Going to Feed the Ducks【喂鸭子】
Not very far from our house there is a small River that has many wild ducks.The ducks are very colorful during the spring mating season.Male ducks have multiple colors of green. Gray, Red, and blue;the female ducks are brown all the Year round.This section of the river is also part of a small island park where people picnic and play ball. Wooden tables and chairs,metal boxes for cooking, and big trash cans are available.Sometimes the ducks will leave the water and walk ashore looking for food among the picnic grounds.Quite often my sister and I like to bring old bread there to feed the ducks.If is really a very peaceful place to relax and play, and study, too.
Said the Duck to the Kangaroo, "Good gracious! how you hop! Over the fields and the water too, as if you never would stop!
My life is a bore in this nasty pond, and I long to go out in the world beyond! I wish I could hop like you!"
Said the duck to the Kangaroo ,"Please give me a ride on your back!"
Said the Duck to the Kangaroo, "I would sit quite still, and say nothing but "Quack," The whole of the long day through!
And we"d go to the Dee, and the Jelly Bo Lee, over the land and over the sea; Please take me a ride! O do!" Said the Duck to the Kangaroo.
我们一起去迪河,去Jelly Bo Lee,越过陆地,跨过海洋;请带上我吧!求你了!”鸭子对袋鼠说。
Said the Kangaroo to the Duck, "This requires some little reflection;
Perhaps on the whole it might bring me luck, and there seems but one objection,
which is, if you"ll let me speak so bold, your feet are unpleasantly wet and cold, and would probably give me the roo Matiz!" said the Kangaroo.
Said the Duck ,"As I sate on the rocks, I have thought over that completely, and I bought four pairs of worsted socks which fit my web-feet neatly.
And to keep out the cold I"ve bought a cloak, and every day a cigar I"ll smoke, all to follow my own dear true love of a Kangaroo!"
Said the Kangaroo,"I"m ready! All in the moonlight pale;
But to balance me well, dear Duck, sit steady! And quite at the end of my tail!"
So away they went with a hop and a bound, and they hopped the whole world three times round;
And who so happy, O who, as the duck and the Kangaroo?
世界上谁最快乐 噢,有谁,像鸭子和袋鼠那样快乐?
As a specialty of Beijing cuisine, Beijing roast duck is unique in not only delicious taste, but also rich nutritional value. Acclaimed as the “No. 1 Delicacy under Heaven”,it has won fame both at home and abroad. It takes about 45 minutes to roast a duck. The roasted duck is characterized by crispy skin and tender meat, which form the biggest reason for its popularity. The most famous brands among popular roast duck restaurants are Quanjude and Bianyifang, both of which have a history of several hundred years.
北京烤鸭是北京的招牌菜,它的独到之处在于不仅味道鲜美,而且含有丰富的营养价值,被誉为“天下美味”,驰名中外。北京烤鸭需经过约45分钟的烤制,烤出的鸭子以皮质酥脆(crispy skin)、肉质鲜嫩为特色,这是其受欢迎的最大原因。在众多的北京烤鸭店中最知名的两个是全聚德和便宜坊,这两家烤鸭店都已经有上百年的历史了。
A duck is a very common water bird with short legs,a short neck,and a large flat beak.
Ducks are generally in the color of yellow,white or black.
They like to eat little fish,shrimps and earthworms.
ducks are yellow or brown. ducks like
swimming .they like eating fish.they have oblate.they weigh 5 or 6 kilos.
yellow tail是什么意思
顺用 瞅估外省人2023-06-25 12:50:325
yeollw tail是什么意思
黄尾袋鼠,因该是yellow tail2023-06-25 12:50:481
黄尾袋鼠是澳洲一个消费级葡萄酒的知名品牌,其珍藏系列就是要比普通黄尾袋鼠高一个等级,品质玩更好,价格也要更高。2023-06-25 12:50:572
就叫三只袋鼠,澳大利亚的2023-06-25 12:51:122
首先老的划分方法:a、新旧世界两大势力代表着国际葡萄酒行业的全部。新世界葡萄酒是相对于旧世界葡萄酒而言,“新世界”指加洲、澳大利亚、新西兰、南非等进入葡萄酒酿造行业时间不长的国家,旧世界则指法国、意大利、西班牙等有着数百年葡萄酒酿造历史的国家。b、新世界与旧世界最大的区别就是旧世界的酒一般趋于传统的酿造工艺,新世界以现代技术酿造。旧世界的酒注重葡萄酒本味,更具有酸涩的口感,而新世界的葡萄酒,注重葡萄酒的香醇,果香更重一点。c、“新世界”葡萄酒势力是高中低价位各个档次的集合。其中澳洲葡萄酒是世界葡萄酒中的新贵,200多年的历史,优良的自然环境,丰富的产品品种,更符合亚洲人的口味等等,都是澳洲葡萄酒迅速崛起的原因。d、“旧世界”葡萄酒势力以欧洲历史悠久的三大产酒国:法国、意大利和德国为代表。论品质,法国是老大,其是世界第一大葡萄酒生产国和出口国,法国酒中名牌较多,常是炒酒投资人关注的主角;论数量,意大利酒占据霸主地位,因为官方容许的每亩地葡萄产量可以很高,葡萄汁浓度可以相应降低;与意大利相反,德国以白葡萄酒更著名,拥有世界上最好兼最贵档次的名酒。新的划分方法:a、葡萄酒新旧世界将不再按地域划分,葡萄酒行业新旧世界的概念将逐渐转变,今后所有投资、采用新技术酿造优质酒的企业将被划为‘新世界"葡萄酒阵营,那些墨守陈规不接受新技术的企业就在‘旧世界"之类。b、提到的技术包括使用橡木片、高效管理葡萄园等一切有利于改进葡萄酒生产的手段。新旧世界也不再以地理位置进行划分,取而代之的是高低端葡萄酒之分。2023-06-25 12:51:223
moth2023-06-25 12:51:292
就比如斗牛士啊 雷伊骑士 舞者 罗密欧与朱丽叶等等2023-06-25 12:51:386
diao鱼岛的英语是不是Fishing Island?
大陆:Diaoyu Island 台湾:Tiao-yu Island.英语:Fishing Island 小日本:Uotsuri-jima 更多附近的岛屿:黄尾屿 Kuba-jima (久场岛)Huangwei Yu Yellow Tail 赤尾屿 Taisho-jima(大正岛)Chiwei Yu Red Tail 还要更多么...2023-06-25 12:51:532
July2023-06-25 12:52:206
是招财鱼 ,不是很好看 建议看看罗汉鱼~!2023-06-25 12:52:452
常用英语单词有一、 学习用品 (school things)pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 pencil-case铅笔盒 ruler尺子 book书 bag包 comic book漫画书 post card明信片 newspaper报纸 schoolbag书包 eraser橡皮 crayon蜡笔 sharpener卷笔刀 story-book故事书 notebook笔记本 Chinese book语文书 English book英语书 math book数学书 magazine杂志 dictionary词典二、 身体 (body)foot脚 head头 face脸 hair头发 nose鼻子 mouth嘴 eye眼睛 ear耳朵 arm手臂 hand手 finger手指 leg腿 tail尾巴三、 颜色 (colours)red红 blue蓝 yellow黄 green绿 white白 black黑 pink粉红 purple紫 orange橙 brown棕四、 动物 (animals)cat猫 dog狗 pig猪 duck鸭 rabbit兔 horse马 elephant大象 ant蚂蚁 fish鱼 bird鸟 eagle鹰 beaver海狸 snake蛇 mouse老鼠 squirrel松鼠 kangaroo袋鼠 monkey猴 panda熊猫 bear熊 lion狮子 tiger老虎 fox狐狸 zebra斑马 deer鹿 giraffe长颈鹿 goose鹅 hen母鸡 turkey火鸡 lamb小羊 sheep绵羊 goat山羊 cow奶牛 donkey驴 squid鱿鱼 lobster龙虾 shark鲨鱼 seal海豹 sperm whale抹香鲸 killer whale虎鲸五、 人物 (people)friend朋友 boy男孩 girl女孩 mother母亲 father父亲 sister姐妹 brother兄弟 uncle叔叔;舅舅 man男人 woman女人 Mr.先生 Miss小姐 lady女士;小姐 mom妈妈 dad爸爸 parents父母 grandparents祖父母 robot机器人grandma/grandmother(外)祖母 grandpa/grandfather(外)祖父 aunt姑姑 cousin堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹 son儿子 daughter女儿 baby婴儿 kid小孩 classmate同学 queen女王 visitor参观者 neighbour邻居 principal校长 university student大学生 pen pal笔友 tourist旅行者 people人物2023-06-25 12:53:031
the bluewhale isthe biggest and heavest in = the world but now people kill them for """"""2023-06-25 12:53:113
A: ACACIA, Blossom - Concealed Love, Beauty in Retirement 洋槐,花朵 - 隐秘的爱,隐居的美人 ACORN - Nordic Symbol of Life and Immortality 橡实 - 北欧人生命与不朽的象征 AMBROSIA - Your Love is Reciprocated (不知道是什么) - 你的爱得到了回报 AMARYLLIS - Pride, Pastoral Poetry 宫人草 - 自豪,田园诗 ANEMONE - Forsaken, Sincerity 秋牡丹 - 被抛弃的,诚心诚意 ARBUTUS - Thee Only Do I Love 杨梅 - 我只爱你 ASTER - Symbol of Love, Daintiness 紫苑 - 爱的象征,优美 AZALEA - Take Care of Yourself For Me, Temperance, Fragile, Passion, Chinese Symbols of Womanhood 杜鹃花 - 为了我保重你自己,温暖的,脆的,强烈的感情,在中国是子宫的象征 B: BACHELOR BUTTON - Single Blessedness 矢车菊 - 单身的幸福 BEGONIA - Beware 球海棠 - 小心 BELLS OF IRELAND - Good Luck 爱尔兰风铃草 - 好运气 BITTERSWEET - Truth 白英 - 事实 BLUEBELL - Humility 野风信子 - 谦虚 BOUQUET OF WITHERED FLOWERS - Rejected Love 凋零的花束 - 被拒绝的爱 C: CACTUS - Endurance 仙人掌 - 忍耐 CAMELLIA - Admiration, Perfection, Good Luck Gift to a Man 茶花 - 赞赏,完美,给男人以好运气的礼物 CAMELLIA (PINK) - Longing For You 茶花(粉色) - 渴望着你 CAMELLIA (RED) - You"re A Flame In My Heart 茶花(红色) - 你是我心中的火焰 CAMELLIA (WHITE) - You"re Adorable 茶花(白色) - 你值得敬慕 CANDYTUFT - Indifference 白烛葵 - 不感兴趣 CARNATION (GENERAL) - Fascination, Womanized Love 康乃馨(一般的说) - 魅力使人柔弱的爱 CARNATION (PINK) - I"ll Never Forget You 康乃馨(粉色) - 我永远不会忘了你 CARNATION (RED) - My Heart Aches For You, Admiration 康乃馨(红色) - 我的心为你而痛,赞赏 CARNATION (PURPLE) - Capriciousness 康乃馨(紫色) - 任性 CARNATION (SOLID COLOR) - Yes 康乃馨(原色) - 是 CARNATION (STRIPPED) - No!, Refusal, Sorry I Can"t Be With You 康乃馨(有斑纹) - 不!拒绝,我不能和你在一起 CARNATION (WHITE) - Sweet and Lovely, Innocence, Pure Love, Womanize Good Luck Gift 康乃馨(白色) - 甜蜜而可爱,天真无邪,纯洁的爱,给女性带来好运气的礼物 CARNATION (YELLOW) - You Have Disappointed Me, Rejection 康乃馨(黄色) - 你让我感到失望,抛弃 CATTAIL - Peace, Prosperity 香蒲 - 和平,幸运 CHRYSANTHEMUM (GENERAL) - You"re A Wonderful Friend, Cheerfulness and Rest 菊花(一般的说) - 你是个了不起的朋友,快活与放松 CHRYSANTHEMUM (RED) - I Love 菊花(红色) - 我爱 CHRYSANTHEMUM (WHITE) - Truth 菊花(白色) - 事实 CHRYSANTHEMUM (YELLOW) - Slighted Love 菊花(黄色) - 忽视的爱 COREOPSIS - Always Cheerful 波斯菊 - 永远快乐 CROCUS - Cheerfulness, Gladness 番红花 - 快乐,高兴 CYCLAMEN - Resignation and Good Bye 仙客来 - 辞职与再见 D: DAFFODIL - Regard, Unrequited Love, You"re The Only One, The Sun Is Always Shining When I"m With You, Respect 水仙花 - 关心,不计报答的爱,你是我的唯一,和你在一起时总是阳光明媚,尊敬 DAISY - Innocence, Loyal Love, I"ll Never tell, Purity 雏菊 - 天真无邪,忠诚的爱,我永远不会说的,纯正 DANDELION - Faithfulness, Happiness 蒲公英 - 忠诚,幸福 DEAD LEAVES - Sadness 枯萎的叶子 - 悲伤 E: F: FERN - Magic, Fascination, Confidence and Shelter, Grace 羊齿 - 魔力,魅力,自信与庇护,恩典 FERN MAIDENHAIR - Secret Bond Of Love 孔雀草 - 秘密的爱的契约 FIR - TIME 杉木 - 时间 FLAX - Domestic Symbol 亚麻 - 家庭的标志 FORGET ME NOT - True Love, Memories 勿忘我 - 真爱,记忆 FORSYTHIA - Anticipation 连翘 - 预料 FREESIA - Trust (不知道) - 信任 G: GARDENIA - You"re Lovely, Secret Love 栀子 - 你可爱,秘密的爱 GARLIC - Courage, Strength 大蒜 - 勇气与力量 GERANIUM - Stupidity, Folly 天竺葵 - 愚蠢,荒唐 GLADIOLA - Give Me A Break, I"m Really Sincere, Flower Of The Gladiators 剑兰 - 让我休息一下,我是真挚的,斗士的花 GLOXINIA - Love At First Sight 大岩桐 - 一见钟情 GRASS - Submission 草 - 服从 H; HEATHER (LAVENDER) - Admiration, Solitude 石楠花(淡紫色) - 赞赏,孤单 HEATHER (WHITE) - Protection, Wishes Will Come True 石楠花(白色) -保护,愿望成真 HOLLY - Defense, Domestic Happiness 冬青 - 防御,家庭幸福 HYACINTH (GENERAL) - Games and Sports, Richness, Dedicated to Apollo 风信子(一般说来) - 游戏和体育,富有,献身与太阳神 HYACINTH (BLUE) - Consistency 风信子(蓝色) - 坚固 HYACINTH (PURPLE) - I Am Sorry Please Forgive Me, Sorrow 风信子(紫色) - 对不起请原谅我,对不起 HYACINTH (RED or PINK) - Play 风信子(红色或粉色) - 玩 HYACINTH (WHITE) - Loveliness, I"ll Pray For You 风信子(白色) - 可爱,我为你祈祷 HYACINTH (YELLOW) - Jealousy 风信子(黄色) - 嫉妒,羡慕 HYDRANGEA - Thank You For Understanding, Frigidity, Heartlessness 紫阳花 - 谢谢你的理解,冷淡,健康 HUCKLEBERRY - Faith 越橘 - 信任 I: IRIS - Emblem Of France, Your Friendship Means So Much To Me, Faith, Hope, Wisdom and Valor, My Compliments, Promise 爱丽丝(鸢尾属植物)- 法国的象征,你的友情对我很重要,信任,希望,智慧与勇猛,我的问候,许诺 IVY - Wedded Love, Fidelity, Friendship, Affection 常春藤 - 结合的爱,忠实,友谊,情感 IVY SPRIG OF WHITE TENDRILS - Anxious To Please, Affection 白色卷鬓的常春藤枝 - 渴望取悦于,情感 J: JONQUIL - Love Me, Affection Returned, Desire, Sympathy, Desire For Affection Returned 黄水仙 - 爱我吧,情感得到回报,欲望,同情,想要情感得到回报 K: L: LARKSPUR (PINK) - Fickleness 燕草(粉色) - 薄情 LILAC - Beauty 丁香花 - 美丽 LILY (ORANGE) - Hatred 百合花(橙色) - 仇恨 LILY (WHITE) - Virginity, Purity, Majesty, It"s Heavenly To Be With You 百合花(白色) - 童贞,纯洁,威严,和你在一起如同天堂 LILY (YELLOW) -I"m Walking On Air, False and Gay, Gratitude 百合花(黄色) - 我如在云端,虚伪与放荡,感激 LILY (CALLA) -Beauty 百合花(水芋) - 美丽 LILY (DAY) - Chinese Emblem For Mother 百合花(白天) - 中国母亲的象征 LILY (EUCHARIS) - Maiden Charms 百合花(桉树) - 处女的吸引力 LILY (TIGER) - Wealth, Pride, Prosperity 百合花(虎) - 财富,骄傲,繁荣 LILY OF THE VALLEY - Sweetness, Tears Of The Virgin Mary, Return To Happinee Humility, You"ve Made my Life Complete 山谷的百合花 - 甜蜜,圣母玛利亚的泪,重返幸福,谦虚,你使我的生命充实 ROSE (YELLOW) - Decrease Of Love, Jealously, Try To Care 玫瑰(黄色) - 爱的减少,嫉妒,尝试去关心 ROSE (MUSK CLUSTER) - Charming 玫瑰(麝香蔷薇串) - 有魅力2023-06-25 12:53:191
小学生必背英语单词表一、学习用品(school things)pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 pencil-case铅笔盒 ruler尺子 book 书 bag 包 comic book漫画书 post card明信片 newspaper报纸 schoolbag书包 eraser橡皮 crayon蜡笔 sharpener卷笔刀 story-book故事书 notebook笔记本 Chinese book语文书 English book英语书 magazine杂志 dictionary词典二、 身体部位(body)foot脚 head头 face脸 hair头发 nose鼻子 mouth嘴 eye眼睛 ear耳朵 arm手臂 hand手 finger手指 leg腿 tail尾巴三、 颜色(colours)red红 blue蓝 yellow黄 green绿 white白 black黑 pink粉红 purple紫 orange橙 brown棕四、 动物(animals)cat猫 dog狗 pig猪 duck鸭 rabbit兔子 horse马 elephant大象 ant蚂蚁 fish鱼 bird鸟 eagle鹰 beaver海狸 snake蛇 mouse鼠 monkey猴子 panda熊猫 bear熊 lion狮 tiger老虎 fox狐狸 zebra斑马 deer鹿 giraffe长颈鹿 goose鹅 hen母鸡 turkey火鸡 lamb小羊 sheep绵羊 goat山羊 cow奶牛 d驴 五、 人物(people)friend朋友 boy男孩 girl女孩 mother母亲 father父亲 sister姐妹 brother兄弟 uncle叔叔 man男人 woman女人 Mr先生 Miss小姐 lady女士 parents父母 grandma/grandmother(外)祖母 grandpa/grandfather(外)祖父 aunt阿姨 cousin堂表兄弟姐妹 son儿子 baby婴儿 classmate同学 queen女王 visitor参观者 neighbour邻居tourist施行者 people人物 六、 职业(job)teacher教师 student学生 doctor医生 nurse护士 driver司机 farmer农民 singer歌唱家 writer作家 actor男演员 actress女演员 artist画家 TV reporter电视台记者 engineer工程师 accountant会计 policeman(男)警察 salesperson销售员 cleaner清洁工 baseball player棒球运动员 assistant售货员 policeman警察七、 食品、饮料(food&drink)rice米饭 bread面包 beef牛肉 milk牛奶 water水 egg蛋 fish鱼 tofu豆腐 cake蛋糕 hot dog热狗 hamburger汉堡包 曲奇French fries暑条 biscuit饼干 jam果酱 noodles面条 meat肉 chicken鸡肉 pork猪肉 mutton羊肉 vegetable蔬菜 salad沙拉 soup汤 ice冰 ice-cream冰淇淋 Coke可乐 juice果汁 tea茶 coffee咖啡 breakfast早餐 lunch午餐 dinner晚餐八、 水果、蔬菜(fruit&vegetable)apple苹果 banana香蕉 pear梨 orange橙 watermelon西瓜 grape葡萄 eggplant茄子 green beans青豆 tomato西红柿 potato土豆 peach桃子 strawberry草莓 cucumber黄瓜 onion洋葱 carrot胡萝卜 cabbage卷心菜九、 衣服(clothes)jacket夹克衫 shirt衬衫 T-shirt T恤衫 skirt短裙子 dress连衣裙 jeans牛仔裤pants裤子 socks袜子 shoes鞋子 sweater毛衣 coat上衣 raincoat雨衣 shorts短裤 sneakers网球鞋 slippers拖鞋 sandals凉鞋 boots靴子 hat帽子 cap鸭舌帽 sunglasses太阳镜 tie领带 scarf围巾 gloves手套十、交通工具(vehicles) bike自行车 bus公共汽车 train火车水 boat小船 ship轮船 yacht快艇 car小汽车 taxi出租车 jeep吉普车 van小货车 plane飞机 subway地铁 motor cycle摩托车十一、杂物(other things) window窗户door门 desk课桌chair椅子bed床computer 计算机board写字板 fan风扇 light灯 teacher"s desk讲台 picture图画;照片 wall墙壁 floor地板 curtain窗帘 trash bin垃圾箱 closet壁橱 mirror镜子 end table床头柜 football足球 presen礼物 walkman随身听 lamp台灯 phone电话 sofa沙发 shelf书架 fridge冰箱 table桌子 TV电视 air-conditioner空调 key钥匙 lock锁 photo照片 chart图表 plate盘子 knife刀 fork叉 spoon勺子 chopsticks筷子 pot锅 gift礼物 toy玩具 doll洋娃娃 ball球 balloon气球 kite风筝 jigsaw puzzle拼图游戏 box盒子 umbrella伞 zipper拉链 violin小提琴 yo-yo溜溜 nest鸟窝 hole洞 tube管子 toothbrush牙刷 menu菜单 e-card电子卡片 e-mail电子邮件 traffic light交通灯 money钱 medicine药十二、地点(locations) home家 room房间 bedroom卧室 bathroom卫生间 living room起居室 kitchen厨房 classroom教室 school学校 park公园 library图书馆 post office邮政局 hospital医院 cinema电影院 bookstore书店 farm农场 zoo动物园 garden花园 study书房 playground操场 canteen餐厅 teacher"s office教师办公室 gym体育馆 washroom盥洗室 art room美术室 computer room电脑房 music room音乐教室 TV room电视房 flat 公寓 company公司 factory 工厂 fruit stand 水果 pet shop 宠物店nature park自然公园 theme park主题公园 science museum科学博物馆 the Great Wall 长城 supermarket超市 bank 银行 country乡村 village村庄 city城市十三、课程(classes) sports 体育 science自然科学 Moral Education 思想品德 Social Studies社会十四、国家、城市(countries&cities) China/ PRC中国 America/ USA 美国 UK 英国England 英格兰 Canada/ CAN加拿大 Australia澳大利亚 New York纽约 London伦敦 Sydney悉尼 Moscow莫斯科 Cario开罗十五、气象(weather) cold 冷的 warm温暖的 cool 凉爽的 snowy下雪的 sunny晴朗的 hot 热的 rainy下雨的 windy刮风的 cloudy多云的 weather report天气预报十六、景物(nature) river河流 lake湖泊 stream小溪 forest森林 path小路 road马路 house房子 bridge桥 building建筑物 rain雨 cloud 云 sun太阳 mountain大山 sky天空 rainbow彩虹 wind风 air空气十七、植物(plants) flower 花 grass草 tree 树 seed 种子 sprout 芽 plant 植物 rose玫瑰 leaf 树叶 十八、星期(week) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday weekend周末十九、月份(months) January February March April May June July August September October November Decmber二十、季节(seasons) spring summer fall winter二十一、方位(directions) south南 north北 east东 west西 left 左 right右二十二、患病(illness) have a fever发高烧 hurt 疼痛 have a cold 伤风 have a toothache 牙疼 have a headache 头疼 have a sore throat喉咙疼二十三、数词(number) one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty二十 thirty三十 forty四十 fifty五十 sixty六十 seventy七十 eighty八十 ninety九十 hundred一百 first第一 second第二 third第三 fourth第四 fifth第五月 sixth第六 seventh第七 eighth第八 ninth第九 tenth 第十 eleventh 第十一 twelfth第十二 二十四、形容词(adj.) big 大的 small 小的 long 长的 tall高的 short短的 young 年轻的 old老的 strong强壮的 thin瘦的 active 积极的 quiet安静的 nice好看的 kind 善良的 strict 严格的 smart 聪明的 funny滑稽的 tasty可口的 sweet甜的 salty 咸的 sour酸的 fresh 新鲜 favourite最喜欢的 clean干净的 tired累的 excited兴奋的 angry生气的 happy 高兴的 bored无聊的 sad 难过的 taller更高的 shorter更短的 stronger更强壮的 older更老的 younger更年轻的 bigger更大的 heavier更重的 longer 更长的 thinner更瘦的 smaller更小的 good好的 fine好的 great棒的 heavy重的 new新的 fat胖的 right对的 hungry饿的 cute可爱的 little小的 lovely可爱的 beautiful漂亮的 colourful五颜六色的 pretty漂亮的 cheap便宜的 expensive贵的 juicy有汁的 tender嫩的 healthy健康的 ill生病 helpful有帮助的 high高的 easy简单的 proud 骄傲的 sick生病的 better更好的 higher更高的二十五、介词(prep.) in在……里面 on 在……上面 under在……下面 near在……附近 behind 在……后面 next to 在……旁边 over悬在……上面 in front of在……前面 二十六、代词(pron.) I 我 we 我们 you你,你们 he 他 she她 it它 they 他们 my我的 our我们的 your你的,你们的 his他的 her她的二十七、动词(verb.) play 玩 swim 游泳 skate溜冰 fly 飞 jump跳 walk走 run跑 climb爬 fight 打架 swing荡秋千eat 吃sleep睡觉like喜欢have有 turn转 buy买 take拍(照),带 live 居住 teach 教 go去 study学习 learn学习 sing 唱歌 dance跳舞 row划 read books读书 do homework做作业 watch TV 看电视 cook the meals烧菜 water the flowers浇花 sweep the floor 拖地 clean the bedroom打扫房间 make the bed铺床叠被 set the table摆餐桌 wash the clothes洗衣服 do the dishes洗盘子 use a computer 用电脑 do morning exercises 做早操 eat breakfast 吃早餐 eat dinner 吃晚饭 go to school去上学 have English class上英语课 play sports体育运动 get up起床 climb mountains爬山 go shopping去购物 play the piano弹钢琴 visit grandparents拜访祖父母 go hiking去远足 fly kites放风筝 make a snowman堆雪人 plant trees植树 draw pictures画画 cook dinner烧晚饭 read a book读书 answer the phone接电话 listen to music听音乐 clean the room打扫房间 write a letter写信 write an e-mail写电子邮件 drink water喝水 take pictures拍照片 watch insects观察昆虫 pick up leaves摘树叶 do an experiment做实验 catch butterflies捉蝴蝶 count insects数昆虫 collect insects收集昆虫 collect leaves收集树叶 write a report写报告 play chess下棋 have a picnic野餐 get to到达 ride a bike骑自行车 play the violin拉小提琴 make kites做风筝 collect stamps集邮 meet遇见 welcome欢迎 thank 谢谢 love 爱 work工作 drink喝 taste尝 smell闻 feed喂 shear 剪 milk挤牛奶 look看 guess猜 help帮助 pass传递 show展示,给……看 use用 clean打扫 open打开 close关 put放 read读,看 write写 paint画画 tell告诉 ride骑 stop停 wait等 find找 drive驾驶 wash洗 shine照耀 become变成get up 起床 feel感觉 think想 fall掉下 leave离开 wake up醒过来 put on穿上 take off 脱下 hang up挂起来 wear穿 go home回家 go to bed去睡觉 play computer games玩电脑游戏 play chess下棋 do housework做家务 empty the trash倒垃圾 put away the clothes放好衣服 get off下车 take a trip去郊游 read a magazine 读杂志 go to the cinema 去电影院2023-06-25 12:53:271
