门的技术和丰富的经验。铁观音含有多种维生素,喝起来口感独特。常饮铁观音有助于预防心脏病、降低血压、增强记忆力。ieguanyin, one of the most prevalent types of tea in China, is originated from Xiping Town, Anxi County, Fujian Province. Although widely planted and cultivated in Anxi County, the tastes of the tea vary from one district to another. Tieguanyin can be picked throughout the year, with the best picking seasons being the spring and fall. The tea-process can be quite complex, which involves in specialized techniques and rich experience. Tieguanyin is abundant in various vitamins, and it also enjoys an unique flavour. Drinking Tieguanyin regularly can help prevent heart diseases, lower blood pressure as well as improve memory.2023-07-08 03:47:221
hhhh2023-07-08 03:48:356
普洱茶 PU-ERH TEA2023-07-08 03:48:534
碧螺春:Biluochun green tea乌龙茶:Oolong tea龙井: Longjing tea铁观音:Tieh-Kuan-Yin Tea 高山毛尖:Alp Souchong普洱茶 Pu"er tea2023-07-08 03:49:022
红茶、绿茶、普饵茶、黑茶、铁观音、毛峰、龙井茶、碧螺春等英语翻译Black Tea, Green Tea, Pu"er tea, black tea, oolong tea, Mao Feng, Longjing green tea, Spring Snail.2023-07-08 03:49:491
鉄観音茶(てつかんのうちゃ)2023-07-08 03:49:588
其中的金骏眉,红香螺,茉莉银毫都是错的。正确答案:金骏眉 Decision markers eyebrow,红香螺 Tuba False Fusus,茉莉银毫 Jasmine silver hair。2023-07-08 03:50:153
Dried longan red jujube tea Belgian imperial family colored fruit-tea Tungting lake 碧螺春 Fog Mao Jian Jun acupuncture needle Xihu Longjing tea Ginseng Wu Long Frozen goes against Wu Long Oolong tea Mountain Wu Long Yunnan Pu"er Blue apple faction Pumpkin cake Skewered mutton Gold sesame seed cake 煲 young food Wooden barrel food 翻译网页2023-07-08 03:50:242
汗!!2023-07-08 03:50:324
1.pou lei ca 2.ti gun yen 3.suao mei 4.huan pin ca 5.wu long ca 6.go fa ca2023-07-08 03:50:403
Tie Guan Yin (simplified Chinese: 铁观音; traditional Chinese: 铁观音; pinyin: tiěguānyīn; Min Nan POJ: Thih-koan-im; Cantonese Jyutping: tit3 gwun1 yam1; literally meaning iron guanyin) is a premium variety of Chinese oolong tea associated with Anxi in Fujian province. Named after the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara (known in Chinese as Guan Yin), it has also been translated as "Iron Goddess of Mercy" (more correctly, "Compassion") after the old translation for Guan Yin"s name. Tie Guan Yin produced in different areas of Anxi have different characteristics.[1] The tea is also produced in Nantou, Taiwan with much success.This oolong is typically close to a green tea, with only a little fermentation. Subsequently, it has a very flowery, delicate aroma without the green tea "grassiness" or astringency.Other spellings and names include Ti Kuan Yin, Tit Kwun Yum, Ti Kwan Yin, Tie Guan Yin, Iron Buddha, Iron Goddess of Mercy, Iron Avalokiteu015bvara, and Tea of the Iron Bodhisattva, which is probably the closest English translation.2023-07-08 03:51:094
哦2023-07-08 03:51:173
英语翻译 铁观音是一种味道非常香的茶,通常,你在屋子里泡一杯铁观音,整个屋子都会充满着茶香.
