是穿靴子的猫吧 主题曲是《Americano》
Americanouff0cLady Gaga
ni?o,ni?a: 通常指的是婴儿或国小的小男生或女生muchacho, muchacha:青少年,青少女;小姑娘,美眉或小帅哥的腻称chico,chica: 青少年,青少女或对advlt2023-07-02 23:01:311
bueno no se como explicarte pero las palabras que van masculino siempre tendrian que ser igual , y los femeninos tambien , pero en cierto caso puede ser los dos . me comprendes .. 他们说的是对的,2023-07-02 23:01:414
你好的意思。语法:用作感叹词主要用于熟人间打招呼——“喂”,常可音译为“哈罗”,Los Lamentos se utilizan principalmente para saludar a los conocidos, "hola",也可用于呼叫远处的熟人或陌生人,以引起注意,还可作为打电话时呼叫对方之用语。例句:"Hola, chicos!"La mujer les dijo con una sonrisa.-"Hola!"Dijeron en voz alta.“嘿,你们好!”那个女人笑着对他们说。——“你好!”他们齐声说。近义词:hello英/ hu0259u02c8lu0259u028a /美/ hu0259u02c8lu0259u028a /int.喂,你好(用于问候或打招呼);喂,你好(打电话时的招呼语);喂,你好(引起别人注意的招呼语);<非正式>喂,嘿 (认为别人说了蠢话或分心);<英,旧>嘿(表示惊讶)。n.招呼,问候;(Hello)(法、印、美、俄)埃洛(人名)。v.说(或大声说)“喂”;打招呼。短语1、Hello Kitty凯蒂猫 ; 吉蒂猫2、Hello Neighbor你好邻居2023-07-02 23:01:561
不知道,不过我觉得美国的地方美食应该有很多种类,因为不同的地方人们的饮食习惯不一样,口味也不同。2023-07-02 23:02:136
只是西班牙语的男人和女人而已啦~~~美国很多人说西语的2023-07-02 23:02:581
come=eatestoy comiendo=i am eating2023-07-02 23:03:052
1. 由于动词变位是和人称一致的,所以第一和第二人称主语代词(单复数),在不需要特别强调的情况下,可以省略。(Yo) Soy profesor de esta universidad. 我是这个大学的老师。?De dónde eres (tú)? 你是哪里人?(Nosotros) Hemos llegado. 我们到了。Chicos, ? (vosotros) vivís en este barrio? 孩子们,你们住在这个区吗?但是需要强调时则不能省略: --?Quién ha visto a María? 谁见到玛丽亚了?--Yo la he visto. 我见到了。2. 第三人称主语代词一般不能省略,但是如果主语明确,也可以省略。?Cómo está usted? 您好吗??Quién es ella? 她是谁?--?Cómo se llama tu amigo? 你朋友叫什么名字? –Se llama Pedro. 他叫彼德罗。2023-07-02 23:03:121
问好用语主要有:Mucho gusto. 认识你很高兴。(用于初次见面)Hola! 你好!Cómo estás?/Qué tal?/Cómo te va?最近怎么样?(后二种用于非正式场合)Buenos días. 上午好。Buenas tardes. 下午好。Buenas noches. 晚上好。2023-07-02 23:03:201
uno是阳性,una修饰阴性名词数数时要用uno2023-07-02 23:03:393
如果您说的是这张图,Chicas:女;另一个Chicos:男。换言之Slugger(猛男) Ross走错厕所了~2023-07-02 23:03:451
什么逻辑,这里的uno和una不仅是数字1的意思,还是不定冠词,所以分阴阳性。数字不分性,数数就是:uno,dos,tres2023-07-02 23:04:162
一楼的解释非常清楚了。呵呵,支持一下。2023-07-02 23:04:243
城市猎人第二集总统他闺女去夜店,夜店里放的那首DJ名字【LPG -Angry We No Speak Americano】2023-07-02 23:04:312
是lady gaga 的Americano2023-07-02 23:04:403
俄2023-07-02 23:04:505
1. 应该学习四本 现西 1到42. Douglas Torres Enrique Ernesto 3. 有咬舌音 西班牙有的地方发成sh 但是不好听 一般都说成s 轻一点 不要太重 就很好听4。 不诶那斯 答了得dei斯2023-07-02 23:05:095
we speak no americano2023-07-02 23:05:303
貌似你的歌词是 i don"t see 病油(不知是神马) don"t to catch me2023-07-02 23:05:373
求lady gaga 《americano》的 中文歌词!!
