1. not only cocktail party intoxicant, tea also intoxicant, moreover is more drunk than is even more thoroughly more enjoyable, a taste also only then personally realized.
2. perhaps the Cantonese is relies on the spirit which this kind never says die only then to cause them becomes rich, only then causes Guangdong to turn person"s heaven which each wants to become rich. 3. - sunlight breath. In the morning just awoke, new day brings the new hope, the early tea in the big dining hall carries on the well lit, crowded, lively, for human one kind of unity upward atmosphere. Whole family, relaxed meeting, happy conversation, with simple direct and the graceful way continues China"s filial piety tradition. The friend gathers, comes straight to the point, commercial meeting, different price range, because drinks the early tea, is bringing the warm feeling, is having a spot warm human sentiment
4. when drinks tea, the manner is graceful, others pour tea for you, must bend directs the floor to express thanks, when tea insufficiency, partly makes tea the lid, awaits calmly the waiter to approach, cannot cry out loudly, before answering the telephone, to say sorry first to the friend, picks the teeth with the toothpick must cover the mouth 5. early tea the tea by the black tea primarily, takes his/her warm stomach to go greasily, favors the digestion. Common has the Oolong tea, the Oolong tea, the Pu"er tea, some people also like drinking the chrysanthemum tea, namely joins the chrysanthemum in the Pu"er tea, takes it cool to dispel the fire. Red dark brown dark red, Tang Nongchou, the taste is bitter and astringent, although is inferior to the green tea in the vision and the sense of taste, actually with the Guangdong early tea in the flavor rich snack exactly is the excellent supplement. 6. Guangdong early tea"s prosperous, the trade is prosperous since the ancient times with Guangdong, the economic development rapid cannot separate. In Guangdong, early tea may have a heart-to-heart talk business, the exchange information, may also meet the friend to gather the friend, to talk of this and that. The businessman treats as the teahouse discusses heavily, the average person expresses the decompression strength in this, trades floats lives the half day to be idle.
印度文:. 1 u0938u093fu0930u094du092b u0915u0949u0915u091fu0947u0932 u092au093eu0930u094du091fu0940 u0928u0936u0940u0932u0940, u091au093eu092f u0928u0936u0940u0932u0940 u0939u0948, u0932u0947u0915u093fu0928 u0925u093e u0914u0930 u0905u0927u093fu0915 u0906u0930u093eu092eu0926u093eu092fu0915 u0928u0936u0947 u0938u0947 u0905u0927u093fu0915 u0935u094du092fu093eu092au0915 u0939u0948, u0914u0930 u090fu0915 u0939u0940 u0935u094du092fu0915u094du0924u093f u0915u094b u0915u0947 u0938u094du0935u093eu0926 u0915u093e u0905u0928u0941u092du0935.
. 2 u0936u093eu092fu0926 u0915u0948u0902u091fu094bu0928u0940u091cu093c u0926u0943u0922u093cu0924u093e u0915u0940 u0907u0938 u092du093eu0935u0928u093e u0939u0948 u0915u093f u0909u0928u094du0939u0947u0902 u0905u092eu0940u0930 u092cu0928u0928u0947 u0915u0930u0924u093e u0939u0948 u0907u0938u0938u0947 u092au0939u0932u0947 u0915u093f u0935u0947 u0915u0930 u0915u0940 u0917u0941u0923 u0939u0948 u091cu094b u0905u092eu0940u0930 u092cu093eu0930 u0915u0930u0928u093e u091au093eu0939u0924u093e u0939u0942u0901 u0915u0947 u0932u093fu090f u090fu0915 u0938u094du0935u0930u094du0917 u092eu0947u0902 u0938u0947 u092au094du0930u0924u094du092fu0947u0915 u092eu0947u0902 u0917u0941u0906u0902u0917u094du0921u094bu0902u0917.
