
百燕之家 / 信息详情




绿茶:green tea 红茶:black tea桂花茶:osmanthus tea




green Tea is a beverage made by steeping processed leaves,buds,or twigs of the tea bush (Camellia sinensis) in hot water for a few minutes.The processing can include oxidation (fermentation),heating,drying,and the addition of other herbs,flowers,spices,and fruits.There are four basic types of true tea:black tea,oolong tea,green tea,and white tea.The term "herbal tea" usually refers to infusions of fruit or herbs (such as rosehip,chamomile,or jiaogulan) that contain no C.sinensis.(Alternative terms for herbal tea that avoid the word "tea" are tisane and herbal infusion).This article is concerned exclusively with preparations and uses of the tea plant C.sinensis.Tea is a natural source of caffeine [1],theobromine,theophylline [2],theanine,and antioxidants,but it has almost no fat,carbohydrates,or protein.It has a cooling,slightly bitter and astringent taste.这是关于绿茶的相关英语介绍,不知道是不是你想要的,如有疑问可以追问哦


... 红茶 black tea 绿茶 green tea


Palace tea, tea Prestige, old natural Tuocha, Royal goods tea, high wild tree, well, back to Gan, small Tuocha, Featured Pu"er, alpine Guanyin Wang, Wang entries tea, Cheung Wah Wang Kuan Yin, Goddess of Mercy Need Wang, Ma Liu maple Tieguanyin, Qingxiang Tieguanyin, Featured Tieguanyin我从"GOOGLE"上翻译的- -||


这是简介,还有很多细节介绍,在参考资料链接里。Afternoon Tea is the service that comes to mind when we think of a sophisticated British tea. It"s the elegant repast served at 4 or 5 pm, consisting of tea with scones, small sandwiches, cakes and other pastries. A Cream Tea means that clotted cream is served as well. Clotted cream, also called Devonshire cream, is a thick cream made by heating milk until a layer of cream forms on its surface that is then cooled and skimmed off. Afternoon tea was "invented" by Anna, Duchess of Bedford (1783 – 1857), wife of the 7th Duke, in 1840 as "a way to quell the inevitable hunger pangs between lunch and dinner". In other words, she “got too hungry for dinner at eight…”! In the 19th century large meaty breakfasts were common and luncheon was a light sort of picnic with no servants present. Dinner was not served until 8 pm, so it is perfectly understandable that the duchess got a little hungry in the late afternoon. Traditionally, a formal afternoon tea is performed according to certain rules of etiquette. At intimate gatherings the tea server (usually the hostess) pours the tea while seated with her guests. The server first asks "Sugar?”, then “one lump or two?". The sugar, if requested, is placed in the cup using specially designed sugar tongs. Then she asks, "Milk, or lemon?"Milk and lemon should not be used together since lemon curdles the milk. Fresh milk is the best choice for Indian or African teas, and lemon for Ceylon or China teas.The milk is poured before the tea.(But see Tea Trivia below!!)For the lemon-takers, a plate garnished with thinly sliced lemons is offered with a small fork. Most British think that the addition of lemon is pretentious/affected!After handing the cup to the guest, hot water is offered for those who like their tea weaker. Once everyone is served tea, the guests select traditional tea fare from the table or a tiered cake stand. The goodies can include crumpets slathered with butter, tea breads with fresh and dried fruits, dainty well-trimmed tea sandwiches, tall stand cakes, flaky scones, tart jams, lemon curds, small cookies, etc. Each guest takes a napkin, a small plate, and a butter knife for spreading jam, cream or sweet butter. It takes some practice to balance a full cup, saucer, plate piled high with cakes and sandwiches, knife and napkin, but dropping crumbs and spilling tea are initiation rites and part of the enjoyment of the ceremony. For Hotel restaurant or Tea Room service, wait staff serve customers at individual tables.