I met a girl, in east LA, in floral shorts as sweet as may, she sang in eights and and two bodial chords we fell in love, but not in chords, La La La La La La La ~ I don"t ~ Aah-Aah-merica, Americano Aah-Aah-merica, Americano Mis canciones son de la revolución Mi corazón me duele por mi generación If you love me, we can marry on the west coast On a wednesday, en el verano en agosto I don"t speak your, I won"t speak your Language, oh no La La La La La La La I don"t speak your, I won"t speak your Jesus Cristo La La La La La La La Aah-Aah-merica, Americano Aah-Aah-merica, Americano I will fight for, I have fought for How I love you La La La La La La La I have cried for, I will die for How I care La La La La La La La In the mountains, las campanas Están sonando La La La La La La La Y los chicos,(chicas) y los chicos (chicas) Están besando La La La La La La La I don"t speak your, I won"t speak your Language, oh no La La La La La La La I don"t speak your, I won"t speak your Jesus Cristo La La La La La La La I don"t speak your, I won"t speak your Americano La La La La La La La I don"t speak your, I won"t speak your Jesus Cristo La La La La La La La Aah-Aah-merica, Americano~ Aah-Aah-merica, Americano~ Aah-Aah-merica, Americano~ Aah-Aah-merica, Americano~ Don"t you try to catch me Don"t you try to catch me No, no, no, no I"m living on the edge of I"m living on the edge of Love, love, love, love Don"t you try to catch me Don"t you try to catch me No, no, no, no Don"t you try to catch me I"m living on the edge of Love, love, love, love 等下传中文2023-07-02 23:05:454
we takin over歌词
YezzirIt"s me...the rapper eater...feed me feed me feed me! No homo.One time for me, one time for the DJHe be Khaled, I be Lil" WeezyBaby if you ask me if you"re nastyCreative gifted bastardSpit sporadicI"m so diplomatic democraticTouch it, Bring it, Push it systematicDamn right I kissed my daddyI think they pissed at how rich my daddy isAnd I"m his kid I stunt with my daddyCall Mrs. Lee, she"s with my daddySo diss me and dont diss my daddyCause who was there when no one wasn"t? Just my daddyWho was there when I needed money? Just my daddySo who"ll be there when I see the money? Just my daddyLil WayneWho said that I be the one?Just my daddy!Hello Hip Hop I"m home,Its Your DaddyWhen I say D"s, I don"t mean the caddy I mean "deez nuts"Akon"s and Khaleds, Rick Ross, TIP, Stunna and Fat JoeAnd I can"t, can"t, can"t forget Brisco& Yeah I done squashed the bullshit it"s rizoIt"s a bakery here just trying to get doughShout to my Dreads, my Haitians and ChicosYou"re lookin for me hoe?I"m in the 3-0...Five,I"m the best rapper aliveHomeboy got a mind, that a map couldnt findHomeboy got a 9, that a cop couldnt findI could get to it even if I was blindScary movie be screaming when I rhymeI"ma "King" you can ask "Steven" if I"m lyingI"ma Prince too demanding like my momToo bold too cold like wet Sa-lam-Me!Me! It"s all about me!He say, she say, I say me!Will be in the M.I.A. me!With me! And T! And Big Ronnie!And the homie Street probably somewhere on the beachAnd Tez and E probably somewhere in the jeepAnd Marl in the Phantom with Mr. GAnd me! Me! It"s all about me!Play with me and it"s all out beefBeef! Yes! Chest! Feet!,Tag! Bag! Blood! Sheets!Yikes! Yeeks! Great! Scott!Storch! Can I borrow your yacht?Watch me and my click go all outLike the ball in the stands we balls outBoy I don"t know what y"all "boutBut I just spit like a dog mouthPink ice just looking like a hog mouthVRRRMMM ...I had to bring the hog outLight dem trees bring the log outEveryday Christmas I"m egged nogged out& Hip Hop Is My New Bought HouseMy flow just grew legs and walked outBYE2023-07-02 23:06:043
前阿根廷国家队队长,07年被汉堡看中,随即加盟,但因为伤病太多,这个赛季汉堡与其解约,现在回老家养老拉~ 素以脚下技术灵活 助攻能力强而闻名2023-07-02 23:06:193
la,在说一些阴性词,单数,时有事会用到,ej:LA silla,LA mesa,LA naranja...etc.las,用在阴性,复数ej: las chicas, las mesas...etc.el,则用在阳性,单数ej:el chico, el agua, el gato...etc.los,则用在阳性,负数ej: los chicos, los gatos, los perros...etc.一般这些词,基本用于"正在说明某样事物"就类似于英语的the我用句子举例给你看:ej:1) La chica esa es mi hermana2) Las mesas estan rotas3) El chico ese es mi novio4) Los gatos que viven al lado,molestan mucho不好意思,我不知道中文怎么解释,因为我在阿根廷学西语,所以...如果不了解的话...对不起...如果有什么想问的,不介意的话,可以加我QQ 3166493602023-07-02 23:06:261
