摩尔( MORE)
骆驼 (camel)
黑猫 (BLACK DEVIL 日本货) 一包 10元/包
寿百年(德国货,女士烟) 一包 10元/包
船长 (日本货) 一包 15元/包
爱喜(ESSE 韩国货,女士烟) 一包 10元/包
七星(seven)(日本货) 两包 10元/包
七星(seven) (印度货) 三包 10元/包
沙龙 (salem 英国货) 两包 10元/包
好彩 (美国货) 两包 15元/包
万宝路 (菲律宾货,红色) 两包 15元/包
万宝路 (美国货,白色) 一包 15元/包
5 2 0 (台湾货) 一包 10元/包
D J (美国货,柠檬味) 一包 10元/包
KENT (美国货) 10元/包
咖啡味手工小雪茄 (荷兰货,铁盒10只装) 一盒 200元
红MOODS巴西小雪茄 ( 欧盟货,硬盒10只装) 一盒 200元
黑MOODS巴西小雪茄 ( 瑞士货,铁盒10只装) 一盒 200元
VILLIGER手工小雪茄 ( 爱尔兰货,铁盒10只装) 一盒 200元
美女雪茄 (美国货,硬盒5只装,独立烟嘴) 一盒150元
TUBES 白铜 ( 瑞士货,金属桶 单只装) 一只 50元
TUBES 金铜 ( 瑞士货,金属桶 单只装) 一只 50元
ESPADA 黑金 ( 瑞士货,防水纸桶 单只装) 一只 50元
希尔顿 5元/包
一般的烟草店都有卖 你要问 不问的话他不会跟你说的
CHK-106 知道的都了解
烟草已有66个品种。但被人们栽培食用的只有两个品种:一个是普通烟草,又叫红花烟草,是一年生或二三年生草本植物。这种烟草宜种植于较温暖地带。一种是黄花烟草,黄花烟草又称堇烟草,是一年生或两年生草本植物。这种烟草耐寒能力较强,适宜于在低温地区栽培。此外还有一种由智利人培育出的白花烟草,绿叶白花,十分美艳,在国外只作为观赏花卉,一般都不把它列在烟草的范围之内。 我国所栽培的烟草除了北方有少量黄花烟草之外,大部分是普通烟草。在绝大多数地方,人们所食用的都是烟草的叶片,所以作为商品,也把烟草称为烟叶。2023-07-15 07:54:211
目前国内一类烟二类烟三类烟划分标准是按调拨价格的高低进行划分的。一类烟价类不含税调拨价为100元/条以上。二类烟价类不含税调拨价为70元/条(含)-100元/条。三类烟价类不含税调拨价为30元/条(含)-70元/条。一类烟二类烟三类烟划分标准还有四类烟和五类烟。四类烟价类不含税调拨价为16.5元/条(含)-30元/条。五类烟价类不含税调拨价为16.5元/条以下。香烟是烟草制品的一种,其制法是把烟草烤干后切丝,然后以纸卷成长约120mm,直径10mm的圆桶形条状。吸食时点燃其中一端,然后用嘴吸咄在另一端产生的烟雾。2023-07-15 07:54:521
建议还是不要抽烟,做到戒烟,一旦抽烟过多,真的只有危害而没有好处,同时,导致家人吸收二手烟,危害更大。2023-07-15 07:55:029
卷烟按原料分主要有4种: 烤烟型,以烤烟为原料,流行于英国、中国、印度、加拿大等国;混合型,以烤、晒、晾烟为原料,现风靡于世界;香料型,以香料烟为原料,流行于土耳其、希腊、苏联及东欧等国;晒烟型,以深色晒烟为原料,流行于南欧及非洲部分国家。2023-07-15 07:55:561
一般混合型的香烟的焦油和尼古丁比是11比1,而烤烟型大多是13(14)比1。2023-07-15 07:56:053
卷烟类型大致有烤烟型、混合型、雪茄型、晒烟型、香料型等种类。烤烟型是以单一烤烟为主要原料制造的卷烟,一般以中上等烟叶为原料,用料讲究。突出烟叶自身香气,体现烟草的本色天香,香气浓郁或清雅,吸味醇和,劲头适中,颜色呈金黄色或柠檬黄色。烤烟型卷烟已有上百年历史,最早产生于英国,目前它是中国市场上的主流产品,大致占市场份额的85%。混合型是以烤烟和以白肋烟、香料烟等晾晒烟叶复合配比加工而成的卷烟。起源于美国。具有烤烟和晾晒烟相结合的混合香味,烟气浓郁、谐调、醇和、吸味醇厚,劲头足,焦油含量较低。目前混合型卷烟占领了世界主要卷烟市场,是国际卷烟市场上的主导产品。雪茄型完全使用晒烟叶或少量掺用上部烤烟配制而成。在燃吸时产生类似檀香木的优美香气,香味浓厚、飘逸,劲头很强。手工制作的雪茄烟,造型美观,价格昂贵。外香型采用烤烟型或混合型配方结构,浓重添加外加香配制而成。突出外加香的香气,如奶油香、可可香、玫瑰香、薄荷香等。2023-07-15 07:56:231
烟草已有66个品种。但被人们栽培食用的只有两个品种:一个是普通烟草,又叫红花烟草,是一年生或二三年生草本植物。这种烟草宜种植于较温暖地带。一种是黄花烟草,黄花烟草又称堇烟草,是一年生或两年生草本植物。这种烟草耐寒能力较强,适宜于在低温地区栽培。此外还有一种由智利人培育出的白花烟草,绿叶白花,十分美艳,在国外只作为观赏花卉,一般都不把它列在烟草的范围之内。 我国所栽培的烟草除了北方有少量黄花烟草之外,大部分是普通烟草。在绝大多数地方,人们所食用的都是烟草的叶片,所以作为商品,也把烟草称为烟叶。2023-07-15 07:56:301
根据《国务院关于调整烟叶和卷烟价格税收政策的紧急通知》(国税明电〔1998〕7号,以下简称《通知》)的规定,自1998年7月1日起,将卷烟消费税税率由现在执行的40%调整为:一类卷烟50%,二,三类卷烟40%,四,五类卷烟和雪茄烟25%,进口卷烟50%.为便于各级税务部门贯彻执行,现将有关具体问题通知如下: 一、关于卷烟分类计税标准 (一)《通知》规定的一类卷烟,指卷烟生产企业每大箱(五万支)销售价格(不包括应向购货方收取的增值税税款,下同)在6410元(含)以上的卷烟;二,三类卷烟,指每大箱销售价格高于2137元(含),低于6410元的卷烟;四,五类卷烟,指每大箱销售价格在2137元以下的卷烟。 纳税人现已生产的各牌号卷烟,按卷烟生产企业1998年6月31日以前同牌号,规格卷烟的销售价格确定征税类别;新牌号卷烟,按实际销售价格确定征税类别。 (二)为规范纳税申报,避免卷烟消费税分类计税标准与卷烟生产企业的质量等级标准相混淆,将《通知》规定的一类卷烟消费税征税类别更名为甲类卷烟,二,三类卷烟征税类别更名为乙类卷烟,四,五类卷烟征税类别更名为丙类卷烟。(标为灰色部分已于2006年4月30日失效) (三)纳税人销售的卷烟因放开销售价格而经常发生价格上下浮动的,应以该牌号卷烟销售当月的加权平均销售价格确定征税类别和适用税率。但销售的卷烟有下列情况之一者,不得列入加权平均计算; 1�销售价格明显偏低而无正当理由的; 2�无销售价格的。 在实际执行中,月初可先按上月或者离销售当月最近月份的征税类别和适用税率预缴税款,月份终了再按实际平均销售价格确定征税类别和适用税率,并结算应纳税款。 (四)纳税人自产自用的卷烟应当按照纳税人生产的同牌号规格的卷烟销售价格确定征税类别和适用税率,没有同牌号规格卷烟销售价格的,一律按照甲类卷烟的50%税率征税。 (五)委托加工的卷烟按照受托方同牌号规格卷烟的征税类别和适用税率征税。没有同牌号规格的卷烟,一律按照甲类卷烟50%税率征税。 (六)白包卷烟,手工卷烟,未经国务院批准纳入计划的企业和个人生产的卷烟,一律按照甲类卷烟50%税率征税。 二、关于税目,税率按照《通知》规定,卷烟消费税税目税率调整为: 税目 税率 卷烟 1�甲类卷烟(含进口卷烟) 50% 2�乙类卷烟 40% 3�丙类卷烟 25% 4�雪茄烟 25% 三、关于计税依据纳税人卷烟消费税计税价格低于产地市场零售价格35%(即:消费税计税价格<产地市场零售价格/[1+35%]的),税务机关有权核定计税价格。甲,乙类卷烟计税价格由国家税务总局核定,丙类卷烟计税价格由各省级国家税务局核定。(标为灰色部分已于2006年4月30日失效) 四、本通知自1998年7月1日起执行。原有关规定与国务院《通知》和本通知有抵触的,依国务院《通知》和本通知执行。 特此通知,请遵照执行。 国家税务总局 一九九八年八月六日 世界十大名烟排行榜(卷烟类别) --你抽过几种? 1 中华 产地:中国上海 评价:成熟稳重型。国烟中的佼佼者,口感醇厚,烟草中含较多香料。 2 白沙 产地:中国湖南 评价:富贵华丽型。因采用新型过滤咀技术,烟草燃烧极快,口感则带有特有的山地烟草特质,清爽感十足。 3 红塔山 产地:中国昆明 评价:稳如泰山型。口感微甜带辣,颇像云南地产的“小米椒”,回味悠长。 4 玉溪 产地:中国昆明 评价:风流倜傥型。高原卷烟中的杰作。口感重而不浊,提神醒脑。 5 黄果树 产地:中国贵州 评价:清新可人型。烟如其名,气味芬芳,口感清爽回甜。 6 520 产地:中国台湾 评价:浪漫温馨型。此烟以烟嘴镂空成一红心状而颇受女性钟爱。烟味极淡,香味独特。 7 555 产地:英国 评价:绅士派头型。产于绅士之乡,口感稳重有余,活泼不足,在全球广泛流传。 8 万宝路 产地:美国 评价:豪放不羁型。口感偏重,较辣,尤其是吸第一口时最为明显。广告中的牛仔给人留下难忘的印象。 9 七星 产地:日本 评价:小家碧玉型。此烟在日本被奉为“国烟”,就像店里的日本料理,口感精致,层次分明。 10 大卫.杜马 产地:德国 评价:神秘莫测型。分男士烟和女士烟两种。烟身细细长长,烟分黑白两色,男士抽黑色,女士抽白色2023-07-15 07:57:021
中国的香烟种类有多少????详细的说说咯比如 双喜 黄鹤楼 等等
红金龙,满天星,和天下,骄子,大熊猫,2023-07-15 07:57:102
中南海香烟有十几种,例如:中南海-软精品、超1流、蓝色风尚、蓝色时光、祥和132、特高香港中免以及特高香港高正等品种。此外,中南海还有5mg、8mg、3mg纳米等主打低焦油、低危害系列。2023-07-15 07:57:172
烟草已有66个品种。但被人们栽培食用的只有两个品种:一个是普通烟草,又叫红花烟草,是一年生或二三年生草本植物。这种烟草宜种植于较温暖地带。一种是黄花烟草,黄花烟草又称堇烟草,是一年生或两年生草本植物。这种烟草耐寒能力较强,适宜于在低温地区栽培。此外还有一种由智利人培育出的白花烟草,绿叶白花,十分美艳,在国外只作为观赏花卉,一般都不把它列在烟草的范围之内。 我国所栽培的烟草除了北方有少量黄花烟草之外,大部分是普通烟草。在绝大多数地方,人们所食用的都是烟草的叶片,所以作为商品,也把烟草称为烟叶。2023-07-15 07:57:241
中式烤烟型卷烟是指以中国烤烟烟叶为主体原料,其香气风格和吸味特征明显不同于英式烤烟型卷烟(包括意大利、澳大利亚等国),具有明显适应中国消费者习惯的烤烟型卷烟。中式烤烟型卷烟在吸味上分为清香型、浓香型和中间香型和淡雅香型。“黄鹤楼”是雅香型,“玉溪”是清香型,“中华”是浓香型,“芙蓉王”则开创了中间型路线。中式烤烟型卷烟由英式烤烟型卷烟演变而来,以不同地区、等级、部位和年份的烤烟为配方原料,经制丝、卷烟和包装而成的具有烤烟香气特征的卷烟。多数以纯烤烟为原料,为调整卷烟的吸味风格,个别产品在配方中使用少量的香料烟或晒黄烟。 中式混合型卷烟是指基于多类型烟叶原料配比的原理,以烤烟、白肋烟、香料烟等烟叶为主体配方原料,或者部分添加中草药提取液的卷烟。其香气风格和吸味特征有别于美式和日式等混合型卷烟,具有明显适应中国部分消费者习惯的混合型卷烟。 中式混合型卷烟是由美式混合型卷烟演变而来。混合型卷烟在20世纪80年代进入国内市场,主要品牌有“万宝路”、“骆驼”、“良友”等美式混合型,在一段时期内满足了部分消费者的新奇追求,国内不少卷烟企业也纷纷仿制,但终究不适合消费者长期形成的口味习惯,于20世纪90年代中期,混合型卷烟开始演变,发展为以“中南海”为代表的淡味混合型卷烟。与美式混合型卷烟不同的是,配方中白肋烟的使用量较少,卷制过程中应用了过滤效率较高的滤棒过滤技术,同时又具有低自由基低害的自主技术,使卷烟的混合香气特征明显减弱。 这种烟是中国独有的卷烟类型,既有烤烟型配方,也有混合型配方,只是在配方中添加了中草药或其提取物,使卷烟具有了一定的疗效或保健功能,同时降低了卷烟的焦油量和有害成分。2023-07-15 07:57:421