3 .- u0927u0942u092a u092eu093eu0939u094cu0932. u0938u0941u092cu0939, u092cu0938 u0928u092fu093e u0926u093fu0928 u0909u0920u093e u0914u0930 u0915u0947 u0932u093fu090f u0927u0942u092a u0916u093eu0928u0947 u0915u0947 u0915u092eu0930u0947 u092eu0947u0902 u0938u0941u092cu0939 u0915u0940 u091au093eu092f u0915u0947 u0932u093fu090f u0928u0908 u0909u092eu094du092eu0940u0926 u092cu0902u0927u0924u0940 u0939u0948 u092cu0921u093cu0947, u0926u0947u0916 u0932u094bu0917, u0939u0932u091au0932, u0935u093eu0924u093eu0935u0930u0923 u092eu0947u0902 u090fu0915u0924u093e u0915u093e u090fu0915 u092au094du0930u0915u093eu0930 u0926u0947 u0930u0939u0940 u0939u0948. u092au0930u093fu0935u093eu0930, u0938u092du093e u0915u094b u0906u0930u093eu092e,, u0938u0930u0932 u0914u0930 u0938u0941u0930u0941u091au093fu092au0942u0930u094du0923 u0938u0940u0927u093e u0930u093eu0938u094du0924u093e filial u0927u0930u094du092eu092au0930u093eu092fu0923u0924u093e u0915u0947 u091au0940u0928 u0915u0940 u092au0930u0902u092au0930u093e u0915u094b u091cu093eu0930u0940 u0930u0916u0928u0947 u0915u0947 u0938u093eu0925 u0938u0941u0916u0926 u0935u093eu0930u094du0924u093eu0932u093eu092a,. u0926u094bu0938u094du0924u094bu0902 u0915u0947 u0938u093eu0925 u092eu093fu0932u094b, u0938u0940u0927u0947 u092cu093eu0924 u0915u0930u0928u0947 u0915u0947 u0932u093fu090f u0935u094du092fu093eu092au093eu0930 u0915u0947 u0938u092eu094du092eu0947u0932u0928u094bu0902, u092bu0947u0902u0917 u0932u094bu0917u094bu0902 u0926u094du0935u093eu0930u093e Jian u0915u094du092fu094bu0902u0915u093f u092fu0939 u0938u0941u092cu0939 u091au093eu092f u0915u0940 u0925u0940, u0917u0930u094du092eu0940 u0915u0947 u0938u093eu0925 u0938u092du0940, u0925u094bu0921u093cu093e u0917u0930u094du092e u092eu093eu0928u0935u0940u092f u092du093eu0935u0928u093eu0913u0902 u0915u0947 u0938u093eu0925
. 4, u0938u0941u0930u0941u091au093fu092au0942u0930u094du0923 u0936u093fu0937u094du091fu093eu091au093eu0930 u091au093eu092f, u0924u0941u092e u0926u0942u0938u0930u094bu0902 u0915u0947 u0932u093fu090f u0917u093fu0930u0928u0947, u092eu0947u091c u0915u0940 u0913u0930 u0907u0936u093eu0930u093e u0915u0930u0924u0947 u0938u0902u0917u0940u0924 u0915u0947 u0932u093fu090f u0927u0928u094du092fu0935u093eu0926, u091au093eu092f, u0915u092e u0939u0948 u0905u0930u094du0926u094du0927 u0916u0941u0932u0940 u091au093eu092f, u0915u0935u0930, u0935u0947u091fu0930 u0906u0928u0947 u0915u0947 u0932u093fu090f u092au094du0930u0924u0940u0915u094du0937u093e u0915u0930u0947u0902 u0914u0930 u091cu094bu0930 u0938u0947 u092bu094bu0928 u0928u0939u0940u0902 u0915u0930 u0938u0915u0924u0947 u0939u0948u0902, u0915u0947 u0932u093fu090f u092bu094bu0928 u0915u093e u091cu0935u093eu092c, u092au0939u0932u0947 u090fu0915 u0926u094bu0938u094du0924 u092eu093eu092b u0915u0930u0928u093e u0928u0947 u0915u0939u093e, Yanzui u090fu0915 u0926u0902u0930u094du0924u0916u094bu0926u0928u0940 u0915u0947 u0938u093eu0925 u0926u093eu0901u0924
u091au093eu092f u0914u0930 u0915u093eu0932u0940 u091au093eu092f u0915u0947 u0938u093eu0925. 5 u0938u0941u092cu0939 u0915u0940 u091au093eu092f u0915u0947 u0906u0927u093eu0930 u092au0930, u091cu094b u092du0940 u091au093fu0915u0928u093e u0915u094b Nuanwei u0939u0948, u091cu094b u092au093eu091au0928 u092eu0947u0902 u092eu0926u0926 u092eu093fu0932u0947u0917u0940. u0906u092e u091au093eu092f Oolong u0939u0948u0902, u092cu093eu0901u0927 u0917u0941u0906u0928 u092fu093fu0928, Pu"er u091au093eu092f, u0914u0930 u0915u0941u091b u0932u094bu0917u094bu0902 u0915u094b u0917u0941u0932u0926u093eu0909u0926u0940 u092au0941 u091au093eu092f u092au0940u0924u0947 u0939u0948u0902, u0905u0930u094du0925u093eu0924u094d u091cu094bu0921u093cu0928u0947 u0917u0941u0932u0926u093eu0909u0926u0940 u091au093eu092f, u091cu094b u092du0940 u0920u0940u0915 u0939u094b u0906u0917 u0915u0940 u0924u0930u0939 u0936u093eu0902u0924 u0939u0948. u0915u093eu0932u0947 u0930u0902u0917 u0932u093eu0932, u092eu094bu091fu0940 u0938u0942u092a u0915u093eu0932u093e, u0915u0921u093cu0935u093e u0938u094du0935u093eu0926, u0939u093eu0932u093eu0902u0915u093f u0914u0930 u0926u0943u0936u094du092f u0938u094du0935u093eu0926 u0939u0930u0940 u091au093eu092f u0915u0947 u0930u0942u092a u092eu0947u0902 u0915u0947 u0930u0942u092a u092eu0947u0902 u0905u091au094du091bu093e u0928u0939u0940u0902 u0939u0948, u0932u0947u0915u093fu0928 u0917u0941u0906u0902u0917u094du0921u094bu0902u0917 u091au093eu092f u0915u0940 u0938u0941u092cu0939 u091au093eu092f u0905u092eu0940u0930 u0938u094du0935u093eu0926 u092au0930u093fu092au0942u0930u094du0923 u092eu0948u091a u0920u0940u0915 u0939u0948 u092eu0947u0902 u0915u092a u0915u0947 u0938u093eu0925.