The Puss Suite2023-07-02 23:06:453
Material: PP, ABS 是正确的在西班牙语里面 逗号用于分开为两个或两个以上的同一类事物,分割一个句子的相互独立部分,引用作者的句子或者是扩充消息以及颠倒一个句子的顺序时。例如Adelante, Juan, pasa.过来,胡安,到这里来Vine, vi, vencí.我来了,我看见了,我胜利了。Todos cantaban, todos reían, ninguno se lamentaba.所有的人都在唱歌,都在欢笑,没有一个人是悲伤的。Para enamorarse a primera vista, no hay impedimento alguno.一见钟情的爱情,其间是没有什么阻碍的。分号 是用于当你在写作的时候,一个句子有两个及以上的主语。例如Se lanzaron los atacantes a convertir un gol; el arquero respondió en forma heroica.前锋射门进球;守门员迅速做出了反应Los chicos, revoltosos y juguetones, salieron a la calle con su balón blanco, redondo; jugaron hasta que se hizo de noche.这些调皮吵闹的孩子们,来到街上踢足球;直到夜幕降临2023-07-02 23:06:541
酒吧DJ有一首中出现 苏喂苏喂苏喂. 挺不错的,不知道叫什么名字
苏喂苏喂 精神2023-07-02 23:07:094
梅西向联合国儿童基金会捐赠了400万阿根廷比索,约合人民币100万元。以下为事件新闻原稿,供参考: 报道称,梅西是通过自己的同名基金会向联合国儿童基金会捐款了421万阿根廷比索,相当于100万元人民币左右。这次捐款是响应一个名叫“Un Sol para los Chicos(孩子们的阳光)”的项目,是由一个阿根廷电视主持人发起的。梅西已经担任了联合国儿童基金会全球形象大使8年了,他一直都致力于捐款帮助孩子们,今年的捐款额外多。搜索塞维利亚与梅西恩师c罗2020年身价尤文3比0巴萨回放世界公认的4个球王2021年阿根廷美元化梅西为武汉捐了多少钱2023-07-02 23:07:161
lady gaga 有一首MV,一开场前半分钟都是啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦,四声一声一声二声、四声一声一声二声、很慵懒
描述再清楚点啊亲2023-07-02 23:07:358
这个太有难度了。。。。。2023-07-02 23:07:503
My love 梦一般甜蜜 就这样看见你起初 with u小小的悸动 Tonight 那夜空,星光璀璨 在我房间 闪耀着银白与微笑 不知不觉 你的微笑 你的容颜 已充满我的心 我羞涩的心 我的眼中 在我眼中只有你 你在我心中 你在我梦中 你在我的生命中 总是让我动摇你在我心中 你在我梦中 你在我生命中 像命运一样走近Tonight 那夜空,星光璀璨 在我房间 闪耀着银白与微笑 第一次感受到你的呼吸 你的眼神中有我 心中满满的 如此甜蜜 我心中 在我心中只想着你你在我心中 你在我梦中 你在我的生命中 总是让我动摇你在我心中 你在我梦中 你在我生命中 像命运一样走近你让我重生 你让我再次微笑 你让我感到安心你在我心中 你在我梦中 你在我的生命中 总是让我动摇突然有一天 不知不觉中 你像命运一样走近韩文版My love ub2ecucf64ud55c uafc8ucc98ub7fcuadf8ub308 ubcf4uc544uc694 ucc98uc74cuc5d4with you uc791uc740 uc124ub808uc784Tonight uc800 ud558ub298 uc544ub984ub2e4uc6b4 ubcc4ube5bub0b4 ubc29 uc0c8ud558uc597uac8c uc2a4uba70ub4e4uba70 uc6c3uc8e0ub098ub3c4 ubab0ub798 uadf8ub300 ubbf8uc18cuadf8ub300 ubaa8uc2b5 ub2f4uc544uc694 ub0b4ub9d8 uac00ub4ddud788ub0b4 uc218uc90duc5b4uc9c4 ub9c8uc74cub0b4ub208uc5d4 ub0b4ub208uc5d4 uadf8ub300ub9ccuc774 ubcf4uc774ub124uc694uc6b0 AlwaysYou are in my heart It"s youYou are in my dream It"s youYou are in my lifeud558ub8e8uc885uc77c ub0a0 ud754ub4e4uc5b4uc694You are in my heart It"s youYou are in my dream It"s youYou are in my lifeuc6b4uba85ucc98ub7fc ub2e4uac00uc654uc8e0Tonight uc800 ud558ub298 uc544ub984ub2e4uc6b4 ubcc4ube5bub0b4 ubc29 uc0c8ud558uc597uac8c uc2a4uba70ub4e4uba70 uc6c3uc8e0ucc98uc74c ub290ub080 uadf8ub300 uc228uacb0uadf8ub300 ub208ube5b ub2f4uc544uc694 ub0b4ub9d8 uac00ub4ddud788ub0b4 ub2ecucf64ud574uc9c4 uae30ubd84ub0b4ub9d8uc5d4 ub0b4ub9d8uc5d4 uadf8ub300ub9ccuc774 ub5a0uc62cub77cuc694uc6b0 AlwaysYou are in my heart It"s youYou are in my dream It"s youYou are in my lifeud558ub8e8uc885uc77c ub0a0 ud754ub4e4uc5b4uc694You are in my heart It"s youYou are in my dream It"s youYou are in my lifeuc6b4uba85ucc98ub7fc ub2e4uac00uc654uc8e0You will make me feel aliveAlwaysYou will make me smile againAlways You will make me feel aliveYou are in my heart It"s youYou are in my dream It"s youYou are in my lifeud558ub8e8uc885uc77c ub0a0 ud754ub4e4uc5b4uc694uc5b4ub290ub0a0 ubb38ub4dd uadf8ub304ub098ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uac8c uadf8ub304ub098uc758 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 uc6b4uba85ucc98ub7fc ub2e4uac00uc654uc8e02023-07-02 23:08:032
硪苏 是用什么翻的啊 错成这样2023-07-02 23:08:213
siboney 什么意思
“ 经典的拉丁歌谣《Siboney》是古巴作曲家恩纳斯托·莱库纳1945年的作品,西波涅,不是一个人,而是古巴的一个少数民族。在抗击外来侵略者的斗争中,这个民族不论男女老幼,同仇敌忾,坚贞不屈,宁为玉碎,不为瓦全,最后全部英勇牺牲,成为世上极为罕见的被完全灭绝的民族。作曲家决定用他激情的旋律和爱情的语言永远留下这个民族的身影。他没有描写战争如何惨烈,而是挑选了最美的音乐语言,塑造了一位最美丽的少女西波涅的形象,展现出古巴的灵魂。2023-07-02 23:08:373
同求2023-07-02 23:08:533