分三种吧:1、一次性的这种就是抽到没有烟油了就直接扔了就可以了;2、换弹的烟弹里烟油没有了就换一颗烟弹,很方便,烟杆充电的,目前是很受欢迎的一种,你看现在大街小巷都是实体店,RELX,YOOZ,RESSMO热沫,MOTI...看见的不少。3、注油的就是那种机身比较大的,然后烟槽里没有了就注入一些就可以了,也是充电的2023-07-15 07:58:232
混合型:起源于美国,又称美式烟。“骆驼”就是第一个美式混合型卷烟牌号。混合型卷烟配方由烤烟、晒烟、晾烟等烟叶混合组成,其特点是香气浓郁、烟味醇厚,烟丝颜色呈棕红色。 其实还有很多种的,年代不同,新货多嘛 烤烟型:烤烟型卷烟起源于英国,又称为英式卷烟,“三五”就是典型的烤烟。它的配方特点是全部或者绝大部分使用烤烟原料,烟丝为橙黄色,卷烟烟气具有典型的烤烟香味。麻烦采纳,谢谢!2023-07-15 07:58:321
中国属于生烟的烟有:中南海、都宝、羊城、黄山皖山(混合型)、将军(混合型)、哈德门(混合型)等。2023-07-15 07:58:392
这款酒属于一款低端入门级的葡萄酒,这酒价值和品质都一般,国内合理价位应该在30-50元左右。2023-07-15 07:57:591
就是啊2023-07-15 07:58:089
Shawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans辣妹穿着低腰牛仔裤牛仔裤Boots with the fur With the fur穿着毛靴毛靴The whole club was lookin at her整场的人都在看她She hit the flo She hit the flo她在跳舞他在跳舞Next thing you know接下来你会看到Shawty got low low low low low low low low辣妹越来越往下下下Them baggy sweat pants宽松的裤子都湿透了And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps系着带子的锐步鞋系着带子She turned around and gave that big booty a smack Ayy她转了个圈拍了拍屁股嗨She hit the flo She hit the flo她在跳舞她在跳舞Next thing you know接下来你会看的Shawty got low low low low low low low low辣妹越来越往下下下I ain"t never seen nuthin that"ll make me go"我还没看到足以让我走的东西this crazy all night spendin my dough疯狂了整晚消耗量我的精力Had a million dollar vibe and a bottle to go身体都开始对百万美元反感Dem birthday cakes" they stole the show在生日宴会上他们抢尽量风头So sexual" she was flexible如此性感 他身姿妙曼Professional" drinkin X and ooo喝着白兰地Hold up wait a minute" do i see what I think I坚持住再等等,就看到想看到的吗?谁呀Did I think I seen shorty get low看到辣妹变的更低了吗Whoa哇Ain"t the same when it"s up that close和它上升是不一样的Make it rain" I"m makin it snow下雪吧下雪吧Work the pole" I got the bank roll工作到有足够的基金Imma say that I prefer them no clothes我更喜欢她不穿衣服I"m into that" I love women exposed我非常喜欢女人裸体She threw it back at me" I gave her more她又穿回我给她的衣服Cash ain"t a problem" I know where it goes钱不是问题物有说值就可以了She had them她让他们Apple Bottom Jeans Jeans辣妹穿着低腰牛仔裤牛仔裤Boots with the fur With the fur穿着毛靴毛靴The whole club was lookin at her整场的人都在看她She hit the flo She hit the flo她在跳舞她在跳舞Next thing you know接下来你会看的Shawty got low low low low low low low low辣妹越来越往下下下Them baggy sweat pants宽松的裤子都湿透了And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps系着带子的锐步鞋系着带子She turned around and gave that big booty a smack她转了个圈拍了拍屁股嗨She hit the flo She hit the flo她在跳舞她在跳舞Next thing you know接下来你会看的Shawty got low low low low low low low low辣妹越来越往下下下Hey嗨Shawty what I gotta do to get you home辣妹我怎样才能带你回家My jeans full of gwap牛仔裤里都急切的And they ready for Shones要被花掉Cadillacs Maybachs for the sexy grown凯迪拉克都在等着美女呢Patrone on the rocks that"ll make you moan靠在石头边你就会抱怨One stack (come on)一堆来吧Two stacks (come on)二堆来吧Three stacks (come on" now that"s three grand)三堆来吧,现在有三堆What you think I"m playin baby girl你认为我在玩什么宝贝儿I"m the man" I"ll bend the rubber bands我是男人,我拉扯橡皮筋That"s what I told her" her legs on my shoulder她的腿放在我的肩膀上I knew it was ova" that Henny and Cola我知道一切都结束了,亨利和科拉Got me like a Soldier让我变得像士兵一样She ready for Rover" I couldn"t control her她准备和罗孚一起,我控制不了她So lucky oo me" I was just like a clover幸运的是我只=喜欢三叶草Shorty was hot like a toaster辣妹热的像个烤箱Sorry but I had to fold her"对不起我不得不放开她Like a pornography poster像一张色情海报She showed her她展示了她的身体Apple Bottom Jeans Jeans穿着低腰牛仔裤牛仔裤Boots with the fur With the fur穿着毛靴毛靴The whole club was lookin at her整场的人都在看她She hit the flo She hit the flo她在跳舞她在跳舞Next thing you know接下来你会看的Shawty got low low low low low low low low辣妹越来越往下下下Them baggy sweat pants宽松的裤子都湿透了And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps系着带子的锐步鞋系着带子She turned around and gave that big booty a smack Ayy她转了个圈拍了拍屁股嗨She hit the flo She hit the flo她在跳舞她在跳舞Next thing you know接下来你会看的Shawty got low low low low low low low low辣妹越来越往下下下Whoa哇Shawty美女耶Yea she was worth the money看她花钱很值得Lil mama took my cash"小不点拿走我的钱and I ain"t want it back"我一点也不想拿回来The way she bit that rag"她向后弯下腰got her them paper stacks"拿到了所有的纸堆Tattoo of bubba cray"她的要上有纹身I had to handle that"我必须要解决I was on it" sexy woman" let me shownin我受困于性感女神,让我来展示让我来拥有它They be want it two in the mornin凌晨两点我被困于此I"m zonin in them rosay bottles foamin玫瑰瓶起了泡沫She wouldn"t stop" made it drop她不会停止,让它冷却Shorty did that pop and lock"辣妹弹了下流行音乐Had to break her off that gwap要她不要收钱吗Gah it was fly just like my glock加仑就像我的钟琴一样Apple Bottom Jeans低腰牛仔裤牛仔裤Boots with the fur穿着毛靴毛靴The whole club was整场的人都在看她She hit the flo She hit the flo她在跳舞她在跳舞Next thing you know接下来你会看到Shawty got low low low low low low low low辣妹越来越往下下下Them baggy sweat pants宽松的裤子都湿透了And the Reeboks with the straps系着带子的锐步鞋系着带子She turned around and gave that big booty a smack她转了个圈拍了拍屁股嗨She hit the flo她在跳舞她在跳舞Next thing you know接下来你会看到Shawty got low low low low low low low low辣妹越来越往下下下2023-07-15 07:58:141