速求生活常用英语单词! 500句最常用英语口语1. I see. 我明白了。 2. I quit! 我不干了!3. Let go! 放手!4. Me too. 我也是。5. My god! 天哪!6. No way! 不行!7. e on. 来吧(赶快)8. Hold on. 等一等。 9. I agree。 我同意。 10. Not bad. 还不错。11. Not yet. 还没。12. See you. 再见。13. Shut up! 闭嘴!14. So long. 再见。 15. Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?)16. Allow me. 让我来。17. Be quiet! 安静点!18. Cheer up! 振作起来!19. Good job! 做得好!20. Have fun! 玩得开心!21. How much? 多少钱?22. I"m full. 我饱了。 23. I"m home. 我回来了。24. I"m lost. 我迷路了。 25. My treat. 我请客。26. So do I. 我也一样。 27. This way。 这边请。 28. After you. 您先。29. Bless you! 祝福你!30. Follow me. 跟我来。 31. Forget it! 休想! (算了!)32. Good luck! 祝好运!33. I decline! 我拒绝!34. I promise. 我保证。35. Of course! 当然了!36. Slow down! 慢点!37. Take care! 保重!38. They hurt. (伤口)疼。 39. Try again. 再试试。40. Watch out! 当心。 41. What"s up? 有什么事吗?42. Be careful! 注意!43. Bottoms up! 干杯(见底)!44. Don"t move! 不许动!45. Guess what? 猜猜看?46. I doubt it 我怀疑。47. I think so. 我也这么想。 48. I"m single. 我是单身贵族。49. Keep it up! 坚持下去!50. Let me see.让我想想。 51. Never mind.不要紧。52. No problem! 没问题!53. That"s all! 就这样!54. Time is up. 时间快到了。 55. What"s new? 有什么新鲜事吗?56. Count me on 算上我。57. Don"t worry. 别担心。 58. Feel better? 好点了吗?59. I love you! 我爱你!60. I"m his fan。 我是他的影迷。 61. Is it yours? 这是你的吗?62. That"s neat. 这很好。63. Are you sure? 你肯定吗?64. Do l have to 非做不可吗?65. He is my age. 他和我同岁。 66. Here you are. 给你。67. No one knows . 没有人知道。 68. Take it easy. 别紧张。69. What a pity! 太遗憾了!70. Any thing else? 还要别的吗?71. To be careful! 一定要小心!72. Do me a favor? 帮个忙,好吗?73. Help yourself. 别客气。 74. I"m on a diet. 我在节食。75. Keep in Touch. 保持联络。 76. Time is money. 时间就是金钱。77. Who"s calling? 是哪一位?78. You did right. 你做得对。 79. You set me up! 你出卖我!80. Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?81. Enjoy yourself! 祝你玩得开心!82. Excuse me,Sir. 先生,对不起。83. Give me a hand! 帮帮我!84. How"s it going? 怎么样?85. I have no idea. 我没有头绪。 86. I just made it! 我做到了!87. I"ll see to it 我会留意的。88. I"m in a hurry! 我在赶时间!89. It"s her field. 这是她的本行。 90. It"s up to you. 由你决定。91. Just wonderful! 简直太棒了!92. What about you? 你呢?93. You owe me one.你欠我一个人情。 94. You"re wele. 不客气。95. Any day will do. 哪一天都行夕96. Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吧!97. Congratulations! 祝贺你!98. T can"t help it. 我情不自禁。 99. I don"t mean it. 我不是故意的。100. I"ll fix you Up. 我会帮你打点的。 101. It sounds great!. 听起来很不错。102. It"s a fine day。 今天是个好天。103. So far,So good. 目前还不错。 104. What time is it? 几点了?105. You can make it! 你能做到!106. Control yourself! 克制一下!107. He came by train. 他乘火车来。108. He is ill in bed. 他卧病在床。 109. He lacks courage. 他缺乏勇气。110. How"s everything? 一切还好吧?111. I have no choice. 我别无选择。 112. I like ice-cream. 我喜欢吃冰淇淋。113. I love this game. 我钟爱这项运动。 114. I"ll try my best. 我尽力而为。115. I"m On your side. 我全力支持你。 116. Long time no see! 好久不见!117. No pain,no gain. 不劳无获。118. Well,it depends 噢,这得看情况。 119. We"re all for it. 我们全都同意。120. What a good deal! 真便宜!121. What should I do? 我该怎么办?122. You asked for it! 你自讨苦吃!123. You have my word. 我保证。 124. Believe it or not! 信不信由你!125. Don"t count on me.别指望我。126. Don"t fall for it! 别上当!127. Don"t let me down. 别让我失望。 128. Easy e easy go. 来得容易,去得快。129. I beg your pardon. 请你原谅。 130. I beg your pardon? 请您再说一遍(我没有听清)。131. I"ll be back soon. 我马上回来。 132. I"ll check it out. 我去查查看。133. It"s a long story. 说来话长。 134. It"s Sunday today. 今天是星期天。135. Just wait and see! 等着瞧!136. Make up your mind. 做个决定吧。 137. That"s all I need. 我就要这些。138. The view is great. 景色多么漂亮!139. The wall has ears. 隔墙有耳。 140. There es a bus. 汽车来了。141. What day is today? 今天星期几?142. What do you think? 你怎么认为?143. Who told you that? 谁告诉你的?144. Who"s kicking off? 现在是谁在开球?145. Yes,I suppose So. 是的,我也这么认为。 146. You can"t miss it 你一定能找到的。147. Any messages for me? 有我的留言吗?148. Don"t be so modest. 。 日常生活用用的英语单词 1.卧室blanket 毛毯cushion 垫子quilt 被子cotton terry blanket 毛巾被feather quilt 羽绒被cotton quilt 棉被bedding 床上用品mosquito 蚊帐pillow 枕头bolster 长枕pillow case 枕套tick 褥子carpet 地毯 (一般指大的整块的,铺房间的那种)rug 地毯(一般指小块的,放在沙发等边上的那种)bed frame/bed base 床架headboard 床头板sofa bed 沙发床folding guest bed 折叠床loftbed frame 架在空中的床(下面可放沙发、桌子等)bunkbed frame 上下铺的床slatted bed base 板条床 sprung base 弹簧床bedspread 床罩sheet 床单mat 席子mattress 床垫 (厚的那种)mattress pad 床垫 (薄的那种)bed canopy 支在床上的篷子 (一般用于儿童床上的装饰)bedside table 床头柜 2. 厨房refrigerator 冰箱automatic rice cooker 电饭锅steamer 蒸锅oven 烤箱grill 烧烤架toaster 烤面包机egg beater 打蛋器ice crusher 刨冰机food processor 食品加工机paper towel 纸巾apron 围裙tableware 餐具plate 盘子dish 碟子bowl 碗cupboard 碗橱dining table 餐桌larder 食品柜drop-leaf table 可以折叠边缘的桌子chopping board 案板cutlery tray 装餐具的容器 3. 卫生间bathroom 浴室,厕所flushing system 冲水系统flush toilet 抽水马桶flush pipe 冲水管foul drainage system 排污水系统drainage 排水道ventilation shaft/pipe 通风管道toilet seat 马桶坐圈toilet lid 马桶盖squatting pot 蹲式马桶urinal 小便池toilet paper/tissue 卫生纸toilet brush 马桶刷 4. 浴室 bathtub 浴缸hand shower 手握式淋浴器shower nozzle 喷头tap faucet 水龙头plastic curtain 防水浴帘shower cap 浴帽bath slipper 洗澡用拖鞋bath mat 防滑垫towel hanger/holder 毛巾架towel ring 毛巾环bath towel 浴巾soap stand 肥皂盒b 梳子soap 肥皂shampoo 洗发露conditioner 护发素dryer 吹风机razor 刮胡刀toothpaste 牙膏toothbrush 牙刷 5. 桌椅tea table 茶几coffee table 咖啡台 *** oking set 烟具ashtray 烟灰缸thermos bottle/vacuum bottle 热水瓶door knob 门把手safety door hook 安全门钩corridor 走廊elevator 升降电梯escalator 滚梯rocking chair 摇椅hanging seat 吊椅swivel armchair 旋转扶椅footstool 凳子chaise longue 躺椅folding chair 折叠椅 6. 柜子,架子wardrobe 衣柜cloth rail 挂衣服的栏杆hook 钩子wall shelf 装在墙上放东西的架子bracket 墙上突出之托架magazine file 装杂志等的架子shoe cabi/storage 鞋柜wall cabi 壁橱hook rack 挂钩架TV bench 电视柜bookcase 书架braked castor 装在家具脚上方便推行的轮子(如:storage unit on castors)10-drawer chest 十个抽屉的储存柜 7. 电器dish drainer 晾干餐具的容器(类似铁丝筐)table cloth 桌布laundry bag 洗衣袋pail 洗衣桶ironing board 烫衣板steam and dry iron 蒸汽电熨斗electric iron 电熨斗laundry drier 烘干机spin-drier 旋转式脱水机washing machine 洗衣机radiator 暖气片electric fan 电扇stand fan 落地电扇oscillating fan 摇头电扇bed light/bed lamp 床头灯fluorescent lamp 日光灯ceiling lamp/pendant lamp 吊灯desk/table lamp 台灯wall light 壁灯floor lamp 落地灯chandelier 枝状吊灯flashlight/eletric torch 手电筒 8.杂物。 water gauge 水表plug 插头outlet/receptacle 插座paste 浆糊glue 胶水adhesive tape 胶条packing paper 包装纸string 绳子carpenter 木工electrician 电工utility man 杂务工plumber 管道工painter 油漆工vacuum hose holder 吸尘器管子的托架watering can 浇水壶。 30个日常生活常用英语单词 I我 you你 he他 she她 it它 hello你好 hi你好 goodbye再见 thanks谢谢 one一 two二 three三 zero零 rice米饭 bread面包 beef牛肉 milk牛奶 water水 egg蛋 fish鱼 tofu豆腐 cake蛋糕 meat肉 chicken鸡肉 pork猪肉 mutton羊肉 vegetable蔬菜 salad沙拉 soup汤 ice冰 ice-cream冰淇淋 Coke可乐 juice果汁 tea茶 coffee咖啡 breakfast早餐 lunch午餐 dinner/supper晚餐 apple苹果 banana香蕉 pear梨 orange橙 watermelon西瓜 grape葡萄 eggplant茄子 green beans青豆 tomato西红柿 potato土豆 peach桃 strawberry草莓 cucumber黄瓜 onion洋葱 carrot胡萝卜 cabbage卷心菜 bike自行车 bus公共汽车 train火车 car小汽车 taxi出租车 jeep吉普车 teacher教师 student学生 doctor医生 nurse护士 driver司机 policeman(男)警察 日常生活中的英语单词 eye serum(n.)眼霜mask(n.)面膜 cleansing oil(n)卸妆油cleansing milk(n)洗面乳 essence(n)精华液lip cream(n)护唇膏 water spray(n)保湿喷雾maintenance(n) :保养品 fragrance(n) :香味、香水massage(v) : *** dark cycle(n) :黑眼圈 pimple(n) :青春痘 ae(n) :粉刺 T-zone(n) : T 字部位 freckle(n) :雀斑 fester(v) :化脓 dry skin(n) :干性肌肤 oily skin(n) :油性肌肤 normal skin(n) :中性肌肤 pore(n) :毛孔 a bination of oily and dry skin(n) :混合性肌肤 malnutrition(n): 营养不足 gain weight(v): 增胖 weight-loss recipe(n): 减肥食谱 keep in shape : 保持好的身材 starve (aux): 很饿 dietician (n): 营养师 shank (n): 小腿 buttock s (n) : *** paunch (n): 小腹 double chin (n): 双下巴 shank (n): 小腿 butto ck s (n) : *** paunch (n): 小腹 double chin (n): 双下巴 Yoga (n) : 瑜伽 aerobics (n) : 有氧运动 Pilates (v) : 普拉提 sit-up (n) : 仰卧起坐 push-up (n) : 伏地挺身 shower room (n) : 淋浴间 steam room (n) : 蒸气室 sauna (n) : 桑拿 relieved massage (n) : 舒压 *** 1. 那让我想起……: That reminded me of … 2. 我必须确定…… :I have to make sure … 3. 我想我再也不会……: I don"t think that I will … 4. 我花了……时间来…… :It took me + 时间 + to … 5. 我一直努力……: I am trying to … 6. 我应该……: I should … 7. 我没有……: I didn"t … 8. 太……,以至于……: so … that … 9. 我也可以…: I can also ……。 生活中常用的英语单词 最常用2000英语单词 英语常用单词使用频率列表 下面是常见的2000英语单词按使用频率从高到低进行排列的,因为它是按国外英语单词的实际使用频率进行统计的,可能不太适合在中国的英语单词实际使用频率,但它有助你了解英语单词的实际使用情况。 formblank.bokee/538219 30个日常用语英语单词 1. I see. 我明白了。 2. I quit! 我不干了! 3. Let go! 放手! 4. Me too. 我也是。 5. My god! 天哪! 6. No way! 不行! 7. e on. 来吧(赶快) 8. Hold on. 等一等。 9. I agree。 我同意。 10. Not bad. 还不错。 11. Not yet. 还没。 12. See you. 再见。 13. Shut up! 闭嘴! 14. So long. 再见。 15. Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?) 16. Allow me. 让我来。 17. Be quiet! 安静点! 18. Cheer up! 振作起来! 19. Good job! 做得好! 20. Have fun! 玩得开心! 21. How much? 多少钱? 22. I"m full. 我饱了。 23. I"m home. 我回来了。 24. I"m lost. 我迷路了。 25. My treat. 我请客。 26. So do I. 我也一样。 27. This way。 这边请。 28. After you. 您先。 29. Bless you! 祝福你! 30. Follow me. 跟我来。 收集50个生活中常见的英语单词 rice米饭 bread面包 beef牛肉 milk牛奶 water水 egg蛋 fish鱼 tofu豆腐 cake蛋糕 meat肉 chicken鸡肉 pork猪肉 mutton羊肉 vegetable蔬菜 salad沙拉 soup汤 ice冰 ice-cream冰淇淋 Coke可乐 juice果汁 tea茶 coffee咖啡 breakfast早餐 lunch午餐 dinner/supper晚餐 apple苹果 banana香蕉 pear梨 orange橙 watermelon西瓜 grape葡萄 eggplant茄子 green beans青豆 tomato西红柿 potato土豆 peach桃 strawberry草莓 cucumber黄瓜 onion洋葱 carrot胡萝卜 cabbage卷心菜 bike自行车 bus公共汽车 train火车 car小汽车 taxi出租车 jeep吉普车 teacher教师 student学生 doctor医生 nurse护士 driver司机 policeman(男)警察 日常生活常用英语单词有哪些 一、 人体 (body) foot脚 head头 face脸 hair头发 nose鼻子 mouth嘴 eye眼睛 ear耳朵 arm手臂 hand手 finger手指 leg腿 tail尾巴二、颜色 (colours) red红 blue蓝 yellow黄 green绿 white白 black黑 pink粉红 purple紫 orange橙 brown棕三、学习用品 (school things) pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 pencil-case铅笔盒 ruler尺子 book书 bag包 ic book漫画书 post card明信片 newspaper报纸 schoolbag书包 eraser橡皮 crayon蜡笔 sharpener卷笔刀 story-book故事书 notebook笔记本 Chinese book语文书 English book英语书 math book数学书 magazine杂志 dictionary词典四、 动物 (animals) cat猫 dog狗 pig猪 duck鸭 rabbit兔 horse马 elephant大象 ant蚂蚁 fish鱼 bird鸟 eagle鹰 beaver海狸 snake蛇 mouse老鼠 squirrel松鼠 kangaroo袋鼠 monkey猴 panda熊猫 bear熊 lion狮子 tiger老虎 fox狐狸 zebra斑马 deer鹿 giraffe长颈鹿 goose鹅 hen母鸡 turkey火鸡 lamb小羊 sheep绵羊 goat山羊 cow奶牛 donkey驴 squid鱿鱼 lobster龙虾 shark鲨鱼 seal海豹 sperm whale抹香鲸 killer whale虎鲸 五、 人物 (people) friend朋友 boy男孩 girl女孩 mother母亲 father父亲 sister姐妹 brother兄弟 uncle叔叔; 舅舅 man男人 woman女人 Mr.先生 Miss小姐 lady女士; 小姐 mom妈妈 dad爸爸 parents父母 grandparents祖父母 grandma/grandmother(外)祖母 grandpa/grandfather(外)祖父 aunt姑姑 cousin堂(表)兄弟; 堂(表)姐妹 son儿子 daughter女儿 baby婴儿 kid小孩 clas *** ate同学 queen女王 visitor参观者 neighbour邻居 principal校长 university student大学生 pen pal笔友 tourist旅行者 people人物 robot机器人 六、 食品、饮料 (food & drink) rice米饭 bread面包 beef牛肉 milk牛奶 water水 egg蛋 fish鱼 tofu豆腐 cake蛋糕 hot dog热狗 hamburger汉堡包 French fries炸薯条 cookie曲奇 biscuit饼干 jam果酱 noodles面条 meat肉 chicken鸡肉 pork猪肉 mutton羊肉 vegetable蔬菜 salad沙拉 soup汤 ice冰 ice-cream冰淇淋 Coke可乐 juice果汁 tea茶 coffee咖啡 breakfast早餐 lunch午餐 dinner/supper晚餐 meal一餐 七、 职业 (jobs) teacher教师 student学生 doctor医生 nurse护士 driver司机 farmer农民 singer歌唱家 writer作家 actor男演员 actress女演员 artist画家 TV reporter电视台记者 engineer工程师 accountant会计 policeman(男)警察 salesperson销售员 cleaner清洁工 baseball player棒球运动员 assistant售货员 police警察 八、 水果、蔬菜 (fruit & vegetables) apple苹果 banana香蕉 pear梨 orange橙 watermelon西瓜 grape葡萄 eggplant茄子 green beans青豆 tomato西红柿 potato土豆 peach桃 strawberry草莓 cucumber黄瓜 onion洋葱 carrot胡萝卜 cabbage卷心菜 九、 衣服 (clothes) jacket夹克衫 shirt衬衫 T-shirt丅恤衫 skirt短裙子 dress连衣裙 jeans牛仔裤 pants长裤 socks袜子 shoes鞋子 sweater毛衣 coat上衣 raincoat雨衣 shorts短裤 sneakers网球鞋 slippers拖鞋 sandals凉鞋 boots靴子 hat(有沿的)帽子 cap便帽 sunglasses太阳镜 tie领带 scarf围巾 gloves手套 trousers裤子 cloth布 十、 交通工具 (vehicles) bike自行车 bus公共汽车 train火车 boat小船 ship轮船 yacht快艇 car小汽车 taxi出租车 jeep吉普车 van小货车; plane/airplane飞机 subway / underground 地铁 motor cycle摩托车 十一、杂物 (other things) window窗户 door门 desk课桌 chair椅子 bed床 puter计算机 board写字板 fan风扇 light灯 teacher"s desk讲台 picture图画;照片 wall墙壁 floor地板 curtain窗帘 trash bin垃圾箱 closet壁橱 mirror镜子 end table床头柜 football/soccer足球 present礼物 walkman随身听 lamp台灯 phone电话 sofa沙发 shelf书架 fridge冰箱 table桌子 TV电视 air-conditioner空调 key钥匙 lock锁 photo照片 chart图表 plate盘子 knife刀 fork叉 spoon勺子 chopsticks筷子 pot锅 t礼物 toy玩具 doll洋娃娃 ball球 balloon气球 kite风筝 jigsaw puzzle拼图游戏 box盒子 umbrella伞 zipper拉链 violin小提琴 yo-yo溜溜球 nest鸟窝 hole洞 tube管子 toothbrush牙刷 menu菜单 e-card电子卡片 e-mail电子邮件 traffic light交通灯 money钱 medicine药 十二、地点 (locations) home家 room房间 bedroom卧室 bathroom卫生间 living room起居室 kitchen厨房 classroom教室 school学校 park公园 library图书馆 post office邮局 police office警察局 hospital医院 cinema电影院 bookstore书店 farm农场 zoo动物园 garden花园 study书房 playground操场 canteen食堂 teacher"s office教师办公室 library图书馆 gym体育馆 washroom卫生间 art room绘画教室 puter room计算机教室 music room音乐教室 TV room电视机房 flat公寓 pany公司 factory工厂 fruit stand水果摊 pet shop宠物商店 nature park自然公园 theme park主题公园science museum科学博物馆 the Great Wall长城 supermarket超市 bank银行 country国家 village乡村 city城市 hometown家乡 bus stop公交车站 十三、课程 (classes) sports体育运动 science科学 Moral Education思想品德课 Social Studies社会 Chinese语文 math数学。2023-06-25 12:53:341
请你试一下听v6乐队的歌曲,强力推荐“メジルシの记忆”2023-06-25 12:53:4315
不会查字典啊~电脑里应该都有词典的啊~2023-06-25 12:54:125
日常英语单词:词汇量是英语学习以及日常英语对话的基础,以下是我整理的日常生活英语单词汇总,希望对大家的英语学习有所帮助。一、 学习用品 (school things)pen钢笔、 pencil铅笔、 pencil-case铅笔盒、 ruler尺子、 book书、 bag包、comic book漫画书、 post card明信片、 newspaper报纸、schoolbag书包、 eraser橡皮、 crayon蜡笔、sharpener卷笔刀、story-book故事书、 notebook笔记本、Chinese book语文书、 English book英语书、 math book数学书、magazine杂志、 dictionary词典二、人体(body)foot脚、 head头、 face脸、 hair头发、 nose鼻子、mouth嘴、 eye眼睛、 ear耳朵、 arm手臂、 hand手、 finger手指、leg腿、 tail尾巴三、颜色 (colors)red红、 blue蓝、 yellow黄、 green绿、 white白四、动物 (animals)cat猫、 dog狗、 pig猪、 duck鸭、 rabbit兔、 horse马、elephant大象、 ant蚂蚁、 fish鱼、 bird鸟、 eagle鹰、 beaver海狸2023-06-25 12:55:161
买一本小甘英语初中版就行了,附近的书店都有,而且价格便宜,!!望采纳2023-06-25 12:55:313
在日常生活中,我们或多或少都会玩过一些小游戏,下面我为大家整理了初中英语课堂的小游戏相关内容,欢迎分享,希望对大家有帮助。 初中英语课堂的小游戏 篇1 听音摘字母比赛 这是一个训练学生听认字母能力的游戏,教师先把所学过的大小写字母写在卡片上,按大小写把卡片分成两组贴在黑板上,然后把学生分成两组。游戏开始,每组的第一名学生上黑板前等候,教师说出一个字母,这两名学生就立即摘下教师所念的字母,放到讲台上,一人摘大写字母,另一人摘小写字母,摘得对而快的得2分,对而慢的得1分,不对的不得分,在教师念第一个字母时,各组的第二名学生应上前等候,在第一名学生摘完字母后,教师立即说另一个字母,游戏接着进行,最后得分多的组为优胜。 宾狗(bingo) 这是一个训练学生听写认读字母能力的游戏,每个学生准备一张纸,并在上面画一个井字,将纸分成九格,然后教师随便念九个学过的字母,学生边听边将字母填在格子中,随便填在哪个格里都行。学生填好后,教师再打乱顺序逐个念这九个字母,学生边听边在听到的字母上画圈,当画的圈在横行、竖行或对角线上成一条直线时,学生便可以边喊“宾狗(bingo)”边将纸举起让教师检查,最先喊“宾狗”并写得准确的获胜。这个游戏还可以用于音标,单词或数词等。 看图猜词 为一组进行竞赛,教师先出示一些单词的图片,然后收起来,再从中抽出一张放在身后,由每组的第一名学生轮流猜,可以问:“is it a plane(bus,bike)?”回答:yes it is.或no,it isn‘t.等。哪个组猜对了就给记10分,然后接着往下猜,第一排的学生猜过后第二排接着猜,最后得分最多的组为优胜。做这个游戏时,还可以找一位学生来主持,由他让学生们猜。 相同词首单词拼读赛 成若干小组,教师说一个字母(如:d),第一组的第一名学生立即站起来,说出并拼出三个(也可以是五个或十个,视学生词汇量的多少而定)以字母d打头的单词,如:desk,dog,door等,念不出或念错要扣分,这位学生说完后,教师念另一个字母,由第二组的第一名学生说。这样依次进行下去,最后看哪组得人最多为胜,做这个游戏时,也可以让两组的学生轮流说字母(如由第一组的第一名学生说字母,由第二组的第一名学生答)这样就成了对抗赛,注意不要说q,x,z等字母。 听单词做动作 这个游戏的玩法与“摸鼻子差不多,在学了run,walk,sit,stand,swim,skate,play,football,play,basketboll等动词和动词词组后,教师可快速说出这些动词或词组,学生听到便做动作,最快最准的获胜,这个游戏同样可以用竞赛的形式进行,每组抽一名学生到前面做动作,做错了就被淘汰,最后剩下的一人或两人为优胜。 听指令做动作 这个游戏可训练学生听祈使句并快速反应的能力。教师可快速说出一些祈使句,如:touch your head(eye,ear,nose…).put up your hands.close your eyes.等,学生听到后便做这一动作。最快最准的获胜。可以用来发出指令的词句还有:touch your book(your pen,the desk…)。open the door(your book…)。hold your book(pen,pencil…)。wash your face(hands,teeth…)等。这个游戏也可以用竞赛的形式进行,将全班分成若干小组,每组抽一名学生,一起到前面做动作,做错了就被淘汰,最后剩下的一人(或两人)为优胜。给该组(或该两组)记10分。然后各组再抽另一名学生上前继续进行。 西蒙的命令 教师在黑板上用简笔画画出西蒙,介绍西蒙的英语名字叫simon。在听力训练中由他发出命令。当大家听到“simon says,‘stand up"!”大家立即站起来,“simon says,‘sit down"!”大家就坐下。否则什么也别做。若谁做错了,就暂时退出游戏,不犯错者为赢。例如:“simon saystouch your head‘hands on the desk"!” 当然在现实课堂中,老师还可根据所教内容来改编命令,让学生在融洽的气氛中投入学习中。 草图游戏 这是一个训练听觉能力的游戏,老师让同学们拿出纸笔,然后播放录音内容。学生可以根据录音内容以草图去画,物体以方或圆块表示出来,在广场或圆块中写出该物体的名称。 例:lets draw our school/classroom. this is our classroom.twenty-five desks are in our classroom.a blackboard is on the front wall.a teachers desk and a chair are in the front of the classroom.there are six windows on the wall.two doors are opened.three letters ‘a、b、c" are on the blackboard. 请一至两名学生把草图画在黑板上,并用自己的语言来简单描述自己所画的内容。这种游戏既练习了听力,并把说也结合在了一起,又复习了方位介词短语的用法。一举三得何乐而不为呢! 单词或句子接龙游戏 将学生分成a、b两组,每组人数相等,每组的第一个同学说出并拼读一个单词,本组的第二个同学以第一个单词末尾的字母开头,烈军属出第二个单词,且不能与说过单词重复。看哪一组在规定的时间内说的单词多,拼写错误少则为优胜者。 例如:mondey-yellow-what-tail-long-glasses-spin-nest-they-yes-small…… 句子接龙也可以用相同的形式来做,一个句子的最后一个单词为下一个句子的开头。 这样既可以让说的同学有说的机会,其他同学还有挺多机会,其他同组同学在听出前一个同学说错的情况下,可以起来纠正前一个同学的错误并继续游戏。这样更能激发学生对英语的学习兴趣。 (十)、蒙眼猜物 叫一学生到台前,蒙上眼睛。让另一学生把一件东西(或相同的两件东西)放在讲台上(以文具用品为宜),然后问蒙眼睛的同学:“what is this?”或“what are they?”蒙眼睛的学生可对全班提问:“is this a book?”或“are they books?”猜得不对全班学生答“no.”,猜对则答“yes.”。猜的次数最少的人就是优胜者。 根据初中生好玩的特点,在教学过程中融入游戏,指导学生边玩边学。根据教学内容的内在要求开展游戏,可以提高课堂教学效率。学生参与的积极性高了,游戏使枯燥的单词变生动了,难记的知识变容易了。这些欢乐愉快的情绪激发了学生的兴趣和热情。 初中英语课堂的小游戏 篇2 模仿秀 imitate show 游戏说明: 教师带领学生一起模仿小动物进行单词操练。 传球、拍球 pass or bounce the ball 游戏说明: 请两组学生边传球边传单词或句子,看哪组同学传的又快又好,可用于单词或句型的分组操练。 照镜子 look at the mirror 游戏说明: 学生与老师做同样的动作并操练单词或句型。 拍手停 clap hands 游戏说明: 教师与学生边拍手边说单词,教师停则学生停;此游戏可用于单词操练,可以集中学生注意力。 长大个 grow taller 游戏说明: 学生的语音根据教师的手势变幻,声音由小变大,可用于单词操练并集中学生学习的注意力。 木头人 wooden child 游戏说明: 教师或选一名学生背对学生进行单词操练,当教师或学生转过身时其他学生保持原来的动作变成木头人。 吹气球 blow the balloons 游戏说明: 学生边说单词边做吹气球的动作,声音随着气球的大小发生相应的变化,用于操练单词。 二人转 turn and turn 游戏说明: 两名学生各持一张单词卡片,根据教师口令做动作,同时观看另外一名学生手中的单词卡片,看哪一位同学能以最快的速度认出另一位同学手中的卡片。该游戏用于考查学生对单词的掌握程度。 运气球 pass the balloons 游戏说明: 两组学生边运气球边说单词,看哪组学生运球好,单词说的又流利。 大小声 opposite tune 游戏说明: 学生与教师进行唱反调的游戏,教师声音大,学生声音小;教师声音小,学生的声音相应变大,可用于单词或简单句型的操练。 和卡片跳舞 dance with cards 游戏说明: 教师手持卡片,学生根据教师手中卡片的变化做出相应的舞蹈动作,可用于单词的操练 翘翘板 play on the see-saw 游戏说明: 教师与学生操练单词,但学生与教师做出相反的动作。 蜘蛛侠 spider man 游戏说明: 蜘蛛侠为了救人要爬上高楼,需要同学们的帮助,大家的声音越大蜘蛛线就会到达楼顶,该游戏可用于操练单词和句型。 放风筝 fly a kite 游戏说明: 教师手中拿一风筝模型,学生的声音随教师手势的高低做出相应的变化,可用于单词和简单句型的操练。 狼来了 the wolf is coming 游戏说明: 学生围成一圈,当教师说出一个约定的单词时,学生向自己的座位跑去,慢的学生就会被教师抓住,为保证安全,人多时可分组进行。 猜声音 guess the sound 游戏说明: 教师请一名学生背对同学,另一名同学拍打前一名同学的小手并说出单词,回座后,请前一名同学猜出是哪一位同学,用于单词的操练或句型的练习。 藏小手 hide the hands 游戏说明: 教师或选一名学生背对学生进行单词操练,当教师或学生转过身时其他学生将小手藏在背后,动作慢的`同学将被扣分。 猜拳 stone, scissors and clothes 游戏说明: 教师与学生进行猜拳,边猜拳边说单词,最终有一名胜利者可以得分。 初中英语课堂的小游戏 篇3 X-RAY 游戏说明: 适合大班型。以桌子为单位,大家一齐拍手说单词,老师说stop. 叫同学的名字,整个组站起来说单词,也可以辐射到前后左右。 考考你的记忆力(good memory) 游戏说明: 学完的单词卡扣过来放在地上,让同学回忆放在地上的单词按顺序分别是哪些。 考老师(guess and say) 游戏说明: 找小朋友到前面,背对着同学拿单词卡,老师来猜,猜对了,同学一起读;猜错了,同学一起告诉老师。 切西瓜(cut the watermelon) 游戏说明: 找五至六名学生,手拉手站成一个圈(即西瓜)。边说单词边走。老师随机分开两名同学的手(即切西瓜)。被分开的同学比赛说单词,看谁说的快。未参与游戏的同学在下面说单词加油,即可作整体操练又可作one by one 环节。 接糖果(throw and catch) 游戏说明: 老师做个大糖果(糖纸中包惩罚方法)。