大家都知道铁观音香型分为鲜香型、浓香型、炭焙型、韵香型这四种。这四种香性几乎占满了铁观音市场。每种香型铁观音都有各自的特点。 清香型:青酸是清香型茶叶的一个特点,清香型主要以清汤、鲜度流行与市场。 浓香型:深金黄汤是浓香型铁观音的一个特点。浓香型铁观音口感较重比较适合资深茶友饮用。 炭焙型:炭焙型铁观音入口后带有很强烈的火香味,茶汤比较深黄。 韵香型:韵香型铁观音这是清新与浓香综合而成的一种铁观音。
炭焙型铁观音的特点:采用木炭烘焙或者电烘焙两种方法。炭焙型铁观音外观黯黑乌亮。炭焙型铁观音味道:1.带有较强的火香味,冲泡之后茶色汤水深黄。2.炭焙型的铁观音茶叶回甘特别,有独特的口感.炭焙型铁观音储存方式:把散装茶叶进行打包,然后放入铁盒。2.打开冰箱冷柜,然后把茶叶放进去。3.如果存放时间不长,也可以放在阴凉通风的地方。注:炭焙铁观音口感厚重,饮用者需要根据自己喜欢的口感去挑选。保存茶叶的时候尽量放在一个地方冷藏,不要放入其它东西,以免串味。2023-07-25 21:26:281
以前那来的烘箱,还不都是用炭烘焙!2023-07-25 21:26:396
铁观音虽然是一种茶的名称,但实际上也有不同的分类。那么你知道铁观音有哪些种类。下面为您精心推荐了铁观音的种类,希望对您有所帮助。 铁观音的种类 1、清香型铁观音 清香型铁观音属于流行性的轻发酵茶叶,“清汤绿水”是其最具代表性的特点。冲泡之后清汤绿水,无枝无沫,香高味纯,很适合欣赏。清香型的铁观音采用轻发酵的方式,要求的火候较轻,茶叶中的水份保持得较多,口感属于轻淡型。 2、浓香型铁观音 浓香型铁观音属于传统的半发酵安溪铁观音,深金黄色的茶汤是浓香型铁观音的特色。传统制法的铁观音茶所要求的半发酵时间较长较重,冲泡出来的茶汤颜色较浓,喝起来醇厚甘爽,口感是最纯正的。 3、韵香型铁观音 韵香型铁观音又称为半熟茶,是介于清香和浓香之间的茶叶,糅合了清香型铁观音的香气和浓香型铁观音的纯正口感,即明媚润泽又不失醇厚悠远。冲泡之后汤色澄明清亮,黄中有绿,滋味醇厚,香气持久,且耐冲泡。 4、炭焙型铁观音 炭焙型铁观音是在传统半发酵的安溪铁观音的基础上,再次用木炭进行大约5-12小时的炭焙制作而成的。冲泡之后茶叶回甘,汤色深黄,口感顺滑,香气浓郁,带有较强的自然火香味。 5、鲜香型铁观音 鲜香型铁观音也是属于流行性的轻发酵茶叶,鲜香型铁观音使用轻发醇,要求的火候较轻,茶叶所含的水份保持得很丰满,口感为鲜香轻淡型。冲泡之后茶叶颜色翠绿,汤色黄中带绿,气味鲜香,口感鲜爽。 泡铁观音茶的时间 泡茶时,茶叶在水中的浸泡时间是决定茶汤浓度的最重要因素。 浸泡的时间缩短,茶汤就会变淡,浸泡的时间加长,茶汤就会变浓。 茶叶中含有多种可溶性物质,其浸泡溶解的速度有快有慢,如何让其按我们希望的比例与分量释放,是泡茶最重要的技术。 浸泡的时间如果太短,虽然浓度已达到我们的要求(因为茶量放多了),泡出的茶汤只是溶出较快的成分,尚不能代表该茶的质量,所以泡茶时应有足够的基本浸泡时间,尤其是第一泡,因为第一泡是茶叶从干燥的存放状态被泡开、舒展的过程,如果没有足够的时间,部分茶叶就来不及被浸润,第二泡以后就会好得多。 其实我们在日常泡铁观音茶的过程中掌握第一泡冲泡时间有一个最简单、直观的方法:注水后盖好杯盖,当有气泡从杯盖边缘冒出或杯盖有动一下即可;以后可随冲泡次数逐渐延长。 泡铁观音茶的方法 1、取适量茶叶(一般一泡茶8克)放置于盖碗中,用沸水冲泡。 2、用盖子刮去泡沫。 3、快速将茶冲倒于公道杯中。公道杯上放置滤网,可滤去碎茶叶。由于这第一道茶水主要是洗茶,并不饮用,故而快冲快出为好。 4、用公道杯中的第一道茶水冲洗滤网和茶杯。 5、洗好杯子后,再用沸水冲泡第二道茶水,盖上盖子。 6、第二道茶水通常浸泡15秒即可出水,将茶水倒于公道杯中。可根据各人喜好稍做调整,觉得淡了就延长一点,觉得浓了就缩短一点。 7、将公道杯中的茶水倒于茶杯中品饮 8、细细品味观音的韵味之后,揭开盖碗冲泡下一道茶水。2023-07-25 21:27:081
那是炒茶时间长与短的问题2023-07-25 21:27:206
铁观音不同香型的不同特点如下: 一为“煌口香(闽南语)”,即茶香中带有明显的“煌(闽南语)”特征,这个词的含义无法用文字表示,简单点说,它是指一种非常特殊的茶香,是在铁观音兰花香基础上附加的一种味道——带有鲜爽特征,显得有些张扬,100%的茶友都会喜欢它。 二为幽雅类型的兰花香,香型馥郁清幽、有如兰花,这种香型绝不张扬但馥郁持久,从一泡到八九泡依然存在——茶香若符合这两种标准,那么便属上等品之列。除了这两种之外,还有两类香型比较推荐:一是鲜香,即香气中鲜度十足,但不耐存放,一段时间后会非常靠近幽兰香类型;其二就是奶香型,但也只是淡淡的奶香不可能非常明显——一般来说,奶香型也无法归属于上等品之列、属于中品应该是较符合实际。必须说明,如果铁观音中带有极突出的奶香,加料的可能性就很高。2023-07-25 21:27:492
两者主要是因为发酵程度不同而致使口感等等的差别。2023-07-25 21:27:563
铁观音国家标准是GB19598——2004,按这个标准,安溪铁观音分成两大类,一类是浓香型铁观音,一类是清香型铁观音。标准里面明确定义了它们的区别,浓香型铁观音颜色黑褐色,香气口感较熟香,也称“熟茶”。因为原来是用炭烘焙的,有炭香味,所以有的也称“炭香型”,现在大都用电烘焙了,和炭焙一样具有“炭香味”,也习惯上称“炭焙型”铁观音。清香型是用轻火烘焙干燥的铁观音,保留了砂绿或墨绿的颜色和鲜香的口感,俗称“青茶”。按铁观音标准,所有的铁观音只有清香型和浓香型这两种区分。并且把浓香型分为 “特级,一级,二级,三级,四级”,把清香型分为“特级,一级,二级,三级” 。2023-07-25 21:28:051
铁观音适合用什么壶泡 喝铁观音最好用120CC左右的小品壶泡对吗
1、喝铁观音最好用120CC左右的小品壶泡,因为泡功夫茶的盖杯一般容量是110cc。另外,清香型的铁观音最好选择透气性较好的紫泥,同时选择上盖开口较大的壶型,冲泡时间不易过长,半分钟左右一泡,两泡之间将壶盖拿开,这样容易保持铁观音茶叶的新鲜、汤色的清澈以及茶味的清新。而重口味的炭焙型铁观音,适合保温性较好的朱泥壶,上上开口小一些,冲泡时间稍长一点,能够充分发挥茶叶的醇香厚味。 2、当然,以上的要求是单纯以泡茶为目的,主要为了发挥茶叶的韵味。而现在很多人泡茶是为了养壶,让壶的颜色外观看起来更漂亮,泥料颜色较深的适合选用汤色较深的茶叶养,而泥料颜色较浅的则选用茶汤清澈的茶叶来养。这种情况下,用壶就要反过来,清香型的用朱泥泡,炭焙型的用紫泥泡,这样壶的外观会更漂亮、升值更快。2023-07-25 21:28:201
功效都差不多,味道上有差别,清香分正炒,消青,消拖,消正,这四种口味上都有差别,其中,正炒的香气比较纯,水质回甘比较好,相对也比较贵,消青消拖的水质口感上比较浓厚些,但是这两种比较伤胃,还有一种是浓香型的,浓香型的在网上的介绍是错误的,网上的说法是那些绿绿的都是消青消拖而不是浓香,真正的浓香是在清香型正炒的茶叶上再经过木炭烘焙而成,我在老陈茶舍那里买的基本都是正炒,水质超好,一开始喝的是消青的,后来喝的正炒,一喝就喜欢上了。2023-07-25 21:28:292
铁观音含有较高的氨基酸、维生素、矿物质、茶多酚和生物碱,有多种营养和药效成分,具有养生保健的功能。铁观音茶介于绿茶和红茶之间,属于半发酵茶类,铁观音独具"观音韵",清香雅韵,冲泡后有天然的兰花香,滋味纯浓,香气馥郁持久,有"七泡有余香"之誉 。除具有一般茶叶的保健功能外,还具有抗衰老、抗动脉硬化、防治糖尿病、减肥健美、防治龋齿、清热降火,敌烟醒酒等功效。2023-07-25 21:29:002
炭焙型铁观音的特点:采用木炭烘焙或者电烘焙两种方法。炭焙型铁观音外观黯黑乌亮。炭焙型铁观音储存方式:把散装茶叶进行打包,然后放入铁盒。保存茶叶的时候尽量放在单独的一个地方冷藏,不要放入其它东西,以免串味。2023-07-25 21:29:211
您好,炭焙铁观音的茶叶回甘特别,有独特的口感,品尝之后喉咙特别舒爽,带有强烈的火香味。值得一提的是,冲泡之后其茶色汤水深黄,跟平常看到的清汤绿水的清香型铁观音完全不同。炭焙是一种传统茶叶制作工艺,炭焙型铁观音茶叶是在传统半发酵的铁观音茶基础上,木炭再次进行约5-12小时的炭焙时间(故而得名),火候必须掌握恰到好处,温度不太高,50-60度是最好的,因为传统的炭火烧铁观音茶必须有人照顾炉注意防止对茶叶本身的质量过多的影响。【储存方法】无需冷藏,此茶可长时间保存,放在通风干燥处,需密封保存(防串味)。淘宝网【百佳茶业】掌柜很高兴为您解答,希望以上回答对您有所帮助。2023-07-25 21:29:281
清香型和陈香型铁观音是凉性的,而浓香型和炭焙型的铁观音是偏热性。铁观音是凉性还是温性的这个问题,那就要取决于铁观音的加工方式,市场上的铁观音有清香型、陈香型、浓香型、炭焙型的几种铁观音。因为加工方式的不同所以导致了清香型和陈香型这两种铁观音是偏凉性一些的。而浓香型和炭焙型的铁观音是偏温性一些的。所以我们在选择喝哪种铁观音的时候,也要稍微的考虑一下茶叶的属性。一般情况下,大部分男性,以及平时比较容易上火的人,以及身材比较胖的朋友,适合喝凉性的清香型和陈香型的铁观音,而且铁观音可以使虚胖体质的朋友们更好的减肥。而大部分女性,以及一些肠胃不太好的朋友,有些朋友在夏天的时候多吃一点西瓜或者吃点苦瓜就会腹部不舒服的人,是比较适合喝浓香型和炭焙型的铁观音的。扩展资料:对于茶的保存,一般都要求低温和密封真空,这样在短的时间内可以保证铁观音的色香味,但是在实际的保存中会经常出现茶叶保存时间虽不长,但色香味却均不及开始泡饮的情况,原因在于茶叶发酵后的烘干程度。采用的茶叶制作技术朝轻发酵的方向转变,这中间感德的茶叶就是比较典型的代表。在轻发酵中,茶叶容易体现高昂的兰花香,茶汤也比较漂亮(呈现标准的绿豆汤),但是要让干茶叶体现香气,一般情况茶叶就不会烘得太干,茶叶含一定的水分,这样的茶叶在后期保存时一定需要注意茶叶的低温和密封,以减少水分在茶叶中的作用。如果茶叶烘得比较干,入手感觉很脆很干爽,这样的茶叶对低温的要求就比较低。参考资料:铁观音属于什么茶,铁观音营养功效分析——人民网2023-07-25 21:29:581
1、清香型铁观音清香型口感比较清淡、舌尖略带微甜,偏向现代工艺制法,目前在市场上的占有量最多。清香型铁观音颜色翠绿,汤水清澈,香气馥郁,花香明显,口味醇正。2、浓香型铁观音浓香型口味醇厚、香气高长、比较重回甘,是传统工艺炒制的茶叶经烘焙再加工而成产品。浓香型铁观音具有“香、浓、醇、甘”等特点,色泽乌亮,汤色金黄,香气纯正、滋味厚重。3、陈香型铁观音陈香型又称老茶或熟茶,由浓香型或清香型铁观音经长时间储存,并反复再加工而成,亦属半发酵茶叶。陈香型铁观音具有“厚、醇、润、软”等特点,表现为色泽乌黑,汤水浓郁,绵甜甘醇,沉香凝韵。/"target="_blank"title="点击查看大图"class="ikqb_img_alink">/"esrc=""/>扩展资料:功效1、美容减肥抗衰老安溪铁观音的粗儿茶素组合,具较强抗氧化活性,可消除细胞中的活性氧分子,从而使人体免受衰老疾病侵害。安溪铁观音中的锰、铁、氟以及钾、钠含量比,高于其他茶叶,其中以含氟量高名列各茶类之首,对防治龋齿和老年骨骼疏松症效果显著。2、提神益思安溪铁观音可提神益思,其功能主要在于茶叶中的咖啡碱。咖啡碱具有兴奋中枢神经、增进思维、提高效率的功能。因此,饮茶后能破睡、提神、去烦、解除疲倦、清醒头脑、增进思维,能显著地提高口头答辩能力及数学思维的反应。3、抑制心血管疾病铁观音中含有的茶多酚对人体脂肪代谢有着重要作用。人体胆固醇、三酸甘油脂等含量高,血管内壁脂肪沉积,血管平滑肌细胞增生后形成动脉粥样化斑块等心血管疾病。4、治疗牙齿过敏铁观音茶叶抗敏效果比较好。喝完的铁观音茶不要随意丢掉,可以“废物利用”,放在口中尤其是过敏的牙齿部位咀嚼一下。也可以将新鲜的铁观音茶叶直接放入牙齿的敏感部位轻轻咀嚼。参考资料来源:/铁观音/5315#5"target="_blank"title="百度百科-铁观音">百度百科-铁观音2023-07-25 21:30:073
这个很难分,按铁观音的地方标准就两种,清香型与浓香型 差异就在于浓香型需求焙火目前按加工工艺分,即做青与炒青时间的不同,有三种:正炒型,消青型,拖青型。夹在中间的又延伸出消正型,消青偏拖等。按焙火陈度工艺,又能分清香,浓香,炭焙等风格。2023-07-25 21:30:272
铁观音国家标准是GB19598——2004,按这个标准,安溪铁观音分成两大类,一类是浓香型铁观音,一类是清香型铁观音。标准里面明确定义了它们的区别,浓香型铁观音颜色黑褐色,香气口感较熟香,也称“熟茶”。因为原来是用炭烘焙的,有炭香味,所以有的也称“炭香型”,现在大都用电烘焙了,和炭焙一样具有“炭香味”,也习惯上称“炭焙型”铁观音。清香型是用轻火烘焙干燥的铁观音,保留了砂绿或墨绿的颜色和鲜香的口感,俗称“青茶”。按铁观音标准,所有的铁观音只有清香型和浓香型这两种区分。并且把浓香型分为 “特级,一级,二级,三级,四级”,把清香型分为“特级,一级,二级,三级” 。2023-07-25 21:30:361
1、清香型铁观音清香型口感比较清淡、舌尖略带微甜,偏向现代工艺制法,目前在市场上的占有量最多。清香型铁观音颜色翠绿,汤水清澈,香气馥郁,花香明显,口味醇正。2、浓香型铁观音浓香型口味醇厚、香气高长、比较重回甘,是传统工艺炒制的茶叶经烘焙再加工而成产品。浓香型铁观音具有“香、浓、醇、甘”等特点,色泽乌亮,汤色金黄,香气纯正、滋味厚重。3、陈香型铁观音陈香型又称老茶或熟茶,由浓香型或清香型铁观音经长时间储存,并反复再加工而成,亦属半发酵茶叶。陈香型铁观音具有“厚、醇、润、软”等特点,表现为色泽乌黑,汤水浓郁,绵甜甘醇,沉香凝韵。/"target="_blank"title="点击查看大图"class="ikqb_img_alink">/"esrc=""/>扩展资料:功效1、美容减肥抗衰老安溪铁观音的粗儿茶素组合,具较强抗氧化活性,可消除细胞中的活性氧分子,从而使人体免受衰老疾病侵害。安溪铁观音中的锰、铁、氟以及钾、钠含量比,高于其他茶叶,其中以含氟量高名列各茶类之首,对防治龋齿和老年骨骼疏松症效果显著。2、提神益思安溪铁观音可提神益思,其功能主要在于茶叶中的咖啡碱。咖啡碱具有兴奋中枢神经、增进思维、提高效率的功能。因此,饮茶后能破睡、提神、去烦、解除疲倦、清醒头脑、增进思维,能显著地提高口头答辩能力及数学思维的反应。3、抑制心血管疾病铁观音中含有的茶多酚对人体脂肪代谢有着重要作用。人体胆固醇、三酸甘油脂等含量高,血管内壁脂肪沉积,血管平滑肌细胞增生后形成动脉粥样化斑块等心血管疾病。4、治疗牙齿过敏铁观音茶叶抗敏效果比较好。喝完的铁观音茶不要随意丢掉,可以“废物利用”,放在口中尤其是过敏的牙齿部位咀嚼一下。也可以将新鲜的铁观音茶叶直接放入牙齿的敏感部位轻轻咀嚼。参考资料来源:/铁观音/5315#5"target="_blank"title="百度百科-铁观音">百度百科-铁观音2023-07-25 21:30:513
鲜香型:属于流行性的轻发酵茶叶,鲜香型茶叶强调的是茶叶的鲜味、鲜度和市场上的“拖酸”、“鲜酸”是就是这一鲜香型茶叶的代表,一般市场上不容易买到。叶子的成色好,叶子翠绿,这样子叶子就极具欣赏性,茶叶一拿就可以闻到一股鲜香的味道,看上去颜色比其它的茶叶鲜艳,冲泡出来清汤绿水,无枝无沫,香高味纯,很适合欣赏的。鲜香型的茶叶使用发醇要求的火候较轻的,茶叶中的水份保持得很饱满,口感属于鲜香轻淡型的,适合日常冲泡和欣赏的,本茶叶适合个人饮用哟,还能养神。鲜香型的铁观音适合刚接触茶叶的朋友饮用 浓香型:属传统半发醇的安溪铁观音茶,适合资深茶友饮用,因为口感较重,叶子的成色看上去在绿色的茶叶后面还有轻黑和微黄的叶子,也就是成色不是最好,但是口感是最纯正的,深金黄色的汤水是浓香型茶叶的代表哟。传统制法的铁观音茶要求的半发酵时间较长较重的,冲泡之后的茶汤颜色也比较浓,喝起来的感觉是醇厚甘爽,意思就是纯正。 炭焙型:属在传统半发醇的安溪铁观音茶基础上再次用木炭进行约5-12小时的炭焙时间的,应该属于传统正味的好茶。口感更易保证,口感顺滑,拥有天然的火香味,现在安溪越来越流行传统炭焙浓香型的安溪铁观音了。炭焙型的茶叶回甘特别,有独特的口感,品尝之后喉咙特别的舒爽.带有强烈的火香味,特别要提到的一点就是冲泡之后茶色汤水深黄,跟平常常看到的清汤绿水的清香型铁观音完全不同.必需是资深茶友才可以选择,一般刚接触茶叶的人是喝不习惯的。陈年铁观音也在炭焙的基础上年年炭焙加工而成的陈年茶叶哟。炭焙的也只有唯一的滋味,别人是模仿不到的. 韵香型:是介于清香和浓香之间的新推茶叶,韵香型接受的朋友会更多哟,因为介于清香型和浓香型之间的,拥有更多的滋味享受。即有清香型的香气又有浓香型的纯正口感耐冲泡。不失为好茶必有的品质的。综上所述,按自己喜欢的口味而定。2023-07-25 21:31:011