香港4天闲游全记录之最实用版 D1 中午抵港,下午及晚上中环 路线:北京-香港-香港机场-地铁-入住酒店(联系赛马)-午餐-中环天星码头买游船票-中环购物-船游维多利亚港-美心阁晚餐-圣诞奇妙乐园-兰桂坊 (1)香港机场:北京8:15直飞香港,11:15到香港机场,通关出来即可看到八达通卡售卖专柜,买hk0元(50押金,300可使用额度),到任何架子自取旅游资料,延大厅指示乘机场快线,可直达港岛,用八达通刷卡,HK0,约25分钟。附:八达通卡可用于全港公交、地铁、便利店、轮渡等方面,50元押金,最少要买100元可使用额度,可随时在便利店等处充值。离港时可在买卡处将50元押金和未用完的钱全部退回。香港公交不找零,用八达通非常方便。强烈建议买八达通! (2)地铁:乘机场快线到港岛后,不用出地面即有通道到地铁中环站。 (3)入住酒店:我们住在铜锣湾,办完入住手续约下午1:30,到酒店礼宾部办了参加“赛马观光团”的手续,HK0,一般酒店都会免费代客人办理参团手续。 (4)午餐:一出酒店有一家Delifrance的快餐,其实就是北京的大磨房,但食物的种类要多许多,三文鱼卷还不错,简餐而已,人均HK。 (5)中环天星码头买游船票:乘地铁到中环,按路标找到天星码头,购买晚上6:30游维多利亚港“星辉号”的船票。附:“夜间单程环游票”hk; “日间单程环游票”hk。每程一小时。中环天星码头每天14至23点每整点20分开船,其中14:20至18:20算日间,19:20至23:20算夜间。建议买18:20的“日间单程环游票”,其实那时天色已黑,乘船游维港感觉很好,只花HK!提前15分钟登船。 (6)中环购物:我们去了置地广场,这里都是品牌专卖店,世界顶级品牌很多,置地宽大的中庭很舒服,从中庭的任何一个角度都可以看到二层大堂的开放式咖啡厅,我们在此享用咖啡和小点。咖啡每杯最低HK¥38,点心每块HK38,还有比较好的英式下午茶tea set,每套HK0,以上还要加10%服务费。虽然贵点,但品质很好。菜单是全英文的,服务员都可以用英语服务。中环还有玛莎等百货店,但我认为置地广场环境最好,最有特色。 (7)船游维港:我们乘的游船人很少,最多不超过十人,据说过节时会有很多国内游客。感受一下世界三大美丽港湾之一的维港,感觉还是不错的,当然没有悉尼港的浪漫,也没开普敦维港的悠闲,维港很商业化。乘船之前最好不吃晚餐,否则可能会难受的。 (8)美心阁晚餐:下游船后到中环大会堂LOW BLOCK 的三层的美心宫吃东西,人均约HK。 (9)圣诞奇妙乐园:吃过晚餐后可沿圣诞许愿廊到皇后像广场看千色许愿树。圣诞许愿廊其实就是把一个地下通道用圣诞饰品装饰了一下,有人发送书签一样的画片,你写下祝福的话随意挂在墙上或天花板上的圣诞饰品上。千色许愿树很漂亮,有三十多米高,据说是全港最高的圣诞树,每整点都有音乐响起,气氛很好。全部免费。 (10)兰桂坊:看过圣诞奇妙乐园,可沿干诺道中-戏院里-德已立街,到达兰桂坊,这里是香港的酒吧街,很热闹,不同于北京的三里屯,也不同于上海的新天地,是香港味道的。 D2 上午铜锣湾,下午金钟太古广场,晚上看赛马 路线:美心大酒楼早茶-铜锣湾购物-太湖海鲜城-太古广场-会展中心下午茶-赛马 (1)美心大酒楼:美心大酒楼的早茶真是很不错。地点在铜锣湾轩尼诗道500号兴利中心三层(兴利中心一层是三越百货,SOGO斜对面,很好找),离我们住的地方只有三分钟的步程,我们在港期间每天都在这里吃早茶,成了我们的早餐食堂。这里吃早茶的人几乎全是当地人,是体会香港早茶文化的好地方。小吃做得十分的道,味道好极了。人均消费约HK。 (2)铜锣湾购物:吃过早茶下楼就是三越百货,这里的购物环境和商品都比较一般,不及日本东京的三越,之后又去了时代广场,时代广场是个购物中心,其中六层是专卖运动用品的“运动营”,我们去的时候正赶上打折开始,FILA打到5.6折,商品也不错。 (3)太湖海鲜城:从时代出来,找到心盼已久的太湖海鲜城,地点在铜锣湾波斯富街27号,离时代广场不远。这里的濑尿虾、活鱼炒饭、芝麻盐鸡都非常好吃。人均消费约HK0。 (4)太古广场:吃过午饭,乘地铁至金钟站,到太古广场。太古广场是一个比较大的购物中心,里面有西武百货等几个主力店和很多专卖店。我认为太古广场是香港最好的购物场所之一,选择余地很大。 (5)会展中心下午茶:因为约好赛马观光团的导游要到会展中心(地铁湾仔站)旁边的万丽海景酒店接我们去看赛马,所以选择了会展中心大堂的茶餐厅吃下午茶,奶茶很好喝,菠萝包里面来了厚厚一层黄油心,外面酥酥的,很好吃。还有意外收获,我们落座后才发现,隔壁桌坐的是成龙和他的几个朋友。人均HK。 (6)赛马:下午5:50,我们如约与赛马观光团的导游在万丽海景酒店的大堂会面,乘车直奔跑马地赛马场。赛马一般逢周三、六、日有,具体赛程安排最好先在网上查一下,所以赴港前要安排好看赛马的日期和时间(有日场和夜场之分)。参加赛马观光团可以享受接送服务、一杯饮料(HK)、赌金券(HK)、马会会员席的观看资格(HK)和专职人员陪同的讲解服务。总体来说HK0的价格还是公道的。如果你不懂赛马,建议参加赛马观光团,他们的操作很规范,比你只买一张HK的票进场看赛马会得到更多收获。陪同讲解人员很职业,服务很热情。尤其你可以享受会员待遇,最近距离看马匹亮相(与马的距离不超过2米!),以及赛马冲刺过程(站在终点护栏外边),感受一流赛马气氛。晚场赛马共有八场,七点多开始,每半小时一场,约十一点结束。如果你觉得导游给你的HK赌金券不够,可以再买一些。我们赌了HK,盈回HK0,小赚HK,赛马还是很有意思的。 D3 上午海洋公园,下午浅水湾,晚上太平山顶和SOGO 路线:美心大酒楼早茶-海洋公园-浅水湾-太平山顶- SOGO (1)海洋公园:地铁金钟站下车,一路顺路标就可找到629巴士,单程HK,八达通卡不能使用,约30分钟就到海洋公园山上部分的门口,购票HK0。因为我们曾去过迪士尼及其他的主题公园,所以比较而言海洋公园不算新奇,但海豚和海豹还是挺可爱的。我们去的时候人很少,公园里又可以遥看大海,是很休闲的感觉。海洋公园里有各种餐厅,午餐方便解决,人均HK。 (2)浅水湾:从海洋公园(山下大门口)出来,叫出租车去浅水湾,约二十多块线。浅水湾没太多特别,只是很安静,没了香港特有的喧嚣。 (3)太平山顶:从浅水湾乘260、6等多路公共汽车到中环交易广场汽车总站,然后乘15线巴士到太平山顶。建议天亮时(最好5:00前)上山乘公共汽车,可以沿山路看到很多景致,下山再乘缆车。山顶有一家德国餐厅(忘了名字,入口在凌霄阁4楼),相当不错,强烈推荐。所有菜式单品标价,全部自助,非常丰富。智利oyster每只才HK,海鲜串HK两串,还有很多美味。如果你订到了靠窗的桌子,还可以享受窗外山下维港的美景,浪漫之极。不过,如果你没预订,去晚了肯定没位。平均每人消费HK0。用完餐,逛逛凌霄阁,就可乘山顶缆车(HK¥20)回中环。 (4)SOGO:回到中环乘地铁到铜锣湾,去逛SOGO,我认为SOGO购物环境一般,但是最能挑出商品的百货店。我们去的时候正逢圣诞打折,营业时间延长至晚上11:30,顾客非常之多,象POLO、TOMMY等服装平均都只有二百多块,而且因为打折刚开始,货品也很全,很多商品让你爱不释手。 D4 上午南丫岛,晚上铜锣湾商业街 路线:美心大酒楼早茶-南丫岛-铜锣湾商业街 (1)南丫岛:9:30从美心大酒楼出发,乘地铁到中环,10:10在4号码头乘船(HK),约30分钟到达南丫岛(榕树湾),沿路标向索罟湾走,路上可以看到一些香港本地人烧烤或聚餐,还有一些村落,看看岛上居民的生活状态很有意思。还会经过洪圣爷泳滩,可在此稍休息,再向索罟湾进发。从榕树湾到索罟湾我们一共走了一个半小时,是比较休闲的。到了索罟湾,就可以看到面海而建的海鲜大排档,一字排开,致少有二十家以上,其中最有名的也是岛上规模最大的是“天虹海鲜”。 天虹菜品味道不错,价格比较贵,平均每人HK0。在天虹用餐,就可以免费乘天虹自己的船离开南丫岛,下午三点开船,回到中环。 (2)铜锣湾商业街:下午从中环乘地铁到铜锣湾,逛街,铜锣湾有很多临街店铺,专卖店一家接一家,很多店铺营业到晚上十二点。 D5 回家 路线:美心大酒楼早茶-退房-铜锣湾闲逛-太湖海鲜城午餐-机场快线-机场退八达通卡-回北京 贴士:别忘了在买八达通卡的地方退八达通卡!本次香港四日,我们人均花了交通费约HK0,包括机场快线往返(HK0)、公共汽车、地铁、山顶缆车、出租车等全部交通。


the lowest layer are sandwiches.最底层摆放的是三文治the upper layer are traditional mousse scone.中间一层摆放的是慕斯英式松饼the highest layer are cakes and fruit tower.最上层摆放的是蛋糕和堆起的水果塔 希望能够帮助到你!