Canción por Haití (Somos El Mundo)……..Song for Haiti (We Are the World).El día llegó……..The day has comeNo hay momento que perder……..There"s not a moment to loseHay que buscar unir el mundo de una vez……..We must seek to unite the world once againTantos necesitan un nuevo amanecer……..So many need a new dawnHay que ayudar……..We must helpTenemos el deber……..We have a dutyNo hay que esperar……..Do not expectQue sea el otro el que va actuar……..That it is the other who will actCuando el dolor a tu puerta pueda tocar……..When pain may knock at your doorAl estar unidos no hay nada que temer……..United we have nothing to fearPara triunfar……..To triumphTenemos que entender……..We have to understandCoro:……..Chorus:Somos Amor, Somos el Mundo……..We are Love, We are the WorldSomos la luz que alumbra con ardor, lo más oscuro……..We are the light that ardently brightens the darkest placesLlenos de esperanza……..Filled with hopePodemos rescatar……..We can rescueLa fe que nos puede salvar……..The faith that can save usJuntos tu y yo……..Together you and meDe Corazón……..From the heartQue sepan que importantes son……..Let them know how important they areQue su pesar sentimos todos también……..That we all feel regret as wellY que no están solos……..And that they are not aloneQueremos ayudar……..We want to helpCon compasión, firmeza y hermandad……..With compassion, determination and brotherhoodCoro:……..Chorus:Somos Amor, Somos el Mundo……..We are Love, We are the WorldSomos la luz que alumbra con ardor, lo más oscuro……..We are the light that ardently brightens the darkest placesLlenos de esperanza……..Filled with hopePodemos rescatar……..We can rescueLa fe que nos puede salvar……..The faith that can save usJuntos tu y yo……..Together you and meCuando alguna vez te canses de luchar……..When ever you tire of fightingEs que aquí estaré a tu lado sin dudar……..Is when I"ll be here by your side without hesitationTe daré mi mano para juntos aprender……..I will give you my hand so that together we can learnLa manera de poder vencer……..The way to overcome2023-07-02 23:09:001
los 是修饰阳性名词las修饰阴性名词2023-07-02 23:09:115
Marissa y Felipe van a pasear por la ciudad.Los chicos van a correr por la noche.5. Jimena va a leer un libro en el parque.6. Felipe va a jugar al futbol en el parque.你要先看下ir的用法撒,可以表示前往哪里,也可以表示将去做什么。empiezan, dormimos, entiendes, pienso, vuelvo, prefiero, Quiero, Podemos, jugamos我觉得你还是要好好做下练习喔~2023-07-02 23:09:291
House Of Living Art 西班牙语里你好的意思2023-07-02 23:09:484
楼下回答错了,gustar是使动用法,主语是comer pescado,这里的Juan是间接宾语,所以用与格代词le。而你把Juan写在开头,宾语前置必须复指,人做宾语前面加a,正确的应该是A Juan le gusta comer pescado.2023-07-02 23:10:093
西班牙语me的用法 附上例句 谢谢
信 zhou1206x了吧2023-07-02 23:10:162
Lady GaGa的Americano歌词翻译
lady gaga ——《americano》I met a girl in east LA我在洛杉矶遇见了一个女孩In floral shorts - as sweet as May穿着花短裤,就像甜美的五月She sang in eights in two-bar chords唱着由吉他伴奏的和弦We fell in love, but not in court我们坠入爱河,但彼此却没有名分La-la-la-la-la-laLa-la-la-la-la-laLa-la-la-la-la-laLa-la-la-la-la-laLa-la-la-la-la-laI dont-I dont-POST-CHORUS:Ahhhhh America AmericanoAhhhhh America AmericanoAhhhhh America AmericanoAhhhhh America AmericanoVERSE 1:Mis canciones son de la re-revolucion用我的歌声再次改变(西)Mi corazon me duele por mi generacion让我心疼的这一代(西)If you love me, we can marry, on the west coast,如果你爱我,我们可以在西岸结婚On a Wednesday, en el verano, en agosto在礼拜三,八月的夏天(西)CHORUS:I don"t speak your, I don"t speak your langua-idioma (La-la-la-la-la-la)我不会说,我不懂你的语言I don"t speak your, I won"t speak, won"t speak your,我不懂,我以后也不懂,不会懂你的,Won"t speak your Jesus Christo (La-la-la-la-la-la)不会懂你说的"耶稣基督(西)"POST-CHORUS:Ahhhhh America AmericanoAhhhhh America AmericanoVERSE 2:I will fight for, I have fought for how I love you (La-la-la-la-la-la)我会努力,我会努力让你知道我有多爱你I will die for, I have cried for how I care (La-la-la-la-la-la)我会为你而死,我会在乎你到哭死也在所不惜In the mountains, las campanas estan sonando (The bells are pealing)山区的钟声响起Y los chicos (Chika) (And the boys (girls))远在洛杉矶的Chika(和那位男孩/女孩们)Buenos chicos (Chika), estan besando (And good boy (girls), are kissing)成双成对,亲吻在一起CHORUS:I don"t speak your, I don"t speak your langua-idioma (La-la-la-la-la-la)我不会说你的,我不会说你的语言I don"t speak your, I won"t speak your Jesus Christo (La-la-la-la-la-la)我不会说你的,我不会说你们的"耶稣基督(西)"I don"t speak your, I don"t speak your Americano (La-la-la-la-la-la)我不会说你的,我不会说你们的"美国梦"I don"t speak your, I won"t speak your Jesus Christo (La-la-la-la-la-la)我不会说你的,我不会说你们的"耶稣基督(西)"POST-CHORUS:Ahhhhh America Americano美国梦啊Ahhhhh America Americano美国梦啊Ahhhhh America Americano美国梦啊Ahhhhh America AmericanoBRIDGE/OUTTRO:Don"t you try to catch me,别想找到我Don"t you try to catch me别想找到我No! No! No! No!不要!不要!不要!不要I"m living on the edge of,我住在贫民区Living on the edge of the law, law, law, law我住在最底层的贫民区Don"t you try to catch me,别想找到我Don"t you try to catch me,别想找到我No! No! No! No!不要!不要!不要!不要Don"t you try to catch me,别想找到我I"m living on the edge of the law, law, law, law.我住在最底层的贫民区[GUN-SHOT]2023-07-02 23:10:231