Tieguanyin is a kind of tea that has a good smell.Usually,if you make a cup of it,there will be a strong smell filled in the whole room. 求采纳2023-07-08 03:51:261
One of the most popular teas is...2023-07-08 03:51:332
不同地区生产的铁观音又各具风味英语:Tieguanyin produced in different regions has different flavors。铁观音(tiě guān yīn)茶,中国传统名茶,属于青茶类,是中国十大名茶之一。原产于福建泉州市安溪县西坪镇,发现于1723—1735年。“铁观音”既是茶名,也是茶树品种名,铁观音茶介于绿茶和红茶之间,属于半发酵茶类,铁观音独具“观音韵”。清香雅韵,冲泡后有天然的兰花香,滋味纯浓,香气馥郁持久,有“七泡有余香”之誉 。除具有一般茶叶的保健功能外,还具有抗衰老、抗动脉硬化、防治糖尿病、减肥健美、防治龋齿、清热降火,敌烟醒酒等功效。铁观音生活妙用1、烫伤或烧伤可用适量的铁观音茶叶煎取浓汁,快速冷却后,把患处浸入茶水中;也可用茶水涂抹于创面,一日4-5次。2、晕车船与醉酒事先用一小杯温茶水,加2-3毫升酱油饮下。此法也可用于解除醉酒。3、刷牙时牙龈出血可经常饮茶,因茶中富含维生素C、铁质及止血成分,可使牙龈坚韧,毛细血管弹性增加,防止出血。4、口臭或吸烟过度引起心慌、恶心可用铁观音漱口并饮用适量浓茶来解除。5、防治儿童龋齿 茶水中的氟可阻止牙齿在口腔酸性环境中脱磷、脱钙,故常用茶水漱口可防龋。2023-07-08 03:51:591
1 rose tea2 这是什么啊?3 roselle tea4 Earl Grey Tea5 jasmine tea6 Lavender tea7 不知道耶。。。8 这个也太抽象了 你给个学名啊 好歹给个成分9 。。。。。10.。。。。。11 心有余而力不足12 Dahongpao Tea(Wuyi Mountain Rock Tea)13 no idea。。。。14 Tieguanyin Tea (Oolong Tea) 极品是不是在前面加个premium啊呵呵15 Aged Pu "er Tea16 17 18都是 pu‘er吧 外国人没分那么细の 19 就是 tieguanyin tea20 同16,,,,查半天累死了我在国外喝茶 很多都是中文拼音。。。。而且也没这么多分别の 呵呵^^2023-07-08 03:52:272
求俄语翻译~ 谢谢了~~
1,нетто-вес 100 гр.2,绿茶зелёный чай 龙井 Лунцзин---Колодец Дракона" 碧螺春Билочунь----Изумрудные спирали 铁观音Тегуаньинь---Богиня Милосердия2023-07-08 03:52:355
流程 非法字符 流程 焊剂 奶油 问好2023-07-08 03:53:066
太难了不如去问日式餐厅的店主2023-07-08 03:53:215
难道你想去日本开杂货铺么? 你这悬赏的100分还真的物有所值...太难了! 很多东西日本根本没有,即使找个日本人来,他也说不清楚是什么东西.2023-07-08 03:53:3711
a food list2023-07-08 03:54:012
天津ストリート、リンドウ第八2中国のドラゴンボートフェスティバルは、団子を食べるようになると加热され3広东省の牛の耳(パイ?)4海南ココナッツのパンケーキ5香港の卵ロール&クルミのケーキ6マカオアーモンドケーキ7タイグアン阴茶8佛ブラインドケーキ9広州饼10河源栗11パープルジャガイモ12重庆ドゥーガン13シトラス(塩)2023-07-08 03:54:123
A The ham omelette one-sided fries, pair B Thick piece earth department "Chocolate, Peanut" C The fresh milk lets somebody cool off or calm down hot D On island coffee cold hot E Watermelon juice F Oolong tea G CokeH SpriteJ black tea hot coldannotations: Depending on early meal ticket one, the above breakfast may the free optional one kind, add 10 Yuan to be possible to enjoy the random two kinds.2023-07-08 03:54:193
众所周知,四六级考试的翻译是整场考试中最难的部分,考生们的答案也是层出不穷。下面就来看看大家的精彩表现吧。 “小孩身心疲惫”翻译成了“children emo”“大拱”翻译成“big gong” “小拱”翻译成“small gong”“铁观音在中国式最受欢迎的茶之一”翻译成了“Tieguanyin is yyds in China”促进消化翻译成“go to WC fast”这是自己写完都会忍俊不禁的程度吧。 “温泉”翻译成“gulugulu water”“我是一条龙”翻译成了“I am alone”“朝拜”翻译成了“go to see guanyin”“相交点”翻译成了“banana point” 无奖竞猜“Mountain tai is wa oh”猜猜是什么意思?“泰山威武雄壮”你猜对了吗?那再猜猜“mountain is tanθ”是什么意思?没错,是山的高度;聪明的你一定知道“water APP” 是什么意思吧,没错,就是“水利工程” 四六级就像海澜之家,每年逛两次,每次光都有新感觉。 出现这种翻译大多数学生并不是故意为之,其实还是英语基础知识没掌握好。 英语四六级对以后的就业还是很重要的,同学们要好好学习英语哦!2023-07-08 03:54:261