同学们边传糖果边拼单词(每人只说一个字母)。若拿着糖果的同学没能拼出此单词的字母。就要把该糖果吃掉(即受惩罚)。此游戏可作单词拼读或复习26个英文字母。老师说出一个字母,要求学生说出下一个。 排雷(where is the bomb?) 游戏说明: 老师准备20左右个乒乓球,其中半数表明是炸弹。平均装到两个非透明的口袋中。每组找一名同学到前面来比赛,在限定的时间内(可让学生说新单词10遍)看哪一组能先把雷排除掉。 邮递员(postman) 游戏说明: 准备两套可拼成句子的单词卡,每组选派两名同学成为邮递员,老师把两套卡打乱。看哪组能最先拼出完整的句子,就像邮递员要把每封信正确的送到每一家一样,其余学生在下面说句子,此游戏适合句子操练。 猜价格(how much is it?) 游戏说明: 找一名同学到前面来猜价格,老师给出一个数字,让其他学生在下面提示。比如,lower与higher,在限定的时间内看其能否猜出来,此游戏适合反义词操练以及比较级单词的操练。 魔法棒(magic sticks) 游戏说明: 充分利用魔法棒进行个体操练,提高孩子学习的主动性 向左走向右走(Left right) 游戏说明: 教师踏步走,当踏左脚时男孩读单词;当踏右脚时女孩读单词 冰糖葫芦(one by one) 游戏说明: 适合单词操练,被老师的冰棍指到的同学要快速说出所学单词,同时指向其他任意一个同学,下一个被指到的同学也要继续传词。此游戏可让家长参与,如果一名学生的家长的糖葫芦没穿上,则该生要完成特殊任务或该生小组扣分 争分夺秒(urgent task) 游戏说明: 每组成员共同完成传词任务,一个传一个,用时少的小组获胜加分。(也可传问题和句子) 无敌转转转(turn turn) 游戏说明: 两名同学到前面背靠背站好,手中各持一张单词卡。在老师下口令后快速旋转,最先说出对方卡片单词的同学获胜。 点手掌(catch the finger) 游戏说明: 说单词时让孩子点老师的手掌,老师来抓。 魔力手指(magic finger) 游戏说明: 先规定好每根手指说的遍数,然后用书挡住让同学猜是哪一个。 五体投地(body) 游戏说明: 把单词卡片放在地上,然后用身体的各个部位去接触,孩子特别喜欢。 过山车(get on the train) 游戏说明: 学生们手拉手围成圈边走边说要操练的句子或单词,老师和一个圈里的学生手撑手扣住哪个学生,学生需说出所操练的句子或词。 相反动作(opposite actions) 游戏说明: (适合单词的整体操练)老师上下前后左右拍手说单词,学生要和老师的动作相反,如相同则给那组减分。 谁最快(who is the best?) 游戏说明: (适合单词的总体操练),老师说one two go 老师手中卡片如果是平放的,学生们就坐着说单词,如果卡片是立起来放的学生就立刻站起来说,谁最快就给他奖励。 下命令(up and down) 游戏说明: 五六个人拿新单词卡上前站成一圈,老师下第一个命令,如apple, 手拿此卡片的学生马上边下蹲边说apple down, apple down, apple down, banana down..那么手拿banana卡片的孩子马上下蹲并说自己的指令然后再给别人下指令。 听名字(whose name?) 游戏说明: 老师和学生一起拍手说单词或句子,当老师突然喊学生名字时,被喊到名字的学生马上起立说出该单词,老师在喊名字时同时手指另外一个孩子,如果被指到的孩子起立就会被扣分。 看手势(gesture) 游戏说明: 老师和学生一起拍手说单词或句子,当老师突然喊学生名字时,同时手指另外一个孩子,被指到的孩子起立说出该单词,,如果被喊到名字的孩子起立就会被扣分。 初中英语课堂的小游戏 篇4 传话 whisper 游戏说明: 可用于分组游戏,两组同学传不同的句子,看哪组传的又快又好,可以进行奖励。 老狼,老狼,几点了? Wolf, wolf, what"s the time? 游戏说明: 可用于与数字或时间相关的知识操练,大家围成一圈一起问“wolf, wolf, what"s the time?”当说到约定的时间时所有同学跑向自己的座位或指定的安全区,被抓住的学生要进行扣分或表演节目的处罚。 拍后背 pad pad 游戏说明: 老师背对学生站立,学生一边说单词或者句子一边向前走,教师回过头时必须停下来,谁先拍到教师的后背并且没被教师抓到就算赢。 魔力之手(magic hand) 游戏说明: 教师指学生个人或者小组回答。 背靠背 (back to back) 游戏说明: 教师给参加游戏的孩子在后背贴上单词或者图片,当孩子转过身来时,谁先说出对方的单词谁获胜。 篮球比赛(play basketball) 游戏说明: 讲到basketball时表演投篮。 举重比赛(heavy and heavy) 游戏说明: 讲到heavy时表演举重,不断加大砝码。 游泳比赛(swimming match) 游戏说明: 讲到swim时表演游泳接力赛。 时间的学习(what time is it?) 游戏说明: 请12名幼儿分演12个钟点,胸前帖上数字卡片,围站成一圈。游戏开始,大家一起说:“what"s the time? What"s the time?”老师突然指向一个小朋友,大家根据数字回答 "It"s One……"同时蹲下,只有被指到的小朋友站着 数字的学习(numbers) 游戏说明: 很多小图片,几张做遮盖用的纸导入数字:黑板上帖好几组小图片,数量分别是1到10,用纸遮盖好,有种神秘感。让小朋友猜是什么东西(给一定范围提示),再猜数量,揭开谜底。可以用这些图片来练习“How many….?” 救人(save) 游戏说明: 两组分别选出一个队员站到前面教师说单词,哪一组最先回答并且声音响亮,该组队员就可以让在前面的学生往前走一步, 先到达目的地,就是胜利者. 射击(shoot) 游戏说明: 这一游戏适于单词复习环节,每人手中拿一个单词,教师不定向指哪个学生, 谁有错误谁被淘汰 串项链(necklace) 游戏说明: 适于操练句子,将句中单个名词串成项链,最后戴到脖子上, 淘汰赛(we are the same) 游戏说明: 根据教师说的数字,相应反应数字的学生站起来,没做对就被淘汰下去。 火眼金睛(eyes and ears) 游戏说明: 适合复习环节使用,即教师只摆口型,不出声音。学生要根据老师的口型猜单词或句子。 Who am I ? 游戏说明: 适用于操练句型, you are … She /He is …. 也可用于操练单词 玩法: 找一个同学到前面背对大家,然后下面同学变音说句子,单词,前面的同学猜是谁 贴膏药(relay race) 游戏说明: 分两组到前面站好,然后最后一位同学说句子也可说单词, 说完之后跑到最前面,后面接着说,哪组最快又最准确的完成就算胜利 找宝藏(hide and seek) 游戏说明: 游戏之前先让学生把眼睛闭好,然后把要找的单词藏起来,让学生去找,并连说三次 丢手帕(where is the handkerchief) 游戏说明: 让学生站一圈并蹲下,老师围着学生转并一起说单词,句子,老师把准备好的手帕轻轻放在学生后面,一圈之后学生没发现,就要说句子/ 单词,然后回到座位上 传球(pass the ball) 游戏说明: 适于句子.单词学生边说边传球,当老师说stop时,球在谁手里谁就要快速站起来说三次2023-06-25 12:55:391
英灵神殿控制台物品作弊代码大全分享,相信很多小伙伴对这一块不太清楚,接下来小编就为大家介绍一下英灵神殿控制台物品作弊代码大全分享,有兴趣的小伙伴可以来了解一下哦。控制台全物品代码分享只有自己的世界能用,多人联机只有主机能用先按F5打开控制台输入imacheater命令spawn[物品名][数量](例:生成200个圆木spawnRoundLog200)比较重要的:木头:Wood圆木:RoundLog石头:Stone青铜:Bronze警告:本物品名代码包含怪物本身以及一些奇怪的东西请勿随意尝试英文不好的人建议使用翻译软件先中文转英文来大致确认代码内容在反推正确代码(我就是这样)另外如果你确定要使用建议找个离家远点的位置并在控制台输入god开启无敌并且准备好代码killall杀死周围敌人来保证你的房子和人身安全测试了一下代码能用的:黑色金属BlackMetal霜箭ArrowFrost毒箭ArrowPoison亚麻Flax黑金匕首KnifeBlackMetal蛟龙肉SerpentMeatCooked黑金盾ShieldBlackmetal蜥蜴肉NeckTailGrilled狼衣服ArmorWolfChest狼裤子ArmorWolfLegs狼披风CapeWolf腰带BeltStrength羽毛Feathers银盾ShieldSilver铁矿IronScrap霜龙头HelmetDrake灯头HelmetDverger厚头HelmetPadded细木FineWood甲壳素Chitin胡萝卜汤CarrotSoup全部清单:AmberAmberPearlancientbarkspear_projectileAncientSeedaoe_novaArmorBronzeChestArmorBronzeLegsArmorIronChestArmorIronLegsArmorLeatherChestArmorLeatherLegsArmorPaddedCuirassArmorPaddedGreavesArmorRagsChestArmorRagsLegsArmorTrollLeatherChestArmorTrollLeatherLegsArmorWolfChestArmorWolfLegsArrowBronzeArrowFireArrowFlintArrowFrostArrowIronArrowNeedleArrowObsidianArrowPoisonArrowSilverArrowWoodAtGeirBlackmetalAtGeirBronzeAtGeirIronAxeBlackMetalAxeBronzeAxeFlintAxeIronAxeStoneBarleyBarleyFlourBarleyWineBarleyWineBasebarrellBattleaxebedbee_aoebeech_logbeech_log_halfBeech_SaplingBeech_small1Beech_small2Beech_StubBeech1BeechSeedsBeehiveBeltStrengthBirch_logBirch_log_halfBirch1Birch1_autBirch2Birch2_autBirchStubBlackMetalBlackMetalScrapblastfurnaceBlobblob_aoeBlobEliteBloodbagBloodPuddingBlueberriesBlueberryBushBoarBoar_piggyboar_ragdollBombOozeBoneFragmentsBonemassbonemass_aoebonemass_throw_projectileBonePileSpawnerbonfireBossStone_BonemassBossStone_DragonQueenBossStone_EikthyrBossStone_TheElderBossStone_YagluthBowbow_projectilebow_projectile_firebow_projectile_frostbow_projectile_needlebow_projectile_poisonBowDraugrFangBowFineWoodBowHuntsmanBreadBronzeBronzeNailsbronzespear_projectilebucketBush01Bush01_heathBush02_enCapeDeerHideCapeLinenCapeLoxCapeOdinCapeTestCapeTrollHideCapeWolfCargoCrateCarrotCarrotSeedsCarrotSoupCartCastleKit_braided_box01CastleKit_groundtorchCastleKit_groundtorch_greenCastleKit_groundtorch_unlitCastleKit_pot03Chaincharcoal_kilnChestChitinCloudberryCloudberryBushClubCoalCoinsCookedLoxMeatCookedMeatCopperCopperOreCrowCryptKeyCrystalcultivateCultivatorDandeliondead_deerDeathsquitoDeathsquito_stingDeerdeer_ragdollDeerGodExplosionDeerHideDG_CaveDG_ForestCryptDG_GoblinCampDG_MeadowsFarmDG_MeadowsVillageDG_SunkenCryptdiggdigg_v2Dragondragon_ice_projectileDragonEggdragoneggcupDragonTearDraugrdraugr_arrowdraugr_axedraugr_bowdraugr_bow_projectileDraugr_EliteDraugr_elite_ragdollDraugr_ragdollDraugr_RangedDraugr_ranged_ragdolldraugr_sworddungeon_forestcrypt_doordungeon_sunkencrypt_irongateEikthyreikthyr_ragdollElderBarkEntrailseventzone_bonemasseventzone_eikthyreventzone_gdkingeventzone_goblinkingeventzone_moderEvilHeart_ForestEvilHeart_SwampFeathersFenringFenring_ragdollfermenterFineWoodFirConefire_pitFireFliesFirTreeFirTree_logFirTree_log_halfFirTree_oldLogFirTree_SaplingFirTree_smallFirTree_small_deadFirTree_StubFish1Fish2Fish3Fish4_caveFishCookedFishingBaitFishingRodFishingRodFloatFishingRodFloatProjectileFishRawFishWrapsFlametalFlametalOreFlaxFliesFlintflintspear_projectileForestTroll_ragdollforgeforge_ext1forge_ext2forge_ext3forge_ext4forge_ext5forge_ext6FreezeGlandfx_backstabfx_boar_petfx_creature_tamedfx_critfx_deathsquito_hitfx_deatsquito_deathfx_dragon_landfx_drownfx_eikthyr_forwardshockwavefx_eikthyr_stompfx_float_hitwaterfx_float_nibblefx_gdking_rootspawnfx_goblinbrute_groundslamfx_goblinking_beam_hitfx_goblinking_meteor_hitfx_goblinking_novafx_GP_Activationfx_GP_Playerfx_GP_Stonefx_guardstone_activatefx_guardstone_deactivatefx_guardstone_permitted_addfx_guardstone_permitted_removedfx_leviathan_leavefx_leviathan_reactionfx_Lightningfx_lox_deathfx_lox_hitfx_Potion_frostresistfx_shaman_fireball_explfx_shaman_protectfx_sw_addflaxfx_sw_producefx_tentaroot_deathfx_tombstone_destroyedfx_totem_destroyedfx_vines_hitfx_WaterImpact_Bigfx_wolf_petgd_kinggdking_Ragdollgdking_root_projectileGhostGlowingMushroomGoblingoblin_bannergoblin_bedGoblin_Dragdollgoblin_fencegoblin_polegoblin_pole_smallgoblin_roof_45dgoblin_roof_45d_cornergoblin_roof_capgoblin_stairsgoblin_stepladdergoblin_totempolegoblin_woodwall_1mgoblin_woodwall_2mgoblin_woodwall_2m_ribsGoblinArcherGoblinArmbandGoblinBruteGoblinBrute_ArmGuardGoblinBrute_AttackGoblinBrute_BackbonesGoblinBrute_ExecutionerCapGoblinBrute_HipClothGoblinBrute_LegBonesGoblinBrute_ragdollGoblinBrute_RageAttackGoblinBrute_ShoulderGuardGoblinBrute_TauntGoblinClubGoblinHelmetGoblinKingGoblinKing_ragdollgoblinking_totemholderGoblinLegbandGoblinLoinGoblinShamanGoblinShaman_attack_pokeGoblinShaman_Headdress_antlersGoblinShaman_Headdress_feathersGoblinShaman_projectile_fireballGoblinShaman_protect_aoeGoblinShaman_ragdollGoblinShaman_Staff_BonesGoblinShaman_Staff_FeathersGoblinShouldersGoblinSpearGoblinSpear_projectileGoblinSwordGoblinTorchGoblinTotemGreydwarfGreydwarf_EliteGreydwarf_elite_ragdollGreydwarf_ragdollGreydwarf_RootGreydwarf_ShamanGreydwarf_Shaman_ragdollGreydwarf_throw_projectileGreydwarfEyeGreylingGreyling_ragdollguard_stoneguard_stone_testGuckGuckSackGuckSack_smallHaldor(thisisthemerchant,yesheworksifyouspawnhim)HammerHardAntlerHatchlinghatchling_cold_projectileHatchling_ragdollHealthUpgrade_BonemassHealthUpgrade_GDKinghearthHeathrockPillarHeathrockPillar_fracHelmetBronzeHelmetDrakeHelmetDvergerHelmetIronHelmetLeatherHelmetOdinHelmetPaddedHelmetTrollLeatherHelmetYulehighstonehighstone_fracHoeHoneyhorizontal_webHugeRoot1ice_rock1ice_rock1_fracice1IceBlockerImp_fireball_projectileIroniron_grateIronNailsIronOreIronScrapitemstanditemstandhKarveKnifeBlackMetalKnifeChitinKnifeCopperKnifeFlintLeatherScrapsLeechLeech_caveLeviathanLinenThreadLocationProxyloot_chest_stoneloot_chest_woodLootSpawner_pineforestLoxlox_ragdolllox_stomp_aoe_OLDLoxMeatLoxPeltLoxPieMaceBronzeMaceIronMaceNeedleMaceSilvermarker01marker02MeadBaseFrostResistMeadBaseHealthMediumMeadBaseHealthMinorMeadBasePoisonResistMeadBaseStaminaMediumMeadBaseStaminaMinorMeadBaseTastyMeadFrostResistMeadHealthMediumMeadHealthMinorMeadPoisonResistMeadStaminaMediumMeadStaminaMinorMeadTastyMinerock_CopperMinerock_IronMinerock_MeteoriteMinerock_ObsidianMinerock_StoneMinerock_TinMountainGraveStone01mud_roadmudpilemudpile_beaconmudpile_fracmudpile_oldmudpile2mudpile2_fracMushroomMushroomBlueMushroomYellowNeckNeck_RagdollNeckTailNeckTailGrilledNeedleOak_logOak_log_halfOak1OakStubObsidianodinOLD_wood_roofOLD_wood_roof_icornerOLD_wood_roof_ocornerOLD_wood_roof_topOLD_wood_wall_roofOozeoozebomb_explosionoozebomb_projectilepathpaved_roadPickable_BarleyPickable_Barley_WildPickable_BogIronOrePickable_BranchPickable_CarrotPickable_DandelionPickable_DolmenTreasurePickable_DragonEggPickable_FlaxPickable_Flax_WildPickable_FlintPickable_ForestCryptRandomPickable_ForestCryptRemains01Pickable_ForestCryptRemains02Pickable_ForestCryptRemains03Pickable_ForestCryptRemains04Pickable_ItemPickable_MeteoritePickable_MountainRemains01_buriedPickable_MushroomPickable_Mushroom_bluePickable_Mushroom_yellowPickable_ObsidianPickable_RandomFoodPickable_SeedCarrotPickable_SeedTurnipPickable_StonePickable_SunkenCryptRandomPickable_SurtlingcoreStandPickable_ThistlePickable_TinPickable_TurnipPickaxeAntlerPickaxeBronzePickaxeIronPickaxeStonepiece_artisanstationpiece_banner01piece_banner02piece_banner03piece_banner04piece_banner05piece_bed02piece_beehivepiece_bench01piece_brazierceiling01piece_cauldronpiece_chairpiece_chair02piece_chestpiece_chest_privatepiece_chest_woodpiece_cookingstationpiece_gift1piece_gift2piece_gift3piece_groundtorchpiece_groundtorch_greenpiece_groundtorch_woodpiece_jackoturnippiece_maypolepiece_sharpstakespiece_spinningwheelpiece_stonecutterpiece_tablepiece_throne01piece_walltorchpiece_workbench2023-06-25 12:55:461
【 #英语资源# 导语】在我们的日常生活中,我们也经常见到很多植物,这些植物有的是盆栽植物,有的不是,来为我们介绍一种你见过的植物吧! 为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。 1.描写植物的英语作文 I keep a bowl of cactus. Small balls crowded together, you pressed me, and I stepped on you, forming a tall "skyscraper". At a glance, the emerald green is thick enough to overflow! There are small thorns on the ball one by one, and the thorns are shining with flowing luster under the sunlight, as if the lake surface was rippled by the breeze. I caressed the thorn lovingly. It"s hard and sharp, but it doesn"t stab me. These cold blades also know that I am their master! The most amazing thing is not its hard thorns, but its flowers. Its flower is very small, but its petals are as red as a girl"s shy cheeks, soft and lovely. The stamens quietly hide in the petals, beige, dotted like stars in the sky. This red, green and yellow is like a traffic light! I thought with open mind. They complement each other and complement each other. In my cluttered room, a bright landscape was formed. Looking at the verdant life, I was surprised - I haven"t watered it for a month, why isn"t it dry? How can they grow so vigorously? Its small body contains infinite vitality. Even without water, it still grows towards the sun. In this small closed room, the air is not circulating, the sun is scarce, and the water is extremely poor. But it does not yield to external factors: it is slim and graceful, it is green and luxuriant, and it even has a flower of life! Turn around and look at the precious flowers on the balcony. The peonies, lilies and orchids all drooped their heads. Their bright appearance no longer existed, but they bent their backs listlessly. The balcony was deserted. I looked at the cactus again. It seemed to grow taller. In the sun, it looks like a deer, smart, young, vibrant, with unlimited vitality. The petals are more beautiful, the ball is more green, and the thorns are more hard - I just poured a spoonful of water! God has no obligation to ensure that our lives are free from misfortune. We may be poor, lonely and disabled. But God is merciful. I know that he once promised that as long as we grow savagely in spite of thorns with firm faith and unlimited hope, we will be able to bloom the flower of life in the corner. Just like my cactus. 2.描写植物的英语作文 My father planted a dripping Guanyin tree at home. Its long roots connected with the soil, and many leaves grew on the stem. The "blood vessels" on the leaves can be clearly seen. I often water and fertilize it. Even if the soil is a little dry, I will keep it wet. Once, when I watered it, I found that one of the leaves turned yellow. I thought to myself: Will this leaf affect the growth of Dishui Guanyin? Can Dishui Guanyin continue to grow after being affected? This question puzzled me for three days and nights. Finally, I decided to cut off this leaf. I took the scissors carefully, not daring to miss anything. I was afraid that I would hurt the basin of Dishui Guanyin. In the end, I bit my teeth and closed my eyes to cut off the yellow leaves. Two days later, when I came to water it again, I almost fainted with excitement. It turned out that a leaf was going to grow again. I was overjoyed. I ran quickly to tell my father, and then returned to it. I looked at it excitedly, hoping that it would grow up quickly and open a beautiful flower - because I had never seen the flower of Dishui Guanyin. Why is it called Dishui Guanyin? I often sit on the stone bench in the community and think about this problem, but I can"t figure out why. One day, I finally found out from the Internet that Dishui Guanyin is also called Xiangbang. Its leaves are heart-shaped and its veins are everywhere. Its name comes from its living habits. Its tip drops dew in the wet morning, and its flowers look like Guanyin, so it is named Dishui Guanyin. My father and I like this Dishui Guanyin very much. My father took a big kettle and I took a small one to water it. 3.描写植物的英语作文 In the east campus of our school, there was a charming botanical garden. Into the botanical garden the door of the small and exquisite, a few tall sabal first caught my eye. They stand straight, like soldiers negotiators are safeguarded. Sabal leaves is green is green, in the sun, looks very bright; Sabal leaves big, big, like a big fan, stand in here can feel blowing a breeze through the cheek; Sabal leaves are very sharp tip, if not careful, the leaves will make my hand hurts. Through sabal plexus, can see a small pool. A small pool of water is very calm, quiet like a mirror. A few small fish swimming happily in the in the water, add vitality to the pond. In the middle of the small pool has a rockery, it is like a loyal friend, day and night to accompany small pool; It is like a good soldier, every day to protect the small pool. After paved with marble Bridges, walking the winding paths, you can see all kinds of plants on both sides, dense, like seaweed sansevieria, zhu Manila sway in the wind, have brown bamboo stand aside... Make me dazzled. The most dramatic is about standing on both sides of the two "soldiers" travelers banana. They are dressed in green clothes, on the head with a few "police", appear spirit. Their leaves large, like a princess iron fan palm leaf fan, and like a tail of the peacock, also like a tall wuzhishan, straight into the sky. Move down inside, then can see a small pavilion. Branches a a round at the top of the pavilion, from a distance, like a big bird"s nest. Contrasting with the branch, biltong and finely shadow under the leakage. Beautiful! 4.描写植物的英语作文 When I was four years old, I brought back a cactus from my relatives" home. It was a dark green ball. At first, it was only as big as a small apple. It was covered with tiny thorns, like silver needles. Although it looked very cute, I only dared to look at it from a distance, not touch it, for fear of being accidentally stabbed by it. So, the next day I brought it back, I strongly asked my mother to take me to the florist to choose a beautiful flowerpot for it, and then carefully planted it in the flowerpot and put it in Grandma"s house to take care of it. In spring, the cactus grew up under the careful care of Grandma. It was as big as a small bucket of instant noodles, very cute, but not very noticeable. In summer, the cactus grows bigger, like a cantaloupe. One day, Grandma said to tell me a surprise. I asked Grandma curiously what the surprise was. Grandma said, "Your cactus has blossomed!" I can"t wait to run upstairs to see what kind of flowers the cactus has opened. When I saw it, I jumped up excitedly. Its flowers were like a small red trumpet, so bright and big, as if singing for my little master, telling me that it did not disappoint me; Tell me that he likes the new home I have set up for him; Tell me, it will grow with me. In autumn, the flowers of the cactus have withered, but I am not sad. I still love it as always. I know that it is working hard to save energy and wait for the next year to bloom again! 