tea图片怎么设计。我们的茶客群都是一群能从茶文化中找到文化认同的人,我们的主题设计都是从文化主题开始的,以下列举中的一些案例,供您参考。在茶馆这种小型的工作空间设计中,茶叶作为一类重要的产品,对于茶文化的宣传起着非常的重要的作用。而它作为茶馆中常见的一个部分,其中所包含的文化因素也是非常突出的。因此,它在茶馆空间设计中的重要性日益显现。下面我们就来看一看这组茶叶作品里出现了什么样的设计理念。大胆使用色彩鲜明的图案通过大胆的使用色彩对比传达鲜明、强烈的信息是一种吸引观众目光的有效方法,这在茶馆展台设计中应用广泛。2023-07-16 20:49:571
茶 文化 在中国人的生活中,非常重要。一起来品味茶文化吧! 下面是我为你整理的茶文化的古风图片,希望对您有用。 茶文化古风图片欣赏 茶文化古风图片1 茶文化古风图片2 茶文化古风图片3 茶文化古风图片4 茶文化古风图片5 茶文化的功能 茶文化的社会功能主要表现在发扬茶德、传播茶道、文化艺术 、修身养性、陶冶情操、促进民族团结、表现社会进步和发展经济贸易等。茶德是经过几千年积淀下来的被历代人们所推崇的茶内在具备的美好品性。 茶文化具有的传统主要有热爱祖国 、无私奉献、坚韧不拔、谦虚礼貌、勤奋节俭和相敬互让等。吴觉农先生和湖南刘先和,为茶叶事业鞠躬尽瘁,既是爱国主义者,又是当代茶人杰出代表。 陆羽《茶经》,是古代茶人勤奋读书、刻苦学习、 潜心求索、百折不挠精神的结晶。以茶待客、以茶代酒,“清茶一杯 也醉人”就是中华民族珍惜劳动成果、勤奋节俭的真实反映。以茶字当头排列茶文化的社会功能有“以茶思源、以茶待客、以茶会友、以茶联谊、以茶廉政、以茶育人、以茶代酒、以茶健身、以茶入诗、以茶入艺、以茶入画、以茶起舞、以茶歌呤、以茶兴文、以茶作礼、以茶兴农、以茶促贸和以茶致富。茶是中国的骄傲、民族的自尊、自信和自豪。 饮茶 可以思源。世界著名科技史家李约瑟博士,将中国茶叶作为中国四大发明(火药、 造纸、指南针和印刷术)之后,对人类的第五个重大贡献。 唐代陆羽 《茶经》是世界第一部茶书。中国茶文化对世界影响功能显著。以茶会友是茶文化最广泛的社会功能之一。今天所处的市场经济 ,竞争激烈,优胜劣汰,讲利益、讲效益。但人情较为冷漠,人际关 系趋于淡漠。通过茶楼、茶艺馆品茗或茶艺,朋友聚在一起,互通信息,交流感情,增进了解,沟通友谊。朋友相聚在旧式茶馆里,随意 说笑,回忆人生,重新享受到生命的乐趣。古代就有“寒夜客来茶当酒”之说,以茶代酒体现传统美德,符合今天中央倡导的厉行节约制止奢侈浪费行为的规定要求。以茶育人是新时期茶文化孕育出来的新的社会功能。上海少儿茶艺通过自己动手,学习茶科学,弘扬传统优秀文化,接受爱国主义 教育 。在敬茶中,展现出对长辈的尊敬,对父母的孝敬,对同学的敬意。 茶文化是高雅文化,社会名流和知名人士愿意参加。茶文化也是大众文化,民众广为参与。茶文化覆盖全民,影响到整个社会。 茶文化的介绍 全世界有一百多个国家和地区的居民都喜爱品茗。有的地方把饮茶品茗作为一种艺术享受来推广。各国的饮茶 方法 相同,各有千秋。 斯里兰卡:斯里兰卡的居民酷爱喝浓茶,茶叶又苦又涩,他们却觉得津津有味。该国红茶畅销世界各地,在首都科伦坡有经销茶叶的大商行,设有试茶部,由专家凭舌试味,再核等级和价格。 英国:英国各阶层人士都喜爱饮料。茶,几乎可称为英国的民族饮料。他们喜爱现煮的浓茶,并放一二块糖,加少许冷牛奶。 泰国:泰国人喜爱在茶水里加冰,一下子就冷却了,甚至冰冻了,这就是冰茶。在泰国,当地茶客不饮热茶,要饮热茶的通常是外来的客人。 蒙古:蒙古人喜爱吃砖茶。他们把砖茶放在木臼中捣成粉末,加水放在锅中煮开,然后加上一些,还加牛奶和羊奶,加上适当的盐。 新西兰:新西兰人把喝茶作为人生最大的享受之一。许多机关、学校、厂矿等还特别订出饮茶时间。各乡镇茶叶店和茶馆比比皆是。 马里:马里人喜爱饭后喝茶。他们把茶叶和水放入茶壶里,然后炖在泥炉上煮开。茶煮沸后加上糖,每人斟一杯。他们的煮茶方法不同一般:每天起床,就以锡罐烧水,投入茶叶;任其煎煮,直到同时煮的腌肉烧熟,再同时吃肉喝茶。 加拿大:加拿大人泡茶方法较特别,先将陶壶烫热,放一茶匙茶叶,然后以沸水注于其上,浸七、八分钟,再将茶叶倾入另一热壶供饮。通常加入乳酪与糖。 俄罗斯:俄罗斯人泡茶,每杯常加柠檬一片,也有用果浆代柠檬的。在冬季则有时加入甜酒,预防感冒。 埃及:埃及的甜茶。埃及人待客,常端上一杯热茶,里面放许多白糖,只喝二三杯这种甜茶,嘴里就会感到粘糊糊的,连饭也不想吃了。 北非:北非的薄荷茶。北非人喝茶,喜欢在绿茶花里几片新鲜薄荷叶和一些冰糖,饮时清凉可口。有客来访,客人得将主人向他敬的三杯茶喝完,才算有礼貌。 南美:南美的马黛茶。南美许多国家,人们用当地的马黛树的叶子制成茶,既提神又助化。他们是用吸管从茶杯中慢慢着品味着。2023-07-16 20:50:161
在热空气中,分子运动速度增加,分子扩散,所以烤茶会更香。2023-07-16 20:50:243
在PS中怎样做一张茶海报1、打开ps软件,准备你所需要的素材,一张茶的图案。2、把茶的图案通过擦除蒙板融合,调色到一致,再按自己的想法吧素材放上去,移动位置。3、在对字体调整一下混合选项,这样一张茶海报就完成了。做海报的软件做海报的软件有:海报制作大师、Photoshop、Canva、美图秀秀、易企秀设计。1、海报制作大师海报制作大师不仅可以为你设计出满意的宣传海报,针对后续的印刷,支架跟易拉宝的问题都是可以为你准备一站式的服务。现成的模板不需要任何的ps改动,即可轻松的替换图片跟文字的样式。2、Photoshop这里就叫简称PS了,PS在图像处理领域有着非常广泛的应用。图像处理和特效是Photoshop中最好的地方,它可以把质量差的图片处理成好的图片,也可以把很多图片合成一张,或者把图片原来的颜色改成自己想要的任何颜色。从大的角度来看,它适用于绝大多数领域,涵盖平面设计、图像创意、照片修复、网站制作、绘画插画、3D地图、图标制作等。3、CanvaCanva也是一个在线设计平台,2018年开始进入中国。操作简单,功能清晰,一直倡导以技术力量推动设计普及,降低设计师作业成本,提高工作效率和协作效率。有利有弊,Canva简单易用的同时就有灵活上的局限,比较适用于一些简单设计,暂时无法满足设计师日常复杂的工作需求。4、美图秀秀美图秀秀素材库中有几十万个海报的模板,大家也可以直接套入照片,然后将想要添加的文字和边框加入进去,这样一幅好看又简单的海报就生成了,操作特别省心。5、易企秀设计企业设计图片都在用的软件,就算没灵感也没有关系,只要写出自己的需求,以及想要宣传的话语,就能一键生成让你满意的海报图片来,后期还能进行优化。海报制作哪个软件好海报制作的软件如下:1、《海报制作》这是一款非常强大的海报制作APP,数百种素材可以满足你日常生活、节日庆典、活动策划等各种海报的需求,优质的图标和文字特效也可以让你在制作过程中更加高效!2、《做海报》轻松完成海报制作,《做海报》通过内置的素材模板和专业的现成模板,小伙伴们只需要轻松添加文字和简单的调整就可以制作出非常优秀的海报成品!3、《PS海报》工作定制海报,这款《PS海报》是为许多的需要长期使用海报的小伙伴定做的APP,超多的模板和间接的处理工具,可以让你高效的完成海报制作,极大的加快工作效率!4、《海报拼图工厂》这款APP通过海量的拼图模板和自定义组合帮助小伙伴们进行海报制作,即使你是零基础从未使用过设计软件,你可以可以在这来完成精美的海报制作!长图制作、图片拼接美化等功能应有尽有!5、《爱拼图美图》超棒的拼图海报软件,支持最多1000组图片拼接,而且可以自定义尺寸和分辨率输出,快速美化,一键出图,帮助小伙伴们高效完成线上作业!2023-07-16 20:50:441
茶 文化 渲染茶性清纯、幽雅、质朴的气质,增强艺术感染力。下面是我为你整理的茶文化名片模板图片,希望对您有用。 茶文化名片模板图片 茶文化名片模板图片1 茶文化名片模板图片2 茶文化名片模板图片3 茶文化名片模板图片4 茶文化名片模板图片5 茶文化的特点 历史性 茶文化的形成和发展历史非常悠久。 武王伐纣,茶叶已作为贡品。原始公社后期, 茶叶成为货物交换的物品。战国,茶叶已有一定规模。先秦《诗经》总集有茶的记载。 汉朝 ,茶叶成为佛教“坐禅”的专用滋补品。魏晋南北朝,已有 饮茶 之风 。隋朝,全民普遍饮茶。 唐代,茶业昌盛,茶叶成为“人家不可一日无茶”,出现茶馆、茶宴、茶会,提倡客来敬茶。宋朝、流行斗茶,贡茶和赐茶。 清朝,曲艺进入茶馆,茶叶对外贸易发展。茶文化是伴随 商品经济的出现和城市文化的形成而孕育诞生的。历史上的茶文化注重文化意识形态,以雅为主,着重于表现诗词书画、品茗歌舞。茶文化在形成和发展中,融入了儒家思想,道家和释家的哲学色泽,并演变为各民族的礼俗,成为优秀 传统文化 的组成部分和独具特色的一种文化模式。 时代性 物质文明和精神文明建设的发展,给茶文化注入 了新的内涵和活力,在这一新时期,茶 文化内涵及表现形式正在不断扩大、延伸、创新和发展。新时期茶文化溶进现代科学技术、现代新闻媒体和市场经济精髓,使茶文化价值功能更加显著、对现代化社会 的作用进一步增强。茶的价值是茶文化核心的意识进一步确立,国际交往日益频繁。新时期茶文化传播方式形式,呈大型化、现代化、社 会化和国际化趋势。其内涵迅速膨胀,影响扩大,为世人瞩目。 民族性 各民族酷爱饮茶,茶与民族文化生活相结合,形成各自 民族特色的茶礼、茶艺、饮茶习俗及喜庆婚礼,以民族茶饮方式为基础,经艺术加工和锤炼而形成的各民族茶艺,更富有生活性和文化性 ,表现出饮茶的多样性和丰富多彩的生活情趣。藏族、土家族、佤族 、拉祜族、纳西族、哈萨克族、锡伯族、保安族、阿昌族、布朗族、 德昂族、基诺族、撒拉族、白族、普米族和裕固族等茶与喜庆婚礼, 也充分展示茶文化的民族性。 地区性 名茶、名山、名水、名人、名胜、孕育出各具特色的地 区茶文化。中国地区广阔,茶类花色繁多,饮茶习俗各异,加之各地 历史、文化、生活及经济差异,形成各具地方特色的茶文化。在经济 、文化中心的大城市,以其独特的自身优势和丰富的内涵,也形成独 具特色的都市茶文化。上海自1994年起,已连续举办四届国际茶文化 节,显示出都市茶文化的特点与魅力。 国际性 古老的中国传统茶文化同各国的历史、文化、经济及人文相结合,演变成英国茶文化、日本茶文化、韩国茶文化、俄罗斯茶文化及摩洛哥茶文化等。在英国,饮茶成为生活一部分,是英国人表现绅士风度的一种礼仪,也是英国女王生活中必不可少的程序和重大社会活动中必需的仪程。日本茶道源于日本本土但有受中国的影响。日本茶道具有浓郁的日本民族风情,并形成独特的茶道体系、流派和礼仪。韩国人认为茶文化是韩国民族文化的根,每年5月24日为全国茶日。茶人不分国界、种族和信仰,茶文化可以把全世界茶人联合起来,切磋茶艺,学术交流和经贸洽谈。 全球茶文化的介绍 全世界有一百多个国家和地区的居民都喜爱品茗。有的地方把饮茶品茗作为一种艺术享受来推广。各国的饮茶 方法 相同,各有千秋。 斯里兰卡:斯里兰卡的居民酷爱喝浓茶,茶叶又苦又涩,他们却觉得津津有味。该国红茶畅销世界各地,在首都科伦坡有经销茶叶的大商行,设有试茶部,由专家凭舌试味,再核等级和价格。 英国:英国各阶层人士都喜爱饮料。茶,几乎可称为英国的民族饮料。他们喜爱现煮的浓茶,并放一二块糖,加少许冷牛奶。 泰国:泰国人喜爱在茶水里加冰,一下子就冷却了,甚至冰冻了,这就是冰茶。在泰国,当地茶客不饮热茶,要饮热茶的通常是外来的客人。 蒙古:蒙古人喜爱吃砖茶。他们把砖茶放在木臼中捣成粉末,加水放在锅中煮开,然后加上一些,还加牛奶和羊奶,加上适当的盐。 新西兰:新西兰人把喝茶作为人生最大的享受之一。许多机关、学校、厂矿等还特别订出饮茶时间。各乡镇茶叶店和茶馆比比皆是。 马里:马里人喜爱饭后喝茶。他们把茶叶和水放入茶壶里,然后炖在泥炉上煮开。茶煮沸后加上糖,每人斟一杯。他们的煮茶方法不同一般:每天起床,就以锡罐烧水,投入茶叶;任其煎煮,直到同时煮的腌肉烧熟,再同时吃肉喝茶。 加拿大:加拿大人泡茶方法较特别,先将陶壶烫热,放一茶匙茶叶,然后以沸水注于其上,浸七、八分钟,再将茶叶倾入另一热壶供饮。通常加入乳酪与糖。 俄罗斯:俄罗斯人泡茶,每杯常加柠檬一片,也有用果浆代柠檬的。在冬季则有时加入甜酒,预防感冒。 埃及:埃及的甜茶。埃及人待客,常端上一杯热茶,里面放许多白糖,只喝二三杯这种甜茶,嘴里就会感到粘糊糊的,连饭也不想吃了。 北非:北非的薄荷茶。北非人喝茶,喜欢在绿茶花里几片新鲜薄荷叶和一些冰糖,饮时清凉可口。有客来访,客人得将主人向他敬的三杯茶喝完,才算有礼貌。 南美:南美的马黛茶。南美许多国家,人们用当地的马黛树的叶子制成茶,既提神又助化。他们是用吸管从茶杯中慢慢着品味着。2023-07-16 20:51:041
说起武夷岩茶,很多人首先想到的就是大红袍。许多人最早喝岩茶,都是冲着大红袍去的。众所周知,大红袍是乌龙茶中的精品,品质极佳,香气高远,对于大红袍来说,它有着独特的颜色色泽,其色泽高贵,色调丰富,分别有蛤蟆背、三节色和三红七青等。那么这些颜色有怎样的特性呢?下面就跟着优益城小编一起来学习下吧。大红袍茶叶图片 大红袍外形特征 蛤蟆背:从这样颜色中可以体现出焙火时的火攻。对于具有蛤蟆背的大红袍茶叶来说,其是经过传统制法制作出来的。大红袍茶叶在经过比较长时间的焙火后,茶叶的局部在受热的情况下会鼓起来一些小泡点,形状如同蛤蟆背一般。 三节色:此点专门是用来指大红袍干茶的颜色特点。指的是大红袍的干茶茶叶的头部、中间、尾部呈现不同的颜色。干茶茶叶的头部是呈乌褐色,中间呈现褐色,尾部呈现的是浅红色。可以说“三节色”是武夷岩茶的典型特征。大红袍茶叶图片 三红七青:主要是指茶叶的发酵度。也就是大红袍茶叶在发酵后所表现出来的茶叶的颜色。经过发酵后可以看到,大红袍茶叶周边是呈红色的,而中间却是青色的,而且比例差不多是三七分,三分红边七分青叶,因此称为三红七青。也称“绿叶红镶边”。 另外,大红袍品质最突出之处还有就是香气馥郁有兰花香,香高而持久,“岩韵”明显。大红袍很耐冲泡,冲泡七、八次仍有香味。品饮“大红袍”茶,必须按“工夫茶”小壶小杯细品慢饮的程式,才能真正品尝到岩茶之颠的禅茶韵味。(李姿筱提供)2023-07-16 20:51:441
请问!我想在微信朋友圈卖茶叶又不知道怎么写 我帮你在我的朋友圈推广,星期30元,每天早晚各发一次。本人微商。 请问!我想在微信上卖茶叶有图片又不知道怎么写 放连接就好了! 想在微信朋友圈卖化妆品,不知道怎么才能提高 想做这件事不要在这里问,会打击你的初衷,你在网上随便一搜就有一堆教你怎么卖的文章,总的来说就一句话,让你的亲戚朋友相信你的产品好就行了 朋友不讲信用,小人行为,我要发微信朋友圈,不知道怎么写 既然知道是小人了,就不要出现自己朋友圈了,免得玷污了自己朋友圈,小人让社会去惩罚他了,你的朋友圈是为了让自己朋友开心的地方啊。 今天愚人节 我想在朋友圈发个骗他们的!但是又不知道怎么发!请教高人 领结婚证那个 看完微信朋友圈不知道怎么做人了 答:你好 微信用户 对方不会知道 目前不提供查询足迹的功能 做人啦 最重要的是开心啦 有其它问题可以继续追问 微信朋友圈不知道怎么突然没了OPPOR9 微信为何没有朋友圈是由于该帐号停用了微信朋友圈,导致朋友圈在“发现”中不显示,可在设置--通用--功能--停用/启用朋友圈即可,或者重新安装微信。 在微信朋友圈内朋友要我帮他投票不知道怎么投? 点进去看才知道,里面会有说明 我堂哥得了尿毒症,我想在微信朋友圈为他建一个爱心捐款不知道怎么样写? 本人堂哥得了尿毒症,急需一笔医药费,善心人士请多多益善,愿捐款者请拨打xxx,好心有好报,功德无量。 请问,我想在淘宝网开店,可又不知道怎么弄,能否告知 可以呀,如果你要做充值店的话就得买充值软件,如果是其他实物的是就不用。2023-07-16 20:52:121