6. u0917u0941u0906u0902u0917u094du0921u094bu0902u0917 u092eu0947u0902 u0938u094du0925u093eu092fu0940 u0938u0941u092cu0939 u091au093eu092f, u0914u0930 u0917u0941u0906u0902u0917u094du0921u094bu0902u0917 u092au094du0930u093eu091au0940u0928 u0915u093eu0932 u0938u0947 u0938u092eu0943u0926u094du0927 u0935u094du092fu093eu092au093eu0930, u0924u0940u0935u094du0930 u0906u0930u094du0925u093fu0915 u0935u093fu0915u093eu0938 u0915u0947 u0905u0935u093fu092du093eu091cu094du092f u0939u0948u0902. u0917u0941u0906u0902u0917u094du0921u094bu0902u0917 u092eu0947u0902, u0938u0941u092cu0939 u0918u0902u091fu0947 u0924u0941u092e u0935u094du092fu093eu092au093eu0930 u092cu093eu0924, u0938u0942u091au0928u093e u0915u0947 u0906u0926u093eu0928 u092au094du0930u0926u093eu0928 u0915u0930 u0938u0915u0924u0947 u0939u0948u0902, u0906u092a u0926u094bu0938u094du0924u094bu0902 Juyou u0939u094b u0938u0915u0924u093e u0939u0948, u092cu093eu0924u0947u0902. u0935u094du092fu093eu092au093eu0930 u0932u094bu0917u094bu0902 u0915u0947 u090fu0915 u0930u0947u0938u094du0924u0930u093eu0902 u0915u0947 u0930u0942u092a u092eu0947u0902 u092eu0939u0924u094du0935u092au0942u0930u094du0923 u0938u094du0925u093eu0928 u092au0930 u091au0930u094du091au093e u0915u0930u0928u0947 u0915u0947 u0932u093fu090f u092bu094du0932u094bu091fu093fu0902u0917 u091cu0940u0935u0928 u092au0930 u0930u093eu0939u0924 u0915u0947 u0926u092cu093eu0935 u0915u0947 u0930u0942u092a u092eu0947u0902 u0906u0927u0947 u090fu0915 u0926u093fu0928 u0915u0947 u0932u093fu090f u0914u0938u0924 u092eu0941u0926u094du0930u093e u092eu0947u0902 u0935u094du092fu0915u094du0924u093f.
英文:1. Not just intoxicating cocktail party, tea is intoxicating, but was more thorough than drunk more comfortable, and one and only person to experience the taste of.
2. Perhaps Cantonese is the virtue of this spirit of perseverance that makes them become rich before they make Guangdong into each of a haven for those who want to get rich bar.
3 .- sunny atmosphere. Morning, just woke up and the new day brings new hope for morning tea in the sunny dining room for large, people watching, bustling, giving a kind of unity in the atmosphere. Family, relaxed gathering, pleasant conversation, with simple, direct and elegant way to continue China"s tradition of filial piety. Meet with friends, straight to the point, business gatherings, Feng Jian by people because it was morning tea, all with warmth, with a little warm human feelings
4. Tea, elegant manners, others pouring for you, pointing to the table to thank the music, tea is low, semi-open tea, cover, wait for the waiter come and can not call out loudly, to answer the phone, before a friend said sorry, teeth with a toothpick to Yanzui
5. Morning tea with the tea and black tea-based, whichever is Nuanwei to greasy, which will help digestion. Common are Oolong tea, Tie Guan Yin, Pu"er tea, and some people like to drink chrysanthemum tea Pu, ie adding chrysanthemum tea, whichever is cool fire cured. Black color dark red, thick soup, taste bitter, although the visual and taste not as good as green tea, but with the Guangdong morning cup of tea in the tea rich flavor is the perfect match exactly.
6. The enduring morning tea in Guangdong, and Guangdong trade flourishing since ancient times, rapid economic development are inseparable. In Guangdong, morning hours you can talk business, exchange of information, you can be friends Juyou, chatting. Business people to discuss important place as a restaurant, the average person in the terms of relieving pressure on Floating Life in exchange for half a day.