原因有好几种:1.泡茶的水 据化学分析,水中通常都含有处于电离子状态下的钙盐和镁盐等,含量多者叫硬水,少者叫软水。硬水泡茶,茶汤发暗,滋味发涩;软水泡铁观音,茶汤明亮,香味鲜爽。目前,茶界对饮茶用水所认定的水质标准是:色度不超过15度.无异色;浑浊度小于5度;无异臭味,不含有肉眼可见物;总硬度不高于25度;毒理学及细菌指标合格。《茶经》中表明“其水,用山水上,江水中,井水下”2泡茶的茶具以及温度由于铁观音宜即冲即饮(不宜直接泡在杯子中饮用),所以对茶具的选择就有一定的要求。 如果茶具选择或冲泡方法不当,您不仅体会不到铁观音所具有味道的独特魅力,而且由于茶叶本质没有冲泡出来,使得茶的汤色,口感,香气大打折扣。3茶叶的茶质(也有可能是陈茶或者是重火焙茶或半发酵(半生熟)茶)铁观音的好坏区别可以参考茶叶放冰箱冷藏 放置太久出现了变味/变质等原因 (一句话保存不当)正常的铁观音茶色: 清香型铁观音(代号QT):这是一类轻发酵的铁观音,色泽青绿鲜活,汤色清澈清黄,如今流行市面的大多都是这类铁观音,也是一种适合大众品味的铁观音。因其采用的是轻发酵工艺,保留了茶叶天然的营养成份和清凉的本性,所以看上去清汤绿水,闻上去清香四溢,喝下去清爽舒畅。从中医角度来讲,对于平时胃火轻盛的朋友来说比较适宜,而对于胃肠虚寒、肠胃不好的朋友,还是要忍痛割爱。 浓香型铁观音(代号NT):这是一类半发酵的铁观音,色泽很难引起大家的兴趣,但其浓烈的香气却是清香型铁观音无以伦比,其汤色深黄或金黄是其特点。口感醇厚、滋味浓强,比较适合茶龄资深,品味浓重的朋友们选择。 韵香型铁观音(代号YT):这是一类介于清香和浓香之间的新式制作工艺的茶叶,即有清香型的清爽,又有浓香型的甘醇,具备了好茶所有的特点,而倍受市场的青睐。 炭焙型铁观音(代号TT):炭焙型铁观音是在传统半发醇的安溪铁观音茶基础上再次用木炭进行约5-12小时的炭焙时间的,是真正的熟茶,属于传统正味的好茶。口感更易保证,口感顺滑,拥有天然的火香味,现在安溪越来越流行传统炭焙浓香型的安溪铁观音了。炭焙型的茶叶回甘特别,有独特的口感,品尝之后喉咙特别的舒爽.带有强烈的火香味,特别要提到的一点就是冲泡之后茶色汤水深黄,跟平常常看到的清汤绿水的清香型铁观音完全不同.必需是资深茶友才可以选择,一般刚接触茶叶的人是喝不习惯的.炭焙型铁观音的主要功效:养胃降脂,减肥养身。2023-07-25 21:31:221
安溪铁观音是哪种香型好呢?是铁观音清香型的好还是浓香型的好呢,那一种才能真正品出铁观音的韵味呢?02其实,安溪铁观音不仅仅只有清香型铁观音和浓香型铁观音,还有鲜香型铁观音、炭焙型铁观音、 韵香型铁观音,主要区别是在哪里呢?02 清香型铁观音:属于流行性轻发酵茶叶,“清汤绿水”就是清香型铁观音最具的代表性了也是适合市场口感的茶叶。清香型茶叶强调的是清汤、鲜度,叶子的成色好,叶子翠绿,极具欣赏性。冲泡出来清汤绿水,香高味纯,很适合欣赏的。适合喜欢清淡口感,欣赏茶色的朋友品尝的。 清香型的茶叶使用轻发醇要求的火候较轻的,茶叶中的水份保持也较多一点,口感属于轻淡型的,适合日常冲泡和欣赏的。还得提到的一点需要冷冻哟,这样子的保鲜度会更好。 02 鲜香型铁观音:属于流行性轻发酵茶叶,鲜香型茶叶强调的是茶叶的鲜味、鲜度。叶子的成色好,叶子翠绿,也极具欣赏性,茶叶一拿就可以闻到一股鲜香的味道,看上去颜色比其它的茶叶鲜艳,冲泡出来清汤绿水,香高味纯,很适合欣赏的。鲜香型的茶叶使用轻发醇要求的火候较轻的,茶叶中的水份保持得很饱满,口感属于鲜香轻淡型的,适合日常冲泡和欣赏的。鲜香型的铁观音特别适合刚接触茶叶的朋友饮用。02 浓香型铁观音:属传统半发醇的安溪铁观音茶,适合资深茶友饮用,因为口感较重,叶子的成色看上去不鲜艳,在绿色的茶叶后面还有轻黑和微黄的叶子,但是口感是最纯正的,深金黄色的汤水是浓香型茶叶的代表。传统制法的铁观音茶要求的半发酵时间较长较重的,冲泡之后的茶汤颜色也比较浓,喝起来的感觉是醇厚甘爽。02 炭焙型铁观音:属在传统半发醇的安溪铁观音茶基础上再次用木炭进行约6-12小时的炭焙,应该属于传统正味的好茶。口感更易保证,口感顺滑,拥有天然的火香味,现在安溪越来越流行传统炭焙浓香型的安溪铁观音了。炭焙型的茶叶回甘特别,有独特的口感,品尝之后喉咙特别的舒爽.带有强烈的火香味,特别要提到的一点就是冲泡之后茶色汤水深黄,跟平常常看到的清汤绿水的清香型铁观音完全不同.必需是资深茶友才可以选择,一般刚接触茶叶的人是喝不习惯的。陈年铁观音也在炭焙的基础上年年炭焙加工而成的陈年茶叶。02 韵香型铁观音:是介于清香和浓香之间的新推茶叶,韵香型接受的朋友会更多,因为介于清香型和浓香型之间的,拥有更多的滋味享受。即有清香型的香气又有浓香型的纯正口感耐冲泡。不失为好茶必有的品质的。022023-07-25 21:31:301
铁观音有几种类型 哪种更好喝
铁观音按口味一般分为:清香型、浓香型、韵香型、炭焙型。 清香型铁观音:属于流行性的轻发酵茶叶,冲泡出来清汤绿水,无枝无沫,香高味纯,很适合欣赏的。 浓香型铁观音:属传统半发醇的安溪铁观音茶,冲泡之后的茶汤颜色也比较浓,喝起来的感觉是醇厚甘爽,意思就是纯正。 炭焙型铁观音:属在传统半发醇的安溪铁观音茶基础上再次用木炭进行约5-12小时的炭焙时间的。冲泡之后茶色汤水深黄,跟平常常看到的清汤绿水的清香型铁观音完全不同。 韵香型铁观音:是介于清香和浓香之间的新推茶叶。即有清香型的香气又有浓香型的纯正口感耐冲泡。 要问哪种类型铁观音好喝,就看个人口味了。一般南方人喜欢清香型,北方人偏爱浓香炭焙型。2023-07-25 21:31:391
安溪铁观音是清香型的好还是浓香型的好,那一种才能真正品出铁观音的韵味呢? 其实,安溪铁观音不仅仅只有清香型和浓香型,还有鲜香型、炭焙型、 韵香型,主要区别是在哪里呢? 清香型:属于流行性轻发酵茶叶,“清汤绿水”就是清香型铁观音最具的代表性了也是适合市场口感的茶叶。清香型茶叶强调的是清汤、鲜度,叶子的成色好,叶子翠绿,极具欣赏性。冲泡出来清汤绿水,香高味纯,很适合欣赏的。适合喜欢清淡口感,欣赏茶色的朋友品尝的。清香型的茶叶使用轻发醇要求的火候较轻的,茶叶中的水份保持也较多一点,口感属于轻淡型的,适合日常冲泡和欣赏的。还得提到的一点需要冷冻哟,这样子的保鲜度会更好。 鲜香型:属于流行性轻发酵茶叶,鲜香型茶叶强调的是茶叶的鲜味、鲜度。叶子的成色好,叶子翠绿,也极具欣赏性,茶叶一拿就可以闻到一股鲜香的味道,看上去颜色比其它的茶叶鲜艳,冲泡出来清汤绿水,香高味纯,很适合欣赏的。鲜香型的茶叶使用轻发醇要求的火候较轻的,茶叶中的水份保持得很饱满,口感属于鲜香轻淡型的,适合日常冲泡和欣赏的。鲜香型的铁观音特别适合刚接触茶叶的朋友饮用。 浓香型:属传统半发醇的安溪铁观音茶,适合资深茶友饮用,因为口感较重,叶子的成色看上去不鲜艳,在绿色的茶叶后面还有轻黑和微黄的叶子,但是口感是最纯正的,深金黄色的汤水是浓香型茶叶的代表。传统制法的铁观音茶要求的半发酵时间较长较重的,冲泡之后的茶汤颜色也比较浓,喝起来的感觉是醇厚甘爽。炭焙型:属在传统半发醇的安溪铁观音茶基础上再次用木炭进行约6-12小时的炭焙,应该属于传统正味的好茶。口感更易保证,口感顺滑,拥有天然的火香味,现在安溪越来越流行传统炭焙浓香型的安溪铁观音了。炭焙型的茶叶回甘特别,有独特的口感,品尝之后喉咙特别的舒爽.带有强烈的火香味,特别要提到的一点就是冲泡之后茶色汤水深黄,跟平常常看到的清汤绿水的清香型铁观音完全不同.必需是资深茶友才可以选择,一般刚接触茶叶的人是喝不习惯的。陈年铁观音也在炭焙的基础上年年炭焙加工而成的陈年茶叶。 韵香型:是介于清香和浓香之间的新推茶叶,韵香型接受的朋友会更多,因为介于清香型和浓香型之间的,拥有更多的滋味享受。即有清香型的香气又有浓香型的纯正口感耐冲泡。不失为好茶必有的品质的。2023-07-25 21:31:481
我们先简单了解一下铁观音茶。铁观音茶属于中国传统名茶,属于乌龙茶,也就是青茶类,是中国十大名茶之一。要说铁观音是凉性、中性还是温性的这个问题,这主要取决于铁观音的加工方式。市场上的铁观音有清香型、陈香型、浓香型、炭焙型的几种铁观音。因为加工方式的不同,所以导致了清香型和陈香型这两种铁观音是偏凉性一些的。而浓香型和炭焙型的铁观音是偏温性一些的。所以我们在选择喝哪种铁观音的时候,也要稍微的考虑一下茶叶的属性。那么什么人适合喝清香型、陈香型的铁观音?什么人又适合喝浓香型和炭焙型的铁观音呢?一般情况下,大部分男性,平时比较容易上火的人,以及身材比较胖的朋友,适合喝属于凉性的清香型和陈香型的铁观音,因为铁观音还有一个功效就是可以使虚胖体质的朋友们更好的减肥。而大部分女性,以及一些肠胃不太好,胃寒的朋友,譬如在夏天的时候,多吃一点西瓜或者吃点苦瓜就会腹部不舒服的人,是比较适合喝浓香型和炭焙型铁观音的,因为这类茶比较温和。而老铁茶性就更加温和,还有调理肠道,降尿酸之功效。所以很多茶农家中的老茶,一般都是不卖的,都是当药藏着。当然,以上的这些判断都只是常规的分类方法。每个人的生活作息、饮食习惯等方面的不同,会影响内分泌,导致人体机能产生紊乱。所以可能会出现一些有背自己体质的症状。这样就加大的了判断的难度,不过只要细细的观察自己平常的一些常态,应该不难发现自己的体质情况,也就不难判断到底自己适合喝哪种铁观音了。2023-07-25 21:32:114
有传说铁观音的由来是乾隆六年(1741年)王士让奉召赴京,在拜谒礼部侍郎方苞时,携茶相赠。方苞品饮后,顿感气味非凡,疑为神品,逐转献内廷。乾隆帝饮后甚喜,召见王士让垂询尧阳茶事。王奏禀此茶发现始末。乾隆帝细察、掂量茶叶,认为其茶条型乌润结实,重若玄铁,味香形美犹如观音,便赐名为 “铁观音”。自此,铁观音也便有了“貌似观音重如铁”之说。国内最有名的安溪铁观音按香型分,业内分为以下四个大类:第一,清香型铁观音,这是市面上占得最多的铁观音,这是一类轻发酵的铁观音,色泽青绿鲜活,汤色清澈清黄,因此如今流行市面的大多都是这类铁观音,自从空调调制铁观音后这款茶叶无论是在安溪本地还是全国各地都是一种适合大众品味的铁观音。因其采用的是轻发酵工艺,保留了茶叶天然的营养成份和清凉的本性,所以看上去清汤绿水,闻上去清香四溢,喝下去清爽舒畅。但特别要注意的是:从中医角度来讲,对于平时胃火轻盛的朋友来说比较适宜,而对于胃肠虚寒、肠胃不好的朋友,还是不宜多喝的。第二,浓香型铁观音,这是一类半发酵的铁观音,色泽很难引起大家的兴趣,但其浓烈的香气却是清香型铁观音无以伦比,其汤色深黄或金黄是其特点。口感醇厚、滋味浓强,比较适合茶龄资深,事业有成的稳重型的品味浓重的茶友们。清香和浓香是中国国家标准里面规定的两个系列,各有分级,从特级,一级到三四,而浓香还有个四级。第三,韵香型铁观音,这是一类介于清香和浓香之间的新式制作工艺的茶叶,即有清香型的清爽,又有浓香型的甘醇,具备了好茶所有的特点,而倍受市场的青睐。这款铁观音的诞生应该只是一个概念上的炒作,因为这类茶叶本来就已经存在,只是在清浓之间比较难于介定。第四,炭焙型铁观音,炭焙型铁观音是在传统半发醇的安溪铁观音茶基础上再次用木炭进行约5-12小时的炭焙时间的,是真正的熟茶,属于传统正味的好茶。口感更易保证,口感顺滑,拥有天然的火香味,现在安溪越来越流行传统炭焙浓香型的安溪铁观音了。特别注意的是:一般刚接触茶叶的人是喝不习惯的。普洱茶,以产地云南普洱为名,是中国发现的古生野茶树中的一种,《诗经》有云:茶者,南方之嘉木也。孔雀公主刀美兰曾在节目中展示她美如少女的秘诀之一就是用普洱的隔夜茶加上蜂蜜作为精华液搽脸搽手,所以普洱身为云南人民喜爱的古茶,现在发展为全国乃至世界闻名的名茶,不仅是因为其独特的功效,还因为其有独特的色相气味,以及现代茶艺发展出来的“功夫”茶艺,带给人赏心悦目的效用。铁观音好还是普洱好,这个我无法比较,就像环肥燕瘦,各有奇趣一样。端看喜欢什么滋味,什么感受,至于功效特异,则要坚持饮用,做为一道健康菜,成为生活中的情趣。希望能帮到你。2023-07-25 21:32:271
“封泰山,禅梁父,昭姓考瑞,帝王之盛节也;然享荐之义,不著于经。臣以为封禅告成,合祛于天地神,唯圣主所由,制定其当,非群臣之所能列。今将举大事,优游数年,使群臣得人人自2023-07-25 21:32:352
温文尔雅2023-07-25 21:32:422
这和铁观音的制作方法有关。清香型:叶子的成色好,叶子翠绿,冲泡出来清汤绿水,无枝无沫。鲜香型:冲泡出来清汤绿水,无枝无沫,香高味纯,颜色看上去比其它的茶叶鲜艳。浓香型:叶子的成色看上去在绿色的茶叶后面还有轻黑和微黄的叶子,汤水是深金黄色的。炭焙型:冲泡之后茶色汤水深黄,跟清香型铁观音完全不同。韵香型:是介于清香和浓香之间的新推茶叶。2023-07-25 21:32:521
lost的详尽释义是:adj.(形容词)丧失的,遗失的,消失的,弄丢的,丢失的,失去的,逝去的错过的,不再拥有的输掉的,失败的无法恢复的迷途的,迷路的浪费掉的灭亡的,死的被破坏的,被消灭的,毁坏的未注意的,漠视的无影响力的还有一线希望不知说什么才好不知所措的不再为人所知的(因病)旷工的迷惑的一直有赤字的。lost的详尽释义是:adj.(形容词)丧失的,遗失的,消失的,弄丢的,丢失的,失去的,逝去的错过的,不再拥有的输掉的,失败的无法恢复的迷途的,迷路的浪费掉的灭亡的,死的被破坏的,被消灭的,毁坏的未注意的,漠视的无影响力的还有一线希望不知说什么才好不知所措的不再为人所知的(因病)旷工的迷惑的一直有赤字的。lost的例句是用作形容词(adj.)Thelostmanyelled,hopingsomeoneinthewoodscouldhearhim.迷路的人大声喊叫着,希望林子里有人能听见。lost的读音是英[l_st];美[l__st]。一、详尽释义点此查看lost的详细内容adj.(形容词)丧失的,遗失的,消失的,弄丢的,丢失的,失去的,逝去的错过的,不再拥有的输掉的,失败的无法恢复的迷途的,迷路的浪费掉的灭亡的,死的被破坏的,被消灭的,毁坏的未注意的,漠视的无影响力的还有一线希望不知说什么才好不知所措的不再为人所知的(因病)旷工的迷惑的一直有赤字的_null.lose的过去式和过去分词n.(名词)失去的人或物二、英英释义Noun:peoplewhoaredestinedtodiesoon;"theagonyofthedoomedwasinhisvoice"Adjective:nolongerinyourpossessionorcontrol;unabletobefoundorrecovered;"alostchild""lostfriends""hislostbook""lostopportunities"havinglostyourbearings;confusedastotimeorplaceorpersonalidentity;"IfrequentlyfindmyselfdisorientedwhenIcomeupoutofthesubway""theanestheticlefthercompletelydisoriented"spirituallyorphysicallydoomedordestroyed;"lostsouls""alostgeneration""alostship""thelostplatoon"notgainedorwon;"alostbattle""alostprize"incapableofbeingrecoveredorregained;"hislosthonor"notcaughtwiththesensesorthemind;"wordslostinthedin"deeplyabsorbedinthought;"asdistantandbemusedasaprofessorlisteningtotheprattlingofhisfreshmanclass""lostinthought""apreoccupiedfrown"perplexedbymanyconflictingsituationsorstatements;filledwithbewilderment;"obviouslybemusedbyhisquestions""bewilderedandconfused""acloudyandconfoundedphilosopher""justamixed-upkid""shefeltlostonthefirstdayofschool"unabletofunction;withouthelp三、网络解释1.lost什么意思1.丢失:视频:<>(Lost)片断--Jack和Ben打算回去PaulaAbdul会留在<>(AmericanIdol)吗?<>(Grey"sAnatomy)独家:想要知道Izzie和Denny的鬼故事吗?<>(Californication)幸运的得到第三季<>(Grey"sAnatom2.失败:这里的意思是如果a*N>=1的条件成立,就得到结果W,否则就得到结果L.冒号左右的W和L代表胜利(Win)和失败(Lost).什么?你说有平局?......你几次是抛硬币抛出直立的状态的?平局重新来过不就好了?3.失去:[里美、你昨天该不会是没有回家吧?外宿?情人节的巧克力攻势什么的?终于失去(Lost)了吗?]4.lost:lossofthetalented;人才流失四、例句Thelostmanyelled,hopingsomeoneinthewoodscouldhearhim.迷路的人大声喊叫着,希望林子里有人能听见。Heishuntingforhislostbook.他正在寻找一本丢失的书。Shelookedoutofthewindow,sighingforherlostyouth.她看着窗外,为她失去的青春而惋惜。Thereisnothingwecandoaboutit.It"salostcause.我们已经无能为力了,它是注定要失败的。Nothingwasthesameanymore.Ifeltlost.一切都变了,我感到手足无措。Thegroupisworkingtopreserveoldbuildingsthatcouldotherwisebelost.这个组织致力于保护古建筑,以使其避免被摧毁的命运。Wecriedforthoselostinthebattle.我们为那些在战争中丧生的人哭泣。Thegirlswerelostinthemusic.那些女孩子完全沉浸在音乐中了。Iwascompletelylostafterthefirstparagragh.看完第一段,我就完全不知所云了。