百燕之家 / 问答 / 详情


2023-06-29 09:17:54
TAG: 女士烟









分类: 地区 >> 四川 >> 成都市 问题描述: 到处都找不着,急死我了,这边卖多钱一包? 解析: 红瓦寺附近几个小烟摊都有卖的``11块钱一包
2023-06-29 06:41:191


2023-06-29 06:41:263


2023-06-29 06:41:532


more 是什么烟?本人没听过但是澳大利亚的烟都是在超市买的比小商店买的便宜。
2023-06-29 06:42:022


2023-06-29 06:42:106

把 "玫瑰色的摩尔 "译成英文 摩尔是一种女士香烟 MORE

英文:Auroral Moore日文:バラ色)む
2023-06-29 06:42:375


2023-06-29 06:42:556


2023-06-29 06:43:091


2023-06-29 06:43:162


2023-06-29 06:43:231


2023-06-29 06:43:426


2023-06-29 06:43:583

宜昌哪里有卖外烟的..? 例如: DJ , MORE, PEEL 的..`

老子 是不是宜昌人噢 蛮街都是 小说几个地方 解放路电影旁边 就是陈妈馆子对面的一个小卖部 解放路KFC对面 凸凸吧(好象是这个名字)旁边一个小卖部晚上了 苏何下面一个小柜台 还有的 慢慢找楼下的 你们都宜昌的啊 留个QQ啊 114084191
2023-06-29 06:44:063


2023-06-29 06:44:321


有卖的根据相关资料显示:摩尔香烟一直都有卖,一般都是免税商店有销售的,您可以到当地机场的免税商店购买More烟最初是销售给妇女的。这个品牌由雷诺公司于1975年缔造。More烟体现了女性的尊贵地位。其具有时尚的外观,纤细的卷烟外形,超薄的包装,使其在女性的手指间绽放出优雅的气质。舞蹈系的大学舞蹈艺考精英计划-定校签约培训舞蹈系的大学舞蹈艺考集训,精英计划,量身定制剧目及训练计划,校长紧盯训练进度,在线解答学员疑问。到校免费接,赠送10节专项小课,省考VIP专车送考点击咨询了解更多详情立即咨询北京舞研艺美教育咨询有限公司广告天津 舞蹈艺校,舞蹈艺考魔鬼集训值得一看的舞蹈相关信息推荐舞蹈艺校舞研艺考舞蹈艺考魔鬼集训营,全国十五大集训校区.130位全职教师授课。根据实际情况定制训练计划。省考校考全面辅导。规划艺考之路,让艺考少走弯路本月282人已咨询相关问题立即咨询安徽舞艺教育科技有..广告大家还在搜报考大专透明瓦多少钱一米雕塑厂家app下载 安装自考怎么报名中专学什么专业好化妆美容学校百度账号注册
2023-06-29 06:44:501