21年六月四六级翻译考了“铁观音”,主要分析如下:解析:原句较长,可以在前两个逗号处切分,使其变成三个短句,然后分别进行翻译。第一部分中,“最受欢迎的”可以翻译为:the most popular。第二部分中,“原产”可以翻译为被动语态:was originally produced,也可以翻译为动词:originated,需要用一般过去时,地点需要从小到大描述,即Xiping Town,Anxi County,Fujian Province。第三部分中,两个分句之间存在转折关系,需要运用表示转折的连词,“各具风味”可以翻译为:has its own flavor。写作思路技巧。一、无论是名言警句还是漫画作文都要坚持「由表及里,由浅入深」的原则,将话题和某一社会现象、问题联系,或者论述某一重要素质的重要性(例如坚强意志力、好奇心等)。二、漫画作文首段描述图画,不做论述;二段从原因、利弊、重要性方面论述,并加以具体例证。尾段重申观点,并提出建议措施。三、文字形式的作文首段破解文字含义,将抽象的名言或警句具体化。二段是将话题联系现实生活论述相关的社会问题或者能力素质的原因、现象、背景、重要性、利弊等。尾段再次重申观点加上建议措施即可。2023-07-08 03:54:441
全译好,太多了 不一一解释 了不明白的发信给我 我再解释Fresh Juice : freshly squeezed orange juicefreshly squeezed watermelon juice freshly squeezed melon juice freshly squeezed tomato juicefreshly squeezed cucumber juice freshly squeezed fruit juice drinks : Unusual new Sprite consume beer coconut milk drink mineral water coffee : magpie nests tea : Pu"er tea chrysanthemum tea Tieguanyin tea Lushan Maojian Confections : Volume champagne grape jam cake triangular chocolate cake Swiss milk volumes fruit cake banana cake rainbow cake rolls egg tarts butter turnip cakes cream snacks : pistachio-Fried peanut lovers fig chocolate candy2023-07-08 03:55:123
Aloe\lavender\ginseng slice\iron view sound\peppermint\贡 chrysanthemum\the plank blue root\rose king\wild chrysanthemum\high mountain green tea\rose 茄 \gingko leaf\hairdressing flower\chamomile\jasmine teaStab five add\rosemary\jade beauty\verbena\month quarter\big leaf bitter D\jasmine\magnolia flower\one after one generation flower\jasmine\jade butterfly\peony flower\the imperial concubine is red\plum flower\violet\lemon slice\licorice\lemon grass\fruit of Chinese wolfberry\fat ocean\yellow rose\apple flower\special grade in longjing\red snow tea\Linden\one class in longjing\red three\bluish green 螺 spring special grade\lotus leaf\seven colourful chrysanthemums\bluish green 螺 spring one class\the thousandth is red\普洱 \green hills and blue waters\bulb of lily\ginseng flower\a little red\nasturtium\wring one blue\plain 馨 flower\the 滇 is red\honey-suckle\mulberry leaf\hair 峰 \gold chrysanthemum\mountain camellia\iron view sound\Cassiae Torae Semen\The 芍 medicine spends\bitter gourd slice\carnation\peach blossom\lotus seed heart\bluish green 螺 spring\mythic fungus slice\forget me not\laurel blossom tea\ 汉 fruit flower\Puerh Tea\ 汉 fruit\snow inside flower\letter sun hair point\longjing2023-07-08 03:55:212
额滴妈呀,咋整的2023-07-08 03:55:305
u0422u0435 u0413u0443u0430u043du044cu0438u043du044c u043fu0443u0437u044bu0440u044c u043cu0435u0442u043eu04342023-07-08 03:55:441