这是简介,还有很多细节介绍,在参考资料链接里。Afternoon Tea is the service that comes to mind when we think of a sophisticated British tea. It"s the elegant repast served at 4 or 5 pm, consisting of tea with scones, small sandwiches, cakes and other pastries. A Cream Tea means that clotted cream is served as well. Clotted cream, also called Devonshire cream, is a thick cream made by heating milk until a layer of cream forms on its surface that is then cooled and skimmed off. Afternoon tea was "invented" by Anna, Duchess of Bedford (1783 – 1857), wife of the 7th Duke, in 1840 as "a way to quell the inevitable hunger pangs between lunch and dinner". In other words, she “got too hungry for dinner at eight…”! In the 19th century large meaty breakfasts were common and luncheon was a light sort of picnic with no servants present. Dinner was not served until 8 pm, so it is perfectly understandable that the duchess got a little hungry in the late afternoon. Traditionally, a formal afternoon tea is performed according to certain rules of etiquette. At intimate gatherings the tea server (usually the hostess) pours the tea while seated with her guests. The server first asks "Sugar?”, then “one lump or two?". The sugar, if requested, is placed in the cup using specially designed sugar tongs. Then she asks, "Milk, or lemon?"Milk and lemon should not be used together since lemon curdles the milk. Fresh milk is the best choice for Indian or African teas, and lemon for Ceylon or China teas.The milk is poured before the tea.(But see Tea Trivia below!!)For the lemon-takers, a plate garnished with thinly sliced lemons is offered with a small fork. Most British think that the addition of lemon is pretentious/affected!After handing the cup to the guest, hot water is offered for those who like their tea weaker. Once everyone is served tea, the guests select traditional tea fare from the table or a tiered cake stand. The goodies can include crumpets slathered with butter, tea breads with fresh and dried fruits, dainty well-trimmed tea sandwiches, tall stand cakes, flaky scones, tart jams, lemon curds, small cookies, etc. Each guest takes a napkin, a small plate, and a butter knife for spreading jam, cream or sweet butter. It takes some practice to balance a full cup, saucer, plate piled high with cakes and sandwiches, knife and napkin, but dropping crumbs and spilling tea are initiation rites and part of the enjoyment of the ceremony. For Hotel restaurant or Tea Room service, wait staff serve customers at individual tables.


我现在正在喝茶的英文:I"m drinking tea now。1、现在:the time being、the moment、 the present time。2、正在:in the process of。3、喝茶:drink tea。4、双语例句(1)他嘴尖,喝一口就知道是什么茶。He has a refined sense of taste and is able to tell what tea it is with only one sip of the sample.(2)这种茶泡过两遍就没茶味儿了。After being steeped twice, this kind of tea doesn"t have any flavour.(3)把茶闷三分钟后再喝。Let the tea draw/brew for three minutes before drinking it.(4)我喜欢喝滚烫的茶。I like my tea nice and hot.