2023-06-29 06:45:081


2023-06-29 06:45:163


2023-06-29 06:45:222


问题一:什么烟是没烟味有香味的? 四川的X骄子 福建的金桥 韩国的ESSE 台湾的520 DJ,MORE 这些烟烟草味都很淡! 问题二:什么烟无烟味 绿色无毒粘合剂是聚乙烯醇醇缩甲醛的换代产品,完全不用甲醛及其同系物,取而代之的是一种无毒的化学品,从根本上解决了107 胶的毒性问题 问题三:哪种香烟没有烟味抽起来烟味不大 韩国烟焦油只有0.5 问题四:什么女式香烟没有太大的烟味 你是指抽起来味道口味比较淡,还是指抽完以后身上没太大烟味呢。 口味的话,esse最淡,520其次,剩下的我觉得都差不多,还有薄荷味的烟味没那么重。 520有一款玫瑰的,压根就没有花香,不过抽起来味道的确很淡,是凉烟口味有点凉。 至于水果味的dj,朱古力味的black devil,个人觉得味道都不怎么淡。 没点之前闻起来还有点香,抽起来以后就只剩烟味了。 还有不管抽起来多淡的烟,抽完以后身上一定会有烟味,嘴巴里也一样。 问题五:什么烟适合女生抽,没有烟味,但是又很好抽的? “合适的香烟品种就如合适的香水品牌一样,让你品位十足。”这是寿百年女士烟的广告。的确,女人抽烟有瘾的不多,多半为了摆造型,所以她们对烟丝不关心,包装是重点,有见过美女拿一包大鸡或者将军的吗? 爱喜(ESSE) 极有女人缘的韩国烟,薄荷味入口清凉,比较经典的凉烟 。 520 很多年轻的女孩子喜欢它,固执地以为烟草里有恋爱的味道,过滤嘴上有心型中空,好看是好看,过滤功能弱了不少。 柔和七星(mild seven) 很多叛逆的女作家的笔下总有它的影子。曾有人戏谑地说:“我很mild,但我不seven。”据说,mild是一种生活状态,一种柔和的品位的壮态。 大卫杜夫(davidoff) 外烟中最贵的(雪茄和部分走私烟除外),在白色过滤嘴的行列里,这是比较够味的一种,不象mild seven都那样淡而无趣. 寿百年(sobranie) 说实话,中文名有点老土,分为两种,绿色的含有薄荷味,叫mint(中译名士),粉红的原味,叫pink(中译0婷)。烟身稍微瘦长,配合女士优雅纤瘦的手指,煞是好看。 DJ 白地黄色的盒子,普通大小的烟身,有柠檬、草莓等几种口味。如此一来都不象吸烟的感觉,而是在吃某种棒棒糖了。 摩尔(more) 也叫摩女,深绿色的软合,咖啡色的瘦长烟身,无论怎么看都像朱古力棒,刚起床睡眼惺忪间看到烟灰缸里的烟蒂会以为哪来这么多朱古力。味道比较苦。 圣罗兰 很多女生都是从这款香烟开始飘渺人生。口感略微有些苦,吸的时间越长越呛鼻。也许它更适合喜欢清淡味道的男士。 问题六:什么烟抽起来没烟味 价格 那种假烟呗....你是不是要戒烟啊?那就是那种电子烟咯~~再好再贵的烟都有烟味! 问题七:什么烟味道平淡?入口烟味没那么重??? 细支烟。比如细支南京烟 问题八:没抽烟嘴里有烟味怎么回事 1、勤刷牙。出门之前多刷牙,建议用些口味稍特别的牙膏,比如橘子味,茶爽味等等,刷完牙可以有效掩盖和中和香烟味道。 2、口香糖。木糖醇。没事吃一点,特别推荐木糖醇~~瓶子装,家里,办公室室各放一盒,临时去除口味,很好。口香糖则比较方便随身携带~ 3、花生米,一些水果糖也是不错的哦~ 4、最快捷简单的方法――当以上条件都不具备时,大口喝水,漱口……泡一杯咖啡,浓茶也可。
2023-06-29 06:45:291


2023-06-29 06:45:387

M开头的外烟,抽起来很像雪茄的味道.20块钱一包的,不是more,烟身全是灰色的,有人知道烟的名字吗 ,?.