拜托,你是不是要开店啊??都是菜名也!!!2023-07-08 03:55:523
如今安溪全县普遍种植的英语翻译是Now planted throughout Anxi County。四级的翻译题我国的名茶---铁观音。铁观音(Tieguanyi)是中国最受欢迎的茶之一,Tiguanyin, one of the most favored types of tea in China,原产于福建省安溪县西坪镇,is native to Xiping Town, Anxi County, Fujian Province.如今安溪全县普遍种植,Now planted throughout Anxi County,但该县不同地区生产的铁观音又各具风味。the tea varies in its flavor in different regions of the county.铁观音一年四季均可采摘,尤以春秋两季采摘的茶叶品质最佳。Tieguanyin can be gathered through all seasons, tasting the best particularly when picked in spring and fall.铁观音的加工非常复杂,需要专门的技术和丰富的经验。The complex processing of the tea calls for specialized skills and abundant experience.铁观音含有多种维生素,喝起来口感独特。The drink, rich in vitamins and with a distinct taste,常饮铁观音有助于预防心脏病、降低血压、增强记忆力。helps prevent heart diseases, lower blood pressure and enhance memory if consumed regularly.2023-07-08 03:55:581
就20分 谁给你翻啊!2023-07-08 03:56:462
“看不到未来”翻译成日语怎么说? 中文理解应该是 未来 看不见,【见(み)る 】(注意不是见),是看见的意思, 所以应该是 【未来を见ません】 谢谢支持!那个日语专业六楼的把动词搞错了,以ない结尾的是形容词否定式,是在线翻译的!【未来(みらい)を见(み)ません】mi la yi wo mi ma seN(鼻音)同sen. 补充一下,那个 见 字 不与中文的见字一样,应该是上面一个目底下一个儿的见,百度里显示不出来。 向着未来怎么样翻译成日语 未来に 向かう 翻译成日语 遇到未知的危机 遇到未知的危机 未知の危机に遭遇した みちのききにであう 期待未来之梦 ,翻译成日语. 将来の梦を楽しみにしています 或 未来のドリーム楽しみにしています 或 今后の梦を楽しみにして [通向未来的路]翻译成日语 未来への道(みち) 铁观音翻译成日语怎么说 鉄観音(TIE GUAN YIN) これは日本语ではないから、日本人と话す时、中国の発音そのまま TIE GUAN YINで话せばいいよ。 犬夜叉翻译成日语怎么说? 具体如下: 犬夜叉(いぬやしゃ)(Inuyasha),CV:山口胜平。 种族:半妖,喜欢的人: 桔梗、戈薇。 武器:铁碎牙。 性格:极不坦率的性格,表面粗暴,实际上内心善良。 知识拓展: 犬夜叉简介: 拥有强大力量的“半妖”,父亲是西国的犬妖犬大将,母亲是美丽的人类十六夜。每到朔月的晚上会妖力尽失,变成普通的人类。 曾被桔梗封印,后被500年后错坠时空的少女戈薇解开封印。 一心想抢四魂之玉变成完全的妖怪,却因为戈薇不慎将玉射碎而不得不与其踏上收集碎片的旅途。 德来恩翻译成日语和英语怎么说? ドイツにアン 怎么翻译成日语 (王)おう(浩) こう 罗马音: ou kou 如果说不是很熟悉,加上需要严肃些的话,就要使用敬语‘君" 君(くん) 罗马音:kun 我爱你(较为经典) 爱している。 罗马音:ai shi te i ru 我喜欢王浩君!(清澈易明) わたし は 王浩君くん の 好き! 罗马音:watashi wa oukou kun no suki! 喜欢你。(简单直接) 好きです。 罗马音:su ki de su 干什么翻译成日语怎么说 干什么 何だよ!(なんだよ!) 罗马音:nan da yo 中文谐音:南 打 哟2023-07-08 03:57:011
自由自在,逍遥,简朴的生活,快乐似神仙,世间少有2023-07-08 03:57:082
conjflkt osrklerl krtor56o ,gterltlr kflgt ldtgfldgl lfdgldflgldlgl2023-07-08 03:57:167
每次四六级考试都会出现很多搞笑的翻译,在网络上掀起一次翻译热潮。下面我们来看一看网上的一些神翻译:(1)众所周知我国的茶文化历史悠久,饮茶一直是中国传统文化之一,著名的白茶、绿茶、乌龙茶等等都极富盛名。而铁观音自然也是茶文化中不可缺少的一部分,这不,就有人把有关于铁观音的句子翻译成了充满当下网络用语的通俗句子。(2)四六级比较喜欢考中国传统文化,中国的名花自然也不例外,但是这样的翻译真的也是绞尽脑汁才能想得出吧。(3)当然最让我觉得有趣的当属这一句“怦然心动”。怦然心动本应该翻译为Palpitate with excitement,结果竟然有同学能翻译出“make my heart peng peng peng”,虽然搞笑,但真的也挺生动的,但估计外国人是看不懂了。看到这些搞笑翻译的同时,我不禁会觉得这样的现象也是因为有一部分考生对于四六级的重视程度并没有很高,准备得不够充足才会导致在考场上现编出这样的翻译句子。所以还是希望大家可以在平时多积累一些英文句子。希望我的回答对你有帮助。2023-07-08 03:57:481
咏茶十二韵读后感2023-07-08 03:58:162
求英文高手翻译几句 基本茶楼接待句。感激不尽!