1.有没有关于茶的英文诗句 Tea Time Sing, kettle, sing, Etty can hear; Your kind song bring Nice tea-time near; Nice toast and tea, Kettle, I know, Not far can be When you sing so. Sing father here, Now the room"s bright— Bright, snug, and dear, With warm firelight. Sing, bring him home; We always know He soon will come When you sing so. Here"s his soft chair, Soon you will see 更多参考:。 5.茶功效的英文诗 茶客三千路未央, 功名未立莫思量。 效莺窗外啼声响。 茶是斜刀剪红绢, 功成赐宴麟德殿。 效通消息一件件。 Sweet three thousand Weiyang road, Fame did not consider rimaud. The cry rang Ying effect. Tea is inclined scissors red silk, Gongcheng feast Lin Tak temple. One piece of news. 6.哪位高人知道有关茶tea 的英文诗歌啊 1. Tea Stove A fairy left a stove In the midst of the sea In a square boat he sailed off After drinking his tea A thin column of tea smoke rising Light aroma floating. 2. Tasting Tea Fetch my own spring water, Fragrant with fallen flowers, Set up a fire in a marble stove Try out my new tea, Lying under the green shades in a tranquil garden Listening to the bees Reporting their latest harvest. 3. Saw Luk Yu off to Pick Tea Thousand mountains greeted my departing friend When spring tea blossoming again With indepth knowledge in picking tea Through morning mist or red evening clouds His solitary journey is my envy Rendezvous in a temple of a remote mountain We enjoyed picnic by a clear pebble fountain In this silent night Lit up a candle light I knocked a marble bell for chime While deep in thought for old time. 你可以到这里找:/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=000OYh 7.关于茶的英文谚语谜语 紫月碧海 第一个谜语是唐伯虎的诗句是要祝枝山一句打一字,四字连成两句话。 “请坐奉茶”。名家手笔还是因该说出来比较好嘛`` 下面这些谜语括号外为谜面,括号内为谜底,懒得猜就自己看了 生在山上,卖到山下, 一到水里,就会开花。 (茶叶) 生在青山叶儿蓬,死在湖中水染红。 人爱请客先请我,我又不在酒席中。 (茶叶) 颈长嘴小肚子大,头戴圆帽身披花。(茶壶) 一只没脚鸡,蹲着不会啼, 吃水不吃米,客来把头低。 (水壶) 言对青山说不清,二人地上说分明。 三人骑牛无有角,一人藏在草木中。 (请坐,奉茶) 以下各打一字,共成三句话: 垂涎 (活) 银川 (泉) 外孙 (好) 热水袋 (泡) 草木人 (茶) 三岔口 (品) 名列前茅 (茗) 因小失大 (口) 有水就活 (舌) 黎明前 (香) 分开是三个,合起来无数 (众) 巧夺天工 (人) 有口说假话,有水淹庄稼 (共) 两人团结紧,力量顶三人。(唱) 只要留心,便能知道 (采) 一树能栖二十人 (茶) 相貌长得恶,六口两只角 (曲) 以下茶谜读来也十分有趣: 出身山头,死死镢头,活活碗头。 幼时山中发青,大时锅里翻身, 干在萝中发闷,湿在水中浮沉。 命里苦心里更苦,清明节抛家别祖, 太阳火里算逃过,到后来水灾难过。 生在世上嫩又青,死在世上被火熏, 死后还要被水浸,苦命呀苦命! 生在山上叶叶多,死在家中炒一窝, 肉也没得吃,得点汤来喝! 深山沟里一蓬青,玉爪金龙取我心, 带到潼关来逼死,水底扬花半还魂。 (潼、铜,指锅) 生在山中,一色相同。 到了市场,有绿有红。 生在树丫,死在人家。 一手执我,逼紧投河。 (谜底:茶叶) 生在青山叶秃秃,死在杭州卖尸骨, 接客倒要先接我,坐起席来不见我。 生在西山草里青,各州各县有我名, 客在堂前先请我,客去堂前谢我声。 (以上谜底:茶叶) 孔明祭起东南风,周瑜设计用火攻, 百万雄兵推落水,赤壁江水都变红。 (谜底:烹茶) 山顶一只猴,客人一到就点头。头大项颈小,肚大嘴巴翘。 一个小崽白油油,嘴巴生在额角头。见了客人乱点头。 胖在脖上,瘦在腰上。弯弯耳朵,翘翘嘴巴,头戴帽子,身上插花。 一个坛子两个口,大口吃,小口吐。 (以上谜底:茶壶) 肚中装着水,心中烧着火。 火在里边乐得笑,水在外边急得跳。 (以上谜底:茶炊) 风满城 (猜茶名:雨前); 山中无老虎 (猜茶名:猴魁); 武夷一枝春(猜茶类:山茶); 人间草木知多少(猜茶具:茶几); 植树种草多提倡(猜茶名:宜兴绿)。 茶!献茶!献香茶!(猜术语:品位提高)枕衾故梦如蕉鹿,先得后失莫疑猜茶名麻姑茶说那姜昆洋弟子神了茶叶名,卷帘仙山大白周星驰新片火爆南京城茶名,谜底四字宁红功夫重返古田踏青时茶名双井绿有人闭目打会盹古茶器具名云屯《山居秋暝》,明月清泉何处电视剧《茶马古道》人物木石罗而立之年可求变茶名苦丁金秋曙光茶名黄旦云南花似火,贵州春水蓝茶名二滇红 黔绿日照田间,两点二人树前见茶种一单枞十分苛刻茶名苦丁杖兄疏财不思量名茶一老竹大方帝国林苑贵妃红茶商标二御园、富花又在清风中,几度愁思君茶名凤凰频告于君3字古茶名密云龙梅开池畔花舍前茶艺名词茶海画中荷开不见人茶叶品种苦丁三番四次追着她,终肯对我献芳唇茶道名词七泡有余香臣乃今日请处囊中耳.使遂早得处囊中,乃颖脱而出茶叶冠量一袋毛尖似乎听到两声狗叫,小孩的笑声嘎然而止茶饮料商标三旺旺,娃哈哈,立顿“友直,友谅,友多闻:益矣”茶饮料商标三得利中国排球,前景再现茶饮料商标旺旺婚前是是非非,结合方成一对茶饮料商标娃哈哈天下之大,莫非王土,伊之所言,正合孤意茶饮料商标统一山西先得一金,后得十金茶名银针到十一月人会少一点点茶名炒青谈起那英茶加工用语提花只攻下三路茶加工用语打底吕子明爱剃光头茶名一蒙顶甘露叶公之好真怪哉茶名奇尔香龙开会共三天茶名云春下底线传中球,正被前锋拿到茶名虾针中国百姓个个团结茶名玉笋补充:木石之盟结,廿载人专一茶名砖茶富贵之花人称道茶名白牡丹盛会蟠桃谁偷摘茶名猴子采金铺群峰西,无垠一望间四字茶名君山银针钱财散发尽,再现复兴时茶名一,碎锦格铁观音突出之处乃比较丰满2字广式早茶用词二特点,大点风中柔情始成空2字制茶名词杀青“虚空落泉千仞直”茶艺术语高冲水云长何计败于禁茶艺用语高冲水持此茗者凡间无茶叶名一仙人掌茶元茶叶名明前长白山茶叶名银峰迎宾词茶叶名东白故事会茶叶名明前四十生辰茶叶名龙井天低云暗茶叶名雨前天下为先茶叶名雨前。 8.茶功效的英文诗 茶客三千路未央, 功名未立莫思量。 效莺窗外啼声响。 茶是斜刀剪红绢, 功成赐宴麟德殿。 效通消息一件件。 Sweet three thousand Weiyang road, Fame did not consider rimaud. The cry rang Ying effect. Tea is inclined scissors red silk, Gongcheng feast Lin Tak temple. One piece of news.