2023-06-29 06:46:034


原产国:USA 外型:褐色的烟杆很高贵 口味:有点重, 适合心情指数:超坏 优点:够长,可以抽半天 缺点:味道稍微呛了点,抽了嗓子有痰( MORE的软包好象比硬包口感好很多...也可能是我的错觉..) SLIMS 原产国:希腊 外型:白色中等粗 口味:丝锻一样 适合心情指 一般 优 点:口感很好 缺点:烟很呛眼睛 CAPRI 原产国:USA 外型:白色超细 口味:薄荷 适合心情指数:一般,有点坏 优点:很通透,尤其是吸进来从鼻子出去,象吃芥末 缺点:暂时还没发现(CAPRI 抽了象没抽一样... ) 茶花:难抽,但那句“与君初相识,犹如故人归”感觉不错 七星:粗烟杆,不好抽,抽了头通,现在不是很好买,燃得快~ DJ:脂粉味道太浓,不好,抽多了,昏的(DJ MIX哪叫女士烟....呛死中国人...不过水果味道还是比较可取。.DJ有三种口味:草莓、柠檬、苹果我很喜欢的,三种各有千秋!) 520:有点呛,名字不84~ ( 520也分特醇和薄荷2中..薄荷的比较淡..基本不呛人 ) 沙龙:(很多人都说不错),感觉一般,容易买到歪的( 沙龙很棒不过假的的确多,有朋友从香港带过来的太好 ) 圣罗兰:最早抽的女士烟~现在想想怀旧的感觉很强烈~(圣罗兰 有白盒,黑盒两种..它被称为最好的薄荷烟.. 我感觉一般般吧..白盒的有人说没薄荷味,有的说有很淡的薄荷味..黑的还好吧.. 薄荷味烟味都适中.. 个人认为不如去抽SOBRANIESOBRANIE焦油量低..口感不错。.薄荷味也蛮纯..对身体伤害比较小...小女孩不妨抽抽。. ) 寿百年:细长,有原味和薄荷两种,适合手指修长的女人,如果烟瘾比较大的话,一次 至少要点两支才够寿百年是英国加莱赫有限公司的著名品牌,其名下的女士香烟有两种:粉色 的普通装和绿色的薄荷装。由于寿百年属于烤烟,因而建议选择绿色装,对保护女性嗓子有好 处。寿百年烟盖上印有金色飞鹰,是英国皇室的常备用烟。素有“贵族”之称的天秤美眉抽它 ,优雅迷人,多少能找回些逝去的荣耀感。寿百年是烤烟,劲小. ( 寿百年有"男"烟啊,有三种, 一种是淡蓝色,一种是宝蓝色, 还有一种是深湖蓝的.我觉得最好抽的是第二种.14块钱 .你们可以试试看.而且烟盒非常好看. ) black devil:原产国:日本 奶油味很浓..口感平和..一点都不抢...价格偏高.. (最近见black devil 有出灰盒的,比黑盒的更香)
2023-06-29 06:46:101


ask for 是固定短语,意思是要求,请求 因此ask for more可以翻译为要多一点.
2023-06-29 06:46:171


据说女式烟杀精,不晓得是不是真的,我最爱女式的520牌子了 ,不过很难买到.不知道成都哪儿有卖的?
2023-06-29 06:46:256


1.记得汉堡王里面 推出了两个炸鸡排汉堡5美金 结尾的时候说 it is not hand on it"s hands on表面两只手都必须hold住汉堡才可以 广告目测是网球运动场拍的。如果打网球一样必须两只手抓住网球拍才能回击网球。2.Ask for More.这是摩尔香烟的广告语。Ask for More是一语双关:More 既是香烟的品牌,是说买香烟时要买这个品牌;同时又有“还要更多”的意思。(译文)摩尔香烟,多而不厌。3.The driver is safer when the road is dry The road is safer when the driver is dry.这是一则交通宣传广告。这两个句子除了整齐对称以外,还利用了dry 这个词的语义双关。在“the road is dry”中dry是指“干燥,没沾水”,而在“the driver is dry”中dry指“清醒,不饮酒”。翻译:道路不沾水,司机更安全;(无酒驾)司机不沾酒,道路更安全。4. A deal with us means a good deal to you .这是某贸易公司的广告语。其绝妙之处在于“a good deal”的一语双关,既有“一笔好买卖”又有“许多”的意思。翻译:同我们做买卖,都是回报丰厚的好买卖
2023-06-29 06:46:391