家里如果有人喜欢喝茶叶的话,肯定积攒了一大堆的茶叶盒,这些茶叶盒有纸质的,铁质的,陶瓷的、玻璃的等等大小不一,丢弃了怪可惜的,建议大家保留起来,在生活中的各种场所利用起来。 下面请欣赏我为大家带来的茶叶桶废物利用手工图,希望对大家有所帮助~ 方法/步骤 茶叶盒做笔筒,放一些办公文具进去 还可以在外层包裹上喜爱的图片 美观大方 茶叶盒种植物,譬如绿萝 倒点水,移植点绿萝进去,很好养,还能净化空气 茶叶盒储存食物 办公室里面有老鼠的朋友们,有福利了 食物随便放在外面或者抽屉里面都防备不了狡猾的老鼠 所以我现在基本上都是用一个带盖的`茶叶盒 然后把小零食啊,咖啡啊什么的都放进去 然后盖上盖子,老鼠就无从下口了 茶叶盒养鱼 去市场买点小鱼,放点水进去就能养啦 每天看着小鱼游来游去的,心情也会变好哒 茶叶盒放五谷杂粮 有的时候去超市买了很多的五谷杂粮回来 但是不同种类又需要不同的盒子放置 这时候旧茶叶盒就起大作用啦 可以分类放置,又不用怕小虫虫 总之,茶叶盒用来收纳,储存都是很好的选择 尤其是存放入口的东西 因为茶叶盒本身就是放茶叶的嘛,健康又卫生!2023-07-16 20:52:211
做水果沙拉的英语作文怎么写?相信很多人都想知道吧?以下是我为您整理做水果沙拉的英语作文的相关资料,欢迎阅读! 做水果沙拉的英语作文 篇1 Today ,I did a fruit salad by myself. First: wash different fruits and peel them. I used two apples、two bananas、 one watermelon and a pineapple. Second:Cut them and mix them up. I put them on a glass plate. Third:Add salad cream and stir . Finally: enjoy it! It tastes very delicious and Im so happy. 翻译: 今天,我自己做了一份水果沙拉。第一:洗不同的水果和果皮。我用两只苹果,两只香蕉,一个西瓜,一个菠萝。二:切和混合起来。我把它们放在玻璃板上。 第三:加入沙拉酱搅拌。最后:享受它!味道很鲜美,我很高兴。 做水果沙拉的英语作文 篇2 I made a fruit salad for my parents last week. I felt very happy after that . First, I washed two apples ,two bananas and a piece of watermeion.Then I cut up these ingredirents. Next, I put them into a bowl.Put one teapoon of honey and poured two cups of yougert into the bowl.Finally,I mixed them up. My parents ate the fruit salad. They said,"the fruit salad is delicious. I was veryhappy,too. 翻译: 我上星期给我父母做了一份水果沙拉。我感到非常高兴。首先,我洗了两个苹果,两根香蕉和一块西瓜。然后我把这些接下来,我把它们放进一个碗里。把一t蜂蜜倒了两杯倒入碗中。最后,我弄混了。我的父母吃了水果沙拉。他们说;水果沙拉很好吃。我很高兴,太。 做水果沙拉的英语作文 篇3 Fruits salad is a kind of tasting and healthy food.People like to eat it after dinner or between meals .How to make it ? It is quite easy ,only takes you three steps : First ,you go to chicken, clean and cut all kinds of furits you like to eat. For example ,kiwi berry ,pear,peach,tomato,strawberry,water mellon,apple...... Second , put all the cutted fruits in a big plate; Third , cover the salad ingredient on the fruits and mix up. The salad is ready ! Now You can enjoy them with fork . 翻译: 水果沙拉是一种美味的健康食品,人们喜欢在晚餐后或在餐后吃。这很容易,只需要你三步: 首先,你去鸡,清洁和切割各种水果你喜欢吃。例如,猕猴桃,梨,桃,草莓,西红柿,西瓜,苹果...... 其次,把所有的切水果在一个大盘子; 第三、水果和混合的沙拉配料。 色拉准备好了!现在你可以用叉子来享受它们。 做水果沙拉的"英语作文 篇4 Hello, do you like to eat friut salad? I t is very delious,and it is good for our health.Now ,let me tell you how to do it.Fist ,we need some ingradents: the milk ,an apple,an orange,a tomato, and a banana.We peel the the orange and the banana.And we wash the apple and the tomato.Then we cut them into pieces.we put them into a plate.At last, we pour the the milk into it .Wow,thats ok.Do you like it?Make it by yourself! 翻译: 你好,您喜欢吃水果沙拉吗?我不是很爱吃,它是对我们的健康有好处。现在,让我告诉你怎么来做它。拳头,我们需要一些材料:的牛奶,一个苹果,一个橙子,西红柿,香蕉。我们剥离了的橘子和香蕉。和我们洗苹果和番茄。然后我们把它们得粉身碎骨。我们把它们放入盘中。在最后,我们倒牛奶进去。哇,好的。做你喜欢它?自己做! 做水果沙拉的英语作文 篇5 Making salads are actually very easy. Now, please follow me and we will make a wonderful fruit salad. First, prepare fruit: apples, pears, bananas and a watermelon. Also, we need to get ready a bowl, a teaspoon and a cup. Last, we should have salad cream, sugar, salt, honey and yogurt. Now let our work begin. First of all, wash all the fruit and peel the apples, pears and bananas. Then cut the watermelon and put them all in a bowl. Then, we need to add the sources and mix them even. Finally, a beautiful fruit salad is complete. Send it to your mom! 制作沙拉其实很容易。现在,请跟我来,我们会做一个美妙的水果沙拉。一、准备水果:苹果、梨、香蕉和西瓜。还有,我们需要准备一个碗,一个茶匙和一个杯子。最后,我们应该有沙拉酱,糖,盐,蜂蜜和酸奶。现在让我们的工作开始。首先,洗所有的水果和果皮的苹果,梨和香蕉。然后切西瓜,把它们全部放在碗里。然后,我们需要添加的源和混合,即使。最后,一个美丽的水果沙拉是完整的。送它给你的妈妈!2023-07-16 20:51:553
你好,楼主。建议你用手机导航哦,因为我自己经常出去玩,每次到陌生的地方都找不到东南西北有时候问别人别人也未必告诉你正确的,上了好多这样的当。后来朋友让我用腾讯地图,就是以前的SOSO地图,到陌生的地方怎么坐车,旁边有些什么吃的住的,都很详细。还挺适用的说。很清楚,数据信息好像也更新的挺及时的,很少错的。希望能够帮助到你哦!2023-07-16 20:52:003
Find a way to you中文歌词
U know 你知道么 When I was a little kid 当我还是个孩子 All I have wanted to do is to make something big at my life 我所想的就是要出人头地 And I won"t be forget that I unlike to rest 我知道我永远都不甘平凡 So, check it There"s a light at the end of the tunnel 隧道的尽头有一盏灯 Humble beginnings 像是卑微的开始 In a fight to the finish 在挣扎中结束 Hangin" on with a grimace 愁眉苦脸地坚持着 Give the look of God 将希望寄予上帝 When told faith is fraud 却被告知表面的忠诚都是欺骗 "Cause you gave it all you had 你已经竭其全力 So why won"t they applaud 可他们为何不为之喝彩 Wrong again 只是又一次错误的轮回 Bitter sweet,hard to stomach if you love it 当你真的爱上它很难说这感觉是苦还是甜 Not a friend 连朋友都不算 But a puppet with strings attached 却像傀儡般阴魂不散 Dance to the beat of a dying heart 伴着即将死亡的心最后的节拍起舞 Change your pace 不要离开 "Cause if I keep on movin" 因为只要我继续前进 I might fing a way 我一定会找到出路 【Refrain】 I"m alive 只要我还存在 I"ll give you all my time 我将会把我所有的时间都给你 I"ll put it all on the line, hey 我将会用尽一切办法 嗨 Find a way to the light 找到一条通往光明的路 Why"s there gotta be a test on every breath I"m holding to make it 为什么我每次拼尽全力的努力都会遭到质疑 I"ll find a way for you 我将为你找到一条路 There"s a long road, 这是一条很长的路 But no one will take it 但是没有人会去打扰 I"ll find a way 我终将会找到的 Why"s there gotta be a test on every breath I"m holding to make it 为什么我每次用尽全力的努力都会遭到质疑 I"ll find a way for you 我将为你找到一条路 There"s a long road, 一条很长的道路 There"s a long road, 很长很长 There"s a long road, 很长很长的路 Why won"t you take it 可你为什么不接受 Can you feel the nails digging deep inside of your skin 你能感受指甲深深抠进肌肤中的感觉么 Prove yourself until your dead at end,but you didn"t begin 直到死都想证明自己可却无从开始 And if someone doesn"t reach out , 如果没人伸出援助之手 Soon you might lose it 不久你便会失去方向 "Cause you humbled yourself just to be proved you can do it, 因为你只是不断的放低姿态来向别人证明你能做到, Don"t do it,Don"t give it up to get it back 别这么做,不到最后不要轻易言弃, Fuck that, 叫他们去死(...邪恶了) Put it to your chest and let your heart attack 把信念埋入胸膛让心随之律动 Come back 回来吧 I ain"t done tryin", 我并没放弃努力, You"re killin" me softly with your words and 虽然你说过的话让我几欲窒息 I love dyin" 我仍会飞蝇扑火2023-07-16 20:52:022
好像没听说过哦!这个镇名2023-07-16 20:52:115