5.描写植物的英语作文 My family has many flowers: aloe, Epiphyllum, Clivia...... But my favorite is the pot of Epiphyllum. Epiphyllum, we may have heard of it, but few people really see it blooming. It is green all over, just like a green fairy, and its long and flat leaves are like a fairy"s streamer; It occasionally blooms several white Epiphyllum, which becomes the white headed flower of the fairy. This pot of Epiphyllum was moved from my grandpa"s office. My mother said that the flowers were not as tall as mops when they first moved here. Now with my mother"s careful care, this pot of Epiphyllum is almost as tall as the roof. In recent years, many flowers bloom every year. Last time when the Epiphyllum was in bloom, I really observed it. Five minutes ago, its bud was tightly closed, and in a moment, the faint fragrance suddenly filled the whole balcony. The petals of Epiphyllum are so beautiful! It is snow-white, only the place near the stamen is a little yellowish; The smell of flowers is so good! Although it is just a little light fragrance, it is unforgettable to smell it. After all, it was a "flash in the pan". It didn"t take long to spend it. This year, flowers somehow, a lot of leaves are yellow. Mom was very worried when she saw it. After all, it was her favorite. She analyzed that it might be the lack of sunlight, and buried a lot of bean dregs for it, but this method was not very effective. Later, my mother heard from my grandfather that it was better to buy big bones, so she put all the bones left over from each meal in it. After a while, Epiphyllum really regained its vitality and grew nine buds. Although the flowers of Epiphyllum are not as beautiful as roses, and the smell is not as strong as peonies, I still like Epiphyllum most! 6.描写植物的英语作文 In my mind, I always remember all the things I like, my toys, my stationery, some books and my favorite sports... Today, I want to introduce my favorite plant, "Mantian Star". "Mantianxing" - this is the name of a flower. I think you must be familiar with this kind of flower, because it is very common. My family has a pot of it. In fact, this kind of flower is very common. It does not require high soil. It can survive in acidic or alkaline soil. The geographical requirements are not strict either. It can grow in the south or flower in the north. As long as the temperature is suitable, it will remain evergreen all the year round. Even in winter, it can bring people green life. The leaves and flowers of the "Mantianxing" are very small, only as big as the nail plate of the index finger, which is pitifully small, but also cute. I like the unique character of this flower. It is different from other flowers. It wants to show its beauty earlier than other flowers. Therefore, once everything recovers in the spring, it can"t wait to show its new pink flower coats. It also chooses pieces of leaves close to black as the background. Under the breeze, the florets swayed proudly, just like a few crystal stars in the dark night sky blinking their questioning eyes mischievously. I like the "full sky star" not only because it has a beautiful appearance, but also because it lets me see a powerful force. Although it does not have the beautiful symbolic significance of roses, nor does it have a bunch of red flowers that are so bright and charming. But the kind of tenacity, perseverance and unknown selfless dedication it shows has made me admire it for a long time. 7.描写植物的英语作文 There are two plants in my family. One is a fortune tree, and the other one I don"t even know what its name is. The root of the fortune tree is like a tree root, thick, rough to the touch, and the feeling is the same as that of the root. The leaves of the fortune tree are sharp spindle shaped, with five leaves on one petiole, facing our palm. The root of the other plant seems to be a bamboo shoot, and the leaves are love shaped, a little larger than my palm. Its flowers are also love type, almost the same size as my palm, and the flowers are red, as if representing beaming. There is a yellow stamen on the red flower, They look different and water at different times. The fortune tree is watered once a week, while the plant with flowers has large leaves. It needs to be watered once a day. Why. Because the leaves of the Fortune Tree are very small, and the leaves drink very little water, they absorb very little, so they don"t need to water every day. The leaves of the other flower are very large. They drink more water and absorb more. Therefore, they need to water every day. From this, I got inspiration. When I grow up, I want to transform the roof into a solar panel. I want to expand the area of the solar panel as much as possible, so that the solar panel can absorb more solar energy, store more solar energy, and convert it into electric energy. When it is cloudy, I don"t need to collect solar energy, but also wait to get electric energy, and don"t need to charge electricity. In this way, we can reduce carbon dioxide emissions and greenhouse gas emissions, make our homes green, healthy and comfortable, and make our homes cleaner and more beautiful. Move quickly! Let our home more beautiful! Human beings are really our good teachers. 8.描写植物的英语作文 Under the gray white wall, there is a plant, which is green, with fan-shaped leaves and reddish stems. The leaves of this plant are very special. They look fan-shaped, but some of them are slightly concave on both sides in the middle and protruding on the back two places. Some leaves seem to be composed of three triangles, and this triangle is uneven. The upper corner is particularly prominent and sharp. It seems that the back two corners that can hurt people are very even, almost identical, just like the ones that want to be copied, and the two corners are also warped; Some leaves are very big in the front and small in the back This leaf is not only special in shape, but also different in "fabric". There are some thin and small hairs on the leaf, which feel fluffy. These hairs are very short, and can hardly be seen with the2023-06-25 12:55:521
1. 求关于猫的英语作文 原创+翻译,满意请采纳,多给点分吧~ Hello, my name"s "Smile Angle“ (^_^). 嗨,我叫XXX I"m a lovely girl with a lovely cat. 我是一个可爱的女孩,也有一只可爱的猫咪 My cat"s name is Mimi. 她的名字叫 *** (你可以自行修改名字) Mimi is a beautiful cat with white hair. *** 是一只漂亮的白猫。 She can catch mice very well, and she can also climb the trees. 她可以抓老鼠,也可以爬树。 Mimi likes to eat fish and she doesn"t like sweets. *** 喜欢吃鱼,不喜欢甜食。 She is afraid of dogs. 她很怕狗。 Today, she is happy because her dinner was a big fish. 今天 *** 很高兴,因为晚餐是一条大鱼。 I like her a lot, and we always play together. 我非常喜欢她,我们经常一起玩耍。 I really enjoy the life of having a pet. 我非常享受和她在一起的时光。 2. 求关于猫的英语作文 原创+翻译,满意请采纳,多给点分吧~Hello, my name"s "Smile Angle“ (^_^). 嗨,我叫XXXI"m a lovely girl with a lovely cat. 我是一个可爱的女孩,也有一只可爱的猫咪My cat"s name is Mimi. 她的名字叫 *** (你可以自行修改名字)Mimi is a beautiful cat with white hair. *** 是一只漂亮的白猫。 She can catch mice very well, and she can also climb the trees. 她可以抓老鼠,也可以爬树。Mimi likes to eat fish and she doesn"t like sweets. *** 喜欢吃鱼,不喜欢甜食。 She is afraid of dogs. 她很怕狗。Today, she is happy because her dinner was a big fish. 今天 *** 很高兴,因为晚餐是一条大鱼。 I like her a lot, and we always play together. 我非常喜欢她,我们经常一起玩耍。I really enjoy the life of having a pet.我非常享受和她在一起的时光。 3. 写小猫的英语作文(100字)在加翻译 我有两只小猫。他们非常漂亮。一只是黄色的。另一只是白色的。他们非常可爱。黄色的小猫很调皮。他经常到处跑。他最喜欢的游戏是玩球、绳子和石头。而白色的小猫非常温和。她喜欢洗她的脸。并且她不喜欢和人玩。她经常跳上我的膝盖。我喜欢给她洗澡。 噢,我的小猫为我带来了很多愉快。我们是非常好的朋友。我爱他们。 I have got o baby cats. they are very beautiful. One is yellow. the other is white. they are very lovely. the yellow cat is very naughty. He likes to play with people. He often runs here and there. His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. But the white cat is very gentle. She likes to wash her face. And she doesn′t like to play with people. She often jumps onto my knees. I like to give her a bath. Oh, my baby cats bring me much happiness. We are very good friends. I love them. 4. 关于描写宠物的一百字英语作文,宠物:狗要求:外貌、特点、爱好以 I love dogs.They are our friends.They play with us and make us happy.I don"t have a dog,but I have seen many dogs around my neighborhood.They are all lovely and friendly.They are fast too.They are fun to play catches with.You will never get bored when you have a good dog around you.Sometimes they might get crazy,but when you train the dog good enough,they will listen to you anytime.They are good protectors too.When bad things happen,they will fight for their lives.So don"t worry about anything when you get a dog.Nothing is more fun then having a dog.。 5. 描写猫的英语作文(150字) ①I have got o baby cats. they are very beautiful. One is yellow. the other is white. they are very lovely. the yellow cat is very naughty. He likes to play with people. He often runs here and there. His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. But the white cat is very gentle. She likes to wash her face. And she doesn′t like to play with people. She often jumps onto my knees. I like to give her a bath. Oh, my baby cats bring me much happiness. We are very good friends. I love them.我有两只小猫。 他们非常漂亮。一只是黄色的。 另一只是白色的。他们非常可爱。 黄色的小猫很调皮。他经常到处跑。 他最喜欢的游戏是玩球、绳子和石头。而白色的小猫非常温和。 她喜欢洗她的脸。并且她不喜欢和人玩。 她经常跳上我的膝盖。我喜欢给她洗澡。 噢,我的小猫为我带来了很多愉快。我们是非常好的朋友。 我爱他们。 ②The cat is what people dotes on *** all animals, it is sweet, lively, lovely, can catch mice, mand master"s favour. Newborn kitten, with your eyes closed, the cry is thin, and bare, like a will peristalsis meat pletely. Full moon later, fluffy shall all minister neat. Some white collar is covered with white hair, the limbs, back in the miscellaneous have black ash black, grey, tail, Some from beginning to end an ink peso "cloak," but white foot, people say thoroughbred, called "clouds cover; snow" Some body yellow, presently tiger stripes, people give its reputation JinBuHuan ";" And a white hair with a black hair tail, called "snow drag gun". Just a full moon cat cannot leave milk, walk also instability. Cats eat are omnivorous, love fish and lean lean, if throw a fruit or vegetables such as to it, it just had one breath then went away. The cat"s paw had hypertrophy and soft pads, walk quietly silent, do not send stampedes rats and mice. Toes ends with a sharp claws born, ok and optional expansion. This makes it can not only on the flat land scurry such as fly, can also climb trees along the wall room, jump a wall. Mice had to led, rarely can escape bad luck. Cat teeth like a sharp cone, the lingual coarse, there are many barbs. Once catch mice, the cat claw thorn, cat teeth bite, in an instant, their shameful deeds mouse will open bowel break belly, flesh mud. The cat these body structure feature, make it have a rat trap various superior conditions. As the saying goes, it doesn"t matter if a cat, catch mice. It"s a good cat. Will catch mice cat is not call. When it finds rat tracer, immediately volts, patience to wait for attack timing. When rats are close, with the trend of the eyepiece swoops up, suddenly bring mouse bite. Cats and portable detector - beard. Don"t underestimate the cat"s beautiful beard, be very intelligent, generally equal to their bust the maximum length, so, whether can thoroughly cat caves, as long as the beard measure the hole knew. Cats and one trick: bone soft, can in midair consciously emancipated, so, even if it in high slip, also fell deathless, always four-footed first landing, hovering head, shrugged his body, lick sole, arm.i again as if nothing has occurredly pace opened FangBu. The cat is mouse predators, the reason for high strength rat catching ability. First, because a pair of special eyes, pupil to e with the strength of the light and shrinkage or amplification. The strong light pupil pressed into a fine seam, Darkness, eyes wide and big, round, even reached unable to see the night, also can see clearly, more cunning mice are difficult to escape. Its ears are flexible to randomly steering sound es from, even if it is extremely slight voice, but also timely worked out. The most attractive is the "virgin after off milk cat". They are highly volatile, particularly strong curiosity. You see, a group fluffy kitten roll toward it, it probably thought is a "monster" suddenly jump, far away, plush regiment stopped. Kitten down mega stare at, very in a short while, see linear cluster have no action, just silently directed forward, mi blare - "let out a cry. Linear cluster still remained motionless. This time, the kitten could bear, ventured to close linear cluster, turned several turn round and then stretch out front PAWS gingerly touched. When it understand line game doesn"t exist danger, then be without scruple the ground play rise, while with nose *** ell *** ell, while carrying the "fair", in the middle of the courtyard and ran. Like the hen laid eggs can call that "crack, catch mice cat will be issued" blare - "calls, said happy, display victory. Cats, should get people to protect and pampering。 My dog My dog returned love for my cruelty.(以德报怨).Several years ago, my brother brought a *** all, thin and dirty dog back. It looked ugly and I didn"t like it. My brother gave him the 。 6. 关于宠物的英语作文100 i have received a lot of gift from my friends,my mom,and my dad.but the most gift i like,is the little pets. pets are cute,my favorite animal is the little dog.dogs have a pire of little ear,a pire of beautiful eyes,and a *** art nose.under that *** art nose,it"s have a big mouth,and inside the mouth,it"s have a lot of teeth.on it"s body,it"s have it"s have a lot of hairs,and it make you feel fortable.on his it"s have four legs. anyway,my favorite pet is a very cute little dog. 7. 一篇描写猫的英语作文 小猫满月的时候更可爱,腿脚还不稳,可是已经学会淘气。一根鸡毛,一个线团,都是它的好玩具,它到院子里来了,院中的花草可遭了殃。它在花盆里摔跤,抱着花枝打秋千,所到之处,枝折花落。你见了,绝不会责打它。它是那样生气勃勃,天真可爱! More cute kittens when the full moon, legs are still unstable, they have learned to be naughty. A feather, a coil, is it a good toy, it into the courtyard, courtyard flowers can meet with disaster. Wrestling in the pot, holding a swing squid, wherever he went, zhe she. You see, will never beat it. It is so be full of vitality, innocent and lovely! 8. 关于描写宠物的一百字英语作文,急求 I love dogs. They are our friends. They play with us and make us happy. I don"t have a dog, but I have seen many dogs around my neighborhood. They are all lovely and friendly. They are fast too. They are fun to play catches with. You will never get bored when you have a good dog around you. Sometimes they might get crazy, but when you train the dog good enough, they will listen to you anytime. They are good protectors too. When bad things happen, they will fight for their lives. So don"t worry about anything when you get a dog. Nothing is more fun then having a dog.。 9. 关于,宠物的100字英语短文 1.我有两只小猫。 他们非常漂亮。一只是黄色的。 另一只是白色的。他们非常可爱。 黄色的小猫很调皮。他经常到处跑。 他最喜欢的游戏是玩球、绳子和石头。而白色的小猫非常温和。 她喜欢洗她的脸。并且她不喜欢和人玩。 她经常跳上我的膝盖。我喜欢给她洗澡。 噢,我的小猫为我带来了很多愉快。我们是非常好的朋友。 我爱他们。 I have got o baby cats. They are very beautiful. One is yellow. The other is white. They are very lovely. The yellow cat is very naughty. He likes to play with people. He often runs here and there. His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. But the white cat is very gentle. She likes to wash her face. And she doesn′t like to play with people. She often jumps onto my knees. I like to give her a bath. Oh, my baby cats bring me much happiness. We are very good friends. I love them.2.My favourte animal is a little cat. I like it very much. Its name is Do Re Mi. It"s very beautiful. It"s gray. It has big ears, round eyes,a black nose and a *** all mouth. My mother calls it "Little Baby". When I"m at home,it often follows me in and out.My little cat loves to eat fish and sleep a lot. It"s very fat,but it"s clever.One day,I saw it run fast in the sitting room. I thought it might find a mouse. It was running after the mouse. They looked like playing hide-and-seek. About three minutes later,it brought me the mouse.I was happy. So I touched it with a *** ile. "You have done a good job, Little Baby." I said. Then it jumped up and down and ran away.Do you like my favourite cat?Tell me, please.3.饲养宠物Keeping petsSome people think that keeping pets is a good thing. They say that it is an hobby which should had. They also claim that pets make lives more colorful and entertaining for both women and men.有些人认为养宠物是一件美好的事情。 他们说,(养宠物)是一个应该拥有的爱好。他们也声称养宠物可以使生活更加多彩,并给男人和女人带来更多趣味。 On the other hand, there are many people who say that pets should be banned. They point out that pets are responsible for disease which hurt property, and for injuries suffered both by the people who kept them and by innocent other people. They also say that pets are a waste of money and resources.另一方面,也有很多人说应该禁止养宠物。他们指出宠物是造成伤害(身体)性能的疾病的原因,并且会使养宠物的人和其他无辜的人受伤。 他们也说,养宠物是一个浪费钱和资源(的事)。My own point of view is that we should had the hobby of keeping pets. While at the same time making them harmless. In addition, we should restrict the keeping the pets to some area.我的观点是我们应该有养宠物的爱好。 尽管(我们)同时要使它们少受伤害。另外,我们应该禁止在某些区域内养宠物。2023-06-25 12:55:591
@《天--骄3》的代理商北京光宇便没有曝光更多的游戏开发进度与新内容 修改回答2023-06-25 12:56:106
高分【狼的习性 英语介绍】急急急急!