印度文:. 1 u0938u093fu0930u094du092b u0915u0949u0915u091fu0947u0932 u092au093eu0930u094du091fu0940 u0928u0936u0940u0932u0940, u091au093eu092f u0928u0936u0940u0932u0940 u0939u0948, u0932u0947u0915u093fu0928 u0925u093e u0914u0930 u0905u0927u093fu0915 u0906u0930u093eu092eu0926u093eu092fu0915 u0928u0936u0947 u0938u0947 u0905u0927u093fu0915 u0935u094du092fu093eu092au0915 u0939u0948, u0914u0930 u090fu0915 u0939u0940 u0935u094du092fu0915u094du0924u093f u0915u094b u0915u0947 u0938u094du0935u093eu0926 u0915u093e u0905u0928u0941u092du0935.
. 2 u0936u093eu092fu0926 u0915u0948u0902u091fu094bu0928u0940u091cu093c u0926u0943u0922u093cu0924u093e u0915u0940 u0907u0938 u092du093eu0935u0928u093e u0939u0948 u0915u093f u0909u0928u094du0939u0947u0902 u0905u092eu0940u0930 u092cu0928u0928u0947 u0915u0930u0924u093e u0939u0948 u0907u0938u0938u0947 u092au0939u0932u0947 u0915u093f u0935u0947 u0915u0930 u0915u0940 u0917u0941u0923 u0939u0948 u091cu094b u0905u092eu0940u0930 u092cu093eu0930 u0915u0930u0928u093e u091au093eu0939u0924u093e u0939u0942u0901 u0915u0947 u0932u093fu090f u090fu0915 u0938u094du0935u0930u094du0917 u092eu0947u0902 u0938u0947 u092au094du0930u0924u094du092fu0947u0915 u092eu0947u0902 u0917u0941u0906u0902u0917u094du0921u094bu0902u0917.
3 .- u0927u0942u092a u092eu093eu0939u094cu0932. u0938u0941u092cu0939, u092cu0938 u0928u092fu093e u0926u093fu0928 u0909u0920u093e u0914u0930 u0915u0947 u0932u093fu090f u0927u0942u092a u0916u093eu0928u0947 u0915u0947 u0915u092eu0930u0947 u092eu0947u0902 u0938u0941u092cu0939 u0915u0940 u091au093eu092f u0915u0947 u0932u093fu090f u0928u0908 u0909u092eu094du092eu0940u0926 u092cu0902u0927u0924u0940 u0939u0948 u092cu0921u093cu0947, u0926u0947u0916 u0932u094bu0917, u0939u0932u091au0932, u0935u093eu0924u093eu0935u0930u0923 u092eu0947u0902 u090fu0915u0924u093e u0915u093e u090fu0915 u092au094du0930u0915u093eu0930 u0926u0947 u0930u0939u0940 u0939u0948. u092au0930u093fu0935u093eu0930, u0938u092du093e u0915u094b u0906u0930u093eu092e,, u0938u0930u0932 u0914u0930 u0938u0941u0930u0941u091au093fu092au0942u0930u094du0923 u0938u0940u0927u093e u0930u093eu0938u094du0924u093e filial u0927u0930u094du092eu092au0930u093eu092fu0923u0924u093e u0915u0947 u091au0940u0928 u0915u0940 u092au0930u0902u092au0930u093e u0915u094b u091cu093eu0930u0940 u0930u0916u0928u0947 u0915u0947 u0938u093eu0925 u0938u0941u0916u0926 u0935u093eu0930u094du0924u093eu0932u093eu092a,. u0926u094bu0938u094du0924u094bu0902 u0915u0947 u0938u093eu0925 u092eu093fu0932u094b, u0938u0940u0927u0947 u092cu093eu0924 u0915u0930u0928u0947 u0915u0947 u0932u093fu090f u0935u094du092fu093eu092au093eu0930 u0915u0947 u0938u092eu094du092eu0947u0932u0928u094bu0902, u092bu0947u0902u0917 u0932u094bu0917u094bu0902 u0926u094du0935u093eu0930u093e Jian u0915u094du092fu094bu0902u0915u093f u092fu0939 u0938u0941u092cu0939 u091au093eu092f u0915u0940 u0925u0940, u0917u0930u094du092eu0940 u0915u0947 u0938u093eu0925 u0938u092du0940, u0925u094bu0921u093cu093e u0917u0930u094du092e u092eu093eu0928u0935u0940u092f u092du093eu0935u0928u093eu0913u0902 u0915u0947 u0938u093eu0925
. 4, u0938u0941u0930u0941u091au093fu092au0942u0930u094du0923 u0936u093fu0937u094du091fu093eu091au093eu0930 u091au093eu092f, u0924u0941u092e u0926u0942u0938u0930u094bu0902 u0915u0947 u0932u093fu090f u0917u093fu0930u0928u0947, u092eu0947u091c u0915u0940 u0913u0930 u0907u0936u093eu0930u093e u0915u0930u0924u0947 u0938u0902u0917u0940u0924 u0915u0947 u0932u093fu090f u0927u0928u094du092fu0935u093eu0926, u091au093eu092f, u0915u092e u0939u0948 u0905u0930u094du0926u094du0927 u0916u0941u0932u0940 u091au093eu092f, u0915u0935u0930, u0935u0947u091fu0930 u0906u0928u0947 u0915u0947 u0932u093fu090f u092au094du0930u0924u0940u0915u094du0937u093e u0915u0930u0947u0902 u0914u0930 u091cu094bu0930 u0938u0947 u092bu094bu0928 u0928u0939u0940u0902 u0915u0930 u0938u0915u0924u0947 u0939u0948u0902, u0915u0947 u0932u093fu090f u092bu094bu0928 u0915u093e u091cu0935u093eu092c, u092au0939u0932u0947 u090fu0915 u0926u094bu0938u094du0924 u092eu093eu092b u0915u0930u0928u093e u0928u0947 u0915u0939u093e, Yanzui u090fu0915 u0926u0902u0930u094du0924u0916u094bu0926u0928u0940 u0915u0947 u0938u093eu0925 u0926u093eu0901u0924