【篇一】关于端午节英语作文范文 端午节是我们中国十分隆重的节日,它是为了纪念战国时期伟大的爱国诗人屈原,现在的中国人还在延续这一习俗,甚至还有一天的法定节日。 Dragon Boat Festival is a very grand festival in China. It is to commemorate Qu Yuan, a great patriotic poet in the Warring States period. Now Chinese people still continue this custom, even a legal festival. 农历五月初五就是端午节了,家家户户都要包粽子,还有有趣的划龙舟比赛呢!奶奶在家已经煮好了香喷喷的粽子,打开锅盖满屋都飘着粽子的清香,让我闻得口水直流个不停。我迫不及待地剥开粽子叶津津有味的吃了起来,真是回味无穷呀! The Dragon Boat Festival is on the fifth day of may in the lunar calendar. Every family needs to make zongzi. There are also interesting dragon boat races! Grandma has cooked delicious zongzi at home. When she opened the pot cover, the fragrance of zongzi was floating all over the house, making my mouth water continuously. I cant wait to peel off the zongzi leaf and eat it with relish. Its really memorable! 吃完粽子后,爸爸带我去看划龙舟比赛,这里人山人海,车水马龙的可热闹了!比赛开始了,各个队伍都蓄势待发,随着一阵枪声一条条龙舟飞快地划过水面,犹如一支支箭向前飞去。在场的观众们兴奋喊道着加油加油,在为参赛者加油鼓励,参赛者们听了心里充满了信心使劲地划桨,水花到处飞溅。各条龙舟你追我赶的,最后,落后的一号终于追上了遥遥的二号第一个冲过了终点,观众们不禁欢呼起来,到处都是一片欢乐的海洋。啊!这真是我最难忘的一天了。 After eating zongzi, my father took me to watch the dragon boat race. There are lots of people here, and the traffic is very busy! The race started, and every team is ready to go. With a burst of gunfire, each dragon boat flies across the water like an arrow. The audience cheered and shouted, cheering and encouraging for the contestants. The contestants listened with confidence and strove hard to paddle, and the water splashed everywhere. Each dragon boat chased after each other. At last, the laggard No. 1 finally caught up with the far ahead No. 2. The audience couldnt help cheering. There was a sea of joy everywhere. Ah! This is the most unforgettable day for me. 还有许许多多的传统节日也是和端午节一样有趣的,我们要一起保护中国的传统节日。 There are also many traditional festivals as interesting as Dragon Boat Festival. We should protect Chinese traditional festivals together. 【篇二】关于端午节英语作文范文 The Duanwu Festival, which is also called the Dragon Boat Festival, is an ancient Chinese traditional festival, celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. For thousands of years, various celebrating activities are held all around the country. Eating zongzi and racing dragon boats are the most pertinent ones, which are said to be in memory of Qu Yuan, a great poet. In some places, people spread realgar wine on the children in the hope of protecting them from the evil spirits. Many people consider May as an especially dangerous time for diseases in a year, and therefore they hang moxa and calamus and things like that around the doors to ward off evil and diseases and pray for good luck. 端午节,又称龙舟节,是中国古老的传统节日,在农历的五月初五这天庆祝。几千年来,全国各地都会举行多种多样的庆祝活动。最应景的就是吃粽子和赛龙舟,据说这是为了纪念伟大的古代诗人屈原。在有些地方,人们把雄黄酒涂抹在小孩的身上,希望这样可以使孩子们不受邪灵的伤害。许多人认为五月是一年中容易引发疾病的时节,因此为了驱疾避凶,讨个吉利,他们会在门口悬挂艾叶和菖蒲等。 【篇三】关于端午节英语作文范文 Dragon Boat Festival is a Chinese traditional festival. It falls on the fifth day of May in the lunar calendar. A day before this festival, my mother and grandmother began to make zongzi. Of course, I would act as assistant. But it turned out that I was more of a hindrance than a help. When they finished, they started to cook them. This process needed a long time, because I could have them in the next day. Zongzi was very delicious. On the day of dragon boat festival, our family prepared for dinner after having breakfast. Everyone of my family will come back home for the solid diet. Chicken is indispensable on the dinner desk in Chinese traditional festival. There were many delicious foods, which made me watering. I ate lots of them. It is a wonderful festival. 端午节是中国的传统节日。是农历五月初五。我妈妈和奶奶在节日的前一天就开始包粽子了。当然,我会去打打下手。但事实证明,我是在帮倒忙。她们包完粽子之后就开始煮了。这个过程需要很长的时间,因为我要到第二天才可以吃到粽子。粽子非常好吃。在端午节这一天,我们家里吃过早饭就开始准备晚餐了。家里所有人都会回家吃这丰盛的食物。在中国传统节日的餐桌上鸡是必不可少的。还有很多好吃的、让我流口水的食物。我吃了很多。这是一个美好的节日。2023-07-16 20:52:171
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!茶叶木盒参考资料:【575食品产品负面信息验证网】资料来源:西双版纳信息港早在十九世纪初,茶人对普洱茶的品质提高和保管即有研究。在《普洱茶记》中记载:「气味随土性而异,生于赤中难石者最佳,」「钟茶之家,芟锄***之,旁生草木,则味劣难售」。这说明对茶叶品质的要求,早在栽培时期便要讲究。同时,为了保持普洱茶的品质,古人也有「或与他物同器,则亲其气而不堪饮矣」的警语。其实,普洱茶的保存条件,已是所有茶品中最为宽松的了。一般说来,只要不受阳光直射、阴凉通风,远离其他气味浓厚的物品或环境,例如香皂、蚊香、樟脑丸、厨房、卫浴等即可。如果普洱茶的陈放数量较多,不妨拨出个小房间,湿度计,定期翻堆。目前较广为茶客采用的是「陶缸堆陈法」:取一广口陶缸、将老茶、新茶掺置入缸内,有包装者最好的褪除,以利陈化,缸口则以木板、棉布覆盖,使其通风、不落尘、不进异物即可。陶缸堆陈法的概念是要模拟一个微形茶仓,安排一个适合于茶菌生长的环境,让老茶的茶菌顺利繁衍到新茶上,且让新茶的茶气刺激老茶,达到新旧并陈,阴阳互补的效果。此外,对于即将饮用的茶饼,老茶客们另有一套「茶气调和法」:将茶饼整片拆为散茶,置入半斤、一斤装的陶罐中(不能选不透气的金属罐),静置半月后即可取用。这是因为一般茶饼往往外围松透,中央紧结,加上七饼为一落的包装方式,长期下来,茶饼内外的氧化后熟程度不一,外围水滑,中央气强。经过上述「茶气调和法」处置后,即可让内外互补,享受到较高品质的茶汤。普洱茶的保存一、流通的空气流通的空气中有较多的氧份,有利于茶叶中一些微生物的繁衍,因而可加速茶叶变化,但不能将普洱茶挂置在阳台上,这样放置的茶,茶气都给吹走、茶味都给吹散了,饮用起来感觉淡然无味。所以要有适度流通的空气,但不能放于风口。另外,要注意周围环境不要有异味,否则茶叶是会变味的。因此,不可以摆放于厨房中或其他有生活异味或工业异味的环境里。二、恒定的温度普洱茶放置的温度不可太高或太低,温度应以当地环境为主,不用刻意地人为创造温度,正常的室内温度就好了,最好是长年保持在摄氏20-30度之间,太高的温度会使茶叶加速发酵变酸。相对来说,春、夏、秋三季普洱茶的变化会比冬天变化快,无论什么时候,普洱茶不可被太阳照射,在阴凉处为好。三、适度的湿度现在好的普洱茶都讲究要“干仓”存放,“干仓”就是指在干爽的环境中存放,忌湿。太干燥的环境会令普洱茶的陈化变得缓慢,所以要有一定的湿气。在较为干燥的环境里,可以在存放茶叶的旁边摆放一小杯水,令空气中湿度稍微增大。但是太过潮湿的环境会导致普洱茶的快速变化,这种变化往往是“霉变”,令茶叶不可饮用。湿度应人为相应控制,年平均湿度不要高于75%,由于沿海一带温暖的海洋性气侯,湿度在梅雨季节会高于75%,所以更应注意及时开窗通风,散发水份2023-07-16 20:52:311
水果沙拉做法用英语写出来要用到first,next,then,after that,finally2023-07-16 20:52:395
生活中很多人爱喝茶,可是茶叶购买之后,不会一次性喝完,没有喝的茶叶需要好好保存,以免茶叶受潮,可能出现霉变,茶叶的保存对于空气湿度和温度有一定的要求,那么茶叶如何正确保存?茶叶的保存方法是什么?下面一起来看看吧!1、茶叶的保存1、一般贮存法家庭少量用茶,一般习惯铁制彩色茶罐、锡瓶、有色玻璃瓶及陶瓷器等贮存。其中以选用有双层盖的铁制彩色茶罐和长颈锡瓶为佳,用陶瓷器贮存茶叶,则以口小腹大者为宜。在用这些容器装茶叶时应检查一下容器是否密闭,而且应将茶叶装实装满,尽量减少容器内的空气。这样贮藏方法虽简单易行,使用起来也很方便,但只宜于短时期贮藏。2、用生石灰贮存法使用干燥剂可使茶叶的保存时间延期长到一年左右。在石灰是一种干燥剂,用生石灰保存茶叶时,可先将茶叶用薄质牛皮纸包好,捆牢,分层堆放于干燥而无异味完好的坛子或无锈、无味的小口铁桶四周。在坛和桶的中间放一袋或数袋半风化的生石灰,上面再放茶叶数包,然后用牛皮纸堵塞坛口,上面加盖,置于干燥处,一般1~2月换一次石灰,此法因茶叶不易受潮湿,故保存时间较长,只要按时换石灰,茶质也不易发生变化。3、用食品袋贮存法用两只新的无味、无孔的塑料食品袋,将干燥的茶叶用防潮湿纸包好后,装入其中一只袋内,轻轻挤压,将袋内的空气挤出。然后用绳子扎紧袋口,再将另一只袋反向套在第一只袋的外面,待袋内空气挤出后,再用绳子扎紧袋口,最后放入干燥、无味、密闭的铁桶内贮存。2、茶叶的保质期1、茶叶有保质期吗茶叶有保质期。茶叶由于吸水性较强,容易受潮变质,轻者影响口味,严重直接导致茶叶腐败,因此,茶叶是有保质期的,只不过根据茶品不同,保质期的长短不同。2、绿茶的保质期绿茶的保质期是一年。绿茶属于未发酵茶,茶品的保存要求更高,保质期更短,一般来说常温下能保存一年左右,若果保存不当,可能在8~9个月就开始出现变黄,变味。若是用茶品专用的干燥冰箱保存,能存放18个月左右。3、红茶的保质期红茶属于全发酵茶,在保存过程中还需要经过一个陈化过程,才能使茶的风味得到最大化,因此,红茶的保质期比一般茶叶长很多,可保存2年左右。一般在5个月陈化后是红茶的最佳饮用时期,2年以后的茶味会开始变淡。4、白茶的保质期白茶和其他的茶都有所不同,这类茶是没有保质期的,更有白茶1年茶,3年药,7年宝的说法,白茶越陈越香,存放得当的情况下,储存年份越久价值和口感不降反升。但这并不是说白茶就不会变质,受潮后也会腐败。5、黄茶保质期花茶的加工工艺最简单,基本都是只做了简单的焖制,其保质期很短,一般能存放半年左右,保存较好的能存放一年以上。6、普洱茶保质期普洱茶也是属于发酵茶,在发酵茶中属于比较特殊的一种,有越陈越香的说法,因此,普洱茶的保质期很长,一般来说有15年,几乎不存在过期的现象。2023-07-16 20:52:411
经常普洱茶的好处1、降脂、减肥、降压、抗动脉硬化。法国巴黎圣安东尼医学院临床教学主任艾米尔·卡罗比医生用云南普洱沱茶临床试验证明:“云南普洱茶对减少类脂化含物、胆固醇含量有良好效果”。中国昆明医学院也对云南普洱沱茶治疗高脂血病作了55例临床试验,并与降脂效果较好的药物安妥明治疗的31例对比,普洱茶的疗效高于安妥明。长期饮用普洱茶能使胆固醇及甘油脂减少,所以长期饮用普洱茶有治疗肥胖症的功用。饮用普洱茶能引起人的血管舒张、血压下降、心率减慢和脑部血流量减少等生理效应,所以对高血压和脑动脉硬化患者有良好治疗作用。2、防癌、抗癌。梁明达、胡美英教授用细胞培养及电子显微镜方法,对普洱茶的抗癌作用进行了十多年的研究,发现普洱茶杀癌细胞的作用最为强烈,甚至常人喝茶百分之一的浓度即有明显作用。饮普洱茶能防癌。3、养胃、护胃。在适宜的浓度下,饮用平和的普洱茶对肠胃不产生刺激作用,粘稠、甘滑、醇厚的普洱茶进入人体肠胃形成的膜附着于胃的表层,对胃产生有益的保护层,长期饮用普洱茶可起到养胃、护胃作用。4、健牙护齿。普洱茶中含有许多生理活性成分,具有杀菌消毒的作用,湖南医科大学曹进教授用普洱健齿茶进行抑制变形球菌附着能力试验,发现普洱健齿茶具有抗菌斑形成的作用,浓度为1%时效果最佳。2023-07-16 20:52:5412