紫月碧海 第一个谜语是唐伯虎的诗句是要祝枝山一句打一字,四字连成两句话。“请坐奉茶”。名家手笔还是因该说出来比较好嘛``  下面这些谜语括号外为谜面,括号内为谜底,懒得猜就自己看了  生在山上,卖到山下,  一到水里,就会开花。(茶叶)  生在青山叶儿蓬,死在湖中水染红。  人爱请客先请我,我又不在酒席中。(茶叶)  颈长嘴小肚子大,头戴圆帽身披花。(茶壶)  一只没脚鸡,蹲着不会啼,  吃水不吃米,客来把头低。(水壶)  言对青山说不清,二人地上说分明。  三人骑牛无有角,一人藏在草木中。(请坐,奉茶)  以下各打一字,共成三句话:  垂涎 (活)  银川 (泉)  外孙 (好)  热水袋 (泡)  草木人 (茶)  三岔口 (品)  名列前茅 (茗)  因小失大 (口)  有水就活 (舌)  黎明前 (香)  分开是三个,合起来无数 (众)  巧夺天工 (人)  有口说假话,有水淹庄稼 (共)  两人团结紧,力量顶三人。(唱)  只要留心,便能知道 (采)  一树能栖二十人 (茶)  相貌长得恶,六口两只角 (曲)  以下茶谜读来也十分有趣:  出身山头,死死镢头,活活碗头。  幼时山中发青,大时锅里翻身,  干在萝中发闷,湿在水中浮沉。  命里苦心里更苦,清明节抛家别祖,  太阳火里算逃过,到后来水灾难过。  生在世上嫩又青,死在世上被火熏,  死后还要被水浸,苦命呀苦命!  生在山上叶叶多,死在家中炒一窝,  肉也没得吃,得点汤来喝!  深山沟里一蓬青,玉爪金龙取我心,  带到潼关来逼死,水底扬花半还魂。 (潼、铜,指锅)  生在山中,一色相同。  到了市场,有绿有红。  生在树丫,死在人家。  一手执我,逼紧投河。 (谜底:茶叶)  生在青山叶秃秃,死在杭州卖尸骨,  接客倒要先接我,坐起席来不见我。  生在西山草里青,各州各县有我名,  客在堂前先请我,客去堂前谢我声。 (以上谜底:茶叶)  孔明祭起东南风,周瑜设计用火攻,  百万雄兵推落水,赤壁江水都变红。 (谜底:烹茶)  山顶一只猴,客人一到就点头。头大项颈小,肚大嘴巴翘。  一个小崽白油油,嘴巴生在额角头。见了客人乱点头。  胖在脖上,瘦在腰上。弯弯耳朵,翘翘嘴巴,头戴帽子,身上插花。  一个坛子两个口,大口吃,小口吐。  (以上谜底:茶壶)  肚中装着水,心中烧着火。火在里边乐得笑,水在外边急得跳。  (以上谜底:茶炊)  风满城 (猜茶名:雨前);  山中无老虎 (猜茶名:猴魁);  武夷一枝春(猜茶类:山茶);  人间草木知多少(猜茶具:茶几);  植树种草多提倡(猜茶名:宜兴绿)。  茶!献茶!献香茶!(猜术语:品位提高)枕衾故梦如蕉鹿,先得后失莫疑猜茶名麻姑茶说那姜昆洋弟子神了茶叶名,卷帘仙山大白周星驰新片火爆南京城茶名,谜底四字宁红功夫重返古田踏青时茶名双井绿有人闭目打会盹古茶器具名云屯《山居秋暝》,明月清泉何处电视剧《茶马古道》人物木石罗而立之年可求变茶名苦丁金秋曙光茶名黄旦云南花似火,贵州春水蓝茶名二滇红 黔绿日照田间,两点二人树前见茶种一单枞十分苛刻茶名苦丁杖兄疏财不思量名茶一老竹大方帝国林苑贵妃红茶商标二御园、富花又在清风中,几度愁思君茶名凤凰频告于君3字古茶名密云龙梅开池畔花舍前茶艺名词茶海画中荷开不见人茶叶品种苦丁三番四次追着她,终肯对我献芳唇茶道名词七泡有余香臣乃今日请处囊中耳.使遂早得处囊中,乃颖脱而出茶叶冠量一袋毛尖似乎听到两声狗叫,小孩的笑声嘎然而止茶饮料商标三旺旺,娃哈哈,立顿“友直,友谅,友多闻:益矣”茶饮料商标三得利中国排球,前景再现茶饮料商标旺旺婚前是是非非,结合方成一对茶饮料商标娃哈哈天下之大,莫非王土,伊之所言,正合孤意茶饮料商标统一山西先得一金,后得十金茶名银针到十一月人会少一点点茶名炒青谈起那英茶加工用语提花只攻下三路茶加工用语打底吕子明爱剃光头茶名一蒙顶甘露叶公之好真怪哉茶名奇尔香龙开会共三天茶名云春下底线传中球,正被前锋拿到茶名虾针中国百姓个个团结茶名玉笋补充:木石之盟结,廿载人专一茶名砖茶富贵之花人称道茶名白牡丹盛会蟠桃谁偷摘茶名猴子采金铺群峰西,无垠一望间四字茶名君山银针钱财散发尽,再现复兴时茶名一,碎锦格铁观音突出之处乃比较丰满2字广式早茶用词二特点,大点风中柔情始成空2字制茶名词杀青“虚空落泉千仞直”茶艺术语高冲水云长何计败于禁茶艺用语高冲水持此茗者凡间无茶叶名一仙人掌茶元茶叶名明前长白山茶叶名银峰迎宾词茶叶名东白故事会茶叶名明前四十生辰茶叶名龙井天低云暗茶叶名雨前天下为先茶叶名雨前