Flo Rida&T-Pain Flo-Rida - Low Feat. T-Pain Shawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans (Jeans) Boots with the fur (With the fur) She got the whole club lookin at her She hit the flo (She hit the flo) Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps (With the straps) She turned around and gave that big booty a smack (Ayy) She hit the flo (She hit the flo) Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low I ain"t never seen nuthin that"ll make me go, this crazy all night spendin my dough Had a million dollar vibe and a bottle to go Dem birthday cakes, they stole the show So sexual, she was flexible Professional, drinkin X and ooo Hold up wait a minute, do i see what I think I Whoa Did I think I seen shorty get low Ain"t the same when it"s up that close Make it rain, I"m makin it snow Work the pole, I got the bank roll Imma say that I prefer them no clothes I"m into that, I love women exposed She threw it back at me, I gave her more Cash ain"t a problem, I know where it goes She had them Apple Bottom Jeans (Jeans) Boots with the fur (With the fur) She got the whole club lookin at her She hit the flo (She hit the flo) Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps (With the straps) She turned around and gave that big booty a smack (Ayy) She hit the flo (She hit the flo) Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Hey Shawty what I gotta do to get you home My jeans full of gwap And they ready for Shones Cadillacs Maybachs for the sexy grown Patrone on the rocks that"ll make you moan One stack (come on) Two stacks (come on) Three stacks (come on, now that"s three grand) What you think I"m playin baby girl I"m the man, I"ll bend the rubber bands That"s what I told her, her legs on my shoulder I knew it was ova, that Henny and Cola Got me like a Soldier She ready for Rover, I couldn"t control her So lucky oo me, I was just like a clover Shorty was hot like a toaster Sorry but I had to fold her, Like a pornography poster She showed her Apple Bottom Jeans (Jeans) Boots with the fur (With the fur) She got the whole club lookin at her She hit the flo (She hit the flo) Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps (With the straps) She turned around and gave that big booty a smack (Ayy) She hit the flo (She hit the flo) Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Whoa Shawty Yea she was worth the money Lil mama took my cash, and I ain"t want it back, The way she bit that rag, got her them paper stacks, Tattoo of above "er crack, I had to handle that, I was on it, sexy woman, let me shownin They be want it two in the mornin I"m zonin in them rosay bottles foamin She wouldn"t stop, made it drop Shorty did that pop and lock, Had to break her off that gwap Gah it was fly just like my glock Apple Bottom Jeans (Jeans) Boots with the fur (With the fur) She got the whole club lookin at her She hit the flo (She hit the flo) Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps (With the straps) She turned around and gave that big booty a smack (Ayy) She hit the flo (She hit the flo) Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low C"mon是这首吗?2023-07-15 07:58:261
Flo Rida的《Low》 歌词
歌曲名:Low歌手:Flo Rida专辑:CF, MOVIE And Drama HITS2LowFlo RidaShawty had them Apple Bottom JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps With the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smack AyyShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowI ain't never seen nuthin that'll make me go,this crazy all night spendin my doughHad a million dollar vibe and a bottle to goDem birthday cakes, they stole the showSo sexual, she was flexibleProfessional, drinkin X and oooHold up wait a minute, do i see what I think IDid I think I seen shorty get lowWhoaAin't the same when it's up that closeMake it rain, I'm makin it snowWork the pole, I got the bank rollImma say that I prefer them no clothesI'm into that, I love women exposedShe threw it back at me, I gave her moreCash ain't a problem, I know where it goesShe had themApple Bottom Jeans JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps With the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smackShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowHeyShawty what I gotta do to get you homeMy jeans full of gwapAnd they ready for ShonesCadillacs Maybachs for the sexy grownPatrone on the rocks that'll make you moanOne stack (come on)Two stacks (come on)Three stacks (come on, now that's three grand)What you think I'm playin baby girlI'm the man, I'll bend the rubber bandsThat's what I told her, her legs on my shoulderI knew it was ova, that Henny and ColaGot me like a SoldierShe ready for Rover, I couldn't control herSo lucky oo me, I was just like a cloverShorty was hot like a toasterSorry but I had to fold her,Like a pornography posterShe showed herApple Bottom Jeans JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps With the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smack AyyShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowWhoaShawtyYea she was worth the moneyLil mama took my cash,and I ain't want it back,The way she bit that rag,got her them paper stacks,Tattoo of bubba cray,I had to handle that,I was on it, sexy woman, let me showninThey be want it two in the morninI'm zonin in them rosay bottles foaminShe wouldn't stop, made it dropShorty did that pop and lock,Had to break her off that gwapGah it was fly just like my glockApple Bottom JeansBoots with the furThe whole club wasShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smackShe hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowC'monhttp://music.baidu.com/song/595202842023-07-15 07:58:332
谁知道Low 是哪个唱的?