五、词汇搭配lostcause注定要失败的努力(或...belostforwords说不出话来getlost迷路lostproperty招领之失物makeupforlosttime补回丢失的时间...lostsoul地狱亡魂lostinastonishment十分惊愕,惊异不已...lostgeneration迷惘的一代allisnotlostfor尚存希望long-lost遗失了很长时间的...lose丢失belostininiquity陷入罪恶的深渊...Thewomanthatdeliberatesislost.犹豫不决的女子必然吃...belostintheclouds隐入云中losttothewidelosttoth...lostinwonder惊叹不已loston对...不起作...giveupforlost认定(某人)己无生还...lostinenvy非常嫉妒Getlost!滚开!六、情景对话吊唁A:Whatapitywe"velostsuchagreatman!我们为失去一个这么好的人而感到遗憾!B:Yes,indeed.确实是这样。赔钱A:Ilostabunchofmoneyinthelasttwoyears.过去的两年我赔了很多钱。B:Youshouldchangeyour(brokeragefimp3/strategy/investments).你应该改变一下你的(经纪公司/策略/投资方向)。CarCrash-(车祸)A:Thatlookslikeabadaccident.好像又出了严重的车祸了。B:Yeah,shouldwegetoutandhelp?是呀。我们要下车帮帮忙吗?A:No,there"sapolicecarbehindus.He"llstop.不用了,后面有一辆警车。他会停的。B:Looksliketheoneguylostcontrolinallthisrain,andtheotheronehithim.好像是有人的车在这样的下雨天车失控了,另一辆撞上了这辆。A:Yeah.It"sprettybad,thatcarlookslikeacokecan.是。真是糟糕。那辆车撞得象个汽水罐一样。lostB:Theseaccidentsalwayscausetrafficjamsonrainydays.下雨天出车祸往往引起堵车。A:Yeah,itlookslikewe"reinforalongdrive.对。看起来我们的驾车时间不会短了。B:Ah,well.Putonthenews.Igotuplateandmissedit.哦,那么,听点新闻吧。我起得晚,没听到新闻。A:Allright.好的。七、词源解说☆1300年左右进入英语,直接源自中古英语的lost,意为被打败。lost的相关近义词disoriented、confused、bewildered、missing、mislaid、bemused、astray、adrift、rapt、forgotten、baffled、confounded、forfeited、preoccupied、gone、vanished、disappeared、misplaced、strayed、unremembered、wasted、squandered、spellbound、misspent、entranced、consumed、exhausted、expended、spent、forlorn、vulnerable、abandoned、disorientated、perplexed、puzzled、mystified、nonplussed、offtrack、off-course、irreclaimable、irretrievable、irrecoverable、irrevocable、irreversible、hopeless、downthedrain、destroyed、ruined、wrecked、undone、finished、ended、obliterated、effaced、extirpated、wipedout、abstracted、engrossed、absent、absorbed、mixed-up、dreaming、faraway、mazed、distraught、distracted、helpless、wild、frenzied、doomed、befuddled、frantic、missed、crazy、mad、maddened、atsea、deepinthoughtlost的相关反义词saved、found、wonlost的相关临近词lot、losses、Loste、Lostal、Lostia、Lostin、Lostar、Lostun、Lostao、Lostau、Lostie、Losten点此查看更多关于lost的详细信息2023-07-25 21:29:551
导语:周记是一个汉语词汇,拼音为zhōu jì,基本意思是用文字记载一个星期以来自己的学习、生活情况或身边发生的事、令你感动的`人、一件小物品、一处优美的景色等,如同日记。以下是我整理精选初中英语周记集锦的资料,欢迎阅读参考。 初中英语周记1 Well, dad"s desk is in a mess, and it"s lying on the corner of the table, the paper, the coffee, and the messy books piled up everywhere. Father always this way, every time not tidy up, one into father"s study, the Buddha in the house of the thief. Today is father"s day, so I will help father tidy up the study. If you do, I"ll collect all the books on the table and put them in a pile. Big, thick books are heavy! I opened the eyes of the curious, the dense "little ant", but it knows me, I don"t know it. After watching for a while I didn"t know anything, I was not interested, the bookshelf was too high, I had to put the book in the corner of the bookshelf first, continue to pack up other things. I picked up all the lost pens and put them in the pen. No wonder my father always said he couldn"t find the pen. He drank half his father"s coffee, then washed his father"s cup, and the paper was finished. The study is finally finished by me! Looking around, the study is now orderly, clean and tidy. My father will be happy, but I will also talk about my father, so that he can tidy up his study so that he won"t be unable to find a pen or paper. 初中英语周记2 Speaking of my troubles, I really can"t count them. For example, the food in the school canteen is so bad today. The next door"s zhou wu bullied me again, and the exam failed again. But now my biggest worry comes from my father and I, my relationship with my father has not been very good, because I am stubborn, and my father is a quick temper. Quarrel with father last week, stubborn dad and I have been back, until he had a cow, after two slap hit me, I was quiet, speak a word of current shock, an invisible buried landmines so. From then on, as long as I met my father, I would not listen to him. No matter what he said or did, my mother tried to persuade me and dad, but the estrangement clock could not be removed. I am also very distressed, why my father and father are not like other father and son of harmony? Why is my relationship with dad so bad? Another worry is that I hate being told that I"m fat, but I don"t think I"m as fat as I am, just a little fatter than my peers. I don"t even eat snacks every day, but the weight is the same, let me very upset, only oneself already very low, don"t need to be reminded how much I fat, it will only let me feel more not only. I wish I could be happy, too, as a carefree child, so that my troubles would not be so much! 初中英语周记3 The memory of a person is a strange thing. Sometimes we can remember things that are not important, but sometimes we can"t remember them, and there are some things that can let us remember forever. I still have a hard time forgetting what I saw with my own eyes. It was a sunny Thursday afternoon. I carry bag happily go on the way from school, walk while thinking of their own mathematical played out, happy to sing a song, some passers-by to see me, can"t help but look askance at, but I don"t care how others see, anyway, how happy how to do it myself. Ah! It is this kind of reptile, I quickly put in my cheerful footsteps. Actually, this is a black spiders, but I don"t know what the crawler, it is only to see it in black skin, there are thousands of feet, to sum up all very hate it. Every time I see this guy, he"s always stepping on his feet and letting it die. However, my courage is relatively small, every time I see it "across the road" will always be surprised, to be able to kill it. But today, this guy seems to have come to hell. As I was about to continue on my way, I saw that it twitched again. "Even pretending to be dead!" I said to myself. Just as I was about to leave, I suddenly found myself next to him, running out of a much younger sibling, apparently a mother. Because only the mother has such a strong will, when she is about to arrive at the door of the door to protect her children. My eyes were moist, and I could not bear to watch it. It was dying. Go quietly. Every time I think of the touch of that little reptile, I feel that I have a sin. In human life, there are maternal love and filial piety, but in the animal kingdom, is it not the same? 初中英语周记4 My family lived in the suburbs, the home not far away there is a opposite still undeveloped forest, the forest is lush trees, in the summer, still can hear birds singing, it is one of nature"s paradise. Several times, I invited my friends to explore together, leaving my happy footprints here. I"m often glad I"m in a busy city, but I"m still in touch with nature. When the weather is good, come home from school. Open the door, you can see the opposite window, the sunset hung on the treetop of the forest, like a frozen oil painting, soon down the forest. Windy, I often see some birds in the forest above, there is a bird is not flying, fan wings motionless against the wind, stop at the upper part of the woods, as if to hang a picture in my house on the window frame of clever three-dimensional picture. Sometimes the birds would fly to my door, and I would watch them play, and they would jump from the branches to the air - air holes in the other house and chatter about them. In the evening the birds flew back in pairs to the woods. One day, came home from school as usual, I lie prone on the windowsill, and excitedly looking into the woods, but accidentally found that many excavator "" du du rang rang rang and steel macrobrachia like heads toward the woods. The trees fell, lying on the ground, the woods disappeared, the bird flew away, and the picture on my window was gone... Oh! The woods, if we have a chance, let us meet in a dream. 