英语阅读理解高二 英语阅读理解部分考查的重点之一是考生对于文章细节信息的捕捉、理解和分析能力。为了帮助大家,我整理了一些高二英语阅读理解题。 高二英语阅读理解题【1】 A new word has suddenly become wildly popular in China - "tuhao" - which loosely translated means "nouveau riche". There have been more than 100 million references to the word "tuhao" on social media since early September. It"s being used to describe everything from the new People"s Daily building, to expensive celebrity weddings full of bling, and the new gold-coloured iPhone. In Chinese "tu" means earth and "hao" means rich. To say someone is tuhao is to imply they come from a poor peasant background, and have made it rich quick - but don"t quite have the manners, or sophistication to go along with it. It"s like the term "nouveau riche", says Professor Steve Tsang at the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies in Nottingham - but has even more negative meanings, suggesting a certain vulgarity(粗俗). "Tuhao" is actually an old word - dating back perhaps as far as the Southern Dynasty 1,500 years ago - but it has always meant something rather different. During the communist revolution, from the 1920s to early 1950s, it was widely used to refer to landholders and gentry who would bully those beneath them. This new usage of the term took off in September after a widely-shared joke about a rich, but unhappy man, who goes to a Buddhist monk for advice, expecting to be told to live a more simple life. The monk replies instead with the phrase: "Tuhao, let"s be friends!" Chinese internet users are highly creative in their use of language, and are constantly inventing, and re-inventing words as a way of getting past censorship rules. But in this case, its popularity seems to be down to the fact that it brieflyhttp://www.ks5u.com/ expresses China"s changing society so well - many people sneer at those with wealth, but are secretly jealous. 51. What is the best title of the passage? A. Tuhao, a new popular word in China B. The long history of Tuhao C. The new usage of Tuhao D. Tuhao, a newly-invented Chinese word 52. Which of the following may NOT be considered “tuhao”? A. A vulgar nouveau riche B. A bully landholder C. A quick-rich peasant without proper manners D. A Buddhist monk. 53. The last but one paragraph mainly tells us ______. A. what the new usage of the word is B. how the word becomes popular again C. why the unhappy man went to the Buddhist monk D. what advice the monk gave the unhappy man 54. What does the underlined word in the last paragraph mean? A. respect B. envy C. underestimate D. disbelieve 答案: ADBC 高二英语阅读理解题【2】 Even before my father left us, mymother had to go back to work to support our family. Once I came out of thekitchen, complaining, “ Mum, I canu2019t peel potatoes. I have only one hand.” Mum never looked up from sewing. “You get yourself into that kitchen and peel those potatoes,” she told me. “ Anddonu2019t ever use that as an excuse for anything again!” In the second grade, our teacherlined up my class on the playground and had each of us race across the monkeybars, swinging from one high steel rod to the next. When it was my turn, Ishook my head. Some kids behind me laughed, and I went home crying. That night I told Mum about it. She hugged me, and I saw her “weu2019ll see about that” look. The next afternoon,she took me back to school. At the deserted playground, mum looked carefully atthe bars. “ Now, pull up with your right arm,” sheadvised. She stood by as I struggled to lift myself with my right hand until Icould hook the bar with my other elbow. Day after day we practiced, and shepraised me for every rung I reached. Iu2019ll never forget the next time,crossing the rungs; I looked down at the kids who were standing with theirmouths open. One night, after a dance at my newjunior high, I lay in bed sobbing. I could hear Mum came into my room. “ Mum,”I said, weeping, “ None of the boys would dance with me.” For a long time, I didnu2019t hearanything. Then she said, “Oh, honey, someday youu2019ll be beating those boys offwith a bat.” Her voice was faint and cracking. I peeked out from my covers tosee tears running down her cheeks. Then I knew how much she suffered on mybehalf. She had never let me see her tears. 1.Which of thefollowing expressions can be used most suitably to describe Mumu2019s attitude whenshe made the child peel potatoes? A. Cruel B. Serious C. Strict D. Cold 2. W hat does theunderlined sentence in Paragraph 4 imply? A. Mum believed every aim could beachieved if you stuck to it. B. The race across monkey bars wasnot difficult enough for a child to give up. C. Mum was determined to prove sheherself was better than the teacher. D. What the child had said broughtMum great attraction and curiosity. 3. When the childlooked down at the kids, they were standing with their mou ths open because _______. A. they felt sorry for what theyhad done before. B. they were afraid the authormight fall off and get hurt. C. they wanted to see what theauthor would do on the bars. D. they were astonished to findthe authoru2019s progress. 4. The most probableconclusion we can draw after reading the passage is ____. A. the last incident was sadenough to make Mum weep B. the childu2019s experience remindedMum of that of her own C. Mum could solve any problem except the one in the last paragraph D. Mum suffered more in theprocess of the childu2019s growth actually 答案: cadd 高二英语阅读理解题【3】 Sports can help you keepfit and get in touch with nature. However, whether you are on the mountains, inthe waves, or on the grassland, you should be aware that your sport of choicemight have great influence on the environment. Some sports areresource-hungry. Golf, as you may know, eats up not only large areas ofcountryside, but also tons of water. Besides, all sorts of chemicals and hugeamounts of energy are used to keep its courses(球场)in good condition. This causesmajor environmental effects. For example, in the dry regions ofPortugalandSpain, golf is often heldresponsible for serious water shortage in some local areas. There are manyenvironment-friendly sport. Power walking is one of them that you could take uptoday. You donu2019t need any special equipment except a good pair of shoes; andyou donu2019t have to worry about resources and your purse. Simple and free, powerwalking can also keep you fit. If you walk regularly, it will be good for yourheart and bones. Experts say that 20 minutes of power walking daily can makeyou feel less anxious, sleep well and have better weight control. Whatever sport youtake up, you can make it greener by using environment-friendly equipment andbuying products made from recycled materials. But the final goal should be“green gyms”. They are better replacements for traditional health clubs andmodern sports centers. Members of green gyms play sports outdoors, in thecountryside or other open spaces. There is no special requirement for you tostart your membership. And best of all, itu2019s free. 8. Whichof the following is the author most probably in favor of? A. Cycling around a lake. B. Motor racing in thedesert. C. Playing basketball in a gym. D.Swimming in a sports center. 