Wolf lived a solitary life, in general for a group of seven, each one must be for the prosperity and development groups to undertake the responsibility. A wolf and a wolf with a tacit understanding between the wolf has become a decisive factor for success. Whether to do anything, they can always rely on the power of groups to complete. A wolf"s patience is always amazing, they can be a target for a considerable length of time spent in any way not feel tired. Keen powers of observation, specific objectives, with the tacit understanding, curiosity, attention to detail and patience and perseverance to make the wolf always be successful. A wolf"s attitude is very simple, it is firmly on the success of longing. A wolf at the life, nothing can replace the spirit of perseverance, because it makes the wolf to mind a thousand million hard to survive. The cohesion of wolves, team building and training has become a decisive factor for their survival. For this reason that wolves are very few real threat to other animals. A wolf"s ability to manage change so that they become the most tenacious vitality of Earth"s animals. ⊙ - cooperation: Wolf lived a solitary life, in general for a group of seven, each one must be for the prosperity and development groups to undertake the responsibility. West, however each employee"s home, the West may be the cause of the West are a common cause Keren. ⊙ - unity: A wolf and a wolf with a tacit understanding between the wolf has become a decisive factor for success. Whether to do anything, they can always rely on the power of groups to complete. ⊙ - Endurance: Keen powers of observation, specific objectives, with the tacit understanding, curiosity, attention to detail and patience and perseverance to make the wolf always be successful. ⊙ - persistent: A wolf"s attitude is very simple, it is firmly on the success of longing. ⊙ - hard: A wolf at the life, nothing can replace the spirit of perseverance, because it makes the wolf to mind a thousand million hard to survive, the wolf"s ability to manage change so that they become the most tenacious vitality of Earth"s animals. ⊙ - harmonious symbiosis: In order to survive, the wolf has always been to maintain harmony with the natural symbiotic relationship, not involved in unnecessary disputes and conflicts. West can be initiated by internal solidarity, external emphasize collaboration, symbiotic harmony.狼过着群居生活,一般七匹为一群,每一匹都要为群体的繁荣与发展承担一份责任。 狼与狼之间的默契配合成为狼成功的决定性因素。不管做任何事情,它们总能依靠团体的力量去完成。 狼的耐心总是令人惊奇,它们可以为一个目标耗费相当长的时间而丝毫不觉厌烦。 敏锐的观察力、专一的目标、默契的配合、好奇心、注意细节以及锲而不舍的耐心使狼总能获得成功。 狼的态度很单纯,那就是对成功坚定不移地向往。 在狼的生命中,没有什么可以替代锲而不舍的精神,正因为它才使得狼得以千心万苦地生存下来。 狼群的凝聚力、团队精神和训练成为决定它们生死存亡的决定性因素。正因为此狼群很少真正受到其它动物的威胁。 狼驾驭变化的能力使它们成为地球上生命力最顽强的动物之一。 ⊙-合作: 狼过着群居生活,一般七匹为一群,每一匹都要为群体的繁荣与发展承担一份责任。 西可是每个员工的家园,西可的事业是每一个西可人共同的事业。 ⊙-团结: 狼与狼之间的默契配合成为狼成功的决定性因素。不管做任何事情,它们总能依靠团体的力量去完成。 ⊙-耐力: 敏锐的观察力、专一的目标、默契的配合、好奇心、注意细节以及锲而不舍的耐心使狼总能获得成功。 ⊙-执著: 狼的态度很单纯,那就是对成功坚定不移地向往。 ⊙-拼搏: 在狼的生命中,没有什么可以替代锲而不舍的精神,正因为它才使得狼得以千心万苦地生存下来,狼驾驭变化的能力使它们成为地球上生命力最顽强的动物之一。 ⊙-和谐共生: 为了生存,狼一直保持与自然环境和谐共生的关系,不参与无谓的纷争与冲突。西可对内倡导团结互助,对外强调协同合作、和谐共生。1 下2023-06-25 12:56:264
【追加】有关【狼】的一些问题 英语!
Wolf Totem and China"s Cultural Trade DeficitHoward W. French wrote about the Chinese novel 狼图腾, or “Wolf Totem” or “Wolf Spirit” alternately, in the New York Times: A Novel, by Someone, Takes China by Storm. The novel is about a Han Chinese youth and his experiences in nomadic Inner Mongolia. Apparently at some point he and his friends catch a wolf and keep it in a pit (which will be spun off into the film version which Peter Jackson, he of Lord of the Rings and King Kong, has bought the rights to), and he later witnesses the encroachment of Han society on the nomads. French interviews the author, a political scientist from Beijing who writes under the pseudonym Jiang Rong. His answers have interesting connotations for China"s relationship with Central Asia, it"s minorities and it"s own government:“The answer lies in something shared between East and West, and that is the nomadic culture,” Mr. Jiang said, chain smoking in his austere living room, his face lighted sharply by the crisp rays of autumn light that filtered in from his garden. “The nomadism that people always talk about is full of killing and violence, but what it is really about is freedom. This wolf totem culture began earlier in Mongolia and is more sophisticated than anywhere else.”According to Mr. Jiang, Chinese civilization is the product of two strains, nomadic and agricultural, and each has its symbols, the wolf and the dragon. For the author, the wolf is akin to the soul of the Mongolian grasslands, a worthy rival to man as well as a symbol of heaven itself. “You can look at the wolf and dragon as opposites,” he said. “The dragon represents autocratic emperors. The wolf means freedom, the mother of democracy, and China opposes freedom more than anything else.”He said the gradual demise of China"s wolf heritage helps explain how the country was surpassed by the West. “As long as most people are lambs, the dragon has no problem,” he said in what seemed like a thinly veiled comment about China"s politics. “But the more wolves there are, the more interesting things become.”2023-06-25 12:56:3513
分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 要越绕越好的!!!!! 解析: A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood. 大黑虫咬大黑熊,大黑熊流血了! A big black bug bit a big black bear. Where"s the big black bear the big black bug bit? 大黑虫咬大黑熊,被大黑虫咬的大黑熊在那里呢? A bitter biting bittern bit a better brother bittern, and the bitter better bittern bit the bitter biter back. And the bitter bittern, bitten, by the better bitten bittern, said: "I"m a bitter biter bit, alack!" 一只沮丧而尖刻的麻鳽咬了它兄弟一口,而没有它那么沮丧的兄弟又咬它一口。那只被咬的沮丧麻鳽对它的兄弟说:「我是一只充满怨恨的麻鳽!我害人终害己了! A bloke"s back bike brake block broke. 一个家伙的脚踏车后制动器坏了。 A box of biscuits, a batch of mixed biscuits. 一盒饼干,一炉杂饼干。 A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, "Let us fly!" Said the fly, "Let us flee!" So they flew through a flaw in the flue. 一只跳蚤和一只苍蝇飞进烟道里。跳蚤说:「让我们飞吧!」苍蝇说:「让我们逃跑吧!」就这样,它们就飞越了烟道里的一条裂纹。 A laurel-crowned clown! 戴桂冠的小丑。 A lusty lady loved a lawyer and longed to lure him from his laboratory. 一个精力充沛的女士爱上了一位律师,她渴望诱惑律师离开实验室,投入她的怀抱。 A noisy noise annoys an oyster. 嘈吵的噪音惹恼牡蛎。 A pleasant place to place a plaice is a place where a plaice is pleased to be placed. 放置鲽最好的地方是鲽愿意被放置的地方。 A skunk sat on a stump. The skunk thought the stump stunk, and the stump thought the skunk stunk. 一只臭鼬坐在树墩上,臭鼬认为树墩发臭,而树墩又认为臭鼬发臭。 A tidy tiger tied a tie tighter to tidy her tiny tail. 一只老虎将领带系紧,清洁它的尾巴。 A tree toad loved a she-toad who lived up in a tree. He was a o-toed tree toad but a three-toed toad was she. The o-toed tree toad tried to win the three-toed she-toad"s heart, for the o-toed tree toad loved the ground that the three-toed tree toad trod. But the o-toed tree toad tried in vain. He couldn"t please her whim. From her tree toad bower with her three-toed power the she-toad vetoed him. 一只树蟾蜍爱上另一只住在树上的蟾蜍女郎。它是一只二趾的蟾蜍,而蟾蜍女郎是三趾的。那只二趾的树蟾蜍尝试夺取三趾蟾蜍女郎的方心,因为二趾蟾蜍喜欢三趾蟾蜍女郎所踩踏的土地。可是,二趾蟾蜍徒劳无功。它不能满足三趾蟾蜍女郎的心意。在三趾蟾蜍女郎的卧室,三趾蟾蜍女郎用它的三趾能力将二趾蟾蜍的念头打消了。 A tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor o tooters to toot. Said the o to their tutor, "Is it harder to toot or to tutor o tooters to toot?" 一个吹笛的导师尝试教两个吹笛者吹笛。那两个学吹笛的问导师:「吹笛难,还是教两个学吹笛的人吹笛难呢?」 All I want is a proper cup of coffee made in a proper copper coffee pot, you can believe it or not, but I just want a cup of coffee in a proper coffee pot. Tin coffee pots or iron coffee pots are of no use to me. If I can"t have a proper cup of coffee in a proper copper coffee pot, I"ll have a cup of tea! 我只想要一杯用真正铜制的咖啡壶煮的正统咖啡。信不信由你,我只想要一杯用真正铜制的咖啡壶煮的正统咖啡。锡制的咖啡壶和铁制的咖啡壶对我而言也是没用的。假如我不能要一杯用真正铜制的咖啡壶煮的正统咖啡,那我就要一杯茶吧! Amidst the mists and coldest frosts, with stoutest wrists and loudest boasts, he thrusts his fist against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts. 在满布薄雾,严寒期最冻的那天,他用最结实的手腕和最自夸的话用拳头猛力推打柱子,而且声称他见鬼。 Are our oars oak? 我们的桨是橡树吗? Tongue Twister B Betty and Bob brought back blue balloons from the big bazaar. 贝蒂和鲍勃在大型的义卖市场买了蓝汽球回来。 Betty beat a bit of butter to make a better batter. 贝蒂搅拌一些牛油,令脆浆更可口。 Betty better butter Brad"s bread. 贝蒂最好替布拉德的面包涂牛油了! Betty Botter had some butter, "But," she said, "this butter"s bitter. If I bake this bitter butter, it would make my batter bitter. But a bit of better butter - that would make my batter better." So she bought a bit of butter, better than her bitter butter, and she baked it in her batter, and the batter was not bitter. So "as better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter. 贝蒂博他有些牛油,她说:「可是,牛油有点苦味。若我烘这些牛油,我的面糊便会有苦味。如果有些较优质的牛油,我的面糊便会更好味。」因此,她买了一些较优质的牛油,放进她的面糊里搅拌,面糊不苦了。这是贝蒂博他最好买些较优质的牛油的原因。 Black bugs" blood. 黑虫的血。 Brad"s big black bath brush broke. 布拉德的大浴刷子断了。 Bright blows the broom on the brook"s bare brown banks. 布赖特吹动在小溪旁棕色的土地上的扫帚。 Brisk brave brigadiers brandished broad bright blades, blunderbusses, and bludgeons -- balancing them badly. 敏捷而勇敢的陆军旅长们挥舞着锋利的刀剑、大口径前膛枪和大头短棒——身体差点失去平衡。 Tongue Twister C/D Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie? 你可以想象一个虚构的野生动物园经理幻想自己管理一个虚构的野生动物园吗? Cedar shingles should be shaved and saved. 雪松盖板应刨好和妥为保全。 Cheap ship trip. 便宜的海上旅程。 Cheryl"s chilly cheap chip shop sells Cheryl"s cheap chips. 雪露的便宜辣椒薯条店卖便宜的薯条。 Chop shops stock chops. 印章店备有印章。 Crisp crusts crackle crunchily. 松脆的面包皮被嚼得嘎吱嘎吱地响。 Diligence di *** isseth despondency. 勤奋能驱除沮丧。 Do drop in at the Dewdrop Inn. 到露珠旅馆要进内一坐。 Don"t pamper damp scamp tramps that camp under ramp lamps. 不要纵容那些在斜坡上的街灯下栖身、湿着身子的、顽皮的流浪街童。 Double bubble gum bubbles double. 双重的泡泡糖能吹双重的泡泡。 Dust is a disk"s worst enemy. 尘埃是磁盘的最大敌人。 Tongue Twister E/F Ed had edited it. 埃已将它编辑了。 Flash message! 闪烁的信息。 Flee from fog to fight flu fast. 避开浓雾,感冒会快点痊愈。 Fred fed Ted bread, and Ted fed Fred bread. 弗雷德喂特德吃面包,特德喂弗雷德吃面包。 Freshly fried fresh flesh. 鲜炸鲜肉。 Freshly-fried flying fish. 鲜炸飞鱼。 Friendly Frank flips fine flapjacks. 友善的法兰克用手捻着美味的饼干。 Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy wuzzy wasn"t fuzzy. Was he? 毛茸茸、软绵绵的是玩具熊。毛茸茸、软绵绵,一根头发也没有。毛茸茸、软绵绵的玩具熊并不毛茸茸,是吗? Tongue Twister G Gertie"s great-grandma grew aghast at Gertie"s grammar. 格蒂的曾祖母被格蒂的文法吓呆了。 Girl gargoyle, guy gargoyle. 女孩造型的滴水嘴,男孩造型的滴水嘴。 Give me the gift of a grip top sock: a drip-drape, ship-shape, tip-top sock. 送我一对有紧袜带的袜子:悬挂状的、船形的、品质一流的袜子。 Give Mr. Snipa"s wife"s knife a swipe. 把史立巴先生的太太的刀子抹净。 Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup. 给爸爸一杯用铜制咖啡杯盛着的正统咖啡。 Good blood, bad blood. 好血,坏血。 Greek grapes. 希腊葡萄。 Tongue Twister H He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts. 他用拳头猛力推打柱子,而且声称他见鬼。 How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood. 假如一只美洲旱獭能够扔掉木头,它可扔掉多少木头呢?它会扔掉,它会,尽全力把木头扔掉。假如一只美洲旱獭能够扔掉木头,它会尽全力扔掉一只美洲旱獭能扔的木头。 Tongue Twister I I am not the pheasant plucker, I"m the pheasant plucker"s mate. I am only plucking pheasants "cause the pheasant plucker"s running late. 我不是拔雉野鸡毛的人,我是他的助手。我在拔雉野鸡的毛,因为拔雉野鸡毛的人赶不及将雉野鸡毛拔掉。 I cannot bear to see a bear bear down upon a hare. When bare of hair he strips the hare, Right there I cry, "Forbear!" 我实在不忍心看着大熊一步一步向野兔逼近。当大熊差不多将野兔所有的毛发拔掉,我大叫:「自制啊!」 I correctly recollect Rebecca MacGregor"s reckoning. 我准确地记起丽贝卡麦格拉歌的账单。 I saw Esau kissing Kate. I saw Esau, he saw me, and she saw I saw Esau. 我看见埃素吻凯特。我看见埃素,埃素看见我,而凯特也看见我看见埃素。 I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit. Upon the slitted sheet, I sit. 我撕开了一张纸,那张纸给我撕开了。在撕开了的纸上,我坐下了。 I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn"t the thought I thought I thought. 我思考一个问题。可是,我所思考的问题并不是我认为自己正在思考的问题。 I wish you were a fish in my dish. 我巴不得你是我碟中的鱼。 If Stu chews shoes, should Stu choose the shoes he chews? 假如史调咀嚼鞋子,史调应否选择他正在咀嚼的鞋子呢? If you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing. 若你看到这张告示,你会发现这张告示是不直得留意的。 Inchworm"s itching. 尺蠖正发痒呢! Tongue Twister J-K-L Just think, that sphinx has a sphincter that stinks! 试想想,那个狮身人面像的括约肌发臭了! Knapsack straps. 背包带子。 Knife and a fork, bottle and a cork, that is the way you spell New York. 刀子和叉子,瓶子和木塞,这是你拼写纽约的方法。 Kris Kringle carefully crunched on candy canes. 克里斯克理高小心地嚼甘蔗。 Lily ladles little Letty"s lentil soup. 莉莉替小历蒂盛小扁豆汤。 Listen to the local yokel yodel. 听听那个本地土包子唱的岳得尔调。 Lovely lemon liniment. 可爱的柠檬搽剂。 Tongue Twister M Meet Sir Cecil Thistlethwaite, the celebrated theological statistician. 跟著名的神学统计员塞西铁苏思伟特先生会面。 Mix, Miss Mix! 觅斯,觅斯小姐! Moose noshing much mush. 慕思吃了很多玉米粥。 Moses supposes his toeses are roses, but moses supposes erroneously. For moses, he knowses his toeses aren"t roses as moses supposes his toeses to be! 慕实施假设他的脚趾是玫瑰,可是,慕实施的假设错了。慕实施知道他的脚趾并不是玫瑰,因为他只是假设它们是玫瑰。 Mr. See owned a saw. And Mr. Soar owned a seesaw. Now See"s saw sawed Soar"s seesaw before Soar saw See, which made Soar sore. Had Soar seen See"s saw before See sawed Soar"s seesaw, See"s saw would not have sawed Soar"s seesaw. So See"s saw sawed Soar"s seesaw. But it was sad to see Soar so sore just because See"s saw sawed Soar"s seesaw! 施先生有一把锯,苏雅先生有一坐跷跷板。现在,在苏雅先生看见施先生前,施先生用他的锯锯断了苏雅先生的跷跷板,令苏雅先生悲痛极了。假如苏雅先生在施先生锯断苏雅先生的跷跷板前看见施先生的锯,施先生的锯便不会把苏雅先生的跷跷板锯断。就这样,施先生的锯锯断了苏雅先生的跷跷板。可是,看见苏雅先生单单为了施先生把他的跷跷板锯断了而如此悲痛,实在令人难过! Mrs. Smith"s Fish Sauce Shop. 史密夫太太的鱼酱店。 My dame hath a lame tame crane. My dame hath a crane that is lame. 我太太有一只跛脚的驯鹤。我太太有一只跛脚的驯鹤。 Tongue Twister N Ned Nott was shot and Sam Shott was not. So it is better to be Shott than Nott. Some say Nott was not shot. But Shott says he shot Nott. Either the shot Shott shot at Nott was not shot or Nott was shot. If the shot Shott shot shot Nott, Nott was shot. But if the shot Shott shot shot Shott, then Shott was shot, not Nott. However, the shot Shott shot shot not Shott - but Nott. 内德诺特被射杀而森姆索特则没有被射杀。那么,做索特先生比做诺特先生好。有些人说诺特并没有被射杀,但索特说他射杀了诺特。要不是索特向诺特开的枪并没有将他射杀,便是诺特被射杀。假如索特开的枪射杀了诺特,诺特是被射杀了。但是,如果索特开的枪将索特射杀了,那么被射杀的是索特,不是诺特。可是,索特开的枪并没有将索特射死,反而射死的是诺特。 Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely. 九位友善的夜班护士愉快地照料病人。 Tongue Twister O Of all the felt I ever felt, I never felt a piece of felt which felt as fine as that felt felt, when first I felt that felt hat"s felt. 在我所触摸过的毡子中,我从未触摸过一块如此舒适的毡子,直至我试过这顶毡帽为止。 Old oily Ollie oils old oily autos. 油性皮肤的年老奥利替老爷的汽车入汽油。 Once upon a barren moor there dwelt a bear, also a boar. The bear could not bear the boar. The boar thought the bear a bore. At last the bear could bear no more of that boar that bored him on the moor, and so one morn he bored the boar - that boar will bore the bear no more. 从前,在一个贫瘠的荒野里住了一只熊和一只公野猪。熊忍不了公野猪,公野猪又觉得熊是一只令人讨厌的东西。最后,那只熊忍不了那只令它沉闷极了的公野猪,因此,在一个早上,那只熊把公野猪闷透了 - 自此以后,公野猪不再令熊沉闷了。 One *** art fellow, he felt *** art. Two *** art fellows, they felt *** art. Three *** art fellows, they all felt *** art. 一个醒目的家伙,自觉十分醒目。两个醒目的家伙,两个也觉得自己很醒目。三个醒目的家伙,三个都觉得自己很醒目。 One-One was a racehorse. Two-Two was one, too. When One-One won one race, Two-Two won one, too. 一一是一只赛马,二二也是一只赛马。当一一嬴了一场比赛,二二也嬴一场比赛。 Tongue Twister P-Q-R Pacific Lithograph. 太平洋的平面印刷画。 Peggy Babcock. 佩吉巴比确奇。 Pick a partner and practice passing, for if you pass proficiently, perhaps you"ll play professionally. 选择一位队员练习传球,如果你能熟练地传球,你或许会成为一位专业球员。 Plague-bearing prairie dogs. 感染瘟疫的草原犬鼠。 Please pay promptly. 请准时缴款。 Preshrunk silk shirts. 预先收缩了的丝质衬衣。 Quick kiss. Quicker kiss. 快快的吻,更快的吻。 Real weird rear wheels. 真正怪异的后轮胎。 Red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry. 红的卡车、黄的卡车;红的卡车、黄的卡车。 Robin Redbreast"s bad breath. 罗宾伟百斯的口气。 Ruby Rugby"s brother bought and brought her back some rubber baby-buggy bumpers. 鲁比勒比的哥哥买了一些四轮婴儿手推车的胶保险杠回来给她。 Tongue Twister S Sam"s shop stocks short spotted socks. 森姆的店子备有圆点短袜。 Sarah sitting in her sitting room, all she does is sits and shifts, all she does is sits and shifts. 萨拉坐在客厅里,她什么也没有干,只坐着、动着,坐着、动着。 Say this sharply, say this sweetly, Say this shortly, say this softly. Say this sixteen times in succession. 用斥责的语气说出这句话,用甜蜜的声音说出这句话,用最短的时间说出这句话,用温柔的声音说出这句话。将上述那段说话连续说十六次。 Selfish shellfish. 自私的水生有壳动物。 She said she should sit. 她说她应坐下。 She sees cheese. 她看见乳酪。 She sells seashells by the sea shore. The shells she sells are surely seashells. So if she sells shells on the seashore, I"m sure she sells seashore shells. 她在海岸卖贝壳,她卖的贝壳是真正的贝壳。因此,若她在海岸上卖贝壳,我肯定她卖的是海岸贝壳。 She sifted thistles through her thistle-sifter. 她用蓟筛筛蓟。 Sheep shouldn"t sleep in a shack. Sheep should sleep in a shed. 羊儿不应住简棚,羊儿应住好羊棚。 Shelter for six sick scenic sightseers. 六位生病游客的避难所。 Shredded Swiss cheese. 瑞士碎芝士 (乳酪)。 Shy Shelly says she shall sew sheets. 害羞的雪莉说她将2023-06-25 12:57:111
题呢2023-06-25 12:57:212
Jesus was born.2023-06-25 12:57:304
英语科技手抄报内容关于科技的 ,给些英文材料 ,
