- xinz
移魂女郎 Girl, Interrupted (1999).....Dr. Sonia Wick
女生向前走 / 断了线的女孩 / 我有冇问题Durchgeknallt
Durchgeknallt - Girl, interrupted
天地大冲撞 Deep Impact (1998).....Robin Lerner
彗星撞地球 / 末日救地球 / 深度碰撞
绿宝机密 Lulu on the Bridge (1998).....Catherine Moore
第70届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 70th Annual Academy Awards (1998).....Herself - Past Winner
Bella Mafia (1997).....Graziella Luciano
情欲乱码 Déjà Vu (1997).....Skelly
黛洛维夫人 Mrs. Dalloway (1997).....Mrs. Clarissa Dalloway
戴罗薇夫人 / 达罗威夫人
Virginia Woolf"s Mrs. Dalloway
影都雪恋 Smilla"s Sense of Snow (1997).....Elsa Lübing
Smilla"s Feeling for Snow
Fr?ulein Smillas Gespür für Schnee
Fr?ken Smillas k?nsla f?r sn?Fr?ken Smillas fornemmelse for sne
Fräulein Smillas Gespür für Schnee
Fröken Smillas känsla för snö
Frøken Smillas fornemmelse for sne
王尔德 Wilde (1997).....Lady Speranza Wilde
王尔德的情人 / 心太羁
Oscar Wilde
碟中谍 Mission: Impossible (1996).....Max
不可能的任务 / 职业特工队
Mission Impossible
寻找理查德 Looking for Richard (1996).....Herself (Interview)
寻找理查 / 寻找理查三世
湖畔迷情 A Month by the Lake (1995).....Miss Bentley
绝地逢生 Down Came a Blackbird (1995).....Anna Lenke
血染的摇篮 Mother"s Boys (1994).....Lydia Madigan
小奥德萨 Little Odessa (1994).....Irina Shapira
杀手怨曲 / 杀手悲歌
金色豪门 The House of the Spirits (1993).....Nívea del Valle
第六感之恋 / 精灵之屋 / 灵魂庄园
Åndernes hus
A Casa dos Espíritos
Geisterhaus, Das
第65届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 65th Annual Academy Awards (1993).....Herself - Nominee: Best Actress in a Supporting Role
霍华德庄园 Howards End (1992).....Ruth Wilcox
伤心咖啡馆之歌 The Ballad of the Sad Cafe (1991).....Miss Amelia
Young Catherine (1991).....Empress Elizabeth
Intrigues impériales
Junge Katharina, Die
斯大林的葬礼 Pokhorony Stalina (1990).....English journalist (as Vanessa Redgreiv)
Stalin"s Funeral
同志们 Comrades (1987).....Mrs. Carlyle
Comrades - uomini liberi
Rebellion der Rechtlosen
竖起你的耳朵 Prick Up Your Ears (1987).....Peggy Ramsay
激情床伴 / 留心那话儿
韦瑟比 Wetherby (1985).....Jean Travers
陌生男子 / 不速之客
波士顿人 The Bostonians (1984).....Olive Chancellor
熊胆壮士岛 Bear Island (1979).....Heddi Lindquist
Bäreninsel in der Hölle der Arktis, Die
A Ilha dos Ursos
Alistair MacLean"s Bear Island
Bäreninsel in der Hölle der Arktis
Isola della paura, L"
Mystiki apostoli - Nisos ton Arkton
Operación: isla del oso
Wyspa niedzwiedzia
魂断梦醒 Yanks (1979).....Helen
Yanks - Gestern waren wir noch Fremde
难补恨睛天 Agatha (1979).....Agatha Christie
朱莉娅 Julia (1977).....Julia
百分之七的解决 The Seven-Per-Cent Solution (1976).....Lola Deveraux
东方快车谋杀案 Murder on the Orient Express (1974).....Mary Debenham
假期 Vacanza, La (1971).....Immacolata Meneghelli
The Devils (1971).....Sister Jeanne
The Devils of Loudon
苏格兰王后 Mary, Queen of Scots (1971).....Mary, Queen of Scots
The Trojan Women (1971).....Andromache
Drop-out (1970).....Mary
Tranquillo posto di campagna, Un (1969).....Flavia
A Quiet Place in the Country
Un coin tranquille à la campagne
多可爱的战争 Oh! What a Lovely War (1969).....Sylvia Pankhurst
Ah! Dieu que la guerre est jolie
Och, jaka piekna wojna!
Oh che bella guerra!
Oh, vilket makalöst krig
Oi! Mikä ihana sota
英烈传 The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968).....Mrs. Clarissa Morris
绝代美人 Isadora (1968).....Isadora Duncan
The Loves of Isadora
伏魔神剑 Camelot (1967).....Guenevere
摩根 Morgan: A Suitable Case for Treatment (1966).....Leonie Delt
放大 Blow-Up (1966).....Jane
春光乍泄 / 春光乍洩 / 春光乍现
Blow Up
Blow up - förstoringen
Blow-Up (Deseo de una mañana de verano)
Blow-Up - Depois Daquele Beijo
Blow-Up - erään suudelman jälkeen
Blowup - Deseo en una mañana de verano
Cinayeti gördüm
Ekstaze 67
História de Um Fotógrafo
良相佐国 A Man for All Seasons (1966).....Anne Boleyn
日月精忠 / 四季之人
皆大欢喜 As You Like It (1963).....Rosalind