您好,欢迎光临我们茶楼! 早晨用Good morning Welcome您好,欢迎光临我们茶行! 下午用good afternoon welcome!请问您来自哪个国家呢?哦,您们国家非常棒!中国欢迎您!Where are you from?Oh your country is great.Welcome to China.普洱茶是中国的一种传统名茶,历史悠久且茶味香浓。Puer Tea is a sort of traditional teas in China,it"s famous in history and it tasts great. 您大概需要什么样的价位? 我们有红茶、绿茶、乌龙茶,名茶有西湖龙井茶、碧螺春、铁观音、云南普洱茶等等,您需要那一种茶呢?Can i help you?We have black tea,green tea and oolong tea.The famous tea here is westlake Longjing,Biluochun,Tieguanying and Puer Tea in Yunnan,which one is your facourite?请慢用!Here it is.慢走,欢迎下次再来!Farewell,don"t forget to come back next time.它的价格是50元一克。Its price is fifty yuan per gram.它的价格是500元每片。Its price is five hundred yuan per piece.我们这还有一些茶点,像花生、瓜子、豆子等,这个很实惠的,仅仅10元每份,您来一份吗?We do have refreshments here,like peanuts,melon seeds,beas,they are all favouriable.You can only spend ten yuan for a one,do you need a one?请问您还学要点别的东西吗?Anything else i can do for you?这个总共10元。The total is ten yuan.累死了 给分吧!2023-07-08 03:58:231
你知道是谁发明的茶吗?事实上,在世界上最流行的饮料(水)之后,茶,是意外发明的根据中国古代传说,炎帝神农氏发现了茶的时候,他是一个开放的火煮沸饮用水。一些从附近的草丛中的叶子落入水中,并在那里停留了一段时间。皇帝的叶子在水中产生一个愉快的气味。后来,他决定味道的的热混合物。这是很美味的。并以这种方式,被发明世界上最喜欢的饮料之一。中国是茶的故乡,其中有超过4000年的历史。每天整个中国茶饮料的人。三大饮料,茶,咖啡和可可,茶叶数量最多的 在世界上。随着丝绸,瓷器,茶叶从中国开始了一千多年以前被称为世界自那时起一直是中国重要的出口。茶叶主要产于长江以南地区,在全国各省,浙江,江西,福建,温和的气候和肥沃的土壤。龙井,乌龙,普洱,铁观音,都是有名的茶种。在过去的几个世纪,中国人已经形成了独特的茶文化,其中包括茶叶种植,茶叶采摘,茶叶制作等。茶也是一个热门的话题,舞蹈,歌曲,诗歌和小说中经常提到的2023-07-08 03:58:333
跪求翻译成英文 分不是问题
Brazil coffee, coffee Columbia, Japanese-style roasted coffee, coffee, Lanshan coffee, super Lanshan coffee, coffee Sura Vessey, Hawaii Kona, Mocha coffee, cappuccino coffee, caramel macchiato coffee, coffee latte coffee, Mocha coffee, marocchino, Ou Lei coffee, Vienna coffee, cotton candy coffee, coffee Kang Baolan, double Mocha, double card cloth kilo, Ireland ( whisky ), Royal Coffee ( Brandy ), Salma coffee ( Brandy ), red wine coffee, cloth Nowlin, ice coffee, honey grapefruit tea, jujube tea, jasmine tea, rose tea, aloe tea, Kumquat Tea, Mei Zicha, tea category, tea, Biluochun, Tieguanyin, chrysanthemum, Hong Kong-style tea, Taiwanese tea, mandarin duck tea, wheat tea, rose tea, Gudi milk, watermelon ( seasonal ), fresh orange juice, watermelon juice, pear juice, apple juice, papaya milk, cucumber juice, tomato juice, Apple + carrot, cucumber / green pepper, cheese cake, cheese cake, honey Muffin, strawberry shortcake, peanut cake, sandwich series, the company sandwich, ham sandwich with cheese, cream Toast toast strawberry, peanut, toast, Baiyun chicken claw, French fries, cucumber salad, salad tossed kelp, lotus root, fried chicken is marinated chicken wings, fried bean curd, desktop, as closely linked as flesh and blood, finger sucking chicken, shredded soil especially, boiled fresh squid, spicy fish more than the spring, elastic mouth fish balls Japanese octopus, salt, sweet peanut beans, mustard, spiced beans, fried chicken, steak pork chops in New Zealand, Gillette, cloth Noreen miscellaneous grilled cheese sauce, baked pasta, cheese