9. Whatdo we know about golf from the passage? A. It is popular inPortugalandSpain. B. It causes water shortages around the world. C. It pollutes the earth with chemicals and wastes. D. It needs water and electricity to keep its courses green. 10. Theauthor uses power walking as an example mainly because______. A. it is an outdoor sport B. it improves our health C. it uses fewer resources D. it is recommended by experts 11. Theauthor writes the passage to_______. A. show us the function of major sports B. encourage us to go in for green sports C. discuss the major influence of popular sports D. introduce different types of environment-friendly sports 答案: adcb ;2023-07-16 20:53:151
orange,不是百度的2023-07-16 20:53:292
应该可以!2023-07-16 20:53:565
litchi2023-07-16 20:54:015
香港虎标卖普洱茶的原因是普洱茶是港人的日常茶饮。根据查询相关信息显示上世纪70年代,港销普洱茶不但作为港人的日常茶饮,更大量出口东南亚、欧洲和北美各地。香港与世界80多个国家和地区保持着良好的茶叶贸易关系,普洱茶品饮文化和仓储概念都是在香港首创。2023-07-16 20:54:151
Creed的《Weathered》 歌词
歌曲名:Weathered歌手:Creed专辑:Greatest HitsCreed - WeatheredI lie awake on a long, dark nightI can"t seem to tame my mindSlings and arrows are killing me insideMaybe I can"t accept the life that"s mineNo,maybe I can"t accept the life that"s mineSimple living is my desperate cryBeen trading live with indifferenceYeah it suits me just fineI try to hold on but I"m calloused to the boneMaybe that"s why I feel aloneMaybe that"s why I feel so alone"Cause me..I"m rusted and weatheredBarely holding togetherI"m covered with skin that peelsAnd it just won"t healI"m rusted and weatheredBarely holding togetherI"m covered with skin that peelsAnd it just won"t healNo, it just won"t healThe sun shines and I can"t avoid the lightI think I"m holding on to life too tightAshes to ashes and dust to dustSometimes I feel like giving upI say Sometimes I feel like giving up"Cause me..I"m rusted and weatheredBarely holding togetherI"m covered with skin that peelsAnd it just won"t healI"m rusted and weatheredBarely holding togetherI"m covered with skin that peelsAnd it just won"t healIt just won"t healThe day reminds me of youThe night hides your truthThe earth is a voiceSpeaking to youTake all this prideAnd leave it behindBecause one day it endsOne day we dieBelieve what you willThat is your rightBut I choose to winSo I choose to fightTo fight"Cause Me...I"m rusted and weatheredBarely holding togetherI"m covered with skin that peelsAnd it just won"t healI"m rusted and weatheredBarely holding togetherI"m covered with skin that peelsAnd it just won"tCovered with skin that peelsAnd it just won"tCovered with skin that peelsAnd it just won"t healΨΨΨENDΨΨΨhttp://music.baidu.com/song/34811962023-07-16 20:54:331
普洱茶是以云南大叶种晒青毛茶为原料经传统工艺加工而成的茶生茶利用时间和空间自然存放 发酵使它的原质慢慢的转变产生越的品质陈越香2023-07-16 20:54:385
Find A Way To You 歌词
歌曲名:Find A Way To You歌手:Lenka专辑:ShadowsLenka - Find a way to you.You are wrapped in a cocoonWhile I"m blowing kisses at the moonAll of the secrets that you holdWill dis-appear in one rainy afternoon.Don"t be a fool which,Don"t be a fool which,Don"t be a fool which,I will find a way to you,.And will peel the waypeel away the lettersthat you built around youI don"t feel the wayI"m suppose to feelWhen you push me away Where you do.I will tunnel straight for your heartAnd I will blow this whole thing apartDon"t be a fool which ,I will find a way to you.You are hidden in your shelf,While I"m throwing coins at the wishing wellIf you think you"ll get away with thisJust look into my eyes and see that I am serious.No, don"t be a fool whichI will find a way to youI will peel the wayPeel away the letters that you built up around youI don"t feel the wayI"m suppose to feelWhen you push me away Where you do.I will tunnel straight for your heartAnd I will blow this whole thing apartDon"t be a fool which ,I will find a way to you.It isn"t easy explaining every dateThat I will find a way to youYou have your reasons to beHided in a way that I have my reasons too.Peel away the letters that you built up around youI don"t feel the wayI"m suppose to feelWhen you push me away Where you do.I will tunnel straight for your heartAnd I will blow this whole thing apartDon"t be a fool which ,I will find a way to you.You are wrapped in a cocoonWhile I"m blowing kisses at the moon...http://music.baidu.com/song/511540722023-07-16 20:54:491
优质普洱和劣质普洱口感区别劣质普洱茶:杂、酸、霉、干、刺、刮、燥 。说到纯是优质普洱茶的表现,那么相对的杂就是茶汤喝起来味道不纯正,有些杂味,这个杂味可能有很多原因,火气味、或者在仓储的过程中由于某此原因导致茶叶串了其他异味,这种普洱就已经不是一饼好茶叶啦。酸:品饮茶汤的时候如果感觉出会有点酸味,这种酸味有两种可能性,首先就是仓储存放的时候环境没有注意好,造成了茶叶的变质所以冲泡出来的茶汤就会有酸味。还有就是可能拼配的配方出了问题,所以只要有酸味的普洱茶都不可能是优质普洱表现。霉:霉味这个很好理解,不管什么食品,只要他发了霉变说明东西已经开始变质发霉啦,这个主要的原因就仓储的问题,就算是质量再好的茶叶,如果存放的环境没合适,导致其发霉,冲泡出来的茶汤也是带着一股霉味的,这款茶叶基本上也就废了。干:普洱茶如果不够鲜活的话,只会让品茗者越喝口越干。好的普洱茶会有持久生津的表现。刺和刮:有些茶泡出来的茶汤入口的时候会感觉到对口腔和喉部的刺激,感觉并不会太顺畅,这和优质普洱茶的口感是有鲜明的对比的。燥:这种口感在熟茶上最容易出现,因为有些熟茶会有发酵过度的时候,所以会有燥感比较强烈,这是茶厂在加工工艺上的细微差别。2023-07-16 20:54:561
Creed的《Weathered》 歌词