T-Pain 唱的,上面我打错了 And the Reeboks with the straps Apple Bottom Jeans Boots with the fur Shawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans She hit the flo She turned around and gave that big booty a smack She turned around and gave that big booty a smack 本站歌词来自互联网 The whole club was lookin at her Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low I ain"t never seen nuthin that"ll make me go, this crazy all night spendin my dough Had a million dollar vibe and a bottle to go Dem birthday cakes, they stole the show So sexual, she was flexible Professional, drinkin X and ooo Hold up wait a minute, do i see what I think I Whoa Did I think I seen shorty get low Ain"t the same when it"s up that close Make it rain, I"m makin it snow Work the pole, I got the bank roll Imma say that I prefer them no clothes I"m into that, I love women exposed She threw it back at me, I gave her more Cash ain"t a problem, I know where it goes She had them The whole club was lookin at her Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Hey Shawty what I gotta do to get you home My jeans full of gwap And they ready for Shones Cadillacs Maybachs for the sexy grown Patrone on the rocks that"ll make you moan One stack (come on) Two stacks (come on) Three stacks (come on, now that"s three grand) What you think I"m playin baby girl I"m the man, I"ll bend the rubber bands That"s what I told her, her legs on my shoulder I knew it was ova, that Henny and Cola Got me like a Soldier She ready for Rover, I couldn"t control her So lucky oo me, I was just like a clover Shorty was hot like a toaster Sorry but I had to fold her, Like a pornography poster She showed her The whole club was lookin at her Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Whoa Shawty Yea she was worth the money Lil mama took my cash, and I ain"t want it back, The way she bit that rag, got her them paper stacks, Tattoo of bubba cray, I had to handle that, I was on it, sexy woman, let me shownin They be want it two in the mornin I"m zonin in them rosay bottles foamin She wouldn"t stop, made it drop Shorty did that pop and lock, Had to break her off that gwap Gah it was fly just like my glock The whole club was lookin at her Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low C"mon END2023-07-15 07:58:401
什么叫半甜白葡萄酒 什么叫半甜白葡萄酒喝法
1、半甜白葡萄酒指的是含糖量在12~45g/L之间的白葡萄酒。半甜白葡萄酒酒液呈现出果绿色,果香浓郁,口感清爽,酸度较高,还带有略微的甜味,余味悠长。 2、在剩余糖分上,半甜型葡萄酒又高于半干型葡萄酒,一般含糖量在 12-45 g/L 之间。与半干型相似的是,这类葡萄酒依然多为白葡萄酒。由于颜色的不同,又分为半甜红葡萄酒、半甜白葡萄酒、半甜桃红葡萄酒。2023-07-15 07:58:461
歌曲名:Low 歌手名:Flo Rida ft.T-Pain Flo Rida ft. T-Pain - Low Shawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans Boots with the fur With the fur The whole club was lookin at her She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack Ayy She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low I ain"t never seen nuthin that"ll make me go, this crazy all night spendin my dough Had a million dollar vibe and a bottle to go Dem birthday cakes, they stole the show So sexual, she was flexible Professional, drinkin X and ooo Hold up wait a minute, do i see what I think I Whoa Did I think I seen shorty get low Ain"t the same when it"s up that close Make it rain, I"m makin it snow Work the pole, I got the bank roll Imma say that I prefer them no clothes I"m into that, I love women exposed She threw it back at me, I gave her more Cash ain"t a problem, I know where it goes She had them Apple Bottom Jeans Jeans Boots with the fur With the fur The whole club was lookin at her She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Hey Shawty what I gotta do to get you home My jeans full of gwap And they ready for Shones Cadillacs Maybachs for the sexy grown Patrone on the rocks that"ll make you moan One stack (come on) Two stacks (come on) Three stacks (come on, now that"s three grand) What you think I"m playin baby girl I"m the man, I"ll bend the rubber bands That"s what I told her, her legs on my shoulder I knew it was ova, that Henny and Cola Got me like a Soldier She ready for Rover, I couldn"t control her So lucky oo me, I was just like a clover Shorty was hot like a toaster Sorry but I had to fold her, Like a pornography poster She showed her Apple Bottom Jeans Jeans Boots with the fur With the fur The whole club was lookin at her She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack Ayy She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Whoa Shawty Yea she was worth the money Lil mama took my cash, and I ain"t want it back, The way she bit that rag, got her them paper stacks, Tattoo of bubba cray, I had to handle that, I was on it, sexy woman, let me shownin They be want it two in the mornin I"m zonin in them rosay bottles foamin She wouldn"t stop, made it drop Shorty did that pop and lock, Had to break her off that gwap Gah it was fly just like my glock Apple Bottom Jeans Boots with the fur The whole club was Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low C"mon2023-07-15 07:58:471
Low (Lp Version) 歌词
歌曲名:Low (Lp Version)歌手:Testament专辑:LowFlo-Rida - LowFeat. T-PainShawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans (Jeans)Boots with the fur (With the fur)She got the whole club lookin at herShe hit the flo (She hit the flo)Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps (With the straps)She turned around and gave that big booty a smack (Ayy)She hit the flo (She hit the flo)Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowI ain"t never seen nuthin that"ll make me go,this crazy all night spendin my doughHad a million dollar vibe and a bottle to goDem birthday cakes, they stole the showSo sexual, she was flexibleProfessional, drinkin X and oooHold up wait a minute, do i see what I think IWhoaDid I think I seen shorty get lowAin"t the same when it"s up that closeMake it rain, I"m makin it snowWork the pole, I got the bank rollImma say that I prefer them no clothesI"m into that, I love women exposedShe threw it back at me, I gave her moreCash ain"t a problem, I know where it goesShe had themApple Bottom Jeans (Jeans)Boots with the fur (With the fur)She got the whole club lookin at herShe hit the flo (She hit the flo)Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps (With the straps)She turned around and gave that big booty a smack(Ayy)She hit the flo (She hit the flo)Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowHeyShawty what I gotta do to get you homeMy jeans full of gwapAnd they ready for ShonesCadillacs Maybachs for the sexy grownPatrone on the rocks that"ll make you moanOne stack (come on)Two stacks (come on)Three stacks (come on, now that"s three grand)What you think I"m playin baby girlI"m the man, I"ll bend the rubber bandsThat"s what I told her, her legs on my shoulderI knew it was ova, that Henny and ColaGot me like a SoldierShe ready for Rover, I couldn"t control herSo lucky oo me, I was just like a cloverShorty was hot like a toasterSorry but I had to fold her,Like a pornography posterShe showed herApple Bottom Jeans (Jeans)Boots with the fur (With the fur)She got the whole club lookin at herShe hit the flo (She hit the flo)Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps (With the straps)She turned around and gave that big booty a smack (Ayy)She hit the flo (She hit the flo)Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowWhoaShawtyYea she was worth the moneyLil mama took my cash,and I ain"t want it back,The way she bit that rag,got her them paper stacks,Tattoo of above "er crack,I had to handle that,I was on it, sexy woman, let me showninThey be want it two in the morninI"m zonin in them rosay bottles foaminShe wouldn"t stop, made it dropShorty did that pop and lock,Had to break her off that gwapGah it was fly just like my glockApple Bottom Jeans (Jeans)Boots with the fur (With the fur)She got the whole club lookin at herShe hit the flo (She hit the flo)Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps (With the straps)She turned around and gave that big booty a smack (Ayy)She hit the flo (She hit the flo)Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowC"monhttp://music.baidu.com/song/79352202023-07-15 07:58:531