1. 英文诗句关于茶 英文诗句关于茶 1.有没有关于茶的英文诗句 Tea Time Sing, kettle, sing, Etty can hear; Your kind song bring Nice tea-time near; Nice toast and tea, Kettle, I know, Not far can be When you sing so. Sing father here, Now the room"s bright— Bright, snug, and dear, With warm firelight. Sing, bring him home; We always know He soon will come When you sing so. Here"s his soft chair, Soon you will see 更多参考:/tag/tea-poems/ 或者google国外版搜索关键词,如:poetry tea等 2.关于茶英语句子 中国是茶的故乡,茶文化的发祥地。 China is the hometomn of tea and cradle of tea culture. 丰富了茶文化的内涵。 And help tourists understand the local tea culture. 这里常常举行茶道表演,以使茶文化更加深入人心。 Tea ceremonies are often held here so as to make tea culture better known among common people. 3.有没有关于茶的英文诗句 Tea TimeSing, kettle, sing, Etty can hear;Your kind song bring Nice tea-time near;Nice toast and tea, Kettle, I know,Not far can be When you sing so.Sing father here, Now the room"s bright—Bright, snug, and dear, With warm firelight.Sing, bring him home; We always knowHe soon will come When you sing so.Here"s his soft chair, Soon you will see更多参考:/tag/tea-poems/或者google国外版搜索关键词,如:poetry tea等。 4.求十条关于茶文化的英语句子 1、This tonic is carefully crafted to enhance your longevity, adaptability, and thrivability! 2、Throughout Asia, Gynostemma teas are consumed as a daily tea by health conscious folks. 3、Gynostemma is known as "Magical Grass" in China. It iscommonly used known as "Magical Grass" in China. 4、With five premier tonic herbs infused with premium grade Gynostemmaleaves, this tea yields one of the most broad spectrum health promoting tonicbrews in the world. 1.精心调制的茶汤能够增强免疫力,有益新陈代谢,使人长寿 2.在整个亚洲,gynostemma tea 绞股蓝茶 被追求健康保健的人们每日饮用 3.在中国 绞股蓝 gynostemma 绞股蓝 作为一种“神奇草药”为人所知.通常情况下,人们称它为 “神奇仙草” (这俩句一个意思啊) 4. 作为世界上面积最大的保健草药种植园之一,这所茶场使用5种顶级的草药来提升绞股蓝茶叶的品质. 5.有关茶文化和喝茶的好处英文句子 The Chinese people, in their drinking of tea, place much significance on the act of "savoring." "Savoring tea" is not only a way to discern good tea from mediocre tea, but also how people take delight in their reverie and in tea-drinking itself. Snatching a bit of leisure from a busy schedule, making a kettle of strong tea, securing a serene space, and serving and drinking tea by yourself can help banish fatigue and frustration, improve your thinking ability and inspire you with enthusiasm. You may also imbibe it slowly in small sips to appreciate the subtle allure of tea-drinking, until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm. Buildings, gardens, ornaments and tea sets are the elements that form the ambience for savoring tea. A tranquil, refreshing, comfortable and neat locale is certainly desirable for drinking tea. Chinese gardens are well known in the world and beautiful Chinese landscapes are too numerous to count. Teahouses tucked away in gardens and nestled beside the natural beauty of mountains and rivers are enchanting places of repose for people to rest and recreate themselves. China is a country with a time-honored civilization and a land of ceremony and decorum. Whenever guests visit, it is necessary to make and serve tea to them. Before serving tea, you may ask them for their preferences as to what kind of tea they fancy and serve them the tea in the most appropriate teacups. In the course of serving tea, the host should take careful note of how much water is remaining in the cups and in the kettle. Usually, if the tea is made in a teacup, boiling water should be added after half of the cup has been consumed; and thus the cup is kept filled so that the tea retains the same bouquet and remains pleasantly warm throughout the entire course of tea-drinking. Snacks, sweets and other dishes may be served at tea time to complement the fragrance of the tea and to allay one"s hunger. 参考译文: 中国人饮茶, 注重一个"品"字。 "品茶"不但是鉴别茶的优劣,也带有神思遐想和领略饮茶情趣之意。在百忙之中泡上一壶浓茶,择雅静之处,自斟自饮,可以消除疲劳、涤烦益思、振奋精神,也可以细啜慢饮,达到美的享受,使精神世界升华到高尚的艺术境界。 品茶的环境一般由建筑物、园林、摆设、茶具等因素组成。饮茶要求安静、清新、舒适、干净。 中国园林世界闻名,山水风景更是不可胜数。利用园林或自然山水间,搭设茶室,让人们小憩,意趣盎然。 中国是文明古国,礼仪之邦,很重礼节。凡来了客人,沏茶、敬茶的礼仪是必不可少的。 当有客来访,可征求意见,选用最合来客口味的茶叶和最佳茶具待客。主人在陪伴客人饮茶时,要注意客人杯、壶中的茶水残留量,一般用茶杯泡茶,如已喝去一半,就要添加开水,随喝随添,使茶水浓度基本保持前后一致,水温适宜。 在饮茶时也可适当佐以茶食、糖果、菜肴等,达到调节口味和点心之功效。 注释: 1.神思遐想:reverie。 2.领略饮茶情趣:take delight in tea-drinking。 3.在百忙之中泡上一壶浓茶……:这个句子较长,译者根据其意思的层次,把它分成了两个完整的句子来翻译,这样就有较大的自由度来遣词造句。 4.择静雅之处:securing a serene space。 5.细啜慢饮:imbibe slowly in small sips。 6.达到美的享受:即"享受到饮茶之美"。allure这里是名词,意为"迷人之处",也可用beauty。 7.使精神世界升华到高尚的艺术境界:until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm。 8.利用园林或自然山水间,搭设茶室:翻译时用了tucked away和nestled,比用built要形象、优美得多。 9.让人们小憩,意趣盎然:意思是"(茶室)是让人们休息、娱乐的迷人场所。" 10.礼仪之邦:即是"一个很讲究礼仪的地方","很重礼节"为重复,不译。 11.当有客来访:是"凡来了客人"的重复,可不译。根据下文的内容,加上before serving tea,使上下衔接贴切自然。 12.征求意见,选用最合来客口味的茶叶和最佳茶具待客:可理解为"询问来客他们最喜欢什么茶叶,然后用最合适的茶具给客人敬茶"。 13.主人在陪伴客人饮茶时:译为in the course of serving tea,与前面before serving tea相呼应。 14.主人在陪伴客人饮茶时……水温适宜:这句话较长,译者同样根据其意思的层次,把它分成了两个完整的句子来翻译。 15.随喝随添:and thus the cup is kept filled或者and in this way the cup is kept filled。 16.茶食:意思为"点心、小吃"。 17.达到调节口味和点心之功效:"点心"为方言"点饥、充饥"的意思。 6.关于茶文化的英语作文 Tea ceremony belongs to oriental culture. Tea ceremony is “To regard tea as precious and gracious drink while drinking tea is a spiritual enjoyment, an art or a means of cultivating the moral character and nourishing the nature.” Tea ceremony is a kind of ceremony to teach people about the law and discipline of rite as well as moral cultivation by means of drinking tea. Mr. Zhuang Wanfang also summarized the basic spirit of Chinese tea ceremony as, “honour, beauty, harmony and respect” and explained, “cultivating morality, being honest and money saving, in order to conduct oneself in society harmoniously and honestly, and to respect and love people.” /question/index?qid=20091129185901AAlh9uH 7.英文介绍茶的短文 China Famous Tea ABSTRACT There are six types of teas: green, yellow, dark, white, oolong, and black. This classification is based on processing methods, degree of fermentation, and the oxidation of the polyphenols present in tea leaves. The polyphenols in green tea are hardly oxidized, but they are nonenzymatically oxidized in yellow and dark teas. White, oolong, and black teas are fermented, with white having the least and black, having the most fermentation. Some variations in processing of these different teas are discussed.CLASSIFICATION OF PROCESSED TEA A great variety of tea trees and products can be found in the vast tea-producing areas of China. Classification of processed tea has been fairly well established based on quality and processing methods. There are six types of teas: green, yellow, dark, white, oolong, and black. This division is made based on the degree of fermentation and oxidation of the polyphones present in tea. Green, yellow, and dark teas are unfermented. Polyphones are hardly oxidized in green tea, but they are nonenzymatically oxdized in yellow and dark teas. White, oolong, and black teas are fermented, with white having the least fermentation and black the most. All six teas have distinct flavors and qualities determined by the degree of oxidation of the polyphones, whether enzymatic or no enzymatic. Each of the six types of teas can be further divided into several subclasses based on processing method and quality. For example, green tea can be categorized according to: (1) enzyme treatment, (2) drying method, and (3) appearance. Other teas are similarly sub classified, each type having its own standards. A classification of teas is given in Table IV.1. Table IV.2 presents a comparison of flavones compounds found in different teas. A comparison of tea quality is given in Table IV.3. Some variations in processing are as follows: 1. Most green teas in China are fixed by pan firing. A double roaster fixing machine is show in Figure IV.1. A small quantity is fixed by steam. 2. There are many methods for drying: pan drying, basket drying, combination of pan and basket drying, and sun drying. 3. Yellowing can be made to take place after fixing or after first firing. 4. Piling may occur after fixing or first firing, or during fine processing. 5. Tea leaves may be cut rather than rolled.。 8.茶功效的英文诗 茶客三千路未央, 功名未立莫思量。 效莺窗外啼声响。 茶是斜刀剪红绢, 功成赐宴麟德殿。 效通消息一件件。 Sweet three thousand Weiyang road, Fame did not consider rimaud. The cry rang Ying effect. Tea is inclined scissors red silk, Gongcheng feast Lin Tak temple. One piece of news. 9.茶功效的英文诗 茶客三千路未央, 功名未立莫思量。 效莺窗外啼声响。 茶是斜刀剪红绢, 功成赐宴麟德殿。 效通消息一件件。 Sweet three thousand Weiyang road, Fame did not consider rimaud. The cry rang Ying effect. Tea is inclined scissors red silk, Gongcheng feast Lin Tak temple. One piece of news.