歌曲名:Weathered歌手:Creed专辑:WeatheredCreed - WeatheredI lie awake on a long, dark nightI can"t seem to tame my mindSlings and arrows are killing me insideMaybe I can"t accept the life that"s mineNo,maybe I can"t accept the life that"s mineSimple living is my desperate cryBeen trading live with indifferenceYeah it suits me just fineI try to hold on but I"m calloused to the boneMaybe that"s why I feel aloneMaybe that"s why I feel so alone"Cause me..I"m rusted and weatheredBarely holding togetherI"m covered with skin that peelsAnd it just won"t healI"m rusted and weatheredBarely holding togetherI"m covered with skin that peelsAnd it just won"t healNo, it just won"t healThe sun shines and I can"t avoid the lightI think I"m holding on to life too tightAshes to ashes and dust to dustSometimes I feel like giving upI say Sometimes I feel like giving up"Cause me..I"m rusted and weatheredBarely holding togetherI"m covered with skin that peelsAnd it just won"t healI"m rusted and weatheredBarely holding togetherI"m covered with skin that peelsAnd it just won"t healIt just won"t healThe day reminds me of youThe night hides your truthThe earth is a voiceSpeaking to youTake all this prideAnd leave it behindBecause one day it endsOne day we dieBelieve what you willThat is your rightBut I choose to winSo I choose to fightTo fight"Cause Me...I"m rusted and weatheredBarely holding togetherI"m covered with skin that peelsAnd it just won"t healI"m rusted and weatheredBarely holding togetherI"m covered with skin that peelsAnd it just won"tCovered with skin that peelsAnd it just won"tCovered with skin that peelsAnd it just won"t healΨΨΨENDΨΨΨhttp://music.baidu.com/song/34812342023-07-16 20:55:021
未开封的茶叶保存方法是 如何保存未开封的茶叶
1、放在冰箱的冷藏室储存。 2、密封好,放在避光通风的地方。 3、散装茶叶的保质期一般为18个月;密封包装的茶叶保质期是12个月至24个月。但也有例外,云南的普洱则是越陈越香,保质期可达20年。 4、有包装的茶叶比散装的茶叶更加安全,通常判断茶叶有没有过期,可以看它是不是发霉或出现陈味。2023-07-16 20:55:071
在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家都接触过作文吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的.方向。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,以下是我帮大家整理的初二英语作文8篇,欢迎大家分享。 初二英语作文 篇1 A sunny Sunday, usually every day and sleep until the sun father-drying bottoms climb to get up early and get up in red, wake up my mother. Drowsily mother slowly said: "Today what the section, from Why so early?" Little Red said excitedly: "Mom, do not install confused, you said that today took me to the park!" Came to park, mother and son were two beautiful scenery attract: kids, some kite-flying, and some shooting while playing ball ...... red bumper cars, while also playing slippery slides, played with enjoying themselves, was sweating profusely. Little Red hobbled down to holding mother"s hand while walking while singing. Suddenly, a banana peel, a red block of the avenue, little red slip banana skin reminded once again to see if the banana peel to her protest, then do not fight a gas, the foot kicked the banana peel. Mom saw, as if aware of her mind like, and did not criticize her, she just pulled the banana skin side next to her while saying with great earnestness: "I know you have been slipping on banana peel, very angry, but you should From the perspective of others think that if you somehow accidentally stepped on a banana peel how to do? red listened to, very ashamed, the banana peel thrown into the bin. Little Red looked at the move, my mother smiled. Yes ah! Would it not everyone should be protected? 初二英语作文 篇2 My Dream Yesterday, we had a discussion. the topic is. What is my dream? Every one has his dream. Some want to be teachers,others want to be scientists. My dream is to become a doctor. My friends asked me why. I told them my story. When I was a small boy I was very weak. Once I was terribly iii. I had a high fever. My parents sent me to the hospital but the doctors could do nothing for me. then my parents heard there was a very good doctor in another town. they took me there. I was saved. A good doctor can save people" s lives. From then on I decided to become a doctor. I know it is not easy to be a doctor.But I am determined to study hard. I am sure my dream will come true. 初二英语作文 篇3 Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction,because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly。For example,with the developmet of cities,the using of insecticide and serious pollution,their living areas have bee narrowcr and narrower。Many of the wild animals,now are confronted with food crisis。At the same time,man is killing off species just for getting their fur,skin,horns,teeth and meat.In order to protect our resources of ecology,people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural beauty。There fore,measures of the following should be taken:pollution standards are made to keepdown poisons; killing off certain rare species is prohibited; national parks should be set up as wild life,reserves.Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be preserved。 初二英语作文 篇4 I have a good friend。 His name is Chin Daibe。 He is 15 years old。 We both want to be detectives。 He is very clever。 He is just a secondary school student but he is cleverer than any other student。 I think he is as clever as a university school student。 His favorite detective is Kindalchi Hajime。 He wants to be just as famous when he grows up。 He is as helpful and brave as Sherlock Holmes。 He is generous to his friends, too。 When he has some new detective books, he always shares with me。 So I am willing to lend him books, too。 His favorite writers are Jinguchi Lanbu and A。E。W。 Mason。 His favorite book is "At the Villa Rose"。 I think it is a good detective book, too。 I really think he will be a very good detective。 He is my best friend。 我有一个好朋友。他的名字是金台部。他15岁。我们都想做侦探。他很聪明。他只是一个中学生,但他比其他学生更聪明。我认为他和一所大学的学生一样聪明。他最喜欢的侦探是Kindalchi肇。他长大后想成为名人。他像福尔摩斯一样乐于助人和勇敢。他对他的朋友也很慷慨。当他有一些新的侦探书籍时,他总是和我分享。所以我也愿意借给他书。他最喜欢的作家是jinguchi蓝布和a。e。w。梅森。他最喜欢的书是“在别墅玫瑰”。 我认为这是一本很好的侦探书。我真的认为他将是一个很好的侦探。他是我最好的朋友。 初二英语作文 篇5 This is my school is future.It is going to be big and pretty. Every student can carry a lab top with them to the school.No more homework writen on paper,it will all be in the computer.Lift and electronic stair in the school.Robot will be our teacher.And TV screen will stand in place for black board to teach.We can hand E-mail in instead of pieces of paper which is easy to lose.School trips out of the country. And this is the school in my dream,and that it will come true in the future. 这是我学校的未来。它是又大又漂亮。 每个学生都可以携带一个实验室前到学校。没有更多的作业写在纸上,它都将在电脑。提升和电子在学校楼梯。机器人将成为我们的老师。和电视屏幕将站在黑板上教的地方。我们可以把电子邮件代替纸容易失去。学校旅行的国家。 这是我的梦想的学校,在未来,它将成真。 初二英语作文 篇6 Shopping Online With the help of the Internet, shopping is not a difficult job. Just click your mouse to choose the article you like, and the shopping is finished. You needn"t step out of the room. It seems easy and quick. But there"s always a trap(陷阱) online. If you are careless, it will bring you some trouble. You may find the color of the article is different from what you want, or the size is either too small or too big. If you want to be different, you“d better not buy clothes online. Once you put on the clothes you bought online and go out, you will find many people wear the same clothes in the street. 