1. Why the stars will flash flash it? We see stars sparkle, this is not because the stars change their brightness, but with the atmosphere, blocking the. Across the atmosphere between us and the stars, when the starlight through the atmosphere, they will receive the impact of atmospheric density and thickness. The atmosphere is not absolutely transparent, its transparency will be different according to the density difference. Therefore, we look at the stars on the ground through it, you"ll see the stars as if flashing the same again. 2. Why do people yawn? When we feel tired, the body has generated a lot of carbon dioxide. When the excess of carbon dioxide, it is important to increase the oxygen needed to balance the body. Because these residual carbon dioxide, would affect the functioning of our body activity, then the body will issue a protective response, so e on playing yawn. Yawning is a kind of deep breathing movements, it makes us more than usual, sucked into oxygen and emit carbon dioxide, but also do it to eliminate the role of fatigue. 3. Why are snakes able to walk without feet? The snake"s body there are many scales, which is the outermost layer of their body armor. Scale is not only used to protect the body, can also be their "feet." Snake crawling forward, the body will be showed S-shaped. And every one in the S-shaped outside of the scales will tilt to help the snake move forward to seize the uneven road surface. The scale of muscle co-ordination with the snake, and can push the body forward in crawling, so the snake can move without legs呀! 4. Why do sunflowers bloom is always toward the sun, Sunflower chrysanthemum stems the following places, contains something called "plant growth hormone," substances. This material is accelerating function of reproduction, but it has a repulsive optical activity, when confronted with the light, they will go to the backlight side. Therefore, when the sun rises, sunflower stems will immediately hide backlight side to go on the whole plant looks toward the direction of the sun was bent. 5. Why does a person old hair will be white? Our hair had something called "melanin" in substance, the more melanin the more black hair color. The melanin *** all, yellow or white hair will be issued. Humans in old age, the body"s various functions will gradually decline, pigment formation will be less and less, so the hair will gradually bee white ah! 6. Why is Firefly will shine? Firefly will be light because in the end of their abdomen are light-emitting devices, light-emitting device filled with a number of quality and light-emitting light-emitting phosphorus-containing enzymes, so that can be issued a flash of fireflies flash of light. The purpose of firefly light, in addition to lighting, there are mating, warning, trapping and so on. This is also a munication tool for them, different types of fireflies light-emitting means emitting frequency and the color will be different, they like to take this to convey a different message. 7. Why are hungry will cluck call? She was hungry and rolling will be called, it is because the food prior to eating fast to digest finished, although the empty stomach, but will continue to secrete gastric juice the stomach. At this time the contraction of the stomach will gradually expand inside the liquid and gas will be welling up, resulting in rolling sound. Next time should no longer stomach the embarras *** ent of cuckoo called ah! Because this is a normal physiological actions do. 8. Why does an ostrich does not fly? Body type of a large ostrich class, but they do not fly overhead, and ah! This is not because their wings do not work, but their feathers are too soft, wings too *** all, not fit for flying. In addition, the ostrich muscles developed, sternum flat again, and on the flight did not help. Ostriches live in Africa, due to the long living in desert areas, the body in order to adapt to the environment, they gradually evolved into what it is. 9. Why is not perishable and canned food inside? Luncheon meat, lobster sauce dace, tomato sauce, canned beans . are delicious food, they can be stored for a long time are not easily deteriorate. This is because canned food is sealed, the bacteria can not enter. People in the manufacture of canned food, when the canned air in all out, and then seal it. In the absence of air case, even if some bacteria inside the food from being contaminated, they can not survive or breed ah! 10. Why did the baby will be born just been crying? When you are making all sorts of new born babies cry, not because they feel unhappy, but they are the first port Dakoutaikou to breathe the air it! When the baby to leave her mother at birth the body, they suck the air into the first port will be up to the throat, which will violently hit vocal cords, so that vocal cords vibration, and then issued a similar crying sound. 11. Why is the tail of lizards are constantly bouncing off behind that? In order to protect themselves, many of Xi Tang also facilitate protective coloring deceive the public; while some lizards when attacked, the tail will be a result of intense muscle contraction caused by broken down. Based on the tail broken off there are still part of the nerve is alive, it will continue to bounce, thus dispersed the enemy"s attention in order to escape. Do not think that the end of their lives so, in fact, just a few months, the tail will grow back and continue to live. 12. Why is the squirrel"s tail particularly large? Do not look relaxed rat tail! Squirrels jumping in the trees, while its tail is playing a very useful role. It can make squirrels in the trees be balanced when jumping to avoid falling injuries. In addition, this tail significantly better in the winter, the function of the protective, tightly around the squirrel"s body, both convenient and practical. 13. Why does a person"s thumb can not have one or three? Most people have five fingers, while the length of the fingers are different. However, there is no one noticed that in addition to the thumb, other fingers have three, while only two thumbs alone do? The original, it is in line with the other four sessions means. If three, then the thumb would appear there is no power that it can not bring heavy objects; if only one, it can not easily with the other four fingers with the grasp things! 14. Why was not I do not feel itchy and scratching yourself? As someone scratch their own, we will feel itchy, and kept laughing; However, when scratching his own time, not only do we not laugh, but also do not feel itchy. Based on our minds have been prepared, the brain will be issued a "no danger" message, nerves has also e to relax, so they will not laugh and feel itchy in! 15. Why is sea water are mostly blue, green? Look to the sea, in many also found that water showed blue, green. However, when you picked up the water, you can only see it like the old days of water-like, transparent colorless. The original, the sea itself, with our daily e into contact with water, there are no major difference is transparent. We have seen the green, in fact, is the water absorption capacity of light arising out of the phenomenon. Only green water can be absorbed, and thus reflected out; as deeper water, the green light was absorbed, the sea looks became blue. 16. Why goose bumps? Our skin long with fine hair, and each one has an erection under the hair pore muscle, when the subject nerve stimulation (for example: anger, fear, cold, etc.), the body temperature will decline, while the vertical hair muscle contraction will be thus making hair erected to form a goose bumps. In addition to the role with insulation, such a physiological body system would also make the animals more than it actually seems to deter the enemy. 17. Hippocampal which goes by the father"s birth? Almost all animals are also the next generation of female reproduction, but the hippocampus is different, it is out by a male birth. In the male hippocampus has a belly like a Kangaroo "parenting bag" bag of the hatchery, the female male Hippocampus hippocampus will routed to the hatchery egg sacs. After the male hippocampus on to take up the responsibility of breeding, after about three weeks, the *** all hippocampus would pop up from his father"s body. 18. Why are the leaves changed color? The leaves change color because of its inherent chemical substances - chlorophyll related. When autumn es, the time during the day is shorter than that in the summer, but temperatures are relatively low, the leaves stop manufacturing chlorophyll, therefore, the remaining nutrients transported to the storage of trunks and roots. The green leaves in the absence of chlorophyll, at the same time, other chemical pigments and thus apparent, so we can see more colors such as yellow and brown leaves. 19. Why are there leaves? Autumn is ing when the leaves on the evaporation of moisture more than the summer, but the roots are less absorbent than the summer. In order to reduce the moisture loss of trees, the stem cells began to form a separate layer, to be pletely detached from the leaves of nutrients, the separation layer will separate the leaves and tree trunks, leaves to fall off. 20. Why did the whale will spray? Whales are mammals one, but it does not nose shell nose, nose length in the head. It lives in water breathing with the lungs, can save a lot of one-off air, do not often go to the surface ventilation. But when it es to the surface of the water ventilation, it will be used for nasal breathing, while breathing in vitro associated water spray is issued by the giant wave caused by the pressure.2023-06-25 12:57:361
日常的花语玫瑰花语 玫瑰:爱情、爱与美、容光焕发 玫瑰(红):热情、热爱着您 我爱你、热恋, 希望与你泛起激情的爱 玫瑰(蓝):敦厚.善良. 玫瑰(粉红):感动、爱的宣言、铭记于心 、初恋, 喜欢你那灿烂的笑容 玫瑰(白):天真、纯洁、尊敬、谦卑玫瑰(黄):不贞、嫉妒, 欢乐, 高兴, 道歉玫瑰(紫):忧郁.梦幻,爱做梦.玫瑰(捧花):幸福之爱 玫瑰(橙):羞怯, 献给你一份神秘的爱 玫瑰 (花苞): 美丽和青春玫瑰(橘):欲望。玫瑰 (红+白): 共有玫瑰 (红+黄): 快乐玫瑰(黑) :你是恶魔,且为我所有玫 瑰:纯洁的爱、美丽的爱情、美好常在红玫瑰:热恋、热情、热爱着你粉玫瑰:初恋、求爱、爱心与特别的关怀黄玫瑰:高贵、美丽或道歉橙玫瑰:富有青春气息、初恋的心情白玫瑰:天真、纯洁绿玫瑰:纯真简朴、青春长驻,我只钟情你一个 1朵:你是我的唯一 2朵:世界上只有你和我 3朵:I LOVE YOU 4朵:誓言、承诺 5朵:无悔 6朵: 顺心如意、顺利、永结同心、愿你一切顺利 7朵:喜相逢 8朵:贵弥补、歉意、弥补、深深歉意、请原谅我 9朵:长相守、坚定 10朵:十全十美 11朵: 一生一世只爱你一个12朵:全部的爱 比翼双飞、圆满组合、心心相印、每日思念对方 13朵:暗恋 14朵:骄傲 15朵:守住你的人 16朵: 一帆风顺 婚 17朵:伴你一生 18朵:青春美丽 19朵:爱的最高点20朵:两情相爱21朵:最爱22朵:双双对对、两情相悦,你浓我浓、两情相悦、双双对对 24朵:思念、纯洁的爱30朵:请接受我的爱33朵:三生三世36朵:我的爱只留给你40朵:誓死不渝的爱情44朵:至死不渝、山盟海誓、恒古不变的誓言48朵:挚爱50朵:无悔的爱51朵:我心中只有你57:吾爱吾妻、 56朵:吾爱、 66朵:顺利、事事顺利、情场顺利、六六大顺、细水长流 我的爱永远不变77朵:喜相逢、求婚、情人相逢、相逢自是有缘 88朵:弥补歉意、用心弥补一切的错 99朵:天长地久100朵:白头偕老101朵:直到永远的爱108朵:求婚111朵:一生一世只爱你一个123朵:爱情自由、自由之恋 144朵:爱你生生世世、12×12爱你日日月月生生世世 365朵:天天爱你999朵:无尽的爱 天长地久,爱无止休 长相厮守、至死不渝1000朵:忠诚的爱,至死不渝 1001朵:直到永远花语(中英文对照版) A: ACACIA, Blossom - Concealed Love, Beauty in Retirement 洋槐,花朵 - 隐秘的爱,隐居的美人 ACORN - Nordic Symbol of Life and Immortality 橡实 - 北欧人生命与不朽的象征 AMBROSIA - Your Love is Reciprocated (不知道是什么) - 你的爱得到了回报 AMARYLLIS - Pride, Pastoral Poetry 宫人草 - 自豪,田园诗 ANEMONE - Forsaken, Sincerity 秋牡丹 - 被抛弃的,诚心诚意 ARBUTUS - Thee Only Do I Love 杨梅 - 我只爱你 ASTER - Symbol of Love, Daintiness 紫苑 - 爱的象征,优美 AZALEA - Take Care of Yourself For Me, Temperance, Fragile, Passion, Chinese Symbols of Womanhood 杜鹃花 - 为了我保重你自己,温暖的,脆的,强烈的感情,在中国是子宫的象征 B: BACHELOR BUTTON - Single Blessedness 矢车菊 - 单身的幸福 BEGONIA - Beware 秋海棠 - 小心 BELLS OF IRELAND - Good Luck 爱尔兰风铃草 - 好运气 BITTERSWEET - Truth 白英 - 事实 BLUEBELL - Humility 野风信子 - 谦虚 BOUQUET OF WITHERED FLOWERS - Rejected Love 凋零的花束 - 被拒绝的爱 C: CACTUS - Endurance 仙人掌 - 忍耐 CAMELLIA - Admiration, Perfection, Good Luck Gift to a Man 茶花 - 赞赏,完美,给男人以好运气的礼物 CAMELLIA (PINK) - Longing For You 茶花(粉色) - 渴望着你 CAMELLIA (RED) - You"re A Flame In My Heart 茶花(红色) - 你是我心中的火焰 CAMELLIA (WHITE) - You"re Adorable 茶花(白色) - 你值得敬慕 CANDYTUFT - Indifference 白烛葵 - 不感兴趣 CARNATION (GENERAL) - Fascination, Womanized Love 康乃馨(一般的说) - 魅力使人柔弱的爱 CARNATION (PINK) - I"ll Never Forget You 康乃馨(粉色) - 我永远不会忘了你 CARNATION (RED) - My Heart Aches For You, Admiration 康乃馨(红色) - 我的心为你而痛,赞赏 CARNATION (PURPLE) - Capriciousness 康乃馨(紫色) - 任性 CARNATION (SOLID COLOR) - Yes 康乃馨(原色) - 是 CARNATION (STRIPPED) - No!, Refusal, Sorry I Can"t Be With You 康乃馨(有斑纹) - 不!拒绝,我不能和你在一起 CARNATION (WHITE) - Sweet and Lovely, Innocence, Pure Love, Womanize Good Luck Gift 康乃馨(白色) - 甜蜜而可爱,天真无邪,纯洁的爱,给女性带来好运气的礼物 CARNATION (YELLOW) - You Have Disappointed Me, Rejection 康乃馨(黄色) - 你让我感到失望,抛弃 CATTAIL - Peace, Prosperity 香蒲 - 和平,幸运 CHRYSANTHEMUM (GENERAL) - You"re A Wonderful Friend, Cheerfulness and Rest 菊花(一般的说) - 你是个了不起的朋友,快活与放松 CHRYSANTHEMUM (RED) - I Love 菊花(红色) - 我爱 CHRYSANTHEMUM (WHITE) - Truth 菊花(白色) - 事实 CHRYSANTHEMUM (YELLOW) - Slighted Love 菊花(黄色) - 忽视的爱 COREOPSIS - Always Cheerful 波斯菊 - 永远快乐 CROCUS - Cheerfulness, Gladness 番红花 - 快乐,高兴 CYCLAMEN - Resignation and Good Bye 仙客来 - 辞职与再见 D: DAFFODIL - Regard, Unrequited Love, You"re The Only One, The Sun Is Always Shining When I"m With You, Respect 水仙花 - 关心,不计报答的爱,你是我的唯一,和你在一起时总是阳光明媚,尊敬 DAISY - Innocence, Loyal Love, I"ll Never tell, Purity 雏菊 - 天真无邪,忠诚的爱,我永远不会说的,纯正 DANDELION - Faithfulness, Happiness 蒲公英 - 忠诚,幸福 DEAD LEAVES - Sadness 枯萎的叶子 - 悲伤 E: F: FERN - Magic, Fascination, Confidence and Shelter, Grace 羊齿 - 魔力,魅力,自信与庇护,恩典 FERN MAIDENHAIR - Secret Bond Of Love 孔雀草 - 秘密的爱的契约 FIR - TIME 杉木 - 时间 FLAX - Domestic Symbol 亚麻 - 家庭的标志 FORGET ME NOT - True Love, Memories 勿忘我 - 真爱,记忆 FORSYTHIA - Anticipation 连翘 - 预料 FREESIA - Trust 小苍兰 - 信任 G: GARDENIA - You"re Lovely, Secret Love 栀子 - 你可爱,秘密的爱 GARLIC - Courage, Strength 大蒜 - 勇气与力量 GERANIUM - Stupidity, Folly 天竺葵 - 愚蠢,荒唐 GLADIOLA - Give Me A Break, I"m Really Sincere, Flower Of The Gladiators 剑兰 - 让我休息一下,我是真挚的,斗士的花 GLOXINIA - Love At First Sight 大岩桐 - 一见钟情 GRASS - Submission 草 - 服从 H; HEATHER (LAVENDER) - Admiration, Solitude 石楠花(淡紫色) - 赞赏,孤单 HEATHER (WHITE) - Protection, Wishes Will Come True 石楠花(白色) -保护,愿望成真 HOLLY - Defense, Domestic Happiness 冬青 - 防御,家庭幸福 HYACINTH (GENERAL) - Games and Sports, Richness, Dedicated to Apollo 风信子(一般说来) - 游戏和体育,富有,献身与太阳神 HYACINTH (BLUE) - Consistency 风信子(蓝色) - 坚固 HYACINTH (PURPLE) - I Am Sorry Please Forgive Me, Sorrow 风信子(紫色) - 对不起请原谅我,对不起 HYACINTH (RED or PINK) - Play 风信子(红色或粉色) - 玩 HYACINTH (WHITE) - Loveliness, I"ll Pray For You 风信子(白色) - 可爱,我为你祈祷 HYACINTH (YELLOW) - Jealousy 风信子(黄色) - 嫉妒,羡慕 HYDRANGEA - Thank You For Understanding, Frigidity, Heartlessness 紫阳花 - 谢谢你的理解,冷淡,健康 HUCKLEBERRY - Faith 越橘 - 信任 I: IRIS - Emblem Of France, Your Friendship Means So Much To Me, Faith, Hope, Wisdom and Valor, My Compliments, Promise 爱丽丝(鸢尾属植物)- 法国的象征,你的友情对我很重要,信任,希望,智慧与勇猛,我的问候,许诺 IVY - Wedded Love, Fidelity, Friendship, Affection 常春藤 - 结合的爱,忠实,友谊,情感 IVY SPRIG OF WHITE TENDRILS - Anxious To Please, Affection 白色卷鬓的常春藤枝 - 渴望取悦于,情感 J: JONQUIL - Love Me, Affection Returned, Desire, Sympathy, Desire For Affection Returned 黄水仙 - 爱我吧,情感得到回报,欲望,同情,想要情感得到回报 K: L: LARKSPUR (PINK) - Fickleness 燕草(粉色) - 薄情 LILAC - Beauty 丁香花 - 美丽 LILY (ORANGE) - Hatred 百合花(橙色) - 仇恨 LILY (WHITE) - Virginity, Purity, Majesty, It"s Heavenly To Be With You 百合花(白色) - 童贞,纯洁,威严,和你在一起如同天堂 LILY (YELLOW) -I"m Walking On Air, False and Gay, Gratitude 百合花(黄色) - 我如在云端,虚伪与放荡,感激 LILY (CALLA) -Beauty 百合花(水芋) - 美丽 LILY (DAY) - Chinese Emblem For Mother 百合花(白天) - 中国母亲的象征 LILY (EUCHARIS) - Maiden Charms 百合花(桉树) - 处女的吸引力 LILY (TIGER) - Wealth, Pride, Prosperity 百合花(虎) - 财富,骄傲,繁荣 LILY OF THE VALLEY - Sweetness, Tears Of The Virgin Mary, Return To Happinee Humility, You"ve Made my Life Complete 山谷的百合花 - 甜蜜,圣母玛利亚的泪,重返幸福,谦虚,你使我的生命充实 ROSE (YELLOW) - Decrease Of Love, Jealously, Try To Care 玫瑰(黄色) - 爱的减少,嫉妒,尝试去关心 ROSE (MUSK CLUSTER) - Charming 玫瑰(麝香蔷薇串) - 有魅力 ROSE (SINGLE FULL BLOOM) - I Love You, I Still Love You 玫瑰(单枝全开的) - 我爱你,我依然爱你 ROSE (GARLAND OR CROWN OF) - Beware Of Virtue, Reward Of Merit, Symbol Of Superior Merit 玫瑰(花环或花冠) - 当心美德(?),优点的奖赏,美德的象征 ROSEBUD - Beauty Of Youth, A Heart Innocent Of Love 玫瑰花蕾 - 青春的美丽,一颗对爱无知的心 ROSEBUD (RED) - Pure And Lovely 玫瑰花蕾(红) - 纯洁而可爱 ROSEBUD (WHITE) - Girlhood 玫瑰花蕾(白色) - 少女 ROSEBUD (MOSS) - Confessions Of Love 玫瑰花蕾(苔藓) - 爱的自白 S: SMILAX - Loveliness 牛尾菜 - 可爱 SNAPDRAGON - Deception, Gracious Lady, Strength 金鱼草 - 欺骗,高尚的女士,力量 SOLIDAGO - Success 一枝黄花 - 成功 STEPHANOTIS - Happiness In Marriage, Desire To Travel 千金子藤 - 在婚姻中得到幸福,想旅游 STOCK - Bonds Of Affection, Promptness, You"ll Always Be Beautiful To Me 紫罗兰 - 感情的监禁,机敏,对我而言你永远那么美 SUNFLOWER - Pride 太阳花 - 骄傲 SWEETPEA - Good-bye, Departure, Blissful Pleasure, Thank You For A Lovely Time 香豌豆花 - 再见,分离,充满喜悦,谢谢你带了的美好的时光 T: TULIP (GENERAL) - Perfect Lover, Fame, Flower Emblem Of Holland, Luck 郁金香(一般):完美的爱情,传说,荷兰之国花幸运 TULIP (RED) - Believe Me, Declaration Of Love 郁金香(红色):相信我,爱的宣言 TULIP (VARIEGATED) - Beautiful Eyes 郁金香(杂色的):美丽的眼睛 TULIP (YELLOW) -There"s Sunshine In Your Smile 郁金香(黄色的):阳光般的笑容 U: V: VIOLET - Modesty, Virtue 紫罗兰 - 质朴,美德 VIOLET (BLUE) - Watchfulness, Faithfulness, I"ll Always Be True 紫罗兰(兰色) - 警戒,忠诚,我将永远忠诚 VIOLET (WHITE) - Let"s Take A Chance On Happiness 紫罗兰(白色) - 让我们抓住幸福的机会吧 VISCARIA - Will You Dance With Me? 德国蝇子草- 能请你跳舞吗? W: WINTERGREENS - Harmony 鹿蹄草 - 和谐 WISTERIA - Welcome 紫藤 - 欢迎 X: Y: Z: ZINNIA (MAGENTA) - Lasting Affection 百日草(洋红色) - 持续的爱 ZINNIA (MIXED) - Thinking (or in Memory) Of An Absent Friend 百日草(混色) - 想到(或纪念)一个不在的友人 ZINNIA (SCARLET) - Constancy 百日草(腓红色) - 恒久不变 ZINNIA (WHITE) - Goodness 百日草(白色) - 善良 ZINNIA (YELLOW) - Daily Remembrance 百日草(黄色) - 每日的问候2023-06-25 12:57:465
cat2023-06-25 12:58:015
H2023-06-25 12:58:154
急急急!酒名 菜名 海鲜名 英语翻译!