找一首英文歌 开头一直在唱American
不知道啊,但是推荐你听听All American Rejects的歌很棒的摇滚2023-07-02 23:10:431
Culo Miami Mix 歌词
歌曲名:Culo Miami Mix歌手:Pitbull专辑:M.I.A.M.I.Pitbull - Culo Miami Mix{Hip Hop My life...}Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Lets go (Let"s go)Right about now, we need all the ladies to hit the danceflo"(Dominicana) If you got a big ol" booty (Cubana, Mexicana)And you like to set that motherfucker, let"s go! (Colombiana) (Boricua)Pitbull, Lil" Jon, Heey, Heey!The vibe is right and the ladies gettin wild o the dance floorAll the girls having fun tonight so move your body from the left to the rightCause you know you looking good tonight for surePull up to the club, walk in then IPull up to the bar, get drinks then IPull up to a broad let her know what it isHow it is, why it is, what it is, (Hey hey hey hey)I ain"t got time for no games, I"m hopin" mami that you feel the sameI got what you need to feel the painHere"s my number call me when you"re up for an even exchangeFEEL ME, let me see you do that dirty dance, dirty danceMami, feel me let me see you touch your toesOr shake that thing and talk wit" your assFEEL ME! all my chicos, all my Jamaicans(Put your hands up) All my haitiansCause they know I"mma rep" "til the day that they kill me PULL UP!Esa hevita esta enterita tiene tremendo CULO!Esta tan linda, esta tan rica, tiene tremendo CULO!Que rica chiquita, pero que importa si tiene tremendo CULO!Has me el favor y meneate chica tienes tremendo CULO!The vibe is right and the ladies gettin wild o the dance floorAll the girls having fun tonight so move your body from the left to the rightCause you know you looking good tonight for sureWave yuh hands cause yuh dont give a damnGirls make noise cause yuh konw yuh got yuh manClap yuh hands stomp yuh feetAnd a make mi see yuh body rock to di beatYuh look neat yuh look sweetMi just love off yuh sexy physiqueGet crazy get wild get drunk get highTouch the sky touch the skyGet nasty we goona partyWatch di gal dem a shake dem bodyDi whole place under frenzy AAH!Esa hevita esta enterita tiene tremendo CULO!Esta tan linda, esta tan rica, tiene tremendo CULO!Que rica chiquita, pero que importa si tiene tremendo CULO!Has me el favor y meneate chica tienes tremendo CULO!Mami got the ass and thighs like Trina and J. LoMultiply it she"s off the chainOff the glass, off the flip anddWith a couple more drinks I"ll be off the hip maaayn...I"ll be wearin" her out and when I"m finishedParamedics gon" be carryin" her out maaayn... (That"s right)The night is young, and if you shave (Hey hey hey hey hey)I"ll give you some of this mighty toungue heey..Be easy, go ahead please me, talk to me sleezy baby (Yeah)I wanna freak, a monster in bed, last thing I need is a ladyThe vibe is right and the ladies gettin wild o the dance floorAll the girls having fun tonight so move your body from the left to the rightCause you know you looking good tonight for sureEsa hevita esta enterita tiene tremendo CULO!Esta tan linda, esta tan rica, tiene tremendo CULO!Que rica chiquita, pero que importa si tiene tremendo CULO!Has me el favor y meneate chica tienes tremendo CULO!Culo, hey, hey, hey, hey shake that shit heyHey, hey, hey, hey shake that shit heyHey, hey, hey, hey shake that shit heyHey, hey, hey, hey shake that shit heyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/180931292023-07-02 23:10:501