chicken rice gratin with fresh tomato, cheese pork chop rice gratin, black pepper beef with spaghetti, soup + pork chop / Udon beef / chicken noodle soup with pork / beef steak, + / chicken, Yangzhou golden fried rice, fried rice, fried rice with beef, salted fish and chicken fried rice, India fried rice, onion fried beef rice, curry potato chicken rice, onion until meat rice, curry beef with rice, soup, soup, corn soup你看看对不?2023-07-08 03:58:4111
中国是茶的故乡,有着4000多年的历史。中国人喜欢喝茶。在主要的三大饮料:茶,咖啡和可可饮料。茶是世界上最多人喝的饮品。茶叶来自中国,和丝绸瓷器一样,在一千多年前开始为世界闻名,自那以后一直是中国著名的输出品。单词“tea”在不同的语言中显示出不同的汉字,“茶”就是英语单词里的“tea”,发音类似于在福建省的厦门茶的发音。俄罗斯称茶为”cha"i“(茶叶),发音就像在中国北方城市的“茶叶”一样。日文的”茶“和中国的写法完全一致只是读音稍有不同。茶叶主要产自中国的南方地区,因为温和的气候和肥沃的土地。2023-07-08 03:59:122
请帮忙将以下内容翻译成日语,并加上读音。谢谢 大家早上好 我叫张国财,来自铁观音茶的故乡,泉州安溪。
不知道2023-07-08 03:59:182
Our company was found in 1995 in the most original Tie Guanyin growing area.We persue the concept of "natural,green,healthy".The Tie GuanYin that we cultivate in combination of traditional tea-making techonology and modern technique is of the first-class quality with exceptional fragrance and natural color.We have by now developed wide-ranging connections on selling green tea with many domestic and foreign clients.Our market in existence extends in all major cities in China as well as in several Southeast Asian countries.We have a lot of great worker teams in planting,manufacturing,processing and managing.And we"re equiped with advanced production facility.Thus the quality of our tea is guaranteed for sure。During the progress of providing Anxi Tie Guanyin in all ranks to retailers across the nation,our tea is evaluated as the one that fits the International standard the best.Our company have been hearing good comments fo your company long before this conference.Your achievements in American market of tea has been seen by evey folk in the industry.With this chance ,we hope that we can have a good corporation with you and further our potential market in the U.S.We all believe that this meeting with you will be the keys of openging a delightfully door of two-to-win situation.Now,let"s give a welcome to our supervisor in sales department to introduce you our products thoroughly.2023-07-08 03:59:382
Fascinating FujianFujian, located on the southeast coast of China, is a province with a rich cultural and natural heritage. It is known for its picturesque landscapes, historic sites, and delicious cuisine.The natural beauty of Fujian is breathtaking. From the stunning coastlines and pristine beaches to the majestic mountains and tranquil lakes, the province offers a diverse range of scenic wonders. The famous Wuyi Mountains with their towering peaks and lush greenery are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and attract visitors from around the world.Fujian is also home to a wealth of cultural treasures. The ancient city of Quanzhou, once a bustling port along the Maritime Silk Road, is dotted with well-preserved historical