买一本英语的食谱带中文的那种就一切搞定了..2023-06-25 12:58:249
麻烦大哥大姐了,小生再次提问…… 12:58:404
wers come out. On the playground, in the fields, on each side of the road, the young grass grows everywhere.2023-06-25 12:58:493
in red and white check红 red白相 play间 space in between; opening黑白相间 chequered with black and white; in black and white check; black alternating wi ...棕白相间的 brown and white黑白相间的条纹 zebra stripes (or black and white stripes)一只黄白相间的猫 a yellow and white cat黑白相间的人行横道线 zebra crossing一条黑白相间的尾巴 a black and white tail红白色相间的印花布 sarasa白相 [方言] (玩, 玩耍; 玩弄) play◇白相人 loafer (游手好闲, 为非作歹的人)相间 alternate with 红白相间 red alternating with white; in red and white check红白 hongbai; irimajiri; irimajiru; irimazari白相人 loafer白相稷 baek sang jik; baek sang-jik相间的 interphase; phase-to-phase相间地 alternately照相间 camera room粉红白 pinky white; pinkywhite红白机 nintendo entertainment system红白蓝 rouge blanc bleu红白事 weddings and funerals蛋白相片 albumen print蛋白相纸 albumen pager黑白相片 white photograph2023-06-25 12:59:111
A: ACACIA, Blossom - Concealed Love, Beauty in Retirement 洋槐,花朵 - 隐秘的爱,隐居的美人 ACORN - Nordic Symbol of Life and Immortality 橡实 - 北欧人生命与不朽的象征 AMBROSIA - Your Love is Reciprocated (不知道是什么) - 你的爱得到了回报 AMARYLLIS - Pride, Pastoral Poetry 宫人草 - 自豪,田园诗 ANEMONE - Forsaken, Sincerity 秋牡丹 - 被抛弃的,诚心诚意 ARBUTUS - Thee Only Do I Love 杨梅 - 我只爱你 ASTER - Symbol of Love, Daintiness 紫苑 - 爱的象征,优美 AZALEA - Take Care of Yourself For Me, Temperance, Fragile, Passion, Chinese Symbols of Womanhood 杜鹃花 - 为了我保重你自己,温暖的,脆的,强烈的感情,在中国是子宫的象征 B: BACHELOR BUTTON - Single Blessedness 矢车菊 - 单身的幸福 BEGONIA - Beware 球海棠 - 小心 BELLS OF IRELAND - Good Luck 爱尔兰风铃草 - 好运气 BITTERSWEET - Truth 白英 - 事实 BLUEBELL - Humility 野风信子 - 谦虚 BOUQUET OF WITHERED FLOWERS - Rejected Love 凋零的花束 - 被拒绝的爱 C: CACTUS - Endurance 仙人掌 - 忍耐 CAMELLIA - Admiration, Perfection, Good Luck Gift to a Man 茶花 - 赞赏,完美,给男人以好运气的礼物 CAMELLIA (PINK) - Longing For You 茶花(粉色) - 渴望着你 CAMELLIA (RED) - You"re A Flame In My Heart 茶花(红色) - 你是我心中的火焰 CAMELLIA (WHITE) - You"re Adorable 茶花(白色) - 你值得敬慕 CANDYTUFT - Indifference 白烛葵 - 不感兴趣 CARNATION (GENERAL) - Fascination, Womanized Love 康乃馨(一般的说) - 魅力使人柔弱的爱 CARNATION (PINK) - I"ll Never Forget You 康乃馨(粉色) - 我永远不会忘了你 CARNATION (RED) - My Heart Aches For You, Admiration 康乃馨(红色) - 我的心为你而痛,赞赏 CARNATION (PURPLE) - Capriciousness 康乃馨(紫色) - 任性 CARNATION (SOLID COLOR) - Yes 康乃馨(原色) - 是 CARNATION (STRIPPED) - No!, Refusal, Sorry I Can"t Be With You 康乃馨(有斑纹) - 不!拒绝,我不能和你在一起 CARNATION (WHITE) - Sweet and Lovely, Innocence, Pure Love, Womanize Good Luck Gift 康乃馨(白色) - 甜蜜而可爱,天真无邪,纯洁的爱,给女性带来好运气的礼物 CARNATION (YELLOW) - You Have Disappointed Me, Rejection 康乃馨(黄色) - 你让我感到失望,抛弃 CATTAIL - Peace, Prosperity 香蒲 - 和平,幸运 CHRYSANTHEMUM (GENERAL) - You"re A Wonderful Friend, Cheerfulness and Rest 菊花(一般的说) - 你是个了不起的朋友,快活与放松 CHRYSANTHEMUM (RED) - I Love 菊花(红色) - 我爱 CHRYSANTHEMUM (WHITE) - Truth 菊花(白色) - 事实 CHRYSANTHEMUM (YELLOW) - Slighted Love 菊花(黄色) - 忽视的爱 COREOPSIS - Always Cheerful 波斯菊 - 永远快乐 CROCUS - Cheerfulness, Gladness 番红花 - 快乐,高兴 CYCLAMEN - Resignation and Good Bye 仙客来 - 辞职与再见 D: DAFFODIL - Regard, Unrequited Love, You"re The Only One, The Sun Is Always Shining When I"m With You, Respect 水仙花 - 关心,不计报答的爱,你是我的唯一,和你在一起时总是阳光明媚,尊敬 DAISY - Innocence, Loyal Love, I"ll Never tell, Purity 雏菊 - 天真无邪,忠诚的爱,我永远不会说的,纯正 DANDELION - Faithfulness, Happiness 蒲公英 - 忠诚,幸福 DEAD LEAVES - Sadness 枯萎的叶子 - 悲伤 E: F: FERN - Magic, Fascination, Confidence and Shelter, Grace 羊齿 - 魔力,魅力,自信与庇护,恩典 FERN MAIDENHAIR - Secret Bond Of Love 孔雀草 - 秘密的爱的契约 FIR - TIME 杉木 - 时间 FLAX - Domestic Symbol 亚麻 - 家庭的标志 FORGET ME NOT - True Love, Memories 勿忘我 - 真爱,记忆 FORSYTHIA - Anticipation 连翘 - 预料 FREESIA - Trust (不知道) - 信任 G: GARDENIA - You"re Lovely, Secret Love 栀子 - 你可爱,秘密的爱 GARLIC - Courage, Strength 大蒜 - 勇气与力量 GERANIUM - Stupidity, Folly 天竺葵 - 愚蠢,荒唐 GLADIOLA - Give Me A Break, I"m Really Sincere, Flower Of The Gladiators 剑兰 - 让我休息一下,我是真挚的,斗士的花 GLOXINIA - Love At First Sight 大岩桐 - 一见钟情 GRASS - Submission 草 - 服从 H; HEATHER (LAVENDER) - Admiration, Solitude 石楠花(淡紫色) - 赞赏,孤单 HEATHER (WHITE) - Protection, Wishes Will Come True 石楠花(白色) -保护,愿望成真 HOLLY - Defense, Domestic Happiness 冬青 - 防御,家庭幸福 HYACINTH (GENERAL) - Games and Sports, Richness, Dedicated to Apollo 风信子(一般说来) - 游戏和体育,富有,献身与太阳神 HYACINTH (BLUE) - Consistency 风信子(蓝色) - 坚固 HYACINTH (PURPLE) - I Am Sorry Please Forgive Me, Sorrow 风信子(紫色) - 对不起请原谅我,对不起 HYACINTH (RED or PINK) - Play 风信子(红色或粉色) - 玩 HYACINTH (WHITE) - Loveliness, I"ll Pray For You 风信子(白色) - 可爱,我为你祈祷 HYACINTH (YELLOW) - Jealousy 风信子(黄色) - 嫉妒,羡慕 HYDRANGEA - Thank You For Understanding, Frigidity, Heartlessness 紫阳花 - 谢谢你的理解,冷淡,健康 HUCKLEBERRY - Faith 越橘 - 信任 I: IRIS - Emblem Of France, Your Friendship Means So Much To Me, Faith, Hope, Wisdom and Valor, My Compliments, Promise 爱丽丝(鸢尾属植物)- 法国的象征,你的友情对我很重要,信任,希望,智慧与勇猛,我的问候,许诺 IVY - Wedded Love, Fidelity, Friendship, Affection 常春藤 - 结合的爱,忠实,友谊,情感 IVY SPRIG OF WHITE TENDRILS - Anxious To Please, Affection 白色卷鬓的常春藤枝 - 渴望取悦于,情感 J: JONQUIL - Love Me, Affection Returned, Desire, Sympathy, Desire For Affection Returned 黄水仙 - 爱我吧,情感得到回报,欲望,同情,想要情感得到回报 K: L: LARKSPUR (PINK) - Fickleness 燕草(粉色) - 薄情 LILAC - Beauty 丁香花 - 美丽 LILY (ORANGE) - Hatred 百合花(橙色) - 仇恨 LILY (WHITE) - Virginity, Purity, Majesty, It"s Heavenly To Be With You 百合花(白色) - 童贞,纯洁,威严,和你在一起如同天堂 LILY (YELLOW) -I"m Walking On Air, False and Gay, Gratitude 百合花(黄色) - 我如在云端,虚伪与放荡,感激 LILY (CALLA) -Beauty 百合花(水芋) - 美丽 LILY (DAY) - Chinese Emblem For Mother 百合花(白天) - 中国母亲的象征 LILY (EUCHARIS) - Maiden Charms 百合花(桉树) - 处女的吸引力 LILY (TIGER) - Wealth, Pride, Prosperity 百合花(虎) - 财富,骄傲,繁荣 LILY OF THE VALLEY - Sweetness, Tears Of The Virgin Mary, Return To Happinee Humility, You"ve Made my Life Complete 山谷的百合花 - 甜蜜,圣母玛利亚的泪,重返幸福,谦虚,你使我的生命充实 ROSE (YELLOW) - Decrease Of Love, Jealously, Try To Care 玫瑰(黄色) - 爱的减少,嫉妒,尝试去关心 ROSE (MUSK CLUSTER) - Charming 玫瑰(麝香蔷薇串) - 有魅力 ROSE (SINGLE FULL BLOOM) - I Love You, I Still Love You 玫瑰(单枝全开的) - 我爱你,我依然爱你 ROSE (GARLAND OR CROWN OF) - Beware Of Virtue, Reward Of Merit, Symbol Of Superior Merit 玫瑰(花环或花冠) - 当心美德(?),优点的奖赏,美德的象征 ROSEBUD - Beauty Of Youth, A Heart Innocent Of Love 玫瑰花蕾 - 青春的美丽,一颗对爱无知的心 ROSEBUD (RED) - Pure And Lovely 玫瑰花蕾(红) - 纯洁而可爱 ROSEBUD (WHITE) - Girlhood 玫瑰花蕾(白色) - 少女 ROSEBUD (MOSS) - Confessions Of Love 玫瑰花蕾(苔藓) - 爱的自白 S: SMILAX - Loveliness 牛尾菜 - 可爱 SNAPDRAGON - Deception, Gracious Lady, Strength 金鱼草 - 欺骗,高尚的女士,力量 SOLIDAGO - Success (不知道) - 成功 STEPHANOTIS - Happiness In Marriage, Desire To Travel (又不知道) - 在婚姻中得到幸福,想旅游 STOCK - Bonds Of Affection, Promptness, You"ll Always Be Beautiful To Me 紫罗兰 - 感情的监禁,机敏,对我而言你永远那么美 SUNFLOWER - Pride 太阳花 - 骄傲 SWEETPEA - Good-bye, Departure, Blissful Pleasure, Thank You For A Lovely Time 香豌豆花 - 再见,分离,充满喜悦,谢谢你带了的美好的时光 T: TULIP (GENERAL) - Perfect Lover, Fame, Flower Emblem Of Holland, Luck 郁金香(一般):完美的爱情,传说,荷兰之国花幸运 TULIP (RED) - Believe Me, Declaration Of Love 郁金香(红色):相信我,爱的宣言 TULIP (VARIEGATED) - Beautiful Eyes 郁金香(杂色的):美丽的眼睛 TULIP (YELLOW) -There"s Sunshine In Your Smile 郁金香(黄色的):阳光般的笑容 U: V: VIOLET - Modesty, Virtue 紫罗兰 - 质朴,美德 VIOLET (BLUE) - Watchfulness, Faithfulness, I"ll Always Be True 紫罗兰(兰色) - 警戒,忠诚,我将永远忠诚 VIOLET (WHITE) - Let"s Take A Chance On Happiness 紫罗兰(白色) - 让我们抓住幸福的机会吧 VISCARIA - Will You Dance With Me? (不知道) - 能请你跳舞吗? W: WINTERGREENS - Harmony 鹿蹄草 - 和谐 WISTERIA - Welcome 紫藤 - 欢迎 X: Y: Z: ZINNIA (MAGENTA) - Lasting Affection 百日草(洋红色) - 持续的爱 ZINNIA (MIXED) - Thinking (or in Memory) Of An Absent Friend 百日草(混色) - 想到(或纪念)一个不在的友人 ZINNIA (SCARLET) - Constancy 百日草(腓红色) - 恒久不变 ZINNIA (WHITE) - Goodness 百日草(白色) - 善良 ZINNIA (YELLOW) - Daily Remembrance 百日草(黄色) - 每日的问候2023-06-25 12:59:181
口2023-06-25 12:59:297
肢下肢都是手,有时爬来有时走, 走时很象一个人, 爬时又象一条狗 答案:猴子眼如铜铃,身象铁钉, 有翅无毛,有脚难行 答案:蜻蜓名字叫做牛,不会拉犁头,说它力气小,背着房子走 答案:蜗牛像鱼不是鱼,终生海里住,远看像喷泉,近看像岛屿 答案:鲸鱼小时着黑衣,长大穿绿袍, 水里过日子,岸上来睡觉。 答案:青蛙一个白发老妈妈, 走起路来四边爬, 不用铁鎝不用锄, 种下一片好芝麻。 答案:蚕蛾小时穿黑衣,大时换白袍, 造一间小屋,在里面睡觉。答案:蚕远看芝麻撒地, 近看黑驴运米, 不怕山高道路陡, 只怕跌进热锅里。 答案:蚂蚁腿长胳膊短,眉毛盖住眼, 有人不吱声,无人大声喊 答案:蝈蝈谜语一:大象 耳朵像蒲扇,身子像小山,鼻子长又长,帮人把活干。 谜语二:螃蟹 八只脚,抬面鼓,两把剪刀鼓前舞,生来横行又霸道,里常把泡沫吐。 谜语三:青蛙 身披花棉袄,唱歌呱呱叫,田里捉害虫,丰收立功劳。 谜语四:公鸡 头戴红帽子,身披五彩衣,从来不唱戏,喜欢吊嗓子。 谜语五:鹤 .腿细长,脚瘦小,戴红帽,穿白袍。 谜语五:布谷鸟 夏前它来到,秋后没处找,摧咱快播种,年年来一遭。 谜语六:蜻蜓 尾巴一根钉,眼睛两粒豆,有翅没有毛,有脚不会走。 谜语七:鸵鸟 一个黑大汉,腰插两把扇, 走一步,扇几扇。 谜语八:狗 粽子头,梅花脚,屁股挂把指挥刀,坐着反比立着高。 谜语九:山羊 年纪并不大,胡子一大把,不论遇见谁,总爱喊妈妈。 谜语十:蛇 金箍桶,银箍桶, 打开来,箍不拢。 谜语十一:青蛙 一位游泳家,说话呱呱呱,小时有尾没有脚,大时有脚没尾巴。 谜语十二:乌贼 皮黑肉儿白,肚里墨样黑,从不偷东西,硬说它是贼。 谜语十三:蜗牛 名字叫做牛,不会拉犁头, 说它力气小,背着房子走。 谜语十四:蝎子 前有毒夹,后有尾巴,全身二十一节,中药铺要它。 谜语十五:鱼 有头无颈,有眼无眉,无脚能走,有翅难飞。 谜语十六:鸭子 嘴象小铲子, 脚象小扇子, 走路左右摆,不是摆架子。 谜语十七:鹿 身穿梅花袍,头上顶双角, 窜山又越岭,全身都是宝。 谜语十八:大象 脸上长鼻子,头上挂扇子, 四根粗柱子,一条小辫子。 谜语十九:麋鹿(即四不象) 鹿马驴牛它都象, 很难肯定象那样, 四种相貌集一体, 说象又都不太像。 谜语二十:金鱼 凸眼睛,阔嘴巴, 尾马要比身体大, 碧绿水草衬着它, 好象一朵大红花。 谜语二十一:蜈蚣 红船头,黑篷子, 二十四把快篙子, 撑到人家大门前, 吓坏多少小孩子。 谜语二十二:猫 八字须,往上翘,说话好象娃娃叫, 只洗脸,不梳头,夜行不用灯光照。 谜语二十三:萤火虫 远看是颗星,近看象灯笼, 到底是什么,原来是只虫。 谜语二十四:羊 一个白胡老头, 带了一袋黑豆, 一面走,一面漏。 谜语二十五:狼 不是狐,不是狗, 前面架铡刀,后面拖扫帚。 谜语二十六:刺猬 小货郎,不挑担, 背着针,满地窜。 谜语二十七:骡子 小伙子,长得楞, 生下来,就会蹦, 不象样, 不姓他爹的姓。 谜语二十八:猪 有个懒家伙, 只吃不干活, 戴顶帽子帽边大, 穿件褂子纽扣多。 谜语二十九:鸭子 薄扇脚跟,木瓢嘴唇, 赛跑不行,游泳有名。 谜语三十:燕子 头有毛栗大,尾巴象钢叉, 睡觉在泥里,离地一丈八。 谜语三十一:狮、虎、熊、狼 大将军披头散发; 二将军黄袍花甲; 三将军肥头腮脑; 四将军瘦瘦刮刮。(打四种动物) 谜语三十二:鹅 一只顺风船,白蓬红船头, 划起两只桨,湖上四处游。 谜语三十三:鱼鹰 身上乌里乌,赤脚走江湖, 别人看他吃饱,其实天天饿肚。 谜语三十四: 鱼 一把刀,水里漂, 有眼睛,没眉毛。 谜语三十五:螺蛳 小小瓶,小小盖, 小小瓶里好荤菜。 谜语三十六:螃蟹 胖子大娘,背个大筐, 剪刀两把,筷子四双。 谜语三十七:虾 小小一条龙,胡须硬似粽, 活着没有血,死了满身红。 谜语三十八:马蜂 有个小姑娘,穿件黄衣裳, 你要欺侮他,她就戳一枪。 谜语三十九:螳螂 头戴绿帽,身穿绿袍, 腰细肚大,手拿双刀。 谜语四十:蛇 身体花绿,走路弯曲, 洞里进出,开口恶毒。 谜语四十:青蛙 小时着黑衣,长大穿绿袍, 水里过日子,岸上来睡觉。 谜语四十一:蚕蛾 一个白发老妈妈, 走起路来四边爬, 不用铁鎝不用锄, 种下一片好芝麻。 谜语四十二:蚕 小时穿黑衣,大时换白袍, 造一间小屋,在里面睡觉。 谜语四十三: 蚂蚁 远看芝麻撒地, 近看黑驴运米, 不怕山高道路陡, 只怕跌进热锅里。 谜语四十四:蝈蝈 腿长胳膊短,眉毛盖住眼, 有人不吱声,无人大声喊。 谜语四十五:猴子 上肢下肢都是手,有时爬来有时走, 走时很象一个人, 爬时又象一条狗。 谜语四十六:蜻蜓 眼如铜铃,身象铁钉, 有翅无毛,有脚难行。 谜语四十七:金钱豹 说它是虎它不象, 金钱印在黄袄上, 站在山上吼一声, 吓跑猴子吓跑狼。 谜语四十八:蟋蟀 头插野鸡毛,身穿滚龙袍, 一旦遇敌人,作战呱呱叫。 谜语四十九:麻雀 一身毛,尾巴翘,不会走,只会跳。 谜语五十:蚊子 小小飞贼,武器是针,抽别人血,养自己身。 谜语五十一:鸭子 小小玲珑一条船,来来往往在江边,风吹雨打都不怕,只见划桨不挂帆。 谜语五十二:螃蟹 口吐白云白沫,手拿两把利刀,走路大摇大摆,真是横行霸道。 谜语五十三:蜘蛛 小小诸葛亮,独坐军中帐,摆成八卦阵,专抓飞来将。 谜语五十四:螳螂 头带两根雄鸡毛,身穿一件绿衣袍,手握两把锯尺刀,小虫见了拼命逃。 谜语五十五:人 小时四只脚,大时两只脚,老时叁只脚。 谜语五十六:老鼠 两撇小胡子,油嘴小牙齿,贼头又贼脑,喜欢偷油吃。 谜语五十七:大象 脸上长勾子,头边绑扇子,四根粗柱子,一条小辩子。 谜语五十八:青蛙 坐也是坐,立也是坐,行也是坐,卧也是坐。 谜语五十九:马 坐也是立,立也是立,行也是立,卧也是立。 谜语六十:鱼 坐也是行,立也是行,行也是行,卧也是行。 谜语六十一:猜动物蛇 坐也是卧,立也是卧,行也是卧,卧也是卧。 谜语六十二:猜动物蜗牛 说他是条牛,无法拉车走,说他力气小,却能背屋跑。 谜语六十三:猜昆虫蚕 一条小小虫,自己做灯笼,躲在灯笼里,变个飞仙女。 谜语六十四:猜动物青蛙 小时着黑衣,大时穿绿袍,水里过日子,岸上来睡觉。 谜语六十五:猜动物狗 名字叫小花,喜欢摇尾巴,夜晚睡门口,小偷最怕他。 谜语六十六:猜昆虫萤火虫 白天草里住,晚上空中游,金光闪闪动,见尾不见头。 谜语六十七:猜动物鹅头戴红顶帽,身穿白布袄,走路像摇船,说话像驴叫。 谜语六十八:动物虾 水理由着穿青袄,平生都是弯着腰猜水中 谜语六十九:猜空中动物蚊子 尖细嘴长尾巴,嗡嗡嗡满天飞,白天躲着不敢动,也里出来吸血乐。 谜语七十:猜陆上动物狐狸 尖嘴尖耳尖下巴,细腿细角细小腰,生性狡猾多猜疑,尾后拖着一丛毛。 谜语七十一:猜空中动物大雁 天空捍卫小飞军,井然排列人字形,冬天朝南春回北,规规矩矩纪律明。 谜语七十二:猜陆上动物猫 瞳孔遇光能大小,唱起歌来妙妙妙,夜半巡逻不需灯,四处畅行难不倒。 谜语七十三:猜动物羊 小小年纪,却有胡子一把,不论谁见,总是大喊妈妈。 谜语七十四:猜空中动物蝉 一肚子没学问,开口闭口知道,瞧瞧这小家伙,实在真是骄傲。 谜语七十五:猜陆上动物熊 生来粗壮,长成狗样,满身肥肉,人人怕他。 谜语七十六:猜陆上动物蜈蚣 长长身体两排脚,阴湿暗地是家窝,剧毒咬人难忍痛,治病倒是好中药。 谜语七十七:猜陆上动物老虎 性情躁烈爆,常批黄皮袄,山中称大王,我说那是猫。 谜语七十八:猜水中动物企鹅 黑背白肚皮,一副绅士样,两翅当划桨,双脚似鸭蹼。 谜语七十九:猜陆上动物蚯蚓 不管翻地或打洞,天生爱动到处钻,松松土来施点肥,人人称我为地龙。 谜语八十:猜昆虫蜻蜓 细细身体长又长,身后背着四面旗,斗大眼睛照前方,专除害虫有助益。 谜语八十一:猜水中动物乌龟 椎子尾,橄榄头,最爱头尾壳内收,走起路来慢又慢,有谁比他更长寿。 谜语八十二:猜陆上动物牛 任劳又任怨,田里活猛干,生产万顿粮,只把草当饭。 谜语八十三:猜陆上动物豹 一身金钱袍,猫脸性残暴,爬树且游水,嗜肉不食草。 谜语八十四:猜陆上动物袋鼠 此物生的怪,肚下长口袋,宝宝带中养,跳起来真快。 谜语八十五:猜水中动物螃蟹 从头到脚硬盔甲,走起路来横着走,张牙舞爪八只脚,两把利剪真吓人。 谜语八十六:猜陆上动物公鸡 顶上红冠戴,身披五彩衣,能测天亮时,呼得众人醒。 谜语八十七:猜陆上动物蚂蚁 小小娃娃兵,四处寻猎物,物虽比己大,团结便解决。 谜语八十八:猜昆虫苍蝇 红头绿身真漂亮,五彩薄衫披两边,可是专干坏勾当,传播痢疾和霍乱。 谜语八十九:猜水中动物金鱼 两眼外秃大嘴巴,有个尾巴比身大,青草假山来相伴,绽放朵朵大红花。 谜语九十:猜水中动物鱼全身片片银假亮,瞧来神气又威武,有翅寸步飞不起,无脚五湖四海行。 谜语九十一:猜空中动物蝙蝠 似鸟又非鸟,有翅身无毛,一脸丑模样,专爱夜遨游。 谜语九十二:猜水中动物鲸鱼 一身白袍衣,两只红眼睛,是和平化身,人人都喜欢。猜空中动物鸽子 谜语九十三:猜陆上动物鸵鸟 远瞧犹如岛一座,总有水柱向上喷,模样向鱼不是鱼,哺乳幼儿有一手。 谜语九十四:纵横沙漠中,展翅飞不起,快走犹如飞,是鸟中第一。 谜语九十五:猜陆上动物壁虎 活动地盘在墙壁,专门收拾飞蚊虫,尾断无碍会再生,医学名称是守宫。 谜语九十六:猜陆上动物刺猬 个子虽不大,浑身是武器,见敌缩成团,看你奈我何。 谜语九十七:啄木鸟 有种鸟儿本领高,尖嘴会给树开刀。坏树皮,全啄掉,钩出害虫一条条。 谜语九十八:孔雀 说它象鸡不是鸡,尾巴长长拖到地,张开尾巴象把扇,花花绿绿真美丽。 谜语九十九:猫头鹰 远看像只猫,近看像只鸟,夜晚啄老鼠,白天睡大觉。 谜语一百:梅花鹿 头长小树杈,伸开白梅花,四腿细又长,奔跑快如马。 这有一百种喔。 1、狮子:头发乱蓬蓬,样子很威风,开口吼一声,百兽无踪影。2、斑马:是马不能骑,身穿条花衣,老家在非洲,狮子是大敌。3、骆驼:沙漠里,有只船,船上载着两座山,远看好像是笔架,近看满身都是毡。4、牛:头戴尖顶帽,身穿毛皮袄,吃苦又耐劳,从不发牢骚。5、羊:头长两只角,身穿大皮袄,吃的是青草,拉的是黑枣。6、鸭:小小游泳家,两脚当桨滑,捉鱼又捉虾,唱歌嘎嘎嘎。7、老鼠:嘴巴尖,尾巴长,又钻洞,又偷粮。 我不懂英语2023-06-25 12:59:536