求T pain唱的《Low》的歌词!!!
歌曲名:Low歌手名:Flo Rida ft.T-PainFlo Rida ft. T-Pain - LowShawty had them Apple Bottom JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps With the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smack AyyShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowI ain"t never seen nuthin that"ll make me go,this crazy all night spendin my doughHad a million dollar vibe and a bottle to goDem birthday cakes, they stole the showSo sexual, she was flexibleProfessional, drinkin X and oooHold up wait a minute, do i see what I think IWhoaDid I think I seen shorty get lowAin"t the same when it"s up that closeMake it rain, I"m makin it snowWork the pole, I got the bank rollImma say that I prefer them no clothesI"m into that, I love women exposedShe threw it back at me, I gave her moreCash ain"t a problem, I know where it goesShe had themApple Bottom Jeans JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps With the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smackShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowHeyShawty what I gotta do to get you homeMy jeans full of gwapAnd they ready for ShonesCadillacs Maybachs for the sexy grownPatrone on the rocks that"ll make you moanOne stack (come on)Two stacks (come on)Three stacks (come on, now that"s three grand)What you think I"m playin baby girlI"m the man, I"ll bend the rubber bandsThat"s what I told her, her legs on my shoulderI knew it was ova, that Henny and ColaGot me like a SoldierShe ready for Rover, I couldn"t control herSo lucky oo me, I was just like a cloverShorty was hot like a toasterSorry but I had to fold her,Like a pornography posterShe showed herApple Bottom Jeans JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps With the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smack AyyShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowWhoaShawtyYea she was worth the moneyLil mama took my cash,and I ain"t want it back,The way she bit that rag,got her them paper stacks,Tattoo of bubba cray,I had to handle that,I was on it, sexy woman, let me showninThey be want it two in the morninI"m zonin in them rosay bottles foaminShe wouldn"t stop, made it dropShorty did that pop and lock,Had to break her off that gwapGah it was fly just like my glockApple Bottom JeansBoots with the furThe whole club wasNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smackShe hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowC"monEND2023-07-15 07:59:001
因为半甜葡萄酒发酵的过程中,葡萄中的果糖和葡萄糖会转化为酒精。要想保留一定的糖分,需要在发酵彻底完成前,终止发酵。可以在后期通过升高温度的方法杀死酵母菌,从而停止发酵。这样,半甜红葡萄酒就可以酿造出来了。 在剩余糖分上,半甜型葡萄酒高于半干型葡萄酒,一般含糖量在12-45g/L之间。与半干型相似的是,这类葡萄酒依然多为白葡萄酒。由于颜色的不同,又分为半甜红葡萄酒、半甜白葡萄酒、半甜桃红葡萄酒。饮用时有甘甜、爽顺感。与半干型相似的是,这类葡萄酒依然多为白葡萄酒。如果酸甜非常平衡,这类葡萄酒也不易感受到过于明显的甜味。2023-07-15 07:59:001
Low [Feat T-Pain] (Album Version) 歌词
歌曲名:Low [Feat T-Pain] (Album Version)歌手:Flo Rida专辑:Mail On SundayLowFlo Rida、t-painThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowShawty had them Apple Bottom JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowShawty had them Apple Bottom JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps With the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smack AyyShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowI ain't never seen nuthin that'll make me go,this crazy all night spendin my doughHad a million dollar vibe and a bottle to goDem birthday cakes, they stole the showSo sexual, she was flexibleProfessional, drinkin X and oooHold up wait a minute, do i see what I think IDid I think I seen shorty get lowAin't the same when it's up that closeMake it rain, I'm makin it snowWork the pole, I got the bank rollImma say that I prefer them no clothesI'm into that, I love women exposedShe threw it back at me, I gave her moreCash ain't a problem, I know where it goesShe had themApple Bottom Jeans JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps With the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smackShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low low what I gotta do to get you homeMy jeans full of gwapAnd they ready for ShonesCadillacs Maybachs for the sexy grownPatrone on the rocks that'll make you moanOne stack (come on)Two stacks (come on)Three stacks (come on, now that's three grand)What you think I'm playin baby girlI'm the man, I'll bend the rubber bandsThat's what I told her, her legs on my shoulderI knew it was ova, that Henny and ColaGot me like a SoldierShe ready for Rover, I couldn't control herSo lucky oo me, I was just like a cloverShorty was hot like a toasterSorry but I had to fold her,Like a pornography posterShe showed herApple Bottom Jeans JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps With the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smack AyyShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowWhoaShawtyYea she was worth the moneyLil mama took my cash,and I ain't want it back,The way she bit that rag,got her them paper stacks,Tattoo of bubba cray,I had to handle that,I was on it, sexy woman, let me showninThey be want it two in the morninI'm zonin in them rosay bottles foaminShe wouldn't stop, made it dropShorty did that pop and lock,Had to break her off that gwapGah it was fly just like my glockApple Bottom JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smackShe hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowC'monhttp://music.baidu.com/song/84832642023-07-15 07:59:071
有首英文歌叫Low。 是一男一女一起唱的。
Right Round -Flo Rida2023-07-15 07:59:156
能力强。2021年1月,杭州卷烟厂承担的浙江中烟工业有限责任公司重点科技项目细支卷烟制造工艺设备能力优化获得浙江中烟科技进步二等奖。浙江中烟工业有限责任公司成立于2007年11月,由浙江中烟工业公司更名改制而来。2023-07-15 07:59:171
能。根据查询相关信息显示,浙江中烟根据应聘者的考试成绩、考察情况和体检结果等确定拟录用人员名单,在中国烟草总公司人才招聘平台和浙江中烟工业有限责任公司网站进行公示,公示期为5个工作日。公示期满,对拟录用人选没有异议或反映有问题经查实不影响录用的,按规定办理相关录用手续,应聘者放弃或被取消入围、录用资格,或体检出现不合格者,我司有权决定是否安排人员递补或削减招聘人数。需要递补的,有关岗位均根据总成绩从到低分依次进行,出现总分同分情形将按面试成绩高低决定递补人选。2023-07-15 07:59:241
Low [Feat. T-Pain] [Travis Barker Remix] 歌词
歌曲名:Low [Feat. T-Pain] [Travis Barker Remix]歌手:Flo Rida专辑:Elevator [Feat. Timbaland]FloRida(ft. T-Pain) - Low只听欧美滴!Shawty had them Apple Bottom JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps With the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smack AyyShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowI ain't never seen nuthin that'll make me go,this crazy all night spendin my doughHad a million dollar vibe and a bottle to goDem birthday cakes, they stole the showSo sexual, she was flexibleProfessional, drinkin X and oooHold up wait a minute, do i see what I think IWhoaDid I think I seen shorty get lowAin't the same when it's up that closeMake it rain, I'm makin it snowWork the pole, I got the bank rollImma say that I prefer them no clothesI'm into that, I love women exposedShe threw it back at me, I gave her moreCash ain't a problem, I know where it goesShe had themApple Bottom Jeans JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps With the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smackShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowHeyShawty what I gotta do to get you homeMy jeans full of gwapAnd they ready for ShonesCadillacs Maybachs for the sexy grownPatrone on the rocks that'll make you moanOne stack (come on)Two stacks (come on)Three stacks (come on, now that's three grand)What you think I'm playin baby girlI'm the man, I'll bend the rubber bandsThat's what I told her, her legs on my shoulderI knew it was ova, that Henny and ColaGot me like a SoldierShe ready for Rover, I couldn't control herSo lucky oo me, I was just like a cloverShorty was hot like a toasterSorry but I had to fold her,Like a pornography posterShe showed herApple Bottom Jeans JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps With the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smack AyyShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowWhoaShawtyYea she was worth the moneyLil mama took my cash,and I ain't want it back,The way she bit that rag,got her them paper stacks,Tattoo of bubba cray,I had to handle that,I was on it, sexy woman, let me showninThey be want it two in the morninI'm zonin in them rosay bottles foaminShe wouldn't stop, made it dropShorty did that pop and lock,Had to break her off that gwapGah it was fly just like my glockApple Bottom JeansBoots with the furThe whole club wasShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smackShe hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowC'monShaGuar制作http://music.baidu.com/song/83980092023-07-15 07:59:281