初中英语周记5 During the summer vacation, I often went for a walk in the neighborhood with my father, and it was really interesting to see many friends riding bikes to catch up with me. Long time ago my grandpa gave me a bike, but I"ve been learning to ride a bicycle, so has been put in the home, see friends happy, I also want to learn a bit, so I begged my father taught me to ride a bike. I pushed my bike to the neighborhood garden, but I didn"t think I"d be able to get on the bike and fall off. I didn"t lose heart and tried it a few times, but I just got on the bike and fell off without a kick. Just as I was about to give up, my father encouraged me to say, "don"t lose heart, you will succeed. Come on!" I listened to the increase in confidence and then tried several times. On one occasion, I rode a bicycle rickety ride out several meters, was secretly happy, listen to "flop" a sound, I fell on the ground, bicycle hard pressure on my body, knees creased a large piece of leather, pain my tears in eyes swirling box... "Don"t lose heart. Don"t lose heart. I must learn to ride a bike." I thought to myself, and then I rode on my bicycle, my hands clasped in the front of my head, my feet pushing hard, and I was able to ride several metres away. Provide you can ride a ride problem out again: there was a big tree in front of the, I didn"t know what to do, hesitated just crashed into the tree, fortunately fell on the grass, but my feet are still trapped under the bike, the in the mind secretly complain. "To learn to turn, all right? "My father asked kindly. "Nothing, nothing." I ride the bike again and fee the skylight turn very not easy to learn, but I also always want to hit the wall, "ha ha, you always hit the wall, just don"t learn, in the wall come on... "The younger brother sneered. I ignored him and practiced again and again for my own wish... Persistence means victory! I am not discouraged, I keep practicing every day, and finally learned to ride a bike. From then on, I firmly believe that as long as I work hard and persist, I will succeed one after another. 初中英语周记6 The day I was watching TV, boring at this time there was a show attracted my attention, that is the children"s channel in teaching people how to do interesting "daruma", I feel very interesting, and began to prepare to do "daruma". So I began to prepare the ingredients for the tumbler: eggs, chopsticks, sand, crayons, paper and glue. First, I took a small, white, fat egg from the refrigerator and put it on the table. Then I poked a hole in the top of the egg with chopsticks. But, I didn"t realize I was too hard, just listen to "click" with a thin ring, broken egg shell, egg inside the egg white and egg yolk paste my hand, I said, in a pet eggs thrown into the trash can. If I lose another egg soldier, my mother"s favorite tomato scrambled eggs on the table, then I"m finished. This time I dare not fail again. Then I took an egg from the fridge, draw lessons from the last, I put the eggs gently on the table the ke, ke is good after I saw the egg cracked a thumb-nail large seam, I"ll peel off, again use chopsticks gently into the mix, pour the egg white and egg yolk out, I finally succeed in doing. Then I used paper to paste a funnel, into the egg shell carefully filled with sand, after the sand was installed, finally the tumbler was done, the poor dress up. So I made a little hat for the tumbler and taped it up with scotch tape, and then he drew it with a curved brow, a small nose and a red mouth. Dial it, the tumbler shake to the left, as if to give me a warm greeting! How lovely! I"ve learned from the fact that I have to fail to succeed in everything I do. Otherwise, it would be meaningless! 初中英语周记7 With a splash of water, I jumped into the water and swam happily in the water like a fish. Learn to swim, lie in the arms of the water, comfortable to swim slowly, that kind of feeling is wonderful! Now, I think back to the process of learning to swim, although I suffered a lot, but also got a lot of inspiration from life. When I was a child, I was afraid of water, especially when I couldn"t put my head into the water. When I learned to swim, I refused to practice holding my breath, and the coach and mother took pains, and I reluctantly agreed to try. I reluctantly jumped into the water, took a deep breath, jerked his head into the water, but immediately and lifted his head out of the water, it turns out that because I am too hard, water getting into the nostrils, makes my repeatedly cough, very afflictive. "Well," I grumbled angrily, "it"s too hard to practice my breath. I"ll never learn to swim again!" Just as I was about to bow to difficulties, a few children of my age swam past me like a happy fish. "look, why do they all swim so well, and I can"t? I cannot be easily frightened by this little difficulty! "Take a breath and put your head in the water. Make sure you spit it out with your mouth, and don"t breathe... The coach"s words echoed in my ears. And after a pause I grind, took a deep breath, carefully into the water, his head slowly to spit out, looked at the water and crystalclear bubbles in ran up happily, my heart will be suddenly enlightened "yes! Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. The difficulty is just a paper tiger, can frighten you, but can not defeat you, I now not also successful?" I lifted my head out of the water and filled my heart with the joy of success. "Great, I"ve finally learned to hold my breath!" I beat the water excitedly, looking at the white water splashing around, cheering. In the end, I learned to swim, and I also learned a valuable lesson -- to face difficulties, not to bow, not to yield, and to bravely overcome difficulties and overcome difficulties, success will be yours. 初中英语周记8 During the summer vacation, I watched the children"s channel at home and how to build a paper bridge on TV. After I learned it, I decided to try this experiment on my own. First I put a piece of paper on top of it and carefully put a book on it. "Bang!" Frighten me a big jump, paper fell. Then I rolled the piece of paper into a tube and put a book on it. It didn"t pour. I added another one. How wonderful! Then I folded the piece of paper into a seven-story paper fan and used two stationery boxes to make the piers. Then I put the paper on the pencil case. I tried to put a dictionary on the bridge, but I added another book, but I didn"t. How exciting! In the evening, I asked my father, "why does a piece of paper stand on end, and a book can"t be put on paper, but two books can be put in a box?" My father said, "a sheet of paper is very thin, and the thickness of it is increased by folding it into a tube." "Then why did you fold the paper into seven layers and put more weight on it?" "The father added:" that is the same as the bridge of the bridge is enlarged, of course can bear the weight is bigger ah!" I see, it"s so interesting to build a paper bridge!2023-07-25 21:30:041