I met a girl in east LA我在洛杉矶遇见了一个女孩In floral shorts as sweet as May穿着花短裙就像那甜美的五月She sang in eigths in two Barrin chords拿着发出弦音的吉他边唱边谈We fell in love我们已经坠入爱河But not in court但是彼此遭到教条的限制La la la la la laAhhhhh-americaaaa americanooooAhhhhh-americaaaa americanooooMis canciones son de la revolución用我的声音来改变Mi corazón me duele por mi generación改变这心痛的时代If you love We can marry On the west coast如果你爱我我们可以在西海岸上结婚On a Wednesday En un verano En agosto在八月夏天的星期三I don"t speak your但我不懂I don"t speak your我不要讲你们的Languagono语言I don"t speak your我也不会讲I won"t speak your也不讲你们的Jesus Christo耶稣基督Ahhhhh-americaaaa americanooooAhhhhh-americaaaa americanooooI will fight for I have fought for How I love you我会努力的让你知道我是多么的爱你I have cried for I will die for How I care我会为我在意的哭泣,为我在意的消亡In the mountains Las campanas Estan sonando山区上的钟声开始响起Todos los chicos Y los chicos Estan besando远在洛杉矶的男孩与女孩亲吻在一起I don"t speak your但我不讲I don"t speak your我不讲你们的Languagonog语言I don"t speak your我也不说I won"t speak your也不说你们的Jesus Christo耶稣基督I don"t speak your我不愿讲I don"t speak your我不不愿讲你们(的语言)Americano美国佬I don"t speak your我也不说I won"t speak your也不说你们的Jesus Christo耶稣基督Ahhhhh-americaaaa americanooooAhhhhh-americaaaa americanooooAhhhhh-americaaaa americanooooAhhhhh-americaaaa americanooooDon"t you try and catch me休想抓住我Don"t you try and catch me休想抓住我No no no noI"m living on the edge of我存在于Living on the edge of the存在于法律的边缘Law law law lawDon"t you try and catch meDon"t you try and get me别想抓住我No no no noDon"t you try and catch me休想抓住我I"m living on the edge of我就活在法律之外Law law law law2023-07-02 23:10:561
Lady Gaga的《Americano》 歌词
歌曲名:Americano歌手:Lady Gaga专辑:Born This WayLady Gaga - AmericanoMis canciones son de la revoluciónMi corazón late por mi generaciónIf you love mewe can marry on the west coastOn a wednesdayEn el verano o en agostoI don"t speak yourI don"t speak yourLanguage, oh noI don"t speak yourI don"t speak yourJesus CristoAah-Aah-merica AmericanoAah-Aah-merica AmericanoI will cry for I have fought forHow I love youI will die for I have cried forHow I careIn the mountains las campanasEstán sonandoY los chicos y los chicosSe están besandoI don"t speak yourI don"t speak yourLanguage, oh noI don"t speak yourI don"t speak yourJesus CristoI don"t speak yourI don"t speak yourAmericanoI don"t speak yourI don"t speak yourJesus CristoAah-Aah-merica, AmericanoAah-Aah-merica, AmericanoAah-Aah-merica, AmericanooDon"t you try to catch meDon"t you try to catch meNo, no, no noI"m living on the edge ofLiving on the edge Of the law, law lawDon"t you try to catch meDon"t you try to catch meNo, no, no, noDon"t you try to catch meI"m living on the edge of the lawlaw, law, law lawhttp://music.baidu.com/song/521439032023-07-02 23:11:371
Holly Johnson的《Americanos》 歌词
歌曲名:Americanos歌手:Holly Johnson专辑:BlastLady Gaga - AmericanoMis canciones son de la revoluciónMi corazón late por mi generaciónIf you love mewe can marry on the west coastOn a wednesdayEn el verano o en agostoI don"t speak yourI don"t speak yourLanguage, oh noI don"t speak yourI don"t speak yourJesus CristoAah-Aah-merica AmericanoAah-Aah-merica AmericanoI will cry for I have fought forHow I love youI will die for I have cried forHow I careIn the mountains las campanasEstán sonandoY los chicos y los chicosSe están besandoI don"t speak yourI don"t speak yourLanguage, oh noI don"t speak yourI don"t speak yourJesus CristoI don"t speak yourI don"t speak yourAmericanoI don"t speak yourI don"t speak yourJesus CristoAah-Aah-merica, AmericanoAah-Aah-merica, AmericanoAah-Aah-merica, AmericanooDon"t you try to catch meDon"t you try to catch meNo, no, no noI"m living on the edge ofLiving on the edge Of the law, law lawDon"t you try to catch meDon"t you try to catch meNo, no, no, noDon"t you try to catch meI"m living on the edge of the lawlaw, law, law lawhttp://music.baidu.com/song/85712772023-07-02 23:11:431
we taking over 歌词