buildings, such as temples, pagodas, and traditional houses. The Hakka Earth Buildings in Yongding County are architectural marvels that reflect the unique Hakka culture and have been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.When it comes to cuisine, Fujian is a food lover"s paradise. The province is renowned for its seafood dishes, such as fish balls, oyster omelettes, and braised eel. The famous Fujian tea, known for its fragrance and health benefits, is also a must-try for tea enthusiasts.Fujian"s rich history, natural beauty, and delectable cuisine make it a fascinating destination to explore. Whether you"re captivated by its scenic landscapes, intrigued by its cultural heritage, or indulging in its flavorsome dishes, Fujian offers a unique and memorable experience for visitors.福建的迷人之处福建位于中国东南沿海,是一个拥有丰富文化和自然遗产的省份。它以其风景如画的景观、历史遗址和美味的美食而闻名。福建的自然美景令人惊叹。从令人叹为观止的海岸线和原始的海滩到雄伟的山脉和宁静的湖泊,该省提供了多样化的风景奇观。著名的武夷山以其巍峨的峰峦和葱茏的植被成为了联合国教科文组织世界遗产,吸引着来自世界各地的游客。福建还拥有丰富的文化宝藏。曾经是海上丝绸之路上繁华的港口的泉州古城,点缀着保存完好的历史建筑,如寺庙、塔楼和传统民居。永定县的客家土楼是建筑奇迹,体现了独特的客家文化,并被列为联合国教科文组织世界遗产。说到美食,福建是美食家的天堂。该省以其海鲜菜肴而闻名,如鱼丸、蚝煎和烧鳗鱼。著名的福建茶因其香气和保健功效而备受推崇,对于茶叶爱好者来说也是必尝之物。福建丰富的历史、自然美景和美味佳肴使其成为一个迷人的旅游目的地。无论是被其景色如画的风景所吸引,还是对其文化遗产感兴趣,或者沉醉于其美味佳肴之中,福建为游客提供了独特而难忘的体验。Word count: 104----------Exploring FujianFujian is a province in southeastern China with a rich history and cultural heritage. It offers a wide range of attractions for visitors to explore.One of the highlights of Fujian is its ancient architecture. The Tulou buildings, unique circular dwellings made of earth and wood, can be found in the mountainous regions of Fujian. These architectural wonders not only serve as homes for local Hakka people but also showcase their distinctive culture and traditions.For nature lovers, Fujian offers stunning landscapes. The Wuyi Mountains are renowned for their steep cliffs, deep valleys, and crystal-clear rivers. The breathtaking scenery and diverse flora and fauna make it a perfect destination for hiking and nature exploration.Fujian is also famous for its tea production. The province is known for producing high-quality oolong tea, such as Tie Guan Yin and Da Hong Pao. Visitors can enjoy tea tastings and learn about the traditional tea-making process at tea plantations and tea houses.With its historical sites, natural beauty, and tea culture, Fujian provides a unique and immersive experience for travelers. Exploring the province allows visitors to delve into its rich history, enjoy its picturesque landscapes, and savor the flavors of its famous tea.福建探秘福建位于中国东南部,拥有丰富的历史和文化遗产,为游客提供了广泛的景点探索。福建的古建筑是其中一个亮点。土楼建筑是福建山区独特的圆形住宅,由土和木材建造而成。这些建筑奇迹不仅是当地客家人的家园,还展示了他们独特的文化和传统。对于喜爱自然的人来说,福建提供了令人惊叹的风景。武夷山以其陡峭的悬崖、深邃的峡谷和清澈的河流而闻名。令人叹为观止的景色和丰富的动植物使其成为徒步旅行和自然探索的理想目的地。福建还以茶叶生产而闻名。该省以生产优质的乌龙茶而闻名,如铁观音和大红袍。游客可以在茶园和茶楼品尝茶叶,并了解传统的制茶过程。福建以其历史遗址、自然美景和茶文化为游客提供了独特且沉浸式的体验。探索福建让游客能深入了解其丰富的历史、欣赏其风景如画的景色,并品味其著名茶叶的风味。Word count: 1882023-07-08 03:59:472
茶和丝织品的作用 用英语作文带翻译的
The role of tea and silk2023-07-08 03:59:572