1、他们往前走着,路变得越来越崎岖、陡峭,在这西方乡野里,既没有农场,也没有房屋,土地也没耕种过。 They walked forward, the road becomes more and more rugged and steep. In the western countryside, neither farm, nor the housing, land has not been cultivated. 2、数十株老树横枝,三五间雕窗映日;疏檐篱院,鱼吹池面之波。后几层待月轩,逶迤伫月;武陵桃放,渔人何处识迷津。庚领梅开,词客此中寻好句。 Dozens of tree branches, 35 carved window yingri; Yan Lei Shu Institute, fish pond wave blowing. After a few months to layer Xuan, meandering in months; Wuling peach, where the fisherman"s general maze. Geng Mei collar, the versifiers in search of a good sentence. 3、美丽的鲜花处处开放,羽毛奇特的鸟儿在树丛里婉转鸣唱。 Beautiful flowers everywhere, strange bird feathers in the bushes melodious singing. 4、她穿着一件白色外衣,许多褶边从双肩上挂下来,衣服上点缀着许多小星星,像钻石似的在阳光里闪烁。 She was wearing a white coat, many ruffles hanging off the shoulders, clothes dotted with many small stars, like diamonds in the sun flashing. 5、面皮黑而瘦,身材小而秀;鼻孔掀而露,耳轮大而厚;两眉短而制,双眼圆而溜;口唇红而肉,牙齿疏而透;手脚轻而骤,气色仁而寿。 Skinned black and thin, the figure is small and show; nostril lift and dew, helix thick; the two eyebrows short of, round eyes and slip; red lips and meat, teeth sparse through; light hands and feet and flash, the complexion of benevolence and longevity. 6、房间中央有一个小巧的喷泉,把一股股绿色大理石雕花水盆里。 There is a small fountain in the middle of the room, the strands of green marble carved in the basin. 7、他穿着华丽的粉色丝绸和紫色天鹅绒的衣服。 He was dressed in gorgeous pink silk and purple velvet. 8、你所需要的是在于你自己信任自己。当遇见危险的时候,没有一种生物是不害怕的。真正的胆量,是当你在害怕的时候,仍旧面对着危险,那种胆量,你是并不缺少的。 All you need to do is trust yourself. There is no living creature that is not afraid when it is in danger. True courage is when you are afraid of it, still face the danger, the kind of courage, you are not the lack of. 9、满面浮油,也会谈忠论孝;一身横肉,惯能惹是招非。目露铜光,遇妇人便做秋波使用;口含钱臭,见寒士常将冷语却除。敬府趋州,硬占绅衿地步;畏强欺弱,假充光棍名头。屡发非分之财,常兔应得之祸。 A slick, also talks on filial piety loyalty; a hengrou, used to Reshizhaofei. Mesh copper exposed light, meets the woman do Akinami; with money will often see poor smelly, but in addition to cold. Jing Fu trend, hard for the gentry point; fear of bullying, a singles title. Repeat the disaster due to ill-gotten gains, often in rabbits. 10、下午,火辣辣的太阳晒在他们的脸上,没有树木为他们遮荫,天还没黑,多萝西、托托和狮子就感到累了,躺在草地上睡着了,樵夫和稻草人守护着他们。 In the afternoon, the hot sun sun on their faces, no trees for shade to them, still black, Dorothy and Toto and the lion felt tired, lying on the grass and fell asleep, the Woodman and the scarecrow to guard them. 11、我想你要一颗心是错误的。那东西使得很多的人不快乐。只要你明白了这一点,那么,没有一颗心正是你的运气。 I want you to have a heart that is wrong. That makes a lot of people unhappy. As long as you understand this, then there is no heart is your luck. 12、不过,命运常常和人们开一些意想不到的玩笑。 However, the fate of people and people often open some unexpected joke. 13、天下真是无奇不有,“看来世界真是奇妙,无论谁都缺这少那,不可能是十全十美啊!”胆小狮无限感叹地说。 The world is really "Nothing is too strange. is really wonderful, it seems the world, no matter who are short of it, may not be perfect in every respect!" The cowardly lion said in an infinite sigh. 14、从树林中出来,见西面是高岭,忙上山头,不但不见百花山,连来的道也不见了,那里还顾访老道人。再一望,见西北有一条白线,高高下下,象条道路,于是直望那条道路走去。 From the woods, see the west is kaolinite, busy on the hilltop, not only see in Baihua Mountain, even to the road also does not see the, where still attend to visit the old priest. Look again, the Northwest has a white line, next high, like a road, then the road go straight at. 15、她的碗柜里有一顶金帽子,四周镶着钻石和宝玉只见许多翅膀如潮水般奔涌,又听见许多吵闹声、大笑声。 Her cupboard has a gold hat around trimmed with diamonds and rubies saw many wings like tide surges, I heard a lot of noise, laughter. 16、非同地震,不是山崩。黑雾迷空,大海蛟龙速避;金光遍地,深山虎豹潜逃;岛洞妖魔心惊胆碎,幽冥鬼怪魄散魂离。自古雷火天降下。于今烟雾掌中飞。 The earthquake, not landslides. Black fog fan air, sea dragon speed obstacle; throughout the land of golden light, mountain tiger fled; broken Island hole demon scared bile, ghost ghost soul scattered soul away. Since ancient times, thunder down Huotian. This hand smoke fly. 17、他看见了一位美丽的夫人,她身穿一件绿色薄纱衫,飘逸的长发上戴一顶宝石王冠。 He saw a beautiful lady, she was wearing a green chiffon shirt, wearing a crown jewel elegant long hair. 18、不远处有一条小溪,在绿色的河岸间奔淌、闪烁,发出喃喃私语,对一个长期生活在干燥、灰色草原上的小女孩来说,这声音是那样的令人愉快。 Not far from there is a stream, between the Green River Ben ice, flashing, murmured whisper, to a long life in the dry, gray Prairie Girl. The sound is so pleasant. 19、一个人在修补了以后,就永远不这样美丽了。 After a man was repaired, he would never be so beautiful. 20、于冰到了九岁上,方与他请个先生姓王,名献述,字岩耕,江宁上亢县人,因会试不中,羁留在京。此人极有学问,被本城史监生表叔胡举贤慕名请来,与史监生做西宾,教读子侄,年出修仪八十两。 In ice to nine years old, and he please a student surnamed Wang, name the offer, the word rock tillage, Jiangning Kang County, not for the try, detention in Beijing. That person is extremely knowledgeable, is invited to the history of the city of halophytic uncle Hu Juxian attracted with history Jiansheng do tutor, taught to read and nephews, year instrument repair eighty-two. 21、铁樵夫越是小心,越是会碰到麻烦的。 Iron Woodman more careful, more will be in trouble. 22、不多一会儿,她轻快地走上了通往翡翠城的道路,她的银鞋踩在坚硬的黄砖路上,发出欢快、清脆的声响。 Not much for a while, she walked on the road leading to the Emerald City, her silver shoes on the hard yellow brick road, issued a cheerful, crisp sound. 23、多萝茜说着,急忙翻身下来,戴上那顶魔帽,然后左脚着地,像金鸡独立似的站着,口中念起了咒语 Dorothy said, hurriedly turning down, put on the top of the magic hat and then left with, like standing on one leg standing, mouth spells 24、除了大团大团猩红的**花外,还有许多黄、白、蓝、紫色的华山,艳丽的色彩几乎使多萝西目眩。 In addition to the masses of scarlet poppies and many yellow, white, blue, purple mountain, gorgeous color almost Dorothy dazzled. 25、目运金光,口喷火焰;刚牙利爪似老猿而尾尖,嘴凹腮缩象苍狗而腿短,身躯肥大,吃人畜定八九十个;毛皮黄白,炼气血必一二千载;行妖作怪久膺天地之诛,变女装男难免雷火之厄。 Mesh luck Sinar Mas, mouth spray flame; just Hungarian claw like old ape and the tip of the tail, mouth concave cheeks shrink like solutions and short legs, body hypertrophy, man eating animal set a bajiu Shi; yellow and white fur, Lian Qi and blood will load 12000; monsters mischief long pseudo world punish, men and women to avoid thunder fire Ecuador. 26、这样看来,肉做的身体一定很不方便了,因为你必须睡觉,吃东西和喝水。但是不管怎么样,你有脑子,能够思想,解决许多烦恼的事,还是很值得的。 In this way, the body must be very inconvenient, because you have to sleep, eat and drink. But no matter what, you have a brain, to be able to think, to solve a lot of trouble, or it is worth it. 27、街道两旁坐落着一排排美丽的房子,都是用绿色的大理石建造的,到处闪烁的翡翠。 On both sides of the street is lined with rows of beautiful houses, built of green marble, and emerald green. 28、现在稻草人领导着翡翠城,虽然他不是一个魔术家,但是百姓都尊敬他。他们说:“因为在这整个的世界上,再没有其他的城市,是给一个塞满稻草的人所领导的。”就他们所知道的来说,这话是十分对的。 Now the scarecrow led the Emerald City, although he is not a magician, but the people respect him. They say: "because in this whole world, there is no other city, it is a man who is full of straw." As much as they know, this is quite right. 29、这时候,天空非常黑暗,风在她的四周可怕地怒吼着。但是多萝茜乘坐得十分舒服。在第一次稍微旋转以后,当那屋子剧烈地倾斜时,她似乎觉得自己被徐缓地摇荡着,像一个婴儿躺在一只摇篮里。 At this time, the sky was very dark, and the wind was howling all around her. But Dorothy ride very comfortable. In first rotated slightly later, when the tilted violently the house she seems to feel themselves to be slowly sway like a baby lying in a cradle. 30、当铁皮人走路的时候,他觉得他的心在胸腔的四周,发出辘辘的声音来;并且他告诉多萝茜,他已经发现,这颗心和他在肉身的时候所有的一颗心相比较,是更加善良,而且更加慈爱的了。 When the tin man to walk, he felt his heart around the chest, a rumbling sound; and he told Dorothy he has found, the heart and his in the flesh all heart compared is more kind, and more loving. 31、毗卢帽半新半旧,纱偏衫不长不短。面如馒首,大亏肥肉之功;肚似西瓜,深得鲁酒之力。顶圆项短,宛然弥勒佛子孙;性忍心贪,实是柳盗跖哥弟。 Birobong cap half new yarn partial T-shirt is not long nor short. Such as steamed bun, burned the fat of belly; like watermelon, deep wine of andrew. Top circle short, like Maitreya Buddha of the sun; to corruption, is the younger brother of liu. 32、接着大门慢慢地打开了,他们鱼贯而入,发现来到一拱顶房间,房间四壁镶嵌着无数翡翠,闪闪发光。 Then the door slowly opened, they filed into the room found to the vault room, room walls inlaid with countless jade, sparkling. 33、身在空门心在凡,也知打坐不参禅;婴儿未产胎犹浅,姹女逢媒月始圆。搅乱阴阳通气海,调和水火润丹田;大龙铅虎初降后,须俟恩纶上九天。 In the empty heart in where, also don"t know Zen meditation; the baby did not produce fetal and shallow, girls every month media circle. By sea of yin and Yang ventilation, reconcile the fire dragon tiger Run Dantian; lead the early fall, it shall be well Lun nine days.2023-07-25 21:30:111
Bethesda, Maryland 是个地名吗?