一周内。浙江中烟工业有限责任公司成立于1993年02月09日,是经过国家注册并且认证的企业,注册地位于杭州市中山南路,法定代表人为许明忠。经营范围包括烟草生产销售,卷烟出口、雪茄烟出口、烟叶出口、烟丝出口等,经查询该企业的招聘信息可知,应聘者需要先进行面试,体检合格后,在一周之内通知参加岗前培训,培训通过后办理入职手续。国家正常上班时间。早八点半到十二点。下午两点半到六点。节假日休息。2023-07-15 07:59:331
Low (feat T-Pain) 歌词
Flo Rida ft. T-Pain - LowShawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans Boots with the fur The whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack She hit the flo Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowI ain"t never seen nuthin that"ll make me go,this crazy all night spendin my doughHad a million dollar vibe and a bottle to goDem birthday cakes, they stole the showSo sexual, she was flexibleProfessional, drinkin X and oooHold up wait a minute, do i see what I think IWhoaDid I think I seen shorty get lowAin"t the same when it"s up that closeMake it rain, I"m makin it snowWork the pole, I got the bank rollImma say that I prefer them no clothesI"m into that, I love women exposedShe threw it back at me, I gave her moreCash ain"t a problem, I know where it goesShe had themApple Bottom Jeans Boots with the fur The whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smackShe hit the flo Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowHeyShawty what I gotta do to get you homeMy jeans full of gwapAnd they ready for ShonesCadillacs Maybachs for the sexy grownPatrone on the rocks that"ll make you moanOne stack (come on)Two stacks (come on)Three stacks (come on, now that"s three grand)What you think I"m playin baby girlI"m the man, I"ll bend the rubber bandsThat"s what I told her, her legs on my shoulderI knew it was ova, that Henny and ColaGot me like a SoldierShe ready for Rover, I couldn"t control herSo lucky oo me, I was just like a cloverShorty was hot like a toasterSorry but I had to fold her,Like a pornography posterShe showed herApple Bottom Jeans Boots with the fur The whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack She hit the flo Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowWhoaShawtyYea she was worth the moneyLil mama took my cash,and I ain"t want it back,The way she bit that rag,got her them paper stacks,Tattoo of bubba cray,I had to handle that,I was on it, sexy woman, let me showninThey be want it two in the morninI"m zonin in them rosay bottles foaminShe wouldn"t stop, made it dropShorty did that pop and lock,Had to break her off that gwapGah it was fly just like my glockApple Bottom Jeans Boots with the fur The whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack She hit the flo Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowC"monEND2023-07-15 07:59:472
歌曲名:Low 歌手名:Flo Rida ft.T-Pain Flo Rida ft. T-Pain - Low Shawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans Boots with the fur With the fur The whole club was lookin at her She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack Ayy She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low I ain"t never seen nuthin that"ll make me go, this crazy all night spendin my dough Had a million dollar vibe and a bottle to go Dem birthday cakes, they stole the show So sexual, she was flexible Professional, drinkin X and ooo Hold up wait a minute, do i see what I think I Whoa Did I think I seen shorty get low Ain"t the same when it"s up that close Make it rain, I"m makin it snow Work the pole, I got the bank roll Imma say that I prefer them no clothes I"m into that, I love women exposed She threw it back at me, I gave her more Cash ain"t a problem, I know where it goes She had them Apple Bottom Jeans Jeans Boots with the fur With the fur The whole club was lookin at her She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Hey Shawty what I gotta do to get you home My jeans full of gwap And they ready for Shones Cadillacs Maybachs for the sexy grown Patrone on the rocks that"ll make you moan One stack (come on) Two stacks (come on) Three stacks (come on, now that"s three grand) What you think I"m playin baby girl I"m the man, I"ll bend the rubber bands That"s what I told her, her legs on my shoulder I knew it was ova, that Henny and Cola Got me like a Soldier She ready for Rover, I couldn"t control her So lucky oo me, I was just like a clover Shorty was hot like a toaster Sorry but I had to fold her, Like a pornography poster She showed her Apple Bottom Jeans Jeans Boots with the fur With the fur The whole club was lookin at her She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack Ayy She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Whoa Shawty Yea she was worth the money Lil mama took my cash, and I ain"t want it back, The way she bit that rag, got her them paper stacks, Tattoo of bubba cray, I had to handle that, I was on it, sexy woman, let me shownin They be want it two in the mornin I"m zonin in them rosay bottles foamin She wouldn"t stop, made it drop Shorty did that pop and lock, Had to break her off that gwap Gah it was fly just like my glock Apple Bottom Jeans Boots with the fur The whole club was Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low C"mon2023-07-15 07:57:561
含糖量不一样呗干红是一升酒含糖量4克以下,基本尝不出甜味半干红是一升酒含糖量4-12克,有点甜半甜红是一升酒含糖量12-50克,甜的甜红是一升酒含糖量58克以上,很甜2023-07-15 07:57:491
歌曲名:Low 歌手名:Flo Rida ft.T-Pain Flo Rida ft. T-Pain - Low Shawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans Boots with the fur With the fur The whole club was lookin at her She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack Ayy She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low I ain"t never seen nuthin that"ll make me go, this crazy all night spendin my dough Had a million dollar vibe and a bottle to go Dem birthday cakes, they stole the show So sexual, she was flexible Professional, drinkin X and ooo Hold up wait a minute, do i see what I think I Whoa Did I think I seen shorty get low Ain"t the same when it"s up that close Make it rain, I"m makin it snow Work the pole, I got the bank roll Imma say that I prefer them no clothes I"m into that, I love women exposed She threw it back at me, I gave her more Cash ain"t a problem, I know where it goes She had them Apple Bottom Jeans Jeans Boots with the fur With the fur The whole club was lookin at her She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Hey Shawty what I gotta do to get you home My jeans full of gwap And they ready for Shones Cadillacs Maybachs for the sexy grown Patrone on the rocks that"ll make you moan One stack (come on) Two stacks (come on) Three stacks (come on, now that"s three grand) What you think I"m playin baby girl I"m the man, I"ll bend the rubber bands That"s what I told her, her legs on my shoulder I knew it was ova, that Henny and Cola Got me like a Soldier She ready for Rover, I couldn"t control her So lucky oo me, I was just like a clover Shorty was hot like a toaster Sorry but I had to fold her, Like a pornography poster She showed her Apple Bottom Jeans Jeans Boots with the fur With the fur The whole club was lookin at her She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack Ayy She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Whoa Shawty Yea she was worth the money Lil mama took my cash, and I ain"t want it back, The way she bit that rag, got her them paper stacks, Tattoo of bubba cray, I had to handle that, I was on it, sexy woman, let me shownin They be want it two in the mornin I"m zonin in them rosay bottles foamin She wouldn"t stop, made it drop Shorty did that pop and lock, Had to break her off that gwap Gah it was fly just like my glock Apple Bottom Jeans Boots with the fur The whole club was Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low C"mon2023-07-15 07:57:491