一部曲:预言开始火星:雷族族长灰条:雷族副族长黄牙:影族/雷族巫医炭毛:雷族巫医斑叶:雷族巫医沙风:雷族武士云尾:雷族武士蓝星:雷族族长虎星:影族族长二部曲:新预言黑莓掌:雷族武士/副族长羽尾:河族武士暴毛:河族武士/急水部落护穴猫松鼠飞:雷族武士鸦羽:风族武士褐皮:影族武士叶池:雷族巫医鹰霜:河族武士蛾翅:河族巫医三部曲:三力量狮焰:雷族武士松鸦羽:雷族巫医冬青叶:雷族武士风皮:风族武士岩石:远古猫日神:泼皮猫首领蜡毛:雷族武士四部曲:星预言鸽翅:雷族武士藤池:雷族武士狮焰:雷族武士松鸦羽:雷族巫医炭心:雷族武士鹰霜:黑森林族长虎星:黑森林族长火星:雷族族长焰尾:影族巫医五部曲:族群黎明灰翅:风族早期定居者晴天:天族首领雷电:雷族首领高影:影族首领风逐:风族首领河波:河族首领玳尾:高影营地早期定居者锯峰:风族早期定居者暴雨:独行猫清溪:远古部落猫六部曲:暗影幻象赤杨心:雷族巫医烁皮:雷族武士松针尾:影族武士桠枝:雷族武士紫罗兰光:天族武士暗尾:至亲族长阿树:天族斡旋者七部曲:破灭守则根爪:天族学徒鬃霜:雷族武士影爪:影族巫医学徒黑莓星:雷族族长长篇外传火星的探索:火星:天族代理族长沙风:天族代理巫医护天:天族长老叶星:天族族长蓝星的预言:蓝星:雷族族长蓟掌:雷族武士雪毛:雷族武士鹅羽:雷族巫医天族外传:叶星:天族族长锐掌:天族副族长回声之歌:天族巫医斯迪克:泼皮猫首领钩星的承诺:钩星:河族族长橡心:河族武士雨花:河族武士枫荫:黑森林武士黄牙的秘密:黄牙:影族巫医圣须:影族巫医断星:影族族长残星:影族族长高星的复仇:高星:风族族长杰克:宠物猫麻雀:泼皮猫黑莓星的风暴:黑莓星:雷族族长松鼠飞:雷族副族长杰茜:宠物猫蛾飞的幻象:蛾飞:风族巫医迈卡:天族巫医鹰翅的旅程:鹰翅:天族武士卵石光:天族武士暗尾:泼皮猫虎心的阴影:虎心:影族副族长鸽翅:雷族武士塔尖望:守护者治疗者暴烈:守护者鸦羽的拷问鸦羽:风族副族长风皮:风族武士松鼠飞的希望松鼠飞:雷族副族长叶池:雷族巫医短篇电子书不为人知的故事:冬青叶的故事冬青叶:雷族武士落叶:远古猫雾星的征兆雾星:河族族长蛾翅:河族巫医云星的旅程云星:天族族长族群的传说:虎掌的愤怒虎掌:泼皮猫叶池的希望叶池:雷族巫医松鼠飞:雷族武士鸽翅的沉默鸽翅:雷族武士黄蜂条:雷族武士族群的阴影:枫荫的复仇枫荫:雷族武士鹅羽的诅咒鹅羽:雷族巫医乌爪的告别乌爪:独行猫巴利:独行猫族群的传奇:斑叶的心声斑爪:雷族学徒蓟掌 :雷族武士松星的抉择松星:雷族族长珊蒂:宠物猫雷星的怀响雷星:雷族族长闪电尾:雷族副族长武士之路:红尾的恩债红尾:雷族副族长虎掌:雷族武士褐皮的族群褐皮:影族副族长鸽翅:影族武士小影:影族幼崽影星的生命影星:影族族长疾水:天族武士武士之魂:卵石光的幼崽卵石光:天族猫后阿树的根源阿树:天族斡旋者蛾翅的秘密蛾翅:河族巫医短篇电子书7:黛西的至亲黛西:雷族猫后黑星的故事黑星:影族族长漫画:灰条历险记:条条:宠物猫米莉:宠物猫长鞭崛起长鞭:血族族长虎星与莎夏莎夏:泼皮猫虎星:影族族长乌爪的旅程乌爪:独行猫巴利:独行猫天族与陌生者叶星:天族族长比利风:天族武士日神:独行猫2023-06-25 13:00:238
白郁金香:纯洁的友谊 黄郁金香:高贵、珍重、道歉2023-06-25 13:00:493
求关于动物灭绝的资料 13:01:008
cabbage卷心菜cabbie出租车司机rabbit兔子fabby很好的2023-06-25 13:01:301
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起点网连载的《美国风云400年》值得读一下。2023-06-25 13:02:278
泰戈尔《飞鸟集》Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.And yellow leaves of autumn which have no songs , flutter and fall there with a sign. O troupe of little vagrants of the world,leave your footprints in my wods.The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover.It becomes small as one song ,as one kiss of the eternal.It is the tears of the earth that keep her smiles in bloom.The mighty desert is burning for the love of a blade of grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away .If you shed tears when you miss the sun ,you also miss the stars.The sands in your way beg for your song and your movement, dancing water.Will you carry the burden of their lameness?Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night.Once we dreamt that we were strangers.(未完)夏天的飞鸟,来到我的窗前,歌唱,又飞走了。秋天的落叶,它们没有什么曲子可唱,一声叹息,飘零在地上。世界上一队小小的流浪者啊,在我的字里行间留下你们的足迹吧!世界对着它的爱人,扯下它那庞大的面具。它变小了,小得宛如一首歌,小得宛如一个永恒的吻。大地的泪珠,使她的微笑如鲜花般盛开。广袤的沙漠,狂热追求一叶绿草的爱,但她又笑着摇摇头,飞走了。如果你因错过太阳而哭泣,那么你也会错过群星了。舞动着的流水啊,在你途中的泥沙,正乞求你的歌声,你的舞蹈呢!你是否肯背负跛足的泥沙向前奔腾?她热切的脸,如夜晚的雨水,萦绕在我的梦中。有一次,我们梦见彼此竟是陌生人。常常说美丽的东西美到极致就难以用言语表达了,可是如果你不说,又有多少人能和你一起冥想这世间的美呢?感谢上帝创造了四季,感谢春风,感谢夏雨,感谢落叶,感谢飘雪,感谢世界上一切都灵性的东西,是你们给了我们插了幻想的羽翼,让我们的生活因为你们的存在而光彩。我是一个忧郁的人,时常感觉撒旦就在我的身旁,一不小心就会被他抓走似的。我真的很怕他把我带向地狱。我曾经在无人的地方呐喊,无助的哭泣。懦弱的我啊,就像被抽走了骨架只剩下一副皮囊。我恨自己的忧郁,恨他带走我的快乐。我一路追着我的快乐,想要她回到我的身边,等我追到了,我一定会好好呵护她。任何一个在哭泣的女孩比谁都需要关怀,就像我。感谢世界上还有诗这个好东西,如果没有他,我连发怒都不知向谁发出。看着这些美丽的诗啊,我真想一把抓住他们,好好的品味。真正的好诗能给人力量,给人多一只眼睛,让人们去发现这世间无处不在的美,让人知道活着是多么的幸福。 哭泣的人,快擦干你的泪水,瞧,那美丽的星星正在对你闪耀。 If you shed tears when you miss the sun ,you also miss the stars.We wake up to find that we were dear to each other .Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent trees.Some unseen fingers,like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heart the music of the ripples.“what language is thine,o sea?”“The language of eternal question?”“What language is thy answer,o sky?”“The language of eternal silence.”Listen,my heart,to the whispers of the world with which it makes love to you!The mestery of creation is like the darkness of night-it is great.Delusions of knowledge are like the fog of the morning.Do not seat your love upon a precipice because it is high.醒来时,才发现我们本事亲密无间。忧伤在我心中沉静下来,宛如降临在寂静山林中的夜色。一些看不见的手指,如慵懒的风,在我心上奏着潺潺的乐章。“大海啊,你说的是什么?”“是永恒的质疑。”“天空啊,你回答的是什么?”“是永恒的沉默。”听,我的心啊,听那世界的呢喃,这是它对你爱的召唤!创造的神秘,有如夜的黑暗——它是伟大的,而知识的幻影却如清晨之雾。不要因为峭壁的高耸,而让你的爱情坐在上面。I sit at windown this morning where the world like a passer-by stops for a moment ,nods to me and goes.There little thoughts are the rustle of leaves ;they have their whisper of joy in my mind.What you are you do not see,what you see is your shadow.My wishes are fools,they shout across thy song ,my master.Let me but listen.I cannot choose the best.The best chooses me.They throw their shadows before them who carry their lantem on their back.That I exist is a perpetual surprise ehich is life.“We ,the rustling leaves,have a voice that answers the storms,but who are you so silent?”“I am a mere flowers.”今天早晨,我坐在窗前,世界就如一个过客,稍歇半刻,向我点点头,便走了。这些零碎的思想,是树叶沙沙之声;它们在我的思想,欢快地低语着。你看不见自己,你所见到的只是自己的影子。主啊,我的那些愿望真是傻透了,它们喧闹着穿越你的歌声。只让我聆听吧。我不能选择更好的。是那最好的选择我。那些背着灯的人,他们的影子投到了前面。我的存在,是有个永恒的惊奇,这就是人生。“我们,簌簌的树叶,都应和着暴风雨。而你又是谁,如此沉默?”“我只是一朵花。Rest belongs to the work as the eyelids to the eyes.Man is a born child,his power is the power of growth.God expects answers for the flowers he sends us ,not for the sun and the earth.The light that plays ,like a naked child ,among the green leaves happyily knows not that man can lie.O beauty,find thyself in love ,not in the flattery of thy mirror.My heart beats her waves at the shore of the world and writes upon it her signature in tears with the words,”I love thee.”“moon ,for what do you wait?”“to salute the sun for whom I must make way.”The trees come up to my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth.His own mornings are new surprises to god.休憩之于工作,正如眼脸之于眼睛。人是一个处生的孩子,成长是他的力量。上帝期盼着我们的回答,乃是因为他送给了我们花朵,而不是阳光和大地。光明游玩于绿叶丛中,好似一个赤裸的孩子,不知道人是可以撒谎的。美啊。在爱中寻找你自己吧,别到你镜子的恭维里去寻觅。在世界之岸,我的心随着她的涟漪搏动,我用热泪写就了她的名字:“我爱你。““月儿啊,你在等候什么?”“等待太阳的致敬,因为我得给它让路。”绿叶长到了我的窗前,仿佛是无言的大地发出饥渴的声音。上帝感到自己清晨无比新奇。Life find its weath by the claims of the world,and its worth by the claims of love.The dry river_bed finds no thanks for its past.The bird wishes it were a cloud..The cloud wishes it were a bird.The waterfall sings,”I find my song ,when I find my freedom.”I can not tell why this heart languishes in silence.It is for small needs it never asks,or knows or remembers.Woman ,when you move about in your household service yout limbs sing like a hill stream among its pebbles.The sun goes to cross the weastern sea,leaving its last salutation to the East.Do not blame your food because you have mo appetite.The trees,like the longings of the earth,stand a tiptoe to peep at the heaven.世界的需求使生命富裕起来,爱情的需求使之价值连城。干涸的河床,并不感谢它的往昔。鸟儿愿为一朵云,云儿愿为一只鸟。瀑布歌唱着:“我得到自由时,也就有了歌声。”我不懂这心为何静默地忍受煎熬。它是为了那不曾要求,不曾知晓、不曾记得的小小需求。女人,你在料理家务的时候,你的手脚歌唱着,宛如山涧溪流歌唱着从卵石中流过。当太阳横穿西海时,在东方留下他最后的致意。当你没胃口时,不要抱怨食物。绿树仿佛在表示对大地的渴望,踮起脚尖,窥视天空。This longing is for the one who is felt in the dark,but not seen in the day.“You are the big drop of dew under the lotus leaf,I am the smaller one on its upper side.”said the dewdrop to the lake.The scabbard is content to be dull when it protects the keenness of the sword.In darknes the one appears as uniform;In the light the one appears as manifold.The great earth makes herself hospitable with the help of the frass whose wider circles move slowly among stars.Power said to the world.”you are mine?The world kept it prisoner in her throne.Love said to the world,”I am thine.”The world gave it the freedom of her house.这渴望是为了那个能在黑夜里感觉得到,而在白天却无法看见的主人。露珠对湖水说道:“你是荷业叶下的大露珠,我是荷叶上的小露珠。”刀鞘在保护刀的锋利时,自己也满足了它的驽钝。黑暗中,“一”是一体的,混沌难分。光明中,“一”便呈现出不同的面貌。大地有了绿色的帮助,而显得自己殷勤好客。绿叶的生死,是旋风急速的飞转,而更广阔的旋转,是繁星之间的缓缓转动。权利对世界说:“你是我的。”世界便把权利囚禁在自己的宝座下。爱情对世界说:“我是你的。”世界便让爱情在自己的屋子里自由出入。The mist is like the earth"s desire.It hides the sun for whom she cries.Be still,my heart,these great trees are prayers.The noise of the moment scoffs at the music of the eternal.I think of other ages that floated upon the stream of lifw and love and death and are forgotten, and I feel the freedom of passing away.The sadness of my soul is her bride"s veil.It waits to be lifted in the night.Daath"s stamp gives value to the coin of life;making it possible to buy with life what is truly precious.The cloud stood humbly in a corner of the sky.The morning crowned it with splendour.The dust receives insult and in return offers her flowers.浓雾好似大地的希翼。她藏起自己哭求的太阳。安静些吧,我的心,这些参天大叔都是祈祷者啊!“刹那”的喧嚣,嘲弄着“永恒”的音乐。我想起了那些漂流在生、爱和死的溪流上的其他时代,它们已被以往,我感到了离开尘世的自由。我灵魂的忧伤是新娘的面纱。等候着在午夜被掀开。死之烙印将价值赋予生之硬币,使其可以用生命来购买那些真正宝贵的东西。白云之谦逊地站在天之一隅。晨光冠之以辉煌。泥土饱受侮辱,却以花朵作为回报。Bees sip honey from flowers and hum their thanks when they leave.The gaudy butterfly is sure that the flowers owe thanks to him.To be outspoken is easy when you do not wait to speak the complete truth.Asks the possible to the impossible.“where is your dwelling place?”“in the dreams of the impotent “comes the answer.If you shut your door to all errors,truth will be shut out.I hear some rustle of things behind my sadness of heart-I cannot see them.Leisure in its activity is work.The stillness of the sea stirs in waves.The leaf becomes flower when it loves.The flower becomes fruit when it worships.蜜蜂在花丛中采蜜,离开时低语道谢。花哨的蝴蝶却相信花儿应当向它致谢。当一不想说出完全的真理时,畅所欲言是轻而易举的。“可能”问“不可能”“你住在哪里?”它回答道:“在无能者的梦境里。”如果你把所有的错误拒之门外,那么真理也会被关在门外。我听见我的忧郁的心后面有东西在沙沙作响——可我看不见它们。富含活力的闲暇就是工作。海水的静止摆动成浪涛。绿叶恋爱时便成了花朵。花儿仰慕时便成了果实。The sparrow is sorry for the peacock at the burden of its tail.Never be afraid of the moments-thus sings the voice of the everlasting.The hurricane seeks the shortest road by the no-road ,and suddenly ends its search in the nowhere.Take my wine in my owe cup,friend.It loses its wreath of foam ehen poured into that of others.The perfect decks itself in beauty for the love of the imperfect.God says to man,”I heal you therefore I hut ,love you therefore punish.”Thank the flame for its light,but do not forget the lampholder standing in the shade with constancy of patience.Tiny grass ,you steps are small,but you possess the earth under your tread.The infant flower opens its bud and cries,”dear world ,please do not fade.” 麻雀为孔雀担忧,因为她不得不负担着硕大的羽翎。决不要害怕“刹那”——永恒之声如此歌唱着。飓风在绝望中寻找捷径,又突然地在“无影之国”终止了它的寻觅。快在我怀中饮了我酒吧,朋友。若是倒入别人的杯里,这酒激荡的泡沫便要消失了。“完美”为了对“不完美”示爱,把自己装扮得美丽之极。上帝对人类说:“我治愈你,所以才伤害你;我爱你,所以才惩罚你。”感谢火焰的光明,但是别忘了执灯人,他正坚忍地站在黑暗之中。小草啊,你的足迹虽小,然而你却拥有脚下的土地。小花绽放蓓蕾,高喊着:“亲爱的世界啊,请不要凋零。”By plucking her petals you do not gather the beauty of the flower.Silence will carry your voice like the nest that holds the sleeping birds.The great walks with the small without fear.The middling keeps aloof.The night opens the flowers in wecret and allows the day to get thanks.Power takes as ingratitude the writhing of its victims.When we rejoice in our fullness ,then we can part with our fruits with joy.The raindrops kissed the earth and whispered,”we are thy homesick children,mother,come back to thee from the heaven.”The cobweb pretends to catch dewdrops and catches files.Love!when you come with the burning lamp of pain in your hand,I can see your face and know you as bilss.“the leaned say that your linghts will one day be no more,”said the firefly to the stars.望采纳2023-06-25 13:02:492
在这有 13:03:395
中国香港以前系有老虎的 (华南虎 学名 Panthera tigris amoyensis) 最后一只大约 1942 年 o系赤柱附近俾人杀死 (wwf) 五间狸 (Viverra zibetha) 系以前中国香港有的大型陆生哺乳类动物 不过都冇晒 lu 以上系我自己识 gei.... 再睇下呢个 website (系 u professor 写的 可信度有 10000%) u/ecology/porcupine/por25/25-misc-reintro 系讲紧应该重新引入边一 d 「中国香港曾经有 但绝左迹」的动物 (只包括鸟类同哺乳类) 我译唔晒咁多名呀.... quote 出来就算啦 你对边只有兴趣可以再 search 下~ (括弧系学名) --- 鸟类 --- Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler Rufous-capped Babbler Vinous-throated Parrotbill Grey-cheeked Fulvetta Yellow-cheeked Tit Black-throated Tit (以上的都已在中国香港绝迹 但由于有人放生 呢 d 雀而家有时可以 o系野外见到; 但因为数量少 同埋来自人为活动 所以我都计佢地为「已绝迹」) Silver Pheasant Chinese Bamboo Partridge Rickett"s Hill Partridge Red-headed Trogon Black-browed Barbet Bay Woodpecker (and several other woodpecker species) White-crowned Forktail Brown Dipper Mountain Bulbul Spot-breasted Scimitar Babbler Brown-capped Fulvetta --- 哺乳类 --- Pallas"s Squirrel (Callosciurus erythraeus) (中国香港而家有的松鼠都唔系本地原生物种来的) Red Fox Maritime Striped Squirrel (Tamiops maritimus) Sambar Deer Southern Serow Raccoon Dog Dhole Hog Badger Siberian Weasel Hairy-footed Flying Squirrel Giant Flying Squirrel (Petaurista philippensis) Edward"s Long-tailed Giant Rat (Leopoldamys edwardsi) 哗 真系多到呢.... 记住要保护环境啦!!! 因为我地所做的事 可能不知不觉咁破坏紧环境 渐渐地令到一 d 动物 o系中国香港消失!! 2007-11-07 00:38:54 补充: 五间狸(曾经)系中国香港最大的陆生哺乳类动物~ dp/2003/research/research?iCommentId... 参考: dp/2003/research/research?iCommentId... 中国香港为沿海城市,面积虽只有1036平方公里,但海岸线加起来的长度(包括有230多个岛屿)却有800多公里长。中国香港的沿海,大约七成的岸边为陡峭的石岸,但也有三成为砂滩或泥滩,沿岸均有许多不同海岸生境和生态系统,由红树林到潮间带,不一而足。中国香港近海为大陆棚架,水浅因而阳光充足,亦主要是泥沙海床,底栖生物资源包括鱼、虾、蟹和贝类,十分丰富。本港近海鱼类也有近千种,其他海洋生物包括海草、珊瑚,种类繁多。 中国香港的西边为珠江河口,受珠江水系影响,砂泥沉积物及淡水都在中国香港西部水域出现。至于东边,则以海洋性水系为主。冬季的时候,由于有暖流由南中国海,北上经过中国香港,今本港海水不致太冷。因此许多热带海洋生物,包括海马、珊瑚都可在本港海域生长。除此之外,海湾海岛多,做成屏障,许多不同海洋生物可作为孕育区和觅食区,例如石斑、海豚、等。可惜的是,昔日常见的龙虾和鲍鱼,由于水质变差及过份捕捞,却早巳绝迹。 因此常见的龙虾和鲍鱼在中国香港巳绝迹了 2007-11-04 11:44:43 补充: dp/2003/research/research?iCommentId=2049&szColumnId=researchenvt2023-06-25 13:03:571
This is Bill. He is from Africa.He is a Lion.I think he is ugly.He has golden hair . This is Molly.She is a panda.She is from China.She is very cute ahd beautiful.So many people love her .She has white and black hair. This is Micky.He is a koaia.He is from Australia.He is very smart. He has black hair.翻译: 这是Bill。他来自非洲。他是一只狮子。我觉得他是丑陋的。他有一身棕色的皮毛。 这是Molly。她是一只熊猫。她来自中国。她非常可爱和美丽。所以很多人喜欢她。她有一身白色和黑色的皮毛。 这是Micky。他是一只考拉。他来自澳大利亚。他非常聪明。他有一身黑色皮毛。2023-06-25 13:04:074