u091au093eu092f u0914u0930 u0915u093eu0932u0940 u091au093eu092f u0915u0947 u0938u093eu0925. 5 u0938u0941u092cu0939 u0915u0940 u091au093eu092f u0915u0947 u0906u0927u093eu0930 u092au0930, u091cu094b u092du0940 u091au093fu0915u0928u093e u0915u094b Nuanwei u0939u0948, u091cu094b u092au093eu091au0928 u092eu0947u0902 u092eu0926u0926 u092eu093fu0932u0947u0917u0940. u0906u092e u091au093eu092f Oolong u0939u0948u0902, u092cu093eu0901u0927 u0917u0941u0906u0928 u092fu093fu0928, Pu"er u091au093eu092f, u0914u0930 u0915u0941u091b u0932u094bu0917u094bu0902 u0915u094b u0917u0941u0932u0926u093eu0909u0926u0940 u092au0941 u091au093eu092f u092au0940u0924u0947 u0939u0948u0902, u0905u0930u094du0925u093eu0924u094d u091cu094bu0921u093cu0928u0947 u0917u0941u0932u0926u093eu0909u0926u0940 u091au093eu092f, u091cu094b u092du0940 u0920u0940u0915 u0939u094b u0906u0917 u0915u0940 u0924u0930u0939 u0936u093eu0902u0924 u0939u0948. u0915u093eu0932u0947 u0930u0902u0917 u0932u093eu0932, u092eu094bu091fu0940 u0938u0942u092a u0915u093eu0932u093e, u0915u0921u093cu0935u093e u0938u094du0935u093eu0926, u0939u093eu0932u093eu0902u0915u093f u0914u0930 u0926u0943u0936u094du092f u0938u094du0935u093eu0926 u0939u0930u0940 u091au093eu092f u0915u0947 u0930u0942u092a u092eu0947u0902 u0915u0947 u0930u0942u092a u092eu0947u0902 u0905u091au094du091bu093e u0928u0939u0940u0902 u0939u0948, u0932u0947u0915u093fu0928 u0917u0941u0906u0902u0917u094du0921u094bu0902u0917 u091au093eu092f u0915u0940 u0938u0941u092cu0939 u091au093eu092f u0905u092eu0940u0930 u0938u094du0935u093eu0926 u092au0930u093fu092au0942u0930u094du0923 u092eu0948u091a u0920u0940u0915 u0939u0948 u092eu0947u0902 u0915u092a u0915u0947 u0938u093eu0925.
6. u0917u0941u0906u0902u0917u094du0921u094bu0902u0917 u092eu0947u0902 u0938u094du0925u093eu092fu0940 u0938u0941u092cu0939 u091au093eu092f, u0914u0930 u0917u0941u0906u0902u0917u094du0921u094bu0902u0917 u092au094du0930u093eu091au0940u0928 u0915u093eu0932 u0938u0947 u0938u092eu0943u0926u094du0927 u0935u094du092fu093eu092au093eu0930, u0924u0940u0935u094du0930 u0906u0930u094du0925u093fu0915 u0935u093fu0915u093eu0938 u0915u0947 u0905u0935u093fu092du093eu091cu094du092f u0939u0948u0902. u0917u0941u0906u0902u0917u094du0921u094bu0902u0917 u092eu0947u0902, u0938u0941u092cu0939 u0918u0902u091fu0947 u0924u0941u092e u0935u094du092fu093eu092au093eu0930 u092cu093eu0924, u0938u0942u091au0928u093e u0915u0947 u0906u0926u093eu0928 u092au094du0930u0926u093eu0928 u0915u0930 u0938u0915u0924u0947 u0939u0948u0902, u0906u092a u0926u094bu0938u094du0924u094bu0902 Juyou u0939u094b u0938u0915u0924u093e u0939u0948, u092cu093eu0924u0947u0902. u0935u094du092fu093eu092au093eu0930 u0932u094bu0917u094bu0902 u0915u0947 u090fu0915 u0930u0947u0938u094du0924u0930u093eu0902 u0915u0947 u0930u0942u092a u092eu0947u0902 u092eu0939u0924u094du0935u092au0942u0930u094du0923 u0938u094du0925u093eu0928 u092au0930 u091au0930u094du091au093e u0915u0930u0928u0947 u0915u0947 u0932u093fu090f u092bu094du0932u094bu091fu093fu0902u0917 u091cu0940u0935u0928 u092au0930 u0930u093eu0939u0924 u0915u0947 u0926u092cu093eu0935 u0915u0947 u0930u0942u092a u092eu0947u0902 u0906u0927u0947 u090fu0915 u0926u093fu0928 u0915u0947 u0932u093fu090f u0914u0938u0924 u092eu0941u0926u094du0930u093e u092eu0947u0902 u0935u094du092fu0915u094du0924u093f.