歌曲名:Low 歌手名:Flo Rida ft.T-Pain Flo Rida ft. T-Pain - Low Shawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans Boots with the fur With the fur The whole club was lookin at her She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack Ayy She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low I ain"t never seen nuthin that"ll make me go, this crazy all night spendin my dough Had a million dollar vibe and a bottle to go Dem birthday cakes, they stole the show So sexual, she was flexible Professional, drinkin X and ooo Hold up wait a minute, do i see what I think I Whoa Did I think I seen shorty get low Ain"t the same when it"s up that close Make it rain, I"m makin it snow Work the pole, I got the bank roll Imma say that I prefer them no clothes I"m into that, I love women exposed She threw it back at me, I gave her more Cash ain"t a problem, I know where it goes She had them Apple Bottom Jeans Jeans Boots with the fur With the fur The whole club was lookin at her She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Hey Shawty what I gotta do to get you home My jeans full of gwap And they ready for Shones Cadillacs Maybachs for the sexy grown Patrone on the rocks that"ll make you moan One stack (come on) Two stacks (come on) Three stacks (come on, now that"s three grand) What you think I"m playin baby girl I"m the man, I"ll bend the rubber bands That"s what I told her, her legs on my shoulder I knew it was ova, that Henny and Cola Got me like a Soldier She ready for Rover, I couldn"t control her So lucky oo me, I was just like a clover Shorty was hot like a toaster Sorry but I had to fold her, Like a pornography poster She showed her Apple Bottom Jeans Jeans Boots with the fur With the fur The whole club was lookin at her She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack Ayy She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Whoa Shawty Yea she was worth the money Lil mama took my cash, and I ain"t want it back, The way she bit that rag, got her them paper stacks, Tattoo of bubba cray, I had to handle that, I was on it, sexy woman, let me shownin They be want it two in the mornin I"m zonin in them rosay bottles foamin She wouldn"t stop, made it drop Shorty did that pop and lock, Had to break her off that gwap Gah it was fly just like my glock Apple Bottom Jeans Boots with the fur The whole club was Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low C"mon2023-07-15 07:57:431
包边胶tie-instrip保留生产轮胎reservedoldseriesoftyre层级plyrating层数numberofplies常压轮胎atomosphericpressuretyre超低断面轮胎superlowsectiontyre充气轮胎pneumatictyre带束层belt导电实心轮胎conductivesolidtyre低断面轮胎lowsectiontyre调压轮胎adjustableinflationtyre定向花纹directionaltreadpattern断面高度sectionheight断面宽度sectionwidth防擦线kerbingrib非粘结式实心轮胎pressedonsolidtyre封口胶sealingrubber钢丝包胶wirecovering钢丝圈beadring高负荷实心轮胎highloadcapacitysolidtyre高宽比(H/S)aspectratio(H/S)隔离胶insulationrubber公路花纹highwaytreadpattern拱形轮胎archtyre骨架材料frameworkmaterial光胎面smoothtread海棉轮胎foamfilledtyre横向花纹transversepattern花纹沟groove花纹加强盘tie-barofpattern花纹角度patternangle花纹块patternblock花纹条patternrib花纹纹深度patterndepth花纹细缝patternsipe花纹展开图patternplan缓冲层breaker缓冲胶片breakerstrip混合花纹dualpurposetreadpattern活胎面轮胎removabletreadtyre浇注轮胎casttyre抗静电实心轮胎anti-staticsolidtyre可选择的胎圈座轮廓beadseatoptionalcontours宽基轮胎widebasetyre帘面层cordply轮胎tyre(tire)轮胎标志tyremarking轮胎规格tyresize轮胎系列tyreseries内衬层insideliner内胎innertube内胎胎身tubebody内支撑轮胎internalsupportertyre耐油实心轮胎oil-resistancesolidtyre平峰型flathump(FH)普通断面轮胎conventionalsectiontyre气密层innerliner屈挠区flexingarea三角胶apex沙漠轮胎sandtyre实心轮胎solidtyre水胎curingbag速度符号speedsymbol胎侧sidewall胎侧胶sidewallrubber胎冠crown胎肩shoulder胎肩垫胶shoulderwedge胎肩区shoulderarea胎里tyrecavity胎面tread胎面过渡胶transitionrubberoftread胎面花纹treadpattern胎面基部treadbase胎面基部胶treadslabbase胎面磨耗标志treadwearindicator胎面行驶面treadcap胎圈bead胎圈包布chafer胎圈补强带beadreinforcingstrip胎圈底部beadbase胎圈外护胶beadfillerrubber胎圈芯beadcore胎圈座beadseat胎圈座角度beatseatangle胎圈座宽度beadseatwidth胎圈座圆角半径beadseatradius胎体carcass胎趾beadtoe胎踵beadheel特殊座架specialledge(SL)凸峰型roundhump(RH)椭圆形轮胎ellipticaltyre外胎cover外直径overalldiameter完带层capply无内胎轮胎tubelesstyre斜底实心轮胎conicalbasesolidtyre斜交轮胎diagonaltyre新胎newtyre雪泥花纹mudandsnowpattern有内胎轮胎tubedtyre圆柱实心轮胎cylindricalbasesolidtyre越野花纹cross-countrytreadpattern越野轮胎cross-countrytyre粘结式实心轮胎curedonsolidtyre胀大轮胎growntyre装配线fittingline装饰胎侧decorativesidewall装饰线decorativerib2023-07-15 07:57:361
英文歌曲low 的歌词
歌曲名:Low 歌手名:Flo Rida ft.T-Pain Flo Rida ft. T-Pain - Low Shawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans Boots with the fur With the fur The whole club was lookin at her She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack Ayy She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low I ain"t never seen nuthin that"ll make me go, this crazy all night spendin my dough Had a million dollar vibe and a bottle to go Dem birthday cakes, they stole the show So sexual, she was flexible Professional, drinkin X and ooo Hold up wait a minute, do i see what I think I Whoa Did I think I seen shorty get low Ain"t the same when it"s up that close Make it rain, I"m makin it snow Work the pole, I got the bank roll Imma say that I prefer them no clothes I"m into that, I love women exposed She threw it back at me, I gave her more Cash ain"t a problem, I know where it goes She had them Apple Bottom Jeans Jeans Boots with the fur With the fur The whole club was lookin at her She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Hey Shawty what I gotta do to get you home My jeans full of gwap And they ready for Shones Cadillacs Maybachs for the sexy grown Patrone on the rocks that"ll make you moan One stack (come on) Two stacks (come on) Three stacks (come on, now that"s three grand) What you think I"m playin baby girl I"m the man, I"ll bend the rubber bands That"s what I told her, her legs on my shoulder I knew it was ova, that Henny and Cola Got me like a Soldier She ready for Rover, I couldn"t control her So lucky oo me, I was just like a clover Shorty was hot like a toaster Sorry but I had to fold her, Like a pornography poster She showed her Apple Bottom Jeans Jeans Boots with the fur With the fur The whole club was lookin at her She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack Ayy She hit the flo She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Whoa Shawty Yea she was worth the money Lil mama took my cash, and I ain"t want it back, The way she bit that rag, got her them paper stacks, Tattoo of bubba cray, I had to handle that, I was on it, sexy woman, let me shownin They be want it two in the mornin I"m zonin in them rosay bottles foamin She wouldn"t stop, made it drop Shorty did that pop and lock, Had to break her off that gwap Gah it was fly just like my glock Apple Bottom Jeans Boots with the fur The whole club was Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low Them baggy sweat pants And the Reeboks with the straps