在金山词霸上查到:贝塞斯达(美国马里兰州中西部一无法人地位的城市,是华盛顿特区的居住郊区。它是国家健康研究所和海军医疗中心所在地。人口62, 936)[地名] [英国] 贝塞斯达2023-07-25 21:30:151
1When sorrows come, they come not single spies,But in battalions.Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak,Whispers the o"er-fraught heart and bids it break.Sorrow breaks seasons and reposing hours,Makes the night morning, and the noontide night.What private griefs they have, alas, I know not.My grief lies all within,And these external manners of lamentAre merely shadows to the unseen griefThat swells with silence in the tortured soul.It easeth some, though none it ever cured,To think their dolour others have endured.I will instruct my sorrows to be proudFor grief is proud an"t makes his owner stoop.Day doth daily draw my sorrows longer,And night doth nightly make grief"s length seem stronger.What"s gone and what"s past helpShould be past grief.Feed on her damask cheek: she pined in thought,And with a green and yellow melancholyShe sat like patience on a monument,2Stopping by woods on a snowy evening Robert Frost Whose woods these are I think I know His house is in the village though He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year He give his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake The only other sound"s the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake The woods are lovely, dark and deep But I have promises to keep And miles to go before I sleep 我想我知道这是谁的森林,尽管那人远在乡村 他不会看到我停留于此,欣赏这片属于他的 被皑皑白雪覆盖着的林园 我的小马必定奇怪,为什么要驻足在这里——远离人烟 游荡在森林和冰冻的湖水之间, 在一年中最阴暗的夜晚,那人摇响了他的马铃 询问一切是否平安 却只有风儿吹过,雪片飘零 这森林如此迷人幽深,可是我已许下诺言: 在我沉入梦乡之前,还要再走上一段, 还要再走上一段。3 My favorite poem by Frost: Design I found a dimpled spider, fat and white, On a white heal-all, holding up a moth Like a white piece of rigid satin cloth-- Assorted characters of death and blight Mixed ready to begin the morning right, Like the ingredients of a witches" broth-- A snow-drop spider, a flower like a froth, And dead wings carried like a paper kite. What had that flower to do with being white, The wayside blue and innocent heal-all? What brought the kindred spider to that height, Then steered the white moth thither in the night? What but design of darkness to appall?-- If design govern in a thing so small. 4Dylan Thomas Not really for me. I liked his "Before I Knocked", but unfortunately the wry sense of humor in this poem is more the exception than the rule. Too morbid, which is quite English; but the sober take-me-seriuosly earnestness is not English, at all. Because the English, from before Shakespeare"s time, has been known for a paradoxically life-affirming graveyard humor. which is not shared by Dylan Thomas at all. 5 Edward Thomas: Rain Rain, midnight rain, nothing but the wild rain On this bleak hut, and solitude, and me Remembering again that I shall die And neither hear the rain nor give it thanks For washing me cleaner than I have been Since I was born into this solitude. Blessed are the dead that the rain rains upon: But here I pray that none whom once I loved Is dying to-night or lying still awake Solitary, listening to the rain, Either in pain or thus in sympathy Helpless among the living and the dead, Like a cold water among broken reeds, Myriads of broken reeds all still and stiff, Like me who have no love which this wild rain Has not dissolved except the love of death, If love it be for what is perfect and Cannot, the tempest tells me, disappoint. 6 [This is the answer to your prayer, 隽饴] W. H. Davis: LEISURE What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare? No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep and cows. No time to see, when woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. No time to see, in broad daylight Streams full of stars, like skies at night. No time to turn at Beauty"s glance, And watch her feet, how they can dance. No time to wait till her mouth can Enrich that smile her eyes began. A poor life this if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. 7 Byron: "So We"ll Go No More a-Roving" So we"ll go no more a-roving So late into the night, Though the heart still be as loving, And the moon still be as bright. For the sword outwears its sheath, And the soul outwears the breast, And the heart must pause to breathe, And love itself have rest. Though the night was made for loving, And the day returns too soon, Yet we"ll go no more a-roving By the light of the moon. 8 This poem offers the rare combination of immediate appeal AND the potential for undiscovered depth, when you re-read it. For example, what is meant by these lines? Haply I may remember, And haply may forget. There are different ways you may read into these two lines. Amazing2023-07-25 21:30:201
1.高分求关于 江南 的风景民俗英文介绍,或是描写美景的英文 江南如歌、江南如酒、江南如诗、江南如梦,江南是一幅浓淡相宜的水墨长卷。“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”,“沾衣欲湿杏花雨、吹面不寒杨柳风”,有哪一句不是江南的飘逸呀。在那“借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村”的霏霏细雨里,可见杜牧的轻愁萦结在眉梢;在那“姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船”的乌啼里,有张继的长夜无眠:“江南好,风景旧曾谙。日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝”里跳跃着白六一的满心喜悦:“水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇”里,东坡该把盏艳羡那西子的袅娜芳华…… 散文江南里,你可以在春日里寻一径绿地放飞轻灵的纸鸢。或可以在杨柳依依里长亭赋诗,寄托给心上人儿缕缕思念。当那满目青翠的荷叶葳蕤时,有一叶乌蓬轻舟在湖面荡漾,微温的绍兴黄酒在手,带着菡萏气息的清风拂面时,直须长醉不愿醒是谁都乐意的。红男绿女,于长堤上轻折桃花,吴侬软语会和那金丝小枣、陆稿荐排骨一起甜得让你发腻。在那浆声灯影的夜色里,穿行十里秦淮,你可见那“烟笼寒水月笼纱”的绮丽?此时或许有那一温润女子,葱指在琵琶上轻拢慢捻,岁月就在此时跨越了千年,幽幽如梦,甘醇如那陈年的酒。郁达夫描绘到“烂熟的春光,带来了沉酣的光和热,流露在钱塘江的绿波影里,江上两岸的杂树枝头,树下的泥沙地面,都罩着一层嫩绿绒衣,有一种清新香味蒸吐出来”。此时的你可以从这文字里嗅到了江南的独特气息么? 夏日的江南,是那散文的第一道转折。西湖六月,风光 The coast Often at the edge of the sea there are cliffs (high mountains), which give a great view over the sea. But they can also be dangerous, especially if they are eroded, when rocks and earth fall away into the sea. Most people prefer sandy beaches rather than pebble beaches (beaches with small stones). The coastline can be straignt, or it can have bays which are often semi-circular in shape. Mountains Mountain ranges are spectacular as you can often see snow-capped peaks against the skyline. From the top of a mountain (the summit or the peak), there are breathtaking views. Not much grows on mountains, as generally the terrain (ground) is rocky, but the air is often pure. However, the valleys (low areas encircled by the mountains) are more fertile. Inland From the foothills of the mountains (the small hills nearest mountains), the scenery inland tends to be less dramatic with rolling hills and open countryside. You can find more farmland, but also forests or woods (smaller forests). The land is generally irrigated by rivers or lakes (areas of water which are enclosed) and streams (narrow paths of water). In some countries, there are vast areas of open, flat land called plains (or prairies) which are used to grow various crops such as wheat (the grain used to make flour for bread.) 2.关于介绍江南的英文资料 江南of the basic informationPen name: 江南Internet writer - South Name: 杨治Gender: MaleBirthday: After 70 Horoscope: Cancer Blood type: AOrigin: Anhui HefeiNow lives in: BeijingMarital status: SingleGood Friends of the base: the South to send Uncle, Tang three little, Yang Xiao XieEdit this paragraph(南派三叔,唐家三少,杨小邪)Major works"Dragon Fire Ⅰ Dawn", "Dragon"s pupil who Mourn Ⅱ", "Kyushu misty recorded" series ("Wild", "dark green cloud of ancient teeth," "world famous", "Chen Zheng months," "life of the Union") "Leopard Spirit", "Zhuolu", "here boy", "Shanghai fortress", "bright emperor", "Butterfly Storm", "Arabian Nights of Death" ("love you "), the" middleman "," Cocoon, "" Kyushu Bai Lu "series," Assassins "and《龙族Ⅰ火之晨曦》、《龙族Ⅱ悼亡者之瞳》、《九州·缥缈录》系列(《蛮荒》、《苍云古齿》、《天下名将》、《辰月之征》、《一生之盟》)《豹魂》、《涿鹿》、《此间的少年》、《上海堡垒》、《光明皇帝》、《蝴蝶风暴》、《一千零一夜之死神》(《爱死你》)、《中间人》、《茧》、《九州·捭阖录》系列、《刺客》等Edit this paragraphAbout ExperienceGraduated from the Department of Chemistry, Washington University. Arts and Sciences School of Medicine. Master of the proof, PhD graduated from. Wrote, "here boy"《此间的少年》, the temptation a lot of people on the North. Wrote "Misty Kyushu recorded," 《九州·缥缈录》the temptation of some people to write fiction. Had founded three companies. Always in the business, often lose money, but very happy. Had worked as deputy general manager of a large company, grabbed the right to a property right should be reported franchise power, but very happy. Ambitious dream is to become a band"s bassist. But not yet clear bass with a few strings.Interests: reading, eating, drinking tea daze, watching movies, daydreaming, red wineFeatures: writing a book, writing industry analysis, writing feasibility analysis, quick look through the financial statements, always have mahjong game called "novice Win"Edit this paragraphDetailsSouth, real name Yang Zhi, male, Cancer, Anhui Hefei, best-selling author. Born after the 1970s, now lives in Beijing, is still single. School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, graduated from the United States Washington University Master"s, professional analytical chemistry. The current status of the author, and media manager, responsible for investments in the two magazines, positioning and distribution. Has not received any formal training in writing, nor received literary awards, is still writing in his spare time, sometimes as fast draft, draft-free period of delay times, depending on the work of elastic and temporary state of mind.Since the cloud is often worthless, pen stopped working, walk in cold and warm sensibility experimental apparatus between words, longing for a world free backpack to go live. The main activities on the Internet for Qingyunshuyuan. Began writing in 1998, 2002, "here boy" network inside and outside the popular, was Netease culture as the "head of the new romance doctrine" (this comment is just a gimmick, as his "death" was changed to a vulgar publishers The "love you." south of the novel, but more emphasis is indeed a description of love).Returned from the United States and PAN day, what, who published this "Kyushu Fantasy" series of magazines. Unclear because of escape after the Shanghai Financial, founded in Beijing, "Kyushu Chi" magazine. Its just from Shanghai to Beijing, where a number of contacts this contact South but are not, and so far south did not disclose the specific financial year in Kyushu, but has been self-proclaimed "Kyushu fantasy" lost many of his money. And then to Beijing first to do a "fantasy 1 +1" this magazine, and than the "Kyushu fantasy" to poach high royalties, "Kyushu fantasy" of the manuscript. However, the final "Fantasy 1 + 1" or disappeared in front of the reader. Later, South began to "Nine Kingdoms" publication.For "misty Kyushu recorded," the popular series known as the "head of the new martial arts doctrine." Works are historical novels and fantasy novels overhead mainly studied under the occasional youthful theme. Regularly published articles in Jinguzhuanqi. Is also the "Kyushu blog" editor.According to reports, "Dragon" plan launched by the Salon animation company, is a "cartoon-blooded novel." The book set off to read a listing on the boom, had a record "30 days Kuangxiao 300,000," the sales records. Yang 。 3.关于苏州园林的诗句英语版 1.苏州是一个古老,文明,美丽的城市和苏州园林是良好的世界知名的。 Suzhou is an ancient, civilized and beautiful city and the Suzhou. 2.江南园林甲天下,苏州园林甲江南。 The gardens in the area south of the Yangtze are the best in China, but those in Suzhou beat all the others. 3.如果你们来到苏州一定要去游览一下苏州园林。 If you went to Suzhou, you will then need to visit the Suzhou gardens. 4.人们说起苏州时,第一话题经常会是苏州园林独特的建筑风格。 When people talk about Suzhou,its unique style of gardens will often be their first topic. 5.江南园林甲天下,苏州园林甲江南。 The gardens in the area south of the Yangtze are the best in China, but those in Suzhou beat all the others. 6.苏州是一个古老,文明,美丽的城市和苏州园林是良好的世界知名的。 Suzhou is an ancient, civilized and beautiful city and the Suzhou gardens are well-known throughout the world. 7.苏州网师园是苏州园林中设计最成功的园林之一,她的名声在外,享誉全世界。 The Garden of Master of Nets is one of the most successfully designed gardens in Suzhou with an international reputation. 8.俗话说,“江南园林甲天下,苏州园林甲江南”。 An old saying goes, "the gardens south of the Yangtze River are the best under Heaven, and among them the gardens of Suzhou are the best." 9.苏州园林每年都吸引大量国内外的游客。 Suzhou gardens attract a large number of foreign tourists every year. 10.苏州园林实为个中翘楚。 