英文:1. Not just intoxicating cocktail party, tea is intoxicating, but was more thorough than drunk more comfortable, and one and only person to experience the taste of.
2. Perhaps Cantonese is the virtue of this spirit of perseverance that makes them become rich before they make Guangdong into each of a haven for those who want to get rich bar.
3 .- sunny atmosphere. Morning, just woke up and the new day brings new hope for morning tea in the sunny dining room for large, people watching, bustling, giving a kind of unity in the atmosphere. Family, relaxed gathering, pleasant conversation, with simple, direct and elegant way to continue China"s tradition of filial piety. Meet with friends, straight to the point, business gatherings, Feng Jian by people because it was morning tea, all with warmth, with a little warm human feelings
4. Tea, elegant manners, others pouring for you, pointing to the table to thank the music, tea is low, semi-open tea, cover, wait for the waiter come and can not call out loudly, to answer the phone, before a friend said sorry, teeth with a toothpick to Yanzui
5. Morning tea with the tea and black tea-based, whichever is Nuanwei to greasy, which will help digestion. Common are Oolong tea, Tie Guan Yin, Pu"er tea, and some people like to drink chrysanthemum tea Pu, ie adding chrysanthemum tea, whichever is cool fire cured. Black color dark red, thick soup, taste bitter, although the visual and taste not as good as green tea, but with the Guangdong morning cup of tea in the tea rich flavor is the perfect match exactly.
6. The enduring morning tea in Guangdong, and Guangdong trade flourishing since ancient times, rapid economic development are inseparable. In Guangdong, morning hours you can talk business, exchange of information, you can be friends Juyou, chatting. Business people to discuss important place as a restaurant, the average person in the terms of relieving pressure on Floating Life in exchange for half a day.
1.Not only the intoxicating cocktail party, tea is intoxicating, but was more thorough than drunk more comfortable, and one and only person to experience the taste of.
2. Perhaps Cantonese is the virtue of this spirit of perseverance that makes them become rich before they make Guangdong into each of a haven for those who want to get rich bar.
3 .- sunny atmosphere. Morning, just woke up and the new day brings new hope for morning tea in the sunny dining room for large, people watching, bustling, giving a kind of unity in the atmosphere. Family, relaxed gathering, pleasant conversation, with simple, direct and elegant way to continue China"s tradition of filial piety. Meet with friends, straight to the point, business gatherings, Feng Jian by people because it was morning tea, all with warmth, with a little warm human feelings
4. Tea, elegant manners, others pouring for you, pointing to the table to thank the music, tea is low, semi-open tea, cover, wait for the waiter come and can not call out loudly, to answer the phone, before a friend said sorry, teeth with a toothpick to Yanzui
5. Morning tea with the tea and black tea-based, whichever is Nuanwei to greasy, which will help digestion. Common are Oolong tea, Tie Guan Yin, Pu"er tea, and some people like to drink chrysanthemum tea Pu, ie adding chrysanthemum tea, whichever is cool fire cured. Black color dark red, thick soup, taste bitter, although the visual and taste not as good as green tea, but with the Guangdong morning cup of tea in the tea rich flavor is the perfect match exactly.
6. The enduring morning tea in Guangdong, and Guangdong trade flourishing since ancient times, rapid economic development are inseparable. In Guangdong, morning hours you can talk business, exchange of information, you can be friends Juyou, chatting. Business people to discuss important place as a restaurant, the average person in the terms of relieving pressure on Floating Life in exchange for half a day.
翻译了你有什么用呢 你是英国人??? 不是的话给点分
1. not only cocktail party intoxicant, tea also intoxicant, moreover is more drunk than is even more thoroughly more enjoyable, a taste also only then personally realized.
2. perhaps the Cantonese is relies on the spirit which this kind never says die only then to cause them becomes rich, only then causes Guangdong to turn person"s heaven which each wants to become rich.