She turned around and gave that big booty a smack She hit the flo Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low C"mon END《Low》 Everybody""s talkin"" But they don""t say a thing They look at me with sad eyes but I don""t want the sympathy It""s cool you didn""t want me Sometimes you can""t go back Why""d you have to go and make a mess like that? Well I Just have to say Before I let go... Have you ever been low? Have you ever had a friend that let you down so? When the truth came out Were you the last to know? Were you left out in the cold? What you did was low No I don""t need your number There""s nothing left to say ""Cept I never thought it""d hurt this much to be safe My friends are outside waiting I""ve gotta go Have you ever been low? (have you ever been) Have you ever had a friend let you down so? When the truth came out Were you the last to know? Were you left out in the cold? ""Cause what you did was low What you did was low What you did was low What you did was low I walk out of this darkness With no sense of regret And I""m going on precautious We both know that you can""t say that This to show For all the time I loved you so So... Have you ever been low? (have you ever been) Have you ever had a friend that let you down so? When the truth came out Were you the last to know? Were you left out in the cold? ""Cause what you did was low Have you ever been low? (have you ever been) Have you ever had a friend that let you down so? When the truth came out Were you the last to know? Were you left out in the cold? ""Cause what you did was low Have you ever been low? (have you ever been) Have you ever had a friend that let you down so? ""Cause what you did was low...看看是哪首.2023-07-15 07:57:271
配甜点,能够化去油腻,并共同存托出面点和酒的2种甜味2023-07-15 07:57:243
1、干型葡萄酒的含糖量在4.0g/L以下。由于这种类型的酒含糖量低,没有甜味,所以更多地表现出葡萄的果香、发酵产生的酒香和陈酿留下的醇香。传统意义上的葡萄酒都是甜型葡萄酒,含糖量都在50.0g/L以上。 2、半甜葡萄酒发酵的过程中,葡萄中的果糖和葡萄糖会转化为酒精。要想保留一定的糖分,需要在发酵彻底完成前,终止发酵。可以在后期通过升高温度的方法杀死酵母菌,从而停止发酵。这样,半甜红葡萄酒就可以酿造出来了。2023-07-15 07:57:081
shoulder平季 low season淡季 high season旺季都是关于旅游的~~~~~~~~2023-07-15 07:57:062
low shoulder的through the trees下载地址??
电驴上有Jennifer"s Body的原声大碟下,第6首就是low shoulder的through the trees.我也很喜欢这歌。正在找MV2023-07-15 07:56:581
红酒就是葡萄酒,严格来讲,红酒是红葡萄酒的简称。一: 什么是红酒:需要说明的是,所谓的红酒,或者叫红葡萄酒,并非指葡萄酒的颜色,而是指酿制葡萄酒的葡萄肉质的颜色, 换句话说,红酒(或者红葡萄酒)的颜色并非绝对就是“红色”的。二: 葡萄酒的分类(按颜色划分):如果按照葡萄酒的颜色分类的话,可以分为:1、白葡萄酒:选择用白葡萄或浅色果皮的酿酒葡萄。经过皮汁分离,取其果汁进行发酵酿制而成的葡萄酒,这类酒的色泽: 应近似无色,浅黄带绿,浅黄,禾杆 黄,金黄色。颜色过深不符合臼葡萄酒色 泽要求。2、红葡萄酒:(也就是红酒):选择用皮红肉白或肉皆红的酿酒葡萄。采用皮、汁混合发酵,然后进行分离 陈酿而成的葡萄酒,这类酒的色泽应呈自然宝石红色。紫红色、石榴红色、失去自然感的红色不符合红葡萄酒色泽要求。3、桃红葡萄酒:这种酒是介于红、白葡萄酒之间。选用皮红肉白的混合发酵达到色泽要求-皮渣,继续发酵,陈酿成为桃红葡萄酒酒的色泽应该是桃红色、或玫瑰红、淡红色。红酒(Red wine)是葡萄酒的一种,并不一定特指红葡萄酒。红酒的成分相当简单,是经自然发酵酿造出来的果酒,含有最多的是葡萄汁,葡萄酒有许多分类方式。以成品颜色来说,可分为红葡萄酒、白葡萄酒及粉红葡萄酒三类。其中红葡萄酒又可细分为干红葡萄酒、半干红葡萄酒、半甜红葡萄酒和甜红葡萄酒,白葡萄酒则细分为干白葡萄酒、半干白葡萄酒、半甜白葡萄酒和甜白葡萄酒。粉红葡萄酒也叫桃红酒、玫瑰红酒。杨梅酿制的叫做杨梅红酒。还有一种蓝莓酿制的蓝莓红酒。扩展资料:红酒的成分相当简单,是经自然发酵酿造出来的果酒,含有最多的是葡萄汁,占80%以上,其次是经葡萄里面的糖份自然发酵而成的酒精,一般在10%至30%,剩余的物质超过1000种,比较重要的有300多种,红酒其他重要的成分有酒石酸,果胶,矿物质和单宁酸等。虽然这些物质所占的比例不高,却是酒质优劣的决定性因素。质优味美的红酒,是因为它们能呈现一种组织结构的平衡,使人在味觉上有无穷的享受。葡萄种类方面,酿制红酒的葡萄种类有设拉子(Syrah或Shiraz)、卡本纳苏维翁 (Cabernet Sauvignon )、梅洛(Merlot)等等。红酒的标签上常出现这些名称,就是指采用的葡萄的品种。有些红酒是由单一种葡萄酿制,有些还是由2~3种葡萄酿制,酿出来的红酒口味也就有所不同。单一或混合葡萄品种酿制的红酒都是一样的好,只是适合不同消费者的口味而已。参考资料:百度百科-红酒2023-07-15 07:56:531
Lei Fang基本打击技技名 指令 属性 DAMAGE单鞭 P 上 10懒扎衣 ↘P 中 20双通炮 ↓P 下 5蹴脚 K 上 28撑脚 ↘K 中 25下撑脚 ↓K 下 10背后打击技技名 指令 属性 DAMAGE转身单鞭 P 上 12后招 ↓P 中 16转身下势单鞭 (↓)P 下 12转身蹴脚 K 上 30转身撑脚 ↓K 中 25转身下撑脚 (↓)K 下 23闪通背 P+K 中 38跳跃打击技技名 指令 属性 DAMAGE飞翔捶击 (前跳中)P 中 15飞翔撑脚 (前跳中)K 中 30飞翔双按 (前跳著地时)P 上 22飞翔跌 (前跳著地时)K 下 25飞上捶击 (垂直跳跃中)P 中 15飞上撑脚 (垂直跳跃中)K 中 30飞上双按 (垂直跳跃著地时)P 上 22飞上跌 (垂直跳跃著地时)K 下 25退身双按 (后跳著地时)P 上 22退身穿宫腿 (后跳著地时)K 中 20起身打击技技名 指令 属性 DAMAGE通常起身HIGH KICK (仰向中脚向对手时)K 中 20通常起身LOW KICK (仰向中脚向对手时)(↓)K 下 20通常起身HIGH KICK (俯向中脚向对手时)K 中 20通常起身LOW KICK (俯向中脚向对手时)(↓)K 下 20通常起身HIGH KICK (仰向中头向对手时)K 中 20通常起身LOW KICK (仰向中头向对手时)(↓)K 下 20通常起身HIGH KICK (俯向中头向对手时)K 中 20通常起身LOW KICK (俯向中脚向对手时)(↓)K 下 20固有打击技技名 指令 属性 DAMAGE前招 ↗P 中 25斜飞肘击 ↑P 上 181)踹脚 ↗K 中 232)二起脚 ↗K.K (中.上) 25转身摆莲脚 ↖K 上 34双按 →→P 中 26双风贯耳 →←P 上 25七寸靠 ←→P 中 40上 20金鸡独立 P+K 中 25跌 ↓↓K 下 251)肘击 →P 中 17上 202)连肘击 →P.K 中中 25掩手捶 ←←P 上 261)抱头推山 ←P 中 222)抱头推山.前招 ←P.P 中.中 251)揪地龙 ↙P 中 182)上步七星 ↙P.P 中.中 28小擒打 ↓↘→P 中 321)击地捶 ↘↘P 下 202)击地踹脚 ↘↘P.K 下.中 233)击地二起脚 ↘↘P.K.K 下.(中.上) 252)击地背折靠 ↘↘P.P+K 下.中 35侧踹脚 →K 上 24分脚 →→K 中 32摆脚 ↑K 上 241)挂面脚 ←K 上 302)穿宫腿 ←K.K 上.中 203)穿宫连腿 ←K.K.↓K 上.中.下 121)斧刃脚 ↙K 下 122)斧刃跌 (↙)K.K 下.下 231)(撑脚) ↘K 中 252)撑脚.背折靠 ↘K.P+K 中.中 35抱虎归山 →P+K 上 221)(懒扎衣) ↘P 中 201)(转身单鞭) P 上 121)(单鞭) P 上 101)翻身单鞭 ↖P 中 292)高探马 P.P (上.上) 123)连环小擒打 P.P.P (上.上).中 323)玉女穿梭 P.P.→P 上.上).中 20上 204)连环金鸡独立 P.P.→P.K (上.上).中中 253)连环抱头推山 P.P.←P (上.上).中 224)连环前招 P.P.←P.P (上.上).中.中 253)连环蹴脚 P.P.K (上.上).上 254)连环连蹴脚 P.P.K.K (上.上).上.上 284)连环穿宫腿 P.P.K.↓K (上.上).上.中 203)连环跌 P.P.↓K (上.上).下 252)青龙出水 P.(↘)P (上.中) 203)青龙双按 P.(↘)P.P (上.中).中 263)青龙背折靠 P.(↘)P.P+K (上.中).中 352)单鞭.挂面脚 P.K (上.上) 303)单鞭.穿宫腿 P.K.K (上.上).中 204)单鞭.穿宫连腿 P.K.K.↓K (上.上).中.下 151)(蹴脚) K 上 282)连蹴脚 K.K 上.上 322)蹴脚.穿宫腿 K.↓K 上.中 20白鹤惊狩 ←P+K 上 20当头炮 ↙P+K 中 34背折靠 ↓P+K 中 35旋风脚 F+K 中 35投技技名 指令 属性 属性2 DAMAGE倒转猴 F+P 上段 正面 42野马分双 ←F+P 上段 正面 46回身推肘 (近壁时)←F+P 上段 正面 0倒卷靠 ↘F+P 上段 正面 20+32撇身捶 ←→F+P 上段 正面 55搂膝拗步 →→F+P 上段 正面 25+25(跳跃中)F+P搂膝压身靠 (近壁时)→→F+P 上段 正面 25+351)挑手打胸 ↓↘→F+P 上段 正面 482)太公钓鱼 (挑手打胸中)←F+P 衍生 衍生 203)连.太公钓鱼 (太公钓鱼中)→→F+P 衍生 衍生 323)托肘肩靠 (太公钓鱼中)←→F+P 衍生 衍生 28里拧臂摔 ↓↙←F+P 上段 正面 15+47托肘背摔 (对手背后)F+P 上段 背后 55上步靠 (对手背后)→→F+P 上段 背后 58(对手背后跳跃中)F+P膝顶后摆脚 (对手背后)↓↘→F+P 上段 背后 30+30统一根 ↓F+P(下段投) 下段 正面 10+20+28金鸡独立 ↙F+P(下段投) 下段 正面 62(跳跃中)↓F+P(下段投)提手上势 (对手背后)↓F+P(下段投) 下段 背后 65(对手背后跳跃中)↓F+P(下段投)HOLD技技名 指令 属性 DAMAGE转旋扫腿 →↖F(对敌上段P系打击) 上PDH 62搂腿撑裆 →↖F(对敌上段K系打击) 上KDH 32+30撇身击 →←F(对敌中段P系打击) 中PDH 62撇身背折靠 (近壁时)→←F(对敌中段P系打击) 中PDH 30+42回挤 ←→F(对敌中段K系打击) 中KDH 0双摆脚 →↙F(对敌下段P系打击) 下PDH 62抱腿缲脚 →↙F(对敌下段K系打击) 下KDH 62采列 ←↗F(对敌上∕中段P系打击) 上∕中DH 0掤势 ←↗F(对敌上∕中段K系打击) 上∕中DH 0履势 ←↗F(对敌上∕中段K系打击) 下段DH 0化推 ←↘F(对敌下段K系打击) 下段DH 0DOWN攻击技技名 指令 DAMAGE落双捶击 ↑P+K 18落双捶击 ↓K 15特殊行动技技名 指令 DAMAGEAPPEAL:迎身势 ←→←F+P+K 0APPEAL「无用呢」 ↓↓F+P+K 0APPEAL「好~啦!」 →←→F+P+K 0APPEAL「无用呢」 ←←F+P+K 0TAG协力技技名 指令 属性 属性2 DAMAGE天仰龙脚 (TAG PARTNER JANN LEE时)→→F+P+K 上段 正面 20+50撇身击 (JANN LEE以外TAG PARTNER时)→→F+P+K 上段 正面 62←F+P+K 上段 正面 622023-07-15 07:56:342
1.轻饮料葡萄酒(或无泡酒)。分红、白二色。产地有波尔多(bordeaux),布根地(burgundy),意大利(italy),莱茵河(rhine)莫塞儿(moselle),亚耳沙蒂(alsatian),西班牙(spain),葡萄牙(portugal),匈牙利(tokan)美国(u.s.)等地。这类酒被称为桌酒(table wine)酒精含量为14度以下。 2.起泡葡萄酒(sparking),产地有香槟(champagne),布根地(burgundy),莫塞儿(moselle),美国等。酒精含量不超过14度。 营养运动营养菜 3.加强葡萄酒(fortified)。种类有些厘(sherry),钵堤(port),马得拉(madeira),马沙拉(marsala),马拉加(malaga)等。酒精含量由14度至24度。 4.加香料葡萄酒(aromatized)。有意大利和法国产的红、白威末酒(vermouth),以及有奎宁味的葡萄酒等。酒精含量由15.5至20度。 葡萄酒按酒的色泽分为红葡萄酒、白葡萄酒、桃红葡萄酒三大类。 根据葡萄酒的含糖量,又可分为干红葡萄酒、半干红葡萄酒、半甜红葡萄酒和甜红葡萄酒。白葡萄酒也可按同样的方法细分为干白葡萄酒、半干白葡萄酒、半甜白葡萄酒和甜白葡萄酒。 按照国家标准,各种葡萄酒的含糖量如下所述: 干葡萄酒,含糖(以葡萄糖计)小于或等于4.0 g/L; 半干葡萄酒,含糖在4.1~12.0 g/L; 半甜葡萄酒,含糖在12.1~50.1 g/L; 甜葡萄酒,含糖等于或大于50.1 g/L。 按酒中二氧化碳的压力分为三类: 无气葡萄酒(still wine)(包括加香葡萄酒),这种葡萄酒不含有自身发酵产生的二氧化碳或人工添加的二氧化碳。 起泡葡萄酒(sparkling wine),这种葡萄酒中所含的二氧化碳是以葡萄酒加糖再发酵而产生的或用人工方法压入的,其酒中的二氧化碳含量在20℃时保持压力0.35 MPa(3.5 bar)以上,酒精度不低于8%(v/v)。香槟酒属于起泡葡萄酒,在法国规定只有在香槟省出产的起泡葡萄酒才能称为香槟酒。 葡萄汽酒,葡萄酒中的二氧化碳是发酵产生的或是人工方法加入的,其酒中二氧化碳含量在20℃时保持压力0.0510~0.25 MPa (0.51~2.5 bar),酒精度不低于4%(v/v)。 此外,葡萄酒经过再加工,还可生产加香葡萄酒和白兰地。根据品种的不同,生产技术也有所不同。 加香葡萄酒也称开胃酒,是在葡萄酒中添加少量可食用并起增香作用的物质,混合而成的葡萄酒。按葡萄酒中所添加的主要呈香物质的不同可分为苦味型、花香型、果香型和芳香型。我国的味美思酒就属于这种类型。 白兰地是葡萄酒经过蒸馏而制得的蒸馏酒。有些白兰地也可用其它水果酿成的酒制成,但需冠以原料水果的名称,如樱桃白兰地、苹果白兰地和李子白兰地。2023-07-15 07:56:322
Flo Rida Low 是什么时候出的啊?
《Low》这首超级单曲来自当时的佛州新人Flo Fida和T-Pain合作之手收录在Flo Rida 2008年的第一张专辑《Mail On Sunday》这首单曲在Billboard单曲榜夺得10周冠军Billboard年度单曲第一名!相当牛逼!2023-07-15 07:56:252
1957半甜型红酒微甜。根据查询相关公开信息,半甜红葡萄酒也是葡萄酒中的一种,相比普通的葡萄酒,半甜红葡萄酒的甜度就跟它的名称一样没有那么甜。而也正因此半甜红葡萄酒在葡萄酒的市场中占据了一席之地,也是深得人们的喜爱。这一款葡萄酒适宜不爱喝甜的人士饮用。2023-07-15 07:56:241
最简单的方法就是用谷歌翻译,然后自己看一遍在修改一下就差不多了2023-07-15 07:56:192
这款酒属于一款低端入门级的葡萄酒,这酒价值和品质都一般,国内合理价位应该在30-50元左右。2023-07-15 07:56:161