Suzhou gardens are one of the outstandings. 4.急:关于介绍江南的英文 关于江南的大概介绍 Jiangnan or Jiang Nan (Chinese: 江南; pinyin: Jiāngnán; Wade–Giles: Chiang nan; sometimes spelled Kiang-nan) is a geographic area in China referring to lands immediately to the south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, including the southern part of the Yangtze Delta. This region is largely Wu-speaking. The word Jiangnan is based on the Chinese name for the Yangtze, Cháng Jiāng, and nán meaning 5.15首关于江南的古诗及翻译 1、 《忆江南》 【唐】白居易 江南好,风景旧曾谙. 日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝. 能不忆江南? 【古诗翻译】 江南是个好地方,那里的风景我熟悉. 日出时,江中的滚浪比火还红艳; 春天里,一江绿水仿佛被蓝草浸染. 怎能让人不常常思念美好的江南? 2、 江南逢李龟年 作者:杜甫 年代:唐 体裁:七绝 岐王宅里寻常见,崔九堂前几度闻。 正是江南好风景,落花时节又逢君。 【注解】: 1、李龟年:唐代著名的音乐家,受唐玄宗赏识,后流落江南。 2、歧王:唐玄宗的弟弟李范,他被封为歧王。 3、崔九:就是崔涤,当时担任殿中监。 【韵译】: 当年在岐王宅里,常常见到你的演出; 在崔九堂前,也曾多次欣赏你的艺术。 没有想到,在这风景一派大好的江南; 正是落花时节,能巧遇你这位老相熟。 【评析】: 诗是感伤世态炎凉的。李龟年是开元初年的著名歌手,常在贵族豪门歌唱。杜甫少年时才华卓著,常出入于岐王李范和秘书监崔涤的门庭,得以欣赏李龟年的歌唱艺术。诗的开首二句是追忆昔日与李龟年的接触,寄寓诗人对开元初年鼎盛的眷怀;后两句是对国事凋零,艺人颠沛流离的感慨。仅仅四句却概括了整个开元时期的时代沧桑,人生巨变。语极平淡,内涵却无限丰满。蘅塘退士评为:少陵七绝,此为压卷。 6.《江南》的英文翻译 South River Land 江南 江南小镇 South River town 白居易的《忆江南》 “South River Land is a rare land, / As from of old I Know./ No flame for redness can compare / With river-blooms at daybreak there. / The waters in the spring tide glow/ Deep-green like indi go./ who can forget South River Land?” 7.描写江南的诗句 (最好有翻译) 忆江南 【唐·皇甫松】 兰烬落,屏上暗红蕉。闲梦江南梅熟日,夜船吹笛雨萧萧,人语驿边桥。 江南好/忆江南 【宋·赵师侠】 天共水,水远与天连。天净水平寒月漾,水光月色两相兼。月映水中天。 人与景,人景古难全。景若佳时心自快,心远乐处景应妍。休与俗人言。 望江南 【宋·朱敦儒】 炎昼永,初夜月侵床。露卧一丛莲叶畔,芙蓉香细水风凉。枕上是仙乡。 忆江南 【唐·温庭筠】 千万恨,恨极在天涯。山月不知心里事,水风空落眼前花,摇曳碧云斜。 梳洗罢,独倚望江楼。过尽千帆皆不是,斜晖脉脉水悠悠,肠断白苹洲! 江南柳 【宋·张先】 隋堤远,波急路尘轻。今古柳桥多送别,见人分袂亦愁生,何况自关情? 斜照后,新月上西城。城上楼高重倚望,愿身能似月亭亭,千里伴君行。 望江南/忆江南 【宋·王琪】 江南岸,云树半晴阴。帆去帆来天亦老,潮生潮落日还沈。南北别离心。 兴废事,千古一沾襟。山下孤烟渔市晓,柳边疏雨酒家深。行客莫登临。 江南草,如种复如描。深映落花莺舌乱,绿迷南浦客魂消。日日斗青袍。 风欲转,柔态不胜娇。远翠天涯经夜雨,冷痕沙上带昏潮。谁梦与兰苕。 江南水,江路转平沙。雨霁高烟收素练,风晴细浪吐寒花。迢递送星槎。 名利客,飘泊未还家。西塞山前渔唱远,洞庭波上雁行斜。征棹宿天涯。 江南燕,轻扬绣帘风。二月池塘新社过,六朝宫殿旧巢空。颉颃恣西东。 王谢宅,曾入绮堂中。烟径掠花飞远远,晓窗惊梦语匆匆。偏占杏园红。 江南月,清夜满西楼。云落开时冰吐鉴,浪花深处玉沈钩。圆缺几时休。 星汉迥,风露入新秋。丹桂不知摇落恨,素娥应信别离愁。天上共悠悠。 江南酒,何处味偏浓。醉卧春风深巷里,晓寻香旆小桥东。竹叶满金锺。 檀板醉,人面粉生红。青杏黄梅朱阁上,鲥鱼苦笋玉盘中。酩酊任愁攻。 江南雪,轻素剪云端。琼树忽惊春意早,梅花偏觉晓香寒。冷影褫清欢。 蟾玉迥,清夜好重看。谢女联诗衾翠幕,子猷乘兴泛平澜。空惜舞英残。 江南雨,风送满长川。碧瓦烟昏沈柳岸,红绡香润入梅天。飘洒正潇然。 朝与暮,长在楚峰前。寒夜愁敧金带枕,暮江深闭木兰船。烟浪远相连。 江南竹,清润绝纤埃。深径欲留双凤宿,后庭偏映小桃开。风月影徘徊。 寒玉瘦,霜霰信相催。粉泪空流妆点在,羊车曾傍翠枝来。龙笛莫轻裁。 渔歌子 【唐·张志和】 西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜鱼肥。青箬笠,绿蓑衣,斜风细雨不须归。 题觉海寺 【宋·黄庭坚】 炉烟郁郁水沉犀,木绕禅床竹绕溪。一暇秋蝉思高柳,夕阳原在竹荫西。 江南好 【唐·白居易】 江南好,风景旧曾谙;日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝。能不忆江南?2023-07-25 21:30:261
我们老师也要我们演讲...In countless blue eyes and brown eyes in,I have a pair of precious stones like black eyes,I"m proud, I am a Chinese!In countless white skin and black skin in,I have the earth as yellow skin,I"m proud, I am a Chinese!I am a Chinese--The loess plateau is I stand of the breast,The Yellow River water is my blood boiling,The Great Wall is I raise arm,Mount tai is I stand on the heel.I am a Chinese--My ancestors first out of the forest,My ancestors first began to work,I am a compass, printing seed,I am the sons of PI, a seismograph.希望采纳2023-07-25 21:30:375
1、美国会计研究生,建议首选福特汉姆(Fordham)大学。2、两个学校综合排名相近,但福特汉姆大学位于纽约曼哈顿,相对来说以后实习的机会会更多。3、伊利诺伊香槟的会计不错,但个人以为读研还是去大城市会比较好。个人看法,仅供参考。2023-07-25 21:30:402
Maryland is a state of the United Stateses.Her postal service abbreviation is a MD. There are 5,508,909 people in Maryland.The greatly part of is a white man.Be known as the majority of the protestant on the religion.Person in 2003 all the income was USD 37,446, was the United States the fifth.His economy is the third industry, the forward agent is their most important economy to constitute part2023-07-25 21:30:481
Once upon a time, there was a woodcutter. One day, he went to the forest to chop down a tree. This tree will grow in a cult McCool er god river. Cut down a tree, the man carelessly, the axe head fell into the water, couldn"t pulled up. He was very sad, desperate sat by the river and can"t help sadly cry. The poor man moved by the tears of darfur McCool god. He suddenly appeared in the woodcutter"s presence, kindly asked: "why do you cry?" The woodcutter replied: "my ax fallen into the river, I couldn"t find it." At this moment, McCool from the bosom of god, took out a gold axe to ask a way: "you lost is the ax?" The poor man replied: "no, not this one." Said, god has brought out a handful of darfur McCool silver axe: "this an axe is it yours?" Honest woodcutter still shake to say: "no, it isn"t." Finally, took a handful of iron darfur McCool god axe for him to see, the woodcutter immediately shouted: "yes, this is my ax." God saw that the darfur McCool poor woodcutter so upright ChengPiao and they all gave him three axes.The woodcutter happily went home. He told friends about this matter, have a partner refused to believe, and doubt the woodcutter those axe and stolen. He hurried to the riverside, his axe throwing into the water, then sit down and cry. McCool er god appeared again, why he is crying. Between God heard he"s McCool axe, they also lost his handful gold axe asked: "this is your off the axe?" This colleague favour say: "yes, good." For this god"s McCool shameless lies in great anger, he rolled up gold axe, turn round and then walk, Even the partner his own assessment of the axe, he no longer has been returned.2023-07-25 21:30:563
Virginia,New Jersey,Massachusetts,New Hampshire,Pennsylvania,New York,Maryland,Connecticut,Rhode Island,Delaware,North Carolina,South Carolina,Georgia...2023-07-25 21:30:583
想要短时间记住大量单词是不现实的,应该是平时学习过程中的积累。很多英语辅导班,什么新东方,李阳疯狂英语之类的都强调什么联想记忆法,可是我认为,记好英语单词,靠这些是不够的,甚至说是没用的。记好英语单词,首先要记好发音,这点很重要,然后根据拼读原则进行记忆,这就要求在学习单词的过程中注重积累单词中字母的发音,和一些特例,这是很重要的。也就是根据发音记单词,这种记忆方法很好,不会轻易忘记,建议尝试。学习中一定要勤于记忆,注意积累。希望能够帮助到你。2023-07-25 21:31:062
《马里兰庄园 Maryland》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码:cwar《马里兰庄园 Maryland》导演: 艾丽斯·威诺古尔编剧: 艾丽斯·威诺古尔、让-史蒂芬·布朗主演: 马提亚斯·修奈尔、黛安·克鲁格、保罗·艾米类型: 剧情、惊悚制片国家/地区: 法国、比利时语言: 法语上映日期: 2015-05-16(戛纳电影节)、2015-12-19(法国)片长: 101分钟又名: Disorder、Close Protection文森特(马提亚斯·修奈尔饰)从战场返回家乡,被一个富有的商人雇做私人保镖,负责在他出差的时候保护他的妻子和孩子。文森特很快发现,表面平静的马里兰却也隐藏着危险。2023-07-25 21:29:461
Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) Usnews1997:[10] Usnews2003:[13] 简介 1826 年成立的私人学校,是马里兰州里最top的艺术学校,有12亩的校地,位在马里兰城Baltimore巴尔的摩内,靠海, MICA有提供学校宿舍,师生比大约是一比十,该校是美国榜上有名的古老艺术学校之一,去年刚刚举行了成立175年的校庆,MICA校园的建筑是义大利文艺复兴风格,共有十九栋建筑,其中有两个建筑在2002和2003年会正式启用,MICA目前校长是Fred Lazarus IV,校制是semester制,为AICAD成员,也是马里兰独立学院与大学机构Maryland Independent College and University Association (MICUA)的成员 详细资料请务必参考校方网站 喔!) 科系 该校提供了下列的硕士学位 Hoffberger School of Painting (MFA) 1965年成立的,专注于绘画领域 Mount Royal School of Art (MFA) 1974年成立的,鼓励学生进行独立的艺术主题创作 Rinehart School of Sculpture (MFA) 是全美历史悠久的雕塑科系之一,有丰富的教学经验 Photography and Digital Imaging (MFA) 专注在社会性,政治性和艺术性的摄影创作与评论 Summer Master of Fine Arts in Studio Art (MFA) 这是一个蛮特别的课程,是让艺术家或已经工作的设计师能够在暑假时回到校园修硕士学位(六周),至于在studio art里要进行什么样的领域研究,没有一定限制Graphic Design (MFA Fall 2003) 这是2003年开始的新研究所课程,是从大学部延续上来的硕士学位进修,鼓励研究生将自己视为能独立进行专案的文化工作者 Digital Arts (MA) 对于2D,3D,摄影,动画,剪接,影片和音效等领域进行学习,但不是偏向商业训练,而是偏向艺术性的发展,只要一年30学分就可毕业 Master of Arts in Community Arts Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) 至少要修32学分,并可在马里兰的小学实习,对于想从事艺术教育的艺术家是一个不错的课程 Summer Master of Arts in Art Education (MA) 这是为已经有经验的美术老师所设计的暑期进修课程 Summer MFA in Studio Art 夏季MFA 申请 地址和电话: Maryland Institute, College of Art 1300 Mount Royal Avenue Baltimore, MD 21217 Main Phone: 410 669-9200 Fax: 410 669-9206申请费$50申请截止日基本上是三月一日,不过依科系有所不同,要看该校的申请资料喔!我哩咧~跟AAC有得比,收到入学许可后要交的保证金是usd$450! 三封推荐信,18-20张SLIDES,读书计划500-700字托福213 CBT (550 paper) 该校是美国少数几个在1997年就有提供线上photoshop教学online class的艺术学校喔! 相关报导 1999年马里兰MA in Digital Art毕业的Edward Hu网站, ,在他的留言板里对马里兰艺术学院有一些介绍喔! -_-不过捏~粉久没更新啦!这个Edward是龟毛进化论站长mars的同鞋喔! 据说美国大学生有自己排名过前十名最辛苦的大学,这家艺术学校名列正好第十,就在麻省理工MIT后面,此排名不知是真是假 ……福小啦在英文资讯里找不到这样的资料…… 至于美国 and CAP (Crimes Against People) Index Inc在2001年针对校园环境出版的安全指南上,mica名列马里兰州最危险学校的第3名喔!2023-07-25 21:29:391
AOFAS踝-后足评分系统(AOFAS Ankle Hindfoot Scale)评 分疼痛(40分)无 40轻度,偶尔 30中度,常见 20严重,持续 0功能和自主活动、支撑情况(10分)不受限,不须支撑 10日常活动不受限,娱乐活动受限,需扶手杖 7日常和娱乐活动受限,需扶手杖 4日常和娱乐活动严重受限,需扶车、扶拐、轮椅、支架 0最大步行距离(街区数)(5分)>6个 54 ~ 6个 41 ~ 3个 2<1< span="">个 0地面步行(5分) 任何地面无困难 5走不平地面、楼梯、斜坡、爬梯时有困难 3走不平地面、楼梯、斜坡、爬梯时很困难 0反常步态(8分)无、轻微 8明显 4显著 0前后活动(屈曲加伸展)(8分)正常或轻度受限(>30°) 8中度受限(15°-29°) 4重度受限(<15°) 0后足活动(内翻加外翻)(6分)正常或轻度受限(75%-100%正常) 6中度受限(25%-74%正常) 3重度受限(<25%) 0踝-后足稳定性(前后,内翻-外翻)(8分)稳定 8明显的不稳定 0足部对线(10分)优:跖行足,踝-后足排列正常 10良:跖行足,踝-后足明显排列成角,无症状 5差:非跖行足,严重排列紊乱,有症状 0优:90 ~ 100分;良:75 ~ 89分;可:50 ~ 74分;差:50分以下2023-07-25 21:29:331
Ⅰ.She Walks in Beauty She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that"s best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellowed to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies. One shade the more, one ray the less, Had half impaired the nameless grace Which waves in every raven tress, Or softly lightens o"er her face; Where thoughts serenely sweet express How pure, how dear their dwelling place. And on that cheek, and o"er that brow, So soft, so calm, yet eloquent, The smiles that win, the tints that glow, But tell of days in goodness spent, A mind at peace with all below, A heart whose love is innocent! by Lord Byron Ⅱ.Sonnet XVIII (Shall I compare thee to a summer"s day?) Shall I compare thee to a summer"s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer"s lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines And often is his gold complexion dimmed; And every fair from fair sometimes declines, By chance or nature"s changing course untrimmed; But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou own; Nor shall death brag thou wander in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow: So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. by William Shakespeare Ⅲ.Ode to the West Wind I O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn"s being, Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing, Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red, Pestilence-stricken multitudes: O thou, Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low, Each like a corpse within its grave, until Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow Her clarion o"er the dreaming earth, and fill (Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air) With living hues and odours plain and hill: Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere; Destroyer and preserver; hear, oh hear! II Thou on whose stream, mid the steep sky"s commotion, Loose clouds like earth"s decaying leaves are shed, Shook from the tangled boughs of Heaven and Ocean, Angels of rain and lightning: there are spread On the blue surface of thine aery surge, Like the bright hair uplifted from the head Of some fierce Maenad, even from the dim verge Of the horizon to the zenith"s height, The locks of the approaching storm. Thou dirge Of the dying year, to which this closing night Will be the dome of a vast sepulchre, Vaulted with all thy congregated might Of vapours, from whose solid atmosphere Black rain, and fire, and hail will burst: oh hear! III Thou who didst waken from his summer dreams The blue Mediterranean, where he lay, Lull"d by the coil of his crystalline streams, Beside a pumice isle in Baiae"s bay, And saw in sleep old palaces and towers Quivering within the wave"s intenser day, All overgrown with azure moss and flowers So sweet, the sense faints picturing them! Thou For whose path the Atlantic"s level powers Cleave themselves into chasms, while far below The sea-blooms and the oozy woods which wear The sapless foliage of the ocean, know Thy voice, and suddenly grow gray with fear, And tremble and despoil themselves: oh hear! IV If I were a dead leaf thou mightest bear; If I were a swift cloud to fly with thee; A wave to pant beneath thy power, and share The impulse of thy strength, only less free Than thou, O uncontrollable! If even I were as in my boyhood, and could be The comrade of thy wanderings over Heaven, As then, when to outstrip thy skiey speed Scarce seem"d a vision; I would ne"er have striven As thus with thee in prayer in my sore need. Oh, lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud! I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed! A heavy weight of hours has chain"d and bow"d One too like thee: tameless, and swift, and