3. - sunlight breath. In the morning just awoke, new day brings the new hope, the early tea in the big dining hall carries on the well lit, crowded, lively, for human one kind of unity upward atmosphere. Whole family, relaxed meeting, happy conversation, with simple direct and the graceful way continues China"s filial piety tradition. The friend gathers, comes straight to the point, commercial meeting, different price range, because drinks the early tea, is bringing the warm feeling, is bringing when a spot warm human sentiment
4. drinks tea, the manner is graceful, others pour tea for you, must bend directs the floor to express thanks, when tea insufficiency, partly makes tea the lid, awaits calmly the waiter to approach, cannot cry out loudly, before answering the telephone, to say sorry first to the friend, picks the teeth with the toothpick must cover the mouth
5. early tea the tea by the black tea primarily, takes his/her warm stomach to go greasily, favors the digestion. Common has the Oolong tea, the Oolong tea, the Pu"er tea, some people also like drinking the chrysanthemum tea, namely joins the chrysanthemum in the Pu"er tea, takes it cool to dispel the fire. Red dark brown dark red, Tang Nongchou, the taste is bitter and astringent, although is inferior to the green tea in the vision and the sense of taste, actually with the Guangdong early tea in the flavor rich snack exactly is the excellent supplement.
6. Guangdong early tea"s prosperous, the trade is prosperous since the ancient times with Guangdong, the economic development rapid cannot separate. In Guangdong, early tea may have a heart-to-heart talk business, the exchange information, may also meet the friend to gather the friend, to talk of this and that. The businessman treats as the teahouse discusses heavily, the average person expresses the decompression strength in this, trades floats lives the half day to be idle.
1.Not only the intoxicating cocktail party, tea is intoxicating, but was more thorough than drunk more comfortable, and one and only person to experience the taste of.
2. Perhaps Cantonese is the virtue of this spirit of perseverance that makes them become rich before they make Guangdong into each of a haven for those who want to get rich bar.
3 .- sunny atmosphere. Morning, just woke up and the new day brings new hope for morning tea in the sunny dining room for large, people watching, bustling, giving a kind of unity in the atmosphere. Family, relaxed gathering, pleasant conversation, with simple, direct and elegant way to continue China"s tradition of filial piety. Meet with friends, straight to the point, business gatherings, Feng Jian by people because it was morning tea, all with warmth, with a little warm human feelings
4. Tea, elegant manners, others pouring for you, pointing to the table to thank the music, tea is low, semi-open tea, cover, wait for the waiter come and can not call out loudly, to answer the phone, before a friend said sorry, teeth with a toothpick to Yanzui
5. Morning tea with the tea and black tea-based, whichever is Nuanwei to greasy, which will help digestion. Common are Oolong tea, Tie Guan Yin, Pu"er tea, and some people like to drink chrysanthemum tea Pu, ie adding chrysanthemum tea, whichever is cool fire cured. Black color dark red, thick soup, taste bitter, although the visual and taste not as good as green tea, but with the Guangdong morning cup of tea in the tea rich flavor is the perfect match exactly.
6. The enduring morning tea in Guangdong, and Guangdong trade flourishing since ancient times, rapid economic development are inseparable. In Guangdong, morning hours you can talk business, exchange of information, you can be friends Juyou, chatting. Business people to discuss important place as a restaurant, the average person in the terms of relieving pressure on Floating Life in exchange for half a day.
英文:1. Not just intoxicating cocktail party, tea is intoxicating, but was more thorough than drunk more comfortable, and one and only person to experience the taste of.
2. Perhaps Cantonese is the virtue of this spirit of perseverance that makes them become rich before they make Guangdong into each of a haven for those who want to get rich bar.
3 .- sunny atmosphere. Morning, just woke up and the new day brings new hope for morning tea in the sunny dining room for large, people watching, bustling, giving a kind of unity in the atmosphere. Family, relaxed gathering, pleasant conversation, with simple, direct and elegant way to continue China"s tradition of filial piety. Meet with friends, straight to the point, business gatherings, Feng Jian by people because it was morning tea, all with warmth, with a little warm human feelings
4. Tea, elegant manners, others pouring for you, pointing to the table to thank the music, tea is low, semi-open tea, cover, wait for the waiter come and can not call out loudly, to answer the phone, before a friend said sorry, teeth with a toothpick to Yanzui
5. Morning tea with the tea and black tea-based, whichever is Nuanwei to greasy, which will help digestion. Common are Oolong tea, Tie Guan Yin, Pu"er tea, and some people like to drink chrysanthemum tea Pu, ie adding chrysanthemum tea, whichever is cool fire cured. Black color dark red, thick soup, taste bitter, although the visual and taste not as good as green tea, but with the Guangdong morning cup of tea in the tea rich flavor is the perfect match exactly.
6. The enduring morning tea in Guangdong, and Guangdong trade flourishing since ancient times, rapid economic development are inseparable. In Guangdong, morning hours you can talk business, exchange of information, you can be friends Juyou, chatting. Business people to discuss important place as a restaurant, the average person in the terms of relieving pressure on Floating Life in exchange for half a day.
1. Not just intoxicating cocktail party, tea is intoxicating, but was more thorough than drunk more comfortable, and one and only person to experience the taste of.
2. Perhaps Cantonese is the virtue of this spirit of perseverance that makes them become rich before they make Guangdong into each of a haven for those who want to get rich bar.