歌曲名:we taking over歌手:DJ KhaledDJ Khaled:Born and raised in the county of Dade (Ahhhh)Born and raised, born-born and raisedBorn and raised in the county of DadeDJ Khaled(When I ride, I ride for Trey-0-5 )Trick Daddy (When I ride, I ride for Trey-0-5)Rick Ross, Pitbull, The BottomListenn niggaVerse 1Trick Daddy:"Til a nigga D-I-E, I be forever thuggin" babyThe same nigga, that"s why the streets still love me babyBitch I"m from Dade CountySee I"m a 7-Trey Chevrolet Impala dope riderI"ll blow ya doors offYou race your car "gainst my carI"ll leave yo" ass so far you"ll doze offAnd when I take off, it"s like I took offAnd when I ride by, it"s like i fly byYou like a slow-motion, all in 3-DCuz everywhere I go, they by like "Ay yo"I fit the descriptionBlack tee addicted, big Glock wit" meFor Dade County niggaHookPitbull:It"s that little chico Pitbull,I"d just like to welcome y"all to where I been born(Ay Khaled spin that up dog)I been raised, in the county of Dade, you knowYou got them boys that pass by in them old school Chevy"s wit" the top downsBeats that, you know, make the trunk rattle, rear-views shakeThen they look at you wit" they gold smileLet you know what it isVerse 2Pitbull:I been born and raised in the county of DadeThe land of the haze, the cocaine capitolWe ain"t just hittin" you buddy, we Warren Sapp"n" yaWe comin" hard like them Cubans in the 80"s dogGo ahead, throw it in the pot, I bet it"s raw(Spanish)Everything that I do, doEverything that I say, sayEverywhere that I go I let "em know hey, I"m from the county of DadeOld school Chevy heavyOld school niggaz preachin"Young niggaz wildin", gettin" rich off keys and violenceTrick, he"s the mayorLuke, he"s the kingI"m Mr. 3-0-5, put that on a triplebeamI bet I weight out more than a boat out in the keysHolla at them Haitians, let them know this nick"s on meWhat"s up, DadeHook:Rick Ross:You see him, you see himRoss, you see him, you see himTrick, Pitbull, DJ Khaled3-0-5, M-I-Yayo(Born and raised, born and raised, born and raised in the county of Dade)Verse 3Rick Ross:I got road dogs doin" that 20-to-lifeYou try me, and I"ma get 20 tonightYou think your bitch bad, man I got 20 alikeNot the car but you know I be pushin" the whiteDippin" Chevy in syrup, digital dashNo bank accounts, my money in bagsGo do the physics, cuz when I whip itAnd I love to whip itThat"s just another digitThis my city, in my city ya gotta tote fireOver town, they"ll bust ya head cuz it won"t slideBrown sub"ll wet ya ass like a dope rideYou"re dead wrong for thinkin" them chicos won"t rideOber locker revolve around that big 4-5Them lil" Haitians, they take ya ass for a boat rideIn Carol City, niggaz quick to blow the plane wit" itUnpack the sack and kill the game wit" itRossHook:Born and raised, born-born and raisedBorn and raised in the county of DadeBorn-born and raised, born-born and raisedBorn-born and raised in the county of Dade(Repeat)DJ Khaled:Yeah it"s DJ Khaled, do or dieBig Dog Pitbull, Terror Squadron AKA The Beat NovocainRest in peace to my dog Uncle AlI rep my cityDade Countyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/143747172023-07-02 23:11:501
切尔西版的 托雷斯之歌的歌词
His Armband proved he was a red,Torres! Torres!You"ll Never Walk Alone it said,Torres! Torres!We bought the lad from sunny Spain,He gets the ball he scores again,Fernando Torres! Liverpool"s number 9!2023-07-02 23:11:572
Lady GaGa 《Americano》 基本信息 歌曲:Americano 歌手:Lady GaGa 专辑:Born This Way 发行日期:2011-05-23 语言:英语 发行公司:Interscope 歌词 I met a girl, in east LA, 我在洛杉矶遇见了一个女孩 in floral shorts as sweet as may, 穿着花短裤,就像甜美的五月 she sang in eights and and two bodial chords 唱着由吉他伴奏的和弦 we fell in love, but not in chords, 我们坠入爱河,但彼此却没有名分 La La La La La La La ~ I don"t ~ Aah-Aah-merica, Americano Aah-Aah-merica, Americano Mis canciones son de la revolución 用我的歌声再次改变(西班牙语) Mi corazón me duele por mi generación 让我心疼的这一代(西) If you love me, we can marry on the west coast 如果你爱我,我们可以在西岸结婚 On a wednesday, en el verano en agosto 在礼拜三,八月的夏天(西) I don"t speak your, I won"t speak your Language, oh no 我不会说,我不懂你的语言 La La La La La La La I don"t speak your, I won"t speak your Jesus Cristo 不会懂你说的"耶稣基督(西) La La La La La La La Aah-Aah-merica, Americano Aah-Aah-merica, Americano I will fight for, I have fought for How I love you 我会努力,我会努力让你知道我有多爱你 La La La La La La La I have cried for, I will die for How I care 我会为你而哭,我会在乎你到死也在所不惜 La La La La La La La In the mountains, las campanas Están sonando 山区的钟声响起 La La La La La La La Y los chicos,(chicas) y los chicos (chicas) Están besando 远在洛杉矶的(女孩)和男孩(女孩)亲吻在一起 La La La La La La La I don"t speak your, I won"t speak your Language, oh no 我不会说你的,我不会说你的语言 La La La La La La La I don"t speak your, I won"t speak your Jesus Cristo 我不会说你的,我不会说你们的"耶稣基督(西) La La La La La La La I don"t speak your, I won"t speak your Americano 我不会说你的,我不会说你们的"美国梦" La La La La La La La I don"t speak your, I won"t speak your Jesus Cristo 我不会说你的,我不会说你们的"耶稣基督(西) La La La La La La La Aah-Aah-merica, Americano~ Aah-Aah-merica, Americano~ Aah-Aah-merica, Americano~ Aah-Aah-merica, Americano~ Don"t you try to catch me 别想找到我 Don"t you try to catch me 别想找到我 No, no, no, no 不要!