proud. V Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is: What if my leaves are falling like its own! The tumult of thy mighty harmonies Will take from both a deep, autumnal tone, Sweet though in sadness. Be thou, Spirit fierce, My spirit! Be thou me, impetuous one! Drive my dead thoughts over the universe Like wither"d leaves to quicken a new birth! And, by the incantation of this verse, Scatter, as from an unextinguish"d hearth Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind! Be through my lips to unawaken"d earth The trumpet of a prophecy! Oh Wind, If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? by Percy Bysshe Shelley Ⅳ.Ode To A Nightingale My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk, Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk: "Tis not through envy of thy happy lot, But being too happy in thine happiness -- That thou, light winged Dryad of the trees, In some melodious plot Of beechen green, and shadows numberless, Singest of summer in full-throated ease. O, for a draught of vintage! that hath been Cool"d a long age in the deep-delved earth, Tasting of Flora and the country green, Dance, and Provencal song, and sunburnt mirth! O for a beaker full of the warm South, Full of the true, the blushful Hippocrene, With beaded bubbles winking at the brim, And purple-stained mouth, That I might drink, and leave the world unseen, And with thee fade away into the forest dim. Fade far away, dissolve, and quite forget What thou amongst the leaves hast never known, The weariness, the fever, and the fret Here, where men sit and hear each other groan; Where palsy shakes a few, sad, last grey hairs. Where youth grows pale, and spectre-thin, and dies; Where nut to think is to be full of sorrow And leaden-eyed despairs; Where Beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes, Or new Love pine at them beyond to-morrow. Away! away! for I will fly to thee, Not charioted by Bacchus and his pards, But on the viewless wings of Poesy, Though the dull brain perplexes and retards. Already with thee! tender is the night, And haply the Queen-Moon is on her throne, Clustered around by all her starry Fays; But here there is no light, Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways. I cannot see what flowers are at my feet, Nor what soft incense hangs upon the boughs, But, in embalmed darkness, guess each sweet Wherewith the seasonable month endows The grass, the thicket, and the fruit-tree wild -- White hawthorn, and the pastoral eglantine; Fast fading violets covered up in leaves; And mid-May"s eldest child, The coming musk-rose, full of dewy wine, The murmurous haunt of flies on summer eves. Darkling I listen; and for many a time I have been half in love with easeful Death, Called him soft names in many a mused rhyme, To take into the air my quiet breath; Now more than ever seems it rich to die, To cease upon the midnight with no pain, While thou art pouring forth thy soul abroad In such an ecstasy! Still wouldst thou sing, and I have ears in vain -- To thy high requiem become a sod. Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird! No hungry generations tread thee down; The voice I hear this passing night eas heard In ancient days by emperor and clown: Perhaps the self-same song that found a path Through the sad heart of Ruth, when, sick for home, She stood in tears amid the alien corn; The same that oft-times hath Charmed magic casements, opening on the foam Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn. Forlorn! the very word is like a bell To toll me back from thee to my sole self! Adieu! the fancy cannot cheat so well As she is famed to do, deceiving elf. Adieu! adieu! thy plaintive anthem fades Past the near meadows, over the still stream, Up the hill-side; and now "tis buried deep In the next valley-glades: Was is a vision, or a waking dream? Fled is that music -- Do I wake or sleep? by John Keats Ⅴ.The Arrow and the Song I shot an arrow into the air, It fell to earth I knew not where; For so swiftly it flew the sight, Could not follow it in its flight. I breathed a song into the air, It fell to earth I knew not where; For who has the sight so keen and strong, That can follow the flight of a song. Long,long afterwards in an oak, I found the arrow still unbroke; And the song, from beginning to end, I found again in the heart of a friend. by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Ⅵ.On A faded violet The odor from the flower is gone, Which like thy kisses breathed on me; The color from the flower is flown, Which glowed of thee, and only thee! A shriveled, lifeless, vacant form, It lies on my abandoned breast. And mocks the heart, which yet is warm, With cold and silent rest. I weep —— my tears revive it not; I sigh —— it breathes no more on me; Its mute and uncomplaining lot Is such as mine should be. by Percy Bysshe Shelley2023-07-25 21:29:261
福尔摩斯基本演绎法第一季 有一集的最后,华生留给了福尔摩斯一首诗,求那首诗
第一季20集The woods are lovely. Dark and deep. But I have promises to keep. And miles to go before I sleep. And miles to go before I sleep. ——R.Frost2023-07-25 21:29:201
华盛顿县(Washington County, Maryland)是美国马里兰州西部的一个县,成立于1776年,北邻宾夕法尼亚州,南邻弗吉尼亚州。面积1,211平方公里。根据美国2000年人口普查,共有人口131,923。县治黑格斯敦 (Hagerstown)。2023-07-25 21:29:181
m d maryland,united states邮编多少
MD 是 Maryland 的缩写。美国邮编是5个数字,马里兰州这么大,各个城市的邮编是不同的。马里兰邮编的前三个数字是 206xx, 207xx, 208xx, 209xx, 210xx, 还有些个别的 212xx,217xx 。巴尔的摩 - 21201, 洛克威尔 - 20850 ,阿伯丁-210012023-07-25 21:29:121
求日本mono 乐队的代表作
Sabbath`````2023-07-25 21:29:103
马里兰州 和 俄亥俄州 的两个大学2023-07-25 21:29:022
FIVE years have past; five summers, with the lengthOf five long winters! and again I hearThese waters, rolling from their mountain-springsWith a soft inland murmur. -- Once againDo I behold these steep and lofty cliffs,That on a wild secluded scene impressThoughts of more deep seclusion; and connectThe landscape with the quiet of the sky.The day is come when I again reposeHere, under this dark sycamore, and viewThese plots of cottage-ground, these orchard-tufts,Which at this season, with their unripe fruits,Are clad in one green hue, and lose themselves"Mid groves and copses. Once again I seeThese hedge-rows, hardly hedge-rows, little linesOf sportive wood run wild: these pastoral farms,Green to the very door; and wreaths of smokeSent up, in silence, from among the trees!With some uncertain notice, as might seemOf vagrant dwellers in the houseless woods,Or of some Hermit"s cave, where by his fireThe Hermit sits alone.These beauteous forms,Through a long absence, have not been to meAs is a landscape to a blind man"s eye:But oft, in lonely rooms, and "mid the dinOf towns and cities, I have owed to themIn hours of weariness, sensations sweet,Felt in the blood, and felt along the heart;And passing even into my purer mind,With tranquil restoration: -- feelings tooOf unremembered pleasure: such, perhaps,As have no slight or trivial influenceOn that best portion of a good man"s life,His little, nameless, unremembered, actsOf kindness and of love. Nor less, I trust,To them I may have owed another gift,Of aspect more sublime; that blessed mood,In which the burthen of the mystery,In which the heavy and the weary weightOf all this unintelligible world,Is lightened: -- that serene and blessed mood,In which the affections gently lead us on, --Until, the breath of this corporeal frameAnd even the motion of our human bloodAlmost suspended, we are laid asleepIn body, and become a living soul:While with an eye made quiet by the powerOf harmony, and the deep power of joy,We see into the life of things.If thisBe but a vain belief, yet, oh! how oft --In darkness and amid the many shapesOf joyless daylight; when the fretful stirUnprofitable, and the fever of the world,Have hung upon the beatings of my heart --How oft, in spirit, have I turned to thee,O sylvan Wye! thou wanderer thro" the woods,How often has my spirit turned to thee!And now, with gleams of half-extinguished thought,With many recognitions dim and faint,And somewhat of a sad perplexity,The picture of the mind revives again:While here I stand, not only with the senseOf present pleasure, but with pleasing thoughtsThat in this moment there is life and foodFor future years. And so I dare to hope,Though changed, no doubt, from what I was when firstI came among these hills; when like a roeI bounded o"er the mountains, by the sidesOf the deep rivers, and the lonely streams,Wherever nature led: more like a manFlying from something that he dreads, than oneWho sought the thing he loved. For nature then(The coarser pleasures of my boyish days,And their glad animal movements all gone by)To me was all in all. -- I cannot paintWhat then I was. The sounding cataractHaunted me like a passion: the tall rock,The mountain, and the deep and gloomy wood,Their colours and their forms, were then to meAn appetite; a feeling and a love,That had no need of a remoter charm,By thought supplied, nor any interestUnborrowed from the eye. -- That time is past,And all its aching joys are now no more,And all its dizzy raptures. Not for thisFaint I, nor mourn nor murmur, other giftsHave followed; for such loss, I would believe,Abundant recompence. For I have learnedTo look on nature, not as in the hourOf thoughtless youth; but hearing oftentimesThe still, sad music of humanity,Nor harsh nor grating, though of ample powerTo chasten and subdue. And I have feltA presence that disturbs me with the joyOf elevated thoughts; a sense sublimeOf something far more deeply interfused,Whose dwelling is the light of setting suns,And the round ocean and the living air,And the blue sky, and in the mind of man;A motion and a spirit, that impelsAll thinking things, all objects of all thought,And rolls through all things. Therefore am I stillA lover of the meadows and the woods,And mountains; and of all that we beholdFrom this green earth; of all the mighty worldOf eye, and ear, -- both what they half create,And what perceive; well pleased to recogniseIn nature and the language of the sense,The anchor of my purest thoughts, the nurse,The guide, the guardian of my heart, and soulOf all my moral being.Nor perchance,If I were not thus taught, should I the moreSuffer my genial spirits to decay:For thou art with me here upon the banksOf this fair river; thou my dearest Friend,My dear, dear Friend; and in thy voice I catchThe language of my former heart, and readMy former pleasures in the shooting lightsOf thy wild eyes. Oh! yet a little whileMay I behold in thee what I was once,My dear, dear Sister! and this prayer I make,Knowing that Nature never did betrayThe heart that loved her; "tis her privilege,Through all the years of this our life, to leadFrom joy to joy: for she can so informThe mind that is within us, so impressWith quietness and beauty, and so feedWith lofty thoughts, that neither evil tongues,Rash judgments, nor the sneers of selfish men,Nor greetings where no kindness is, nor allThe dreary intercourse of daily life,Shall e"er prevail against us, or disturbOur cheerful faith, that all which we beholdIs full of blessings. Therefore let the moonShine on thee in thy solitary walk;And let the misty mountain-winds be freeTo blow against thee: and, in after years,When these wild ecstasies shall be maturedInto a sober pleasure; when thy mindShall be a mansion for all lovely forms,Thy memory be as a dwelling-placeFor all sweet sounds and harmonies; oh! then,If solitude, or fear, or pain, or grief,Should be thy portion, with what healing thoughtsOf tender joy wilt thou remember me,And these my exhortations! Nor, perchance --If I should be where I no more can hearThy voice, nor catch from thy wild eyes these gleamsOf past existence -- wilt thou then forgetThat on the banks of this delightful streamWe stood together; and that I, so longA worshipper of Nature, hither cameUnwearied in that service: rather sayWith warmer love -- oh! with far deeper zealOf holier love. Nor wilt thou then forget,That after many wanderings, many yearsOf absence, these steep woods and lofty cliffs,And this green pastoral landscape, were to meMore dear, both for themselves and for thy sake!2023-07-25 21:28:571
elkridge,Maryland 21075是什么
是美国马里兰州埃尔克里奇(美国东部大西洋岸之一州)的邮编,elkridge,Maryland是地区名,后面的21075是邮编号2023-07-25 21:28:541