3 .- sunny atmosphere. Morning, just woke up and the new day brings new hope for morning tea in the sunny dining room for large, people watching, bustling, giving a kind of unity in the atmosphere. Family, relaxed gathering, pleasant conversation, with simple, direct and elegant way to continue China"s tradition of filial piety. Meet with friends, straight to the point, business gatherings, Feng Jian by people because it was morning tea, all with warmth, with a little warm human feelings
4. Tea, elegant manners, others pouring for you, pointing to the table to thank the music, tea is low, semi-open tea, cover, wait for the waiter come and can not call out loudly, to answer the phone, before a friend said sorry, teeth with a toothpick to Yanzui
5. Morning tea with the tea and black tea-based, whichever is Nuanwei to greasy, which will help digestion. Common are Oolong tea, Tie Guan Yin, Pu"er tea, and some people like to drink chrysanthemum tea Pu, ie adding chrysanthemum tea, whichever is cool fire cured. Black color dark red, thick soup, taste bitter, although the visual and taste not as good as green tea, but with the Guangdong morning cup of tea in the tea rich flavor is the perfect match exactly.
6. The enduring morning tea in Guangdong, and Guangdong trade flourishing since ancient times, rapid economic development are inseparable. In Guangdong, morning hours you can talk business, exchange of information, you can be friends Juyou, chatting. Business people to discuss important place as a restaurant, the average person in the terms of relieving pressure on Floating Life in exchange for half a day.
1. Don"t just bender, tea, but also more thoroughly more than the drunk too comfortable, what"s the only go to experience.
2 maybe guangdong relies on this kind of unyielding spirit is that they become rich, make each want to become rich in guangdong people"s paradise.
3 - sunshine. Just wake up in the morning, a new day brings new hope, in the light of the early enough, DaFanTing people walking, style, give a person a kind of unity upward atmosphere. The family, relaxed, pleasant conversation with party simple and direct and elegant way the continuation of traditional Chinese filial piety. Our friends come straight to the point, commercial meeting, according to drink tea, because it is, with warm, with a bit sweet
4 tea, elegant, when someone pours tea for you, thanks to dance with advice, tea table is insufficient, 50 for the waiter, tea, can"t yell, before answering the phone to say sorry, friend with a toothpick at will cover your mouth
5 in the morning tea, black tea mainly take the stomach to warm, conducive to digestion. Common have oolong tea, oolong tea, tea, some people also like to drink tea, chrysanthemum tea at adding in the cool and refreshing chrysanthemum, remove the fire. Dark red brown, soup thickening, though, in the bitter taste of visual and taste than green tea, but in the morning and guangdong flavour of tea is perfect.
6 the prosperous, and guangdong tea trade, guangdong since ancient times the rapid economic development is inseparable. In guangdong, tea time can tell business, exchange information, also may be friends, shooting the breeze. Juyou"s The teahouse as the negotiating business, while people in this handle stress, FuSheng glitter.
1. Don"t just bender, tea, but also more thoroughly more than the drunk too comfortable, what"s the only go to experience.
2 maybe guangdong relies on this kind of unyielding spirit is that they become rich, make each want to become rich in guangdong people"s paradise.
3 - sunshine. Just wake up in the morning, a new day brings new hope, in the light of the early enough, DaFanTing people walking, style, give a person a kind of unity upward atmosphere. The family, relaxed, pleasant conversation with party simple and direct and elegant way the continuation of traditional Chinese filial piety. Our friends come straight to the point, commercial meeting, according to drink tea, because it is, with warm, with a bit sweet
4 tea, elegant, when someone pours tea for you, thanks to dance with advice, tea table is insufficient, 50 for the waiter, tea, can"t yell, before answering the phone to say sorry, friend with a toothpick at will cover your mouth
5 in the morning tea, black tea mainly take the stomach to warm, conducive to digestion. Common have oolong tea, oolong tea, tea, some people also like to drink tea, chrysanthemum tea at adding in the cool and refreshing chrysanthemum, remove the fire. Dark red brown, soup thickening, though, in the bitter taste of visual and taste than green tea, but in the morning and guangdong flavour of tea is perfect.
6 the prosperous, and guangdong tea trade, guangdong since ancient times the rapid economic development is inseparable. In guangdong, tea time can tell business, exchange information, also may be friends, shooting the breeze. Juyou"s The teahouse as the negotiating business, while people in this handle stress, FuSheng glitter.
1.Not just wine can make the persons drunk,so tea can.And it made us better and more comfortable than the wine.The taste only experiences by yourself.
2.Maybe Guangdong"s people can be rich and rich people"s heaven because of their perseverance.
1. uc544ub2c8ub77c, ud64ducc28, ud765ubd84ud558uc9c0ub9cc, ub354 ub9ceuc740 ud3b8uc548ud558uac8c uc220ubcf4ub2e4 ub354 ucca0uc800ud558uac8cub410ub2e4, uce75ud14cuc77c ud30cud2f0ub97c ud765ubd84 ud55cuacfc ub9dbuc744 uccb4ud5d8ud560 uc218uc788ub294 uc720uc77cud55c uc0acub78c.