infusion of tea


tea with milk、milky tea。Tea是一个英文单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时翻译为“茶叶;茶树;茶点,人名;(柬)迪”,作及物动词时翻译为“给…沏茶”,作不及物动词时翻译为“喝茶;进茶点”。tea双语例句:1、I like tea while she likes coffee.我喜欢喝茶,而她喜欢喝咖啡。2、When should I have the tea insured?我什么时候将这批茶叶投保?3、So, what is the name of its tea come from?那么,什么是它的茶叶的名字从何而来?


puer tea


Puer Tea




three cups of tee.仅供参考,英语学过后又全部还给书本了,呵呵~~~


1 rose tea2 这是什么啊?3 roselle tea4 Earl Grey Tea5 jasmine tea6 Lavender tea7 不知道耶。。。8 这个也太抽象了 你给个学名啊 好歹给个成分9 。。。。。10.。。。。。11 心有余而力不足12 Dahongpao Tea(Wuyi Mountain Rock Tea)13 no idea。。。。14 Tieguanyin Tea (Oolong Tea) 极品是不是在前面加个premium啊呵呵15 Aged Pu "er Tea16 17 18都是 pu‘er吧 外国人没分那么细の 19 就是 tieguanyin tea20 同16,,,,查半天累死了我在国外喝茶 很多都是中文拼音。。。。而且也没这么多分别の 呵呵^^

为什么红茶的英文名叫Black tea而黑茶的英文名是Dark tea?


红茶的英文名为什么叫black tea

红茶的英文名为什么叫black tea如下:红茶在英文中被称为black tea,这是因为其汤色偏暗,呈现出深色的特点。但该名称不应被误会为与中国的黑茶类别相同,红茶的制作工艺与品质完全不同于黑茶。红茶以其深浓的口感和卓越的香气,在国际上也是备受欢迎的茶类之一。一、茶叶的发酵1、茶叶的发酵度对茶叶的类别划分有很大的影响。红茶的制作流程中,采摘的嫩叶需要经过摊放、滚揉、发酵、烘干等工序,而这个发酵过程是十分关键的一步。2、在发酵的过程中,茶叶中的物质会发生化学反应,其中茶多酚被分解成为可溶性单宁和芳香气味的物质。这些化学物质就是赋予红茶深色、浓郁香气和口感的关键因素。二、黑茶与红茶的区别1、由于汤色接近于黑色,所以红茶在西方国家被命名为black tea,但实际上与中国的黑茶是完全不同的两种茶类。2、黑茶一般是指经过长时间发酵后的压制茶,又称为“普洱茶”。而红茶,是一种非发酵茶,汤色略带红色或者棕红色,口感醇和香气浓郁,因其带有茶叶本身的味道,很容易让人联想到水果、花香等。三、红茶的历史及传播红茶源于中国福建省,起源于17世纪,是在制作绿茶的基础上发现的一种新茶制作工艺。从中国传播至印度、斯里兰卡等地区后,逐渐普及全球。目前全球主要产红茶的国家有:中国、印度、斯里兰卡、肯尼亚等。四、红茶的品种分类红茶依制作工艺和产地不同,主要可分为中国大叶种和印度小叶种等两种。其中,中国大叶种又可分为祁门红茶、滇红、正山小种等;而印度小叶种则有阿萨姆红茶、达利湖红茶等。五、红茶选购与保存购买红茶时应选择新茶,新鲜度高、质量保证。保持的方法是将茶叶放置在阴凉、干燥、通风、无味的地方,以避免吸味和潮湿。

红茶的英文名为什么叫black tea而不是red tea 呢?



红茶:black tea 黑茶:dark tea或brick tea 红茶英文 中国人说的红茶,在英文里是black tea,英文里的red tea,是Rooibos茶. 黑茶英文 正确译法是dark tea.有人也称黑茶为brick tea (砖茶) 详见参考资料

红茶的英文是black tea,为什么会这样翻译呢?

关于红茶的野史——大家知道英国人为什么特别喜欢喝红茶吗?其实事情是这样的:当年英国的茶叶商人喝过中国的绿茶以后大为喜欢,深深着迷,于是他决定想尽办法也要把中国的绿茶运回英国。他们好不容易把船开来中国,又买了一整船的茶叶浩浩荡荡运回英国,可是,没想到啊没想到,长途的海运竟然让绿茶变了质,而且发酵了的绿茶成了另一种味道。商人很心痛,想想既然没人喝过正宗的绿茶,于是他就把发酵的绿茶拿出来卖。这个……英国人喝了之后都赞不绝口。因为这种茶的颜色较绿茶深,所以大家就把这种“发酵的绿茶”叫做Black Tea或者是Brown Tea啦。从此英国人就深深地爱上了红茶了。并且把红茶英文叫做BLACK TEA.

为什么红茶的英文名叫Black tea而黑茶的英文名是Dark tea?