初二英语作文 篇7 It is important to stay healthy. If you want to stay healthy.you should exercise ever day and you shouldn"t eat lots of junk food. You should also eat vegetables and other healthy foods. Don"t get stressed out. It is not healthy . when you are tired, you shouldn"t go out at night. You should go to bed early for a few nights. It a balanced diet, it is good for your health. I hope you can care For your health. 初二英语作文 篇8 Summer is my favorite season. I was born in summer. In summer, I won"t wear thick coats any more. I"ll dress more casually. I"ll wear a T-shirt. I"ll go swimming every day, and I will have ice cream. It"s very delicious. In summer, I will have summer vacation. I"ll visit lots of beautiful places and take a lot of photos. But I have to finish my homework first. I"ll play with my best friends every day. I can"t wait for summer to come! Hurry, summer!2023-07-16 20:55:221
I am my mother"s third child. When I was born, her doctor gently explained to my mother that my left arm was __16__, below the elbow(肘部). Then he gave her some __17__:“Don"t treat her any __18__ from the other girls. Demand more.” And she __19__!My mother had to work to __20__ our family. There were five girls in our family and we all had to __21__. Once when I was about seven, I came out of the __22__,“Mom, I can"t peel (削……皮) potatoes. I only have one hand. “You get back to peel those potatoes, and don"t ever use that as a(n) __23__ for anything again!” Of course I could peel potatoes with my good hand, while holding them down with my __24__ arm. There was always a __25__ , and Mom knew it, “If you try hard __26__,” she ‘d say, “you can do anything.”Once in the second grade, our teacher had each of us race across the monkey bars(高低杠). When it was my turn, I __27__ my head. Some kids __28__ . I went home crying. After work the next afternoon, Mom __29__ me back to the school ground. “ Now, __30__ up with your right arm”, she advised. She stood by __31__ I practiced, and she __32__ me when I made progress. I"ll never forget the __33__ time I was crossing the bars. The kids were standing there with their mouths open.It was the way with everything. When I __34__ I can"t handle things, I see Mom"s smile again. She had the heart to __35__ anything. And she taught me I could, too.【小题1】 A.missing B.broken C.diseased D.short【小题2】 A.warning B.medicine C.help D.advice【小题3】 A.badly B.differently C.well D.normally【小题4】 A.did B.refused C.cried D.was【小题5】 A.care B.help C.support D.feed【小题6】 A.pay attention B.work out C.carry out D.help out【小题7】 A.kitchen B.bedroom C.house D.school【小题8】 A.idea B.change C.excuse D.explanation【小题9】 A.lost B.other C.next D.longer【小题10】 A.chance B.way C.time D.success【小题11】 A.enough B.too C.again D.often【小题12】 A.hurt B.nodded C.shook D.turned【小题13】 A.cheered B.whispered C.joked D.laughed【小题14】 A.drove B.took C.sent D.carried【小题15】 A.pull B.jump C.stand D.rise【小题16】 A.before B.as C.after D.until【小题17】 A.helped B.raised C.praised D.protected【小题18】 A.first B.last C.wonderful D.next【小题19】 A.admit B.fear C.find D.realize【小题20】 A.face B.teach C.learn D.solve2023-07-16 20:51:462
清明时期的五条“茶马古道”明清代,云南藏销茶主要经丽江进入古宗西藏(今中旬和德钦县)和康藏。进入康藏的茶,部分在木里、乡城、稻城、理塘销售,部分到打箭炉(今康定)将云南的竹筐包装换为牛皮包装后继续前进,走康藏线运至拉萨等地。长路漫漫,险障重重,沿途既有土司、寺院设卡收过路费,又时常因动乱引起茶路阻塞。这时,商人们就要寻找其他运茶路。他们收到了从德钦碧土-邦达-工布江达-墨竹工卡-拉萨的进藏路线。每年春季他们赶着骡马,满载蜂蜡、牦牛尾、麝香、虫草等物在茶市交换茶叶后返回西藏。 除背夫外,红河、石屏、江城的马帮也大量进入茶山运茶。尽管驮运的前期成本较低,但由于驮运量小,行路速度较慢,因此单量运费就较高,后渐渐被马帮所取代。 清明时期以普洱为中心向国内外辐射出五条“茶马古道”。 一是官马大道,由普洱经昆明中转内地各省、北京,南延车佛打洛,这是茶马古道中最重要的一条,普洱贡茶就从这条路由骡马运到昆明。许多老字号茶庄的普洱茶,由普洱经思茅,过车里(景洪)、佛海(勐海)至打洛,而后出国至缅甸景栋,然后再转运至泰国、新加坡、马来西亚和香港等地。 二是关藏茶马大道,普洱茶从普洱经下关、丽江、中甸(今香格里拉)进入西藏,再由拉萨中转尼泊尔等国,主力是藏胞的大马帮。 三是江莱茶马道,普洱茶从普洱过江城,入越南莱州,然后㘱转运到西藏和欧洲等地。 四是旱季茶马道,从普洱经思茅糯扎渡过澜沧,而后到孟连出缅甸。 五是勐腊茶马道,从普洱过勐腊,然后销往老挝北部各地。 在今普洱县境内,仍保留有三处较完整的茶马大道遗址:一是位于宁洱镇民主村茶庵圹的“茶马古道遗址”,长约2公里的山石古道,在一片半原始森林中徒仄而上;二是位于磨黑镇孔雀坪的“官马大道遗址”,三是位于同心乡的“旱季茶马大道遗址”,那山石道上清晰可见的马蹄印,记述了昔日“茶马古道”的繁荣。“茶马大道”使普洱茶行销国内各省区,远销新加坡、马来西亚、缅甸、泰国、法国、英国、朝鲜、日本和港澳台等国家和地区,在世界上享有盛名。 在中国古典名著<红楼梦>和世界名著<战争与和平>等作品中,都有喝“普洱茶”的描述。今天,“普洱茶”已成为世界人民所认知、接受和喜爱。 如今马帮消失了,但喝普洱茶时候我们仍会想起他们,想起他们留下的或是传奇或是浪漫或是凄惨的故事。 马帮,是普洱茶产生的基础,也为普洱茶品赏者留下了很多神游的空间。云南普洱茶-普洱茶信息港 自:http://www.puertea.info2023-07-16 20:51:392
boil有表示沸腾;煮沸;激动等意思,那么你知道boil的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! boil的用法: boil的用法1:boil本意指水或其他液体起泡泡、沸腾,也可指使(海水等)呈汹涌澎湃的状态,引申可表示感情或情绪等激动、激昂或愤怒,这种激动常使人联想到血液像沸腾的水一般。 boil的用法2:boil表示“沸腾”“开”,可用作及物动词或不及物动词; 用作及物动词时意为“使u2026沸腾”,接名词或代词作宾语。 boil的用法3:boil表示“用开水煮”时,可用作及物动词或不及物动词; 用作及物动词时,可跟简单宾语、双宾语、以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语,间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语; 有时也可用作系动词。 boil的用法4:boil的主语较宽泛,用作及物动词时一般为人,用作不及物动词时多为被煮的东西,此时主动形式表示被动意义,而无论及物不及物,又都可以用容器或器具作主语。 boil的用法5:boil可与表示时间、地点、状态的副词连用。 boil的用法6:boil的过去分词boiled可用作定语,表示动作完成后(水开了)的状态,这时boiled并不含被动意义。 boil的用法7:boil用作名词时意思是水或其他液体起泡泡、沸腾,汹涌澎湃地呈现出旋涡的状态,也可比喻人的感情或情绪等激动或愤怒的情态。 boil的用法8:boil作“煮沸”解时,是只用单数的名词,不能用于复数,通常与a连用; 作“沸腾”“沸点”解时可与定冠词the连用,引申可表示为“激动”,在医学上还可指“疔疮”“疖子”。 boil的常用短语: 用作动词 (v.) boil away (v.+adv.) boil down (v.+adv.) boil down to (v.+adv.+prep.) boil out (v.+adv.) boil over (v.+adv.) boil up (v.+adv.) boil with (v.+prep.) 用作名词 (n.) on the boil go off the boil boil的用法例句: 1. Put a pan of salted water on to boil. 将一锅盐水放上去煮。 2. I"ll put on the kettle for tea. Or boil up some coffee. 我要烧壶水沏茶,或者煮些咖啡。 3. Fill a saucepan with water and bring to a slow boil. 往平底锅里加满水,小火煮沸。 4. It is a painful experience having the boil lanced. 把疖子切开是很痛的。 5. Boil the liquid in a small saucepan to reduce it by half. 用小炖锅炖,收一半汤汁。 6. You can boil the fish fillets on a high setting. 可以用高火煮无骨鱼片。 7. Boil the chick peas, add garlic and lemon juice. 把鹰嘴豆放在开水中煮,并加入大蒜和柠檬汁。 8. Boil the water in the saucepan and add the sage. 把平底锅里的水烧开,然后加入鼠尾草。 9. Boil for 20 minutes until the liquid has reduced by half. 煮20分钟,直到液体体积减半。 10. I"d peel potatoes and put them on to boil. 我要削掉土豆皮然后把它们煮熟。 11. Sometimes frustration and anger can boil over into direct and violent action. 有时挫折和愤怒会以直接的暴力形式爆发出来。 12. Remove the lid and boil away all the liquid. 拿掉盖子并把所有液体都烧干。 13. Marianne put the kettle on to boil. 玛丽安娜放上水壶烧开水。 14. On no account should the mixture boil. 切勿让这种混合物沸腾。 15. Boil the sugar and 100 ml of water. 煮100毫升的糖水。2023-07-16 20:51:391
An apple2023-07-16 20:51:263