不要!不要!不要 I"m living on the edge of 我住在贫民区 I"m living on the edge of law, law, law, law我住在最底层的贫民区 Don"t you try to catch me 别想找到我 Don"t you try to catch me 别想找到我 No, no, no, no 不要!不要!不要!不要 I"m living on the edge of 我住在贫民区 I"m living on the edge of law, law, law, law我住在最底层的贫民区2023-07-02 23:12:031
求这个视频中的背景音乐 谢谢
01. ??02. Machine Head - Davidian03. Whitney Houston - I will always love you04. GTA, Henrix Digital Lab - Hit It05. Sean Kingston feat. Nicki Minaj Letting Go (Dutty Love)06. Borgore - Legend (Borgore Carnage Remix)07. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra - The Good, The Bad and the Ugly08. ??09. Kestutis K - Another Day10. Backstreet Boys - I Want It That Way11. Victor Niglio ft. Mr. Man - Jiggy 12. Fergie - Fergalicious13. Avicii - I Could Be the One (Dank Remix)14. FROZEN - Let It Go15. The Lonely Island - I Just Had Sex (feat. Akon)16. Flux Pavilion - Do Or Die (Flosstradamus Remix)17. Eminem - Rap God18. Faul Wad Ad vs. Pnau - Changes19. Snap - The power20. Carl Orff - Carmina Burana (O Fortuna)21. ??22. Taylor Swift - I Knew You Were Trouble23. Ace Hood - Bugatti (ft. Future, Rick Ross)24. Taylor Swift - I Knew You Were Trouble25. Yolanda Be Cool - We No Speak Americano26. Chicos de Barrio - Kumby Town27. Lipps INC- Funky Town28. DJ Khaled - No New Friends (feat. Drake, Rick Ross Lil Wayne)29. Jason Derulo - Talk Dirty (feat. 2 Chainz)30. Pharrell Williams - Happy31. Ne-Yo - Sexy Love32. ??33. Feed Me - One Click Headshot34. Two Fresh HeRobust - Throw That35. The Chainsmokers - #SELFIE36. Dr. Dre - Still D.R.E. ft. Snoop Dogg37. The Chainsmokers - #SELFIE2023-07-02 23:12:101
I met a girl in east LA 我在洛杉矶遇见了一个女孩 In floral shorts as sweet as May 穿着花短裙就像那甜美的五月 She sang in eigths in two Barrin chords 拿着发出弦音的吉他边唱边谈 We fell in love 我们已经坠入爱河 But not in court 但是彼此遭到教条的限制 La la la la la la Ahhhhh-americaaaa americanoooo Ahhhhh-americaaaa americanoooo Mis canciones son de la revolución 用我的声音来改变 Mi corazón me duele por mi generación 改变这心痛的时代 If you love We can marry On the west coast 如果你爱我我们可以在西海岸上结婚 On a Wednesday En un verano En agosto 在八月夏天的星期三 I don"t speak your 但我不懂 I don"t speak your 我不要讲你们的 Languagono 语言 I don"t speak your 我也不会讲 I won"t speak your 也不讲你们的 Jesus Christo 耶稣基督 Ahhhhh-americaaaa americanoooo Ahhhhh-americaaaa americanoooo I will fight for I have fought for How I love you 我会努力的让你知道我是多么的爱你 I have cried for I will die for How I care 我会为我在意的哭泣,为我在意的消亡 In the mountains Las campanas Estan sonando 山区上的钟声开始响起 Todos los chicos Y los chicos Estan besando 远在洛杉矶的男孩与女孩亲吻在一起 I don"t speak your 但我不讲 I don"t speak your 我不讲你们的 Languagonog 语言 I don"t speak your 我也不说 I won"t speak your 也不说你们的 Jesus Christo 耶稣基督 I don"t speak your 我不愿讲 I don"t speak your 我不不愿讲你们(的语言) Americano 美国佬 I don"t speak your 我也不说 I won"t speak your 也不说你们的 Jesus Christo 耶稣基督 Ahhhhh-americaaaa americanoooo Ahhhhh-americaaaa americanoooo Ahhhhh-americaaaa americanoooo Ahhhhh-americaaaa americanoooo Don"t you try and catch me 休想抓住我 Don"t you try and catch me 休想抓住我 No no no no I"m living on the edge of 我存在于 Living on the edge of the 存在于法律的边缘 Law law law law Don"t you try and catch me Don"t you try and get me 别想抓住我 No no no no Don"t you try and catch me 休想抓住我 I"m living on the edge of 我就活在法律之外 Law law law law2023-07-02 23:12:171
shut it down歌词
如今,我醒来,我从来没有再睡觉 因为我不想错过我应该是活生生的生命 因此,打破了我的那些美好时光涂一块糖果 我需要一个高,我是认真的,这是做或死 哇,我是认真的是做或死 它关闭之前,我们都超时 我们得将它关闭 这是该行的末尾,这是该行的末尾 扔掉你的手机,你可以向你自己 你需要一个真正的朋友,而不是一些数字图像 那么,这哪里是什么?一个聊天室或您的家人? 不要让电视屏幕转成你的现实 哇,又到你的现实 它关闭之前,我们都超时 我们得将它关闭 这是该行的末尾,这是该行的末尾 我不想死,我不想死 但是我无法生活 我不想死,我不想没有死 但是我没有接受他们是怎么给 它关闭之前,我们都超时 我们得将它关闭 这是最后的升 看看吧 可能有些字不是很准确 毕竟是歌曲嘛2023-07-02 23:12:342