红茶的英文为什么叫black tea

红茶在英文中被称为black tea,这是因为其汤色偏暗,呈现出深色的特点。但该名称不应被误会为与中国的黑茶类别相同,红茶的制作工艺与品质完全不同于黑茶。红茶以其深浓的口感和卓越的香气,在国际上也是备受欢迎的茶类之一。一、茶叶的发酵1、茶叶的发酵度对茶叶的类别划分有很大的影响。红茶的制作流程中,采摘的嫩叶需要经过摊放、滚揉、发酵、烘干等工序,而这个发酵过程是十分关键的一步。2、在发酵的过程中,茶叶中的物质会发生化学反应,其中茶多酚被分解成为可溶性单宁和芳香气味的物质。这些化学物质就是赋予红茶深色、浓郁香气和口感的关键因素。二、黑茶与红茶的区别1、由于汤色接近于黑色,所以红茶在西方国家被命名为black tea,但实际上与中国的黑茶是完全不同的两种茶类。2、黑茶一般是指经过长时间发酵后的压制茶,又称为“普洱茶”。而红茶,是一种非发酵茶,汤色略带红色或者棕红色,口感醇和香气浓郁,因其带有茶叶本身的味道,很容易让人联想到水果、花香等。三、红茶的历史及传播红茶源于中国福建省,起源于17世纪,是在制作绿茶的基础上发现的一种新茶制作工艺。从中国传播至印度、斯里兰卡等地区后,逐渐普及全球。目前全球主要产红茶的国家有:中国、印度、斯里兰卡、肯尼亚等。四、红茶的品种分类红茶依制作工艺和产地不同,主要可分为中国大叶种和印度小叶种等两种。其中,中国大叶种又可分为祁门红茶、滇红、正山小种等;而印度小叶种则有阿萨姆红茶、达利湖红茶等。五、红茶选购与保存购买红茶时应选择新茶,新鲜度高、质量保证。保持的方法是将茶叶放置在阴凉、干燥、通风、无味的地方,以避免吸味和潮湿。

红茶的英文为什么是「black tea」?

红茶的茶叶虽然是黑色,但在中国却称为「红茶」,这是因为「红茶」的名称取自于茶的茶色。换言之,因为泡出来的茶是红色的,所以称为「红茶」。红茶从中国传到日本之后,日本人便直接沿用原有的名称,因此同样称为「红茶」。 另一方面,对欧洲人而言,将绿色的茶叶及茶色的茶称为「绿茶」,而以硬水冲泡出来的红茶,茶色相较于红色要来得黑,再加上茶叶本身也是黑色,于是便以「black tea」来称呼。 但是,英文的「black tea」包含了两个意思,一指的是不加牛奶单独饮用的喝法。在这里,即使加糖也无所谓,因此与加不加糖毫无关系。另一层含意指的是红茶茶叶本身。无论是中国的红茶,或是印度及斯里兰卡的红茶,在英文上都称为「black tea」。 在日本,不加牛奶单独饮用的喝法,一般称为「纯红茶」(straight tea),但在欧美国家,「straight」这个字大多用来指喝威士忌等酒类时不兑水直接喝的喝法,或是加冰块一起喝,用在红茶的情况上难免会让人觉得不是很恰当。这意思就好比在日本加热清酒称为「okannsuru」,但加热味噌汤等其他情况下却不用这个词。若外国人将「okannsuru」用来指「加热味噌汤」,对日本人而言同样会觉得不是很恰当(译注:「okannsuru」通常用来指加热清酒)。 虽然日本人「straight tea」的用法不是很恰当,但由于「black tea」的说法会让人感觉又黑又涩,无法入口,听起来不是像小孩或女性也能喝、口感清爽顺口的茶饮,所以改用「straight tea」来形容完全不加东西直接饮用,这样的说法对日本人而言或许还比较容易理解也说不定。 顺带一提,如同前述,「milk tea」同样是日本才有的说法,英文虽然也有「tea with milk」或「white tea」的说法,但那样的说法并不适合男性使用。 日本甚至还有「royal milk tea」(皇家奶茶)如此华丽、听起来特别美味的说法,但事实上这也是日式英文之一。这或许是因为冠上意指王室的「royal」一词,会让人感觉彷佛身处在英国白金汉宫喝茶吧。 「royal milk tea」对日本人而言指的是加了大量牛奶、比一般奶茶更香醇、更高级的红茶,就意义上来说,这样的名称似乎还说得通。但再怎么说也是日本人在日本喝红茶,既然如此,或许就没有特别必要取一个有英国风情的称呼了吧。 -END- 欢迎关注 饮哲红茶经 微信公众号 SH-YinZhe


肉骨茶 bak kut teh 参考: Dict.site Tea of bone of meat tea of pig bone 参考: my teacher 肉骨茶 Tea of bone of meat 肉の骨のお茶 uace0uae30uc758 ubf08uc758 ucc28 我问过我U00020bb6位马来西亚fd。 佢话佢哋马来西亚人煮肉骨茶用嘅黑酱油, 其实积系我哋中国香港人用嘅 [老抽] , 只系佢哋马来西亚人习惯将[老抽]叫做黑酱油咁解。 而 [老抽] 喺杂货铺、辨馆、士多、街市同埋超级市场都可以买到。 希望可以解答到您嘅问题啦。Thanks.


下午茶的英文是high tea. 系afternoon tea,陶杰好似讲过~ high tea Afternoon tea ﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉ A cup of teaAfternoon tea (or Low tea) is a light meal typically eaten at 4 o"clock. It originates in Britain though various places in the former British Empire also have such a meal. However most Britons no longer eat such a meal. Traditionally loose tea would be served in a teapot with milk and sugar. This would be acpanied by various sandwiches (customarily cucumber egg and cress fish paste (bloater) ham and *** oked salmon) scones (with butter clotted cream and jam — see cream tea) and usually cakes and pastries (such as Battenburg fruit cake or Victoria sponge). The food would be often served in a tiered stand. While afternoon tea used to be an everyday event nowadays it is more likely to be taken as a treat in a hotel café or tea shop although many Britons still have a cup of tea and slice of cake or chocolate at teatime. Accordingly many hotels now market a champagne cream tea. High tea ﹉﹉﹉﹉ High Tea (also known as Meat Tea*) is an early evening meal typically eaten beeen 5 and 6 o"clock in the evening. It would be eaten as a substitute for both afternoon tea and the evening meal. The term es from the meal being eaten at the ‘high" (main) table instead of the *** aller lounge table. It is now largely replaced by a later evening meal. It would usually consist of cold meats eggs and/or fish cakes and sandwiches. In a family it tends to be less formal and is an informal snack (featuring sandwiches biscuits pastry fruit and the like) or else it is the main evening meal. On farms or other working class environments high tea would be the traditional substantial meal eaten by the workers immediately after nightfall and would bine afternoon tea with the main evening meal. "April 23.—Mr. and Mrs. James (Miss Fullers that was) came to meat tea and we left directly after for the Tank Theatre". The Diary of a Nobody. Gee and Weedon Gros *** ith with illustrations by Weedon Gros *** ith. 1892. In recent years High Tea somehow became a word for exquisite afternoon tea. 参考: en. *** /wiki/High_tea  afternnon tea 又或者d人成日讲既high tea afternoon tea It is tea or HIGH tea 下午茶 : Afternoon tea 参考: babelfish.altavista/tr afternoon tea 下午茶的英文是 afternoon tea. 参考: Yahoo 字典