百度一下,你要的资料都的~~~~ 普洱茶: http://www.baidu.com/s?wd=%C6%D5%B6%FD%B2%E8&cl=3 普洱茶知识大全: http://www.mypuerh.com/Info.asp?class=001普洱信息港: http://www.ynchaye.cn/Index.html2023-07-16 20:50:452
can i have some pears是什么意思
can i have some pears意思是我能吃些梨吗。拓展单词:1、苹果apple2、梨子pear3、桃子beach4、葡萄grape5、香蕉banana扩展句子:1、I twisted an apple off the tree.我从树上摘下来一个苹果。2、He hemisected an apple and gave it to me.他把一个苹果切成了两半,把一半给了我。3、He nibbled away the apple peel,then ate the flesh.他先慢慢地咬去苹果皮,然后再吃果肉。4、The apple blossoms filled the air with their fragrance.苹果花使空气充满香味。5、She was paring an apple with a knife when I came in.当我进屋时她正在用刀削苹果。2023-07-16 20:50:401
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Elo的《Twilight》 歌词
歌曲名:Twilight歌手:Elo专辑:The Essential Electric Light OrchestraVanessa Carlton - TwilightI was stained with a role in a day not my ownBut as you walked into my lifeyou showed what needed to be shownAnd I always knew what was right,I just didn"t know that I mightPeel away and choose to seewith such a different sightAnd I will never see the sky the same wayAnd I will learn to say good-bye to yesterdayAnd I will never cease to fly if held downAnd I will always reach too high"Cause I"ve seen, "cause I"ve seenTwilightNever cared, never wanted,never sought to see what flauntedSo on purpose, so in my face,couldn"t see beyond my own placeAnd it was so easy not to behold what I could holdBut you taught me I could changewhatever came within these shallow daysAs the sun shines through itpushes away and pushes aheadIt fills the warmth of blueand leaves a chill insteadAnd I didn"t know thatI could be so blind to all that is so realBut as illusion diesI see there is so much to be revealedI was stained by a role in a day not my ownBut as you walked into my lifeyou showed what needed to be shownI always knew what was right,just didn"t know that I mightPeel away and choose to seewith such a different sighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/105622672023-07-16 20:50:021
i can see a bee fiying to the tree怎么读
i can see a bee fiying to the tree我能看见一只蜜蜂飞到树上2023-07-16 20:49:553
orange peel英 [u02c8u0254rindu0292 pi:l] 美 [u02c8u0254ru026andu0292 pil] 词典橘皮(漆病)网络柑橘皮; 桔釉; 桔皮缺陷2023-07-16 20:49:402
常见食物英语单词 1、面食类: 馒头 steamed bread 花卷 steamed roll 糯米 glutinous rice 面粉 flour 小麦面粉 whole meal flour 面条 noodles 方便面 instant noodles 馄饨皮 wanton skin 2、蔬菜类: 茄子 aubergine 刀豆 dwarf bean 辣椒 chilly 小芋头 eddoes 菠菜 spinach 绿豆芽bean sprots 葱 spring onions 大葱 leeks 大蒜 garlic 生姜 ginger 香菜 coriander 冬菇 dried black mushroom 金针菜 tiger lily buds 木耳 Mu-er 腰果 cashew nut 粉丝 silk noodles 海带 sea vegetable or sea weed 豆腐 tofu 鱼干dried fish 绿豆greenbean 红豆RedBean 马铃薯Potato 胡萝卜Carrot 白萝卜 Mooli 洋葱Onion 西芹Celery 包心菜WhiteCabbage 大黄瓜Cucumber 玉米Sweetcorn 青椒GreenPepper 红辣椒Redpepper 3、水果类: 蕃茄tomato 杏仁 almond 苹果 apple 苹果核 apple core 苹果汁apple juice 苹果皮 apple skin 杏子apricot 杏肉apricot flesh 杏核 apricot pit 槟榔子areca nut 香蕉 banana 香蕉皮 banana skin 毛榉坚果 beechnut山 海棠果 Beijing flowering crab 酸橙bitter orange 黑莓blackberry 罐头水果canned fruit 杨桃 carambola 樱桃 cherry 樱桃核cherry pit 樱桃肉cherry pulp 栗子 chestnut 板栗Chinese chestnut 枣 Chinese date 猕猴桃Chinese gooseberry 山核桃 Chinese walnut 椰子 coconut 椰奶coconut milk 椰子汁coconut water 金桔 cumquat 西洋李子damson plum 砀山梨Dangshan pear 枣date 枣核 date pit 烂果decayed fruit 毛桃downy pitch 干果 dry fruit 公爵樱桃 duke 无花果fig 榛子 filbert 蟠桃 flat peach 肉质果 flesh fruit 鲜荔枝fresh litchi 袋装水果 fruit in bags 白果,银杏 gingko 葡萄 grape 葡萄汁grape juice 葡萄皮grape skin 葡萄核grapestone 青梅 greengage 哈密瓜 Hami melon 山楂果 haw 山楂 hawthorn 榛子hazel 水蜜桃honey peach 水蜜桃juicy peach 枣jujube 仁kernel 金桔kumquat 柠檬lemon 荔枝litchi 荔枝皮litchi rind 桂圆,龙眼 longan 枇杷 loguat 柑桔mandarine 芒果 mango 黑樱桃morello 香瓜,甜瓜 muskmelon 脐橙navel orange 坚果 nut 坚果仁nut meat 坚果壳nut shell 沙枣oleaster 橄榄olive 柑桔orange 柑桔皮orange peel 木瓜papaya 桃子peach 梨pear 菠萝pineapple 李子plum 李杏plumcot 石榴pomegranate 柚子,文旦pomelo 杨梅red bayberry 烂果rotten fruit 无核桔 seedless orange 草莓strawberry 无核小葡萄sultana 柑桔 tangerine 胡桃,核桃 walnut 核桃仁walnut kernel 荸荠water chestnut 西瓜watermelon 4、调料类: 酱油 soy sauce 醋 vinger 淀粉 cornstarch 麻油 sesame oil 蚝油oyster sauce 胡椒 pepper 辣椒粉 red chilly powder 芝麻酱 sesame paste 味精 monosidum glutanate 花椒 Chinese red pepper 豆豉 salt black bean 八角 star anise 砂糖 brown sugar 红糖 dark brown sugar 白砂糖Custer sugar 冰糖 rock sugar 5、其他类 熊掌bear"s paw 鹿脯 breast of deer 海参beche-de-mer; sea cucumber 海鳝sea sturgeon 海蜇皮salted jelly fish 海带kelp, seaweed 鲍鱼abalone 鱼翅 shark fin 干贝 scallops 龙虾lobster 燕窝bird"s nest 考乳猪roast suckling pig 猪脚pig"s knuckle 盐水鸭boiled salted duck 腊肉preserved meat 叉烧barbecued pork 香肠sausage 肉松fried pork flakes 烤肉BAR-B-Q 荤菜meat diet 素菜vegetables 肉羹meat broth 地方菜 local dish 广东菜 Cantonese cuisine 客饭set meal 咖喱饭curry rice 炒饭fried rice 白饭 plain rice 锅巴crispy rice 粥gruel, soft rice, porridge 打卤面noodles with gravy 阳春面plain noodle 砂锅casserole 火锅chafing dish, fire pot 肉包子meat bun 烧麦shao-mai 腐乳preserved bean curd 豆腐bean curd 豆豉fermented blank bean 酱瓜pickled cucumbers 皮蛋preserved egg 咸鸭蛋 salted duck egg 萝卜干dried turnip2023-07-16 20:49:331
因为香蕉皮becausethebananapeel2023-07-16 20:49:188
1.abcdefg=all boys can do everything for girls 所有男孩能为女孩做一切 2.family =father and mother i love you 3. o i c u 小偷最害怕的几个英文字母是什么??? Ho, I see you! 喂,我看到你了! 4. To China for china,China with china。2023-07-16 20:49:081
一首英文歌 女生唱的 很空灵 开头是噔噔 噔噔 然后就i~~ 然后歌词有 this is my life 歌声很甜美
我也想知道啊啊啊啊啊啊2023-07-16 20:49:022
1./i:/发音的 peculiarity plead plea priest protein beast bleak 2./I/发音的 peel pistol pit pitch pretend province bingo bishop bizarre delete dim2023-07-16 20:48:541
茶类不同耐泡程度不一,人们日常生活中,常有这样的体会: 非常细嫩的高级茶并不耐泡,一般冲泡2次也就没什茶味了。普通红绿茶常可冲泡3—4次。茶叶的耐泡程度与茶叶嫩度固然有关。但更重要的是决定于加工后茶叶的完整性。加工越细碎的,越容易使茶汁冲泡出来,越粗老完整的茶叶,茶汁冲泡出来的速度越慢。一般的红、绿、花茶,冲泡次数通常以三次为度。乌龙茶因冲泡时投茶量大,可以多冲泡几次;以红碎茶为原料加工包装成的袋泡茶,由于易于浸出,通常适宜于一次性冲泡。2023-07-16 20:48:493
茶叶 一般几天换一次?
晕。。我是一天换几次。你是几天换一次。强!!12023-07-16 20:48:305
看是泡什么茶~~~]2023-07-16 20:48:126
香蕉英语怎么说 香蕉的英语写法
1、banana是一个英语单词,读音是[英][b??nɑ:n?][美][b??n?n?],可以用作名词,可以翻译为香蕉。2、例句:The picture aboveis banana with coworgans.图片中出现的则是香蕉与牛杂。The banana tastes good, I suggest you to buy one.这个品种的香蕉吃起来不错,我建议你去买来试试。2023-07-16 20:48:091
不放过每个单词的发音,模仿外国人那种语音语调2023-07-16 20:48:022
绿茶,适合70--80度的水温,若茶叶过于细碎,则降至70度。若以小壶冲泡,温壶后置茶量约3分满,第一泡需时约1分钟,第二泡累加15秒,第三泡累加25秒,第四泡再累加35秒。 花茶,适合80--90度的水温,温壶后,置茶量约四分之一壶,第一泡40秒,后续各泡累加10--15秒。浓度可依个人喜好酌量增减冲泡时间。 乌龙茶,适合90度的水温,若以小壶冲泡,温壶后置茶量约4--5分满,第一泡需时约1分钟,后续各泡累加10--15秒。 一般来说,乌龙茶红茶可5、6泡,花茶绿茶3、4泡就够了,多泡的话茶汤有色无味,还会析出对人体有害的重金属离子。2023-07-16 20:47:536