3.2 first-person alludes to the reader (consumer) Advertising English is sometimes use first-person refer to consumers. In this situation, the speaker is usually one of its products or services are very satisfied with the consumer. For example: My Favorite Partner - NISSAN (NISSAN advertising), I "m more satisfied (Moore cigarette ads) Oh, the price! (OIC glasses company). In an advertisement in the first person instead have bought NISSAN and its performance and service are very satisfied with the consumer. In the second advertisement, the first person refers a lady loves Moore lady will we meet in bars, in close friends tell the likes of Moore cigarettes. The third AD refer to a myopia, wearing glasses of OIC company was feeling very well. These advertisements are not the "I" on behalf of the company, but his subjective feeling, this makes more objective advertising. Because people tend to take no interest as guidance, the third opinion advertising in customer satisfaction to the reader comments will exert a positive influence. The person that use more objectively and more reliable advertising.Here again divide kind of case: the first kind of circumstance is the first person refer to social celebrities or authority. They were asked to advertisers, advertising praise yourself how like and trust that advertisers. This can attract more people"s attention, also can increase the advertising persuasiveness. There are many advertisements are using this method, such as alex said referring to the advertising. As a global fame of the famous brand, alex advertising has been closely with stars. Marilyn Monroe, demi.. Moore, Catherine zeta Jones, etc. All star has appeared in the advertising. In China, has become the spokesman cheung pak-chi shampoo. You may envy such a supermodel star power, advertising tell you a truth, as long as we persist in using, alex will also bring you like a star"s. This is another case first-person refer to ordinary people. Ordinary people in the advertisement, make more affinity, advertising is more close to the life, and more reliable. Such as washing advertising. Secret There is a girl say: "Spring Festival I play with my father where to go to a very funny." Then a scene, a man put a PenShang over others, then smiles to say: "excuse me, don"t worry, have secret automatic". Later someone put a box of pigment pour on others, is composed of a "sorry to say, don"t worry, have secret automatic". This advertisement will make readers, this product is very common that people are in use, and by people like it.3.3 first-person refer to advertisement publicity of commodities Some advertisements using first-person refer to advertisers products produced in this situation, people usually use personification writing advertisements. For example: I never doubt that you would love me first! Say not appearance is self-deception, flawless curve, you are my beginning. Crush However, one always 0-100 km, accelerating the advance ambitions, 7.2 seconds, the more I sudden move you yearn for. (Volvo car advertisement) In this AD in the first person generation is Volvo cars. Using a technique makes advertisement more is nifty and lovely, filled with milk, easy in commodities between consumers and establish an intimate relationship. 3.4 first-person both readers and advertisers to People sometimes use "AD writing we" and "us" to refer to readers and advertisers. For example: Remove Us for you I (philips electronics)Remove Us time, tourists as Gospel, am, the Unreliable. The first-person plural inclusivity will put the same party advertisers and readers, this method makes readers and advertisers think stand aside, the interests of both parties seemed is consistent, advertisers to its thought, joys and sorrows, advertisers and the readers established an intimate atmosphere, readers and advertisers are virtually shortens the distance between psychology. This is largely dropped to the reader, advertisers doubts to buy their psychological its product or service to select its decision.
2023-06-29 06:46:462


2023-06-29 06:47:051


Smoking is harmful Smoking cigarettes is very harmful to our health. Studies show that smoking can cause cancer and other health problems. Smoker should give up smoking. In addition to health problem, there are other reasons to give up smoking. First, cigarette is very expensive. It is estimated that a smoker will at least spend more than $400 a year. And ,smoking leaves an offensive odor. Non-smoker don"t like to be at around the smoker. Further-more ,smoking is a source of pollution. These are all good reasons to give up smoking . Of course ,it is not easy to give up smoking ,but it can be done. First ,a smoker may list the disadvantages of smoking ,which will be very helpful for him to give it up. Then ,the smoker should get support form his relatives or close friends. Last but not least ,the smoker should habit ,such as fishing and reading ,which will take the smoker"s mind off smoking. 吸烟严重危害着我们的健康。研究表明,吸烟可能导致癌症和其他健康问题。吸烟者应该戒烟。 另外还有其他应该戒烟的理由。首先,烟是笔大的开销。据估计,吸烟者每年至少要花费400美元。其次,吸烟留下了讨厌的味道,不吸烟者不喜欢和吸烟者在一起。另外,吸烟是一种污染。上述这些都是戒烟的完美理由。
2023-06-29 06:47:121


2023-06-29 06:47:224


How To Give Up Smoke关于如何戒烟Nowadays, more and more people realize the harm of smoking and the damage it bring to the people around us.Considered the health of people themseves and the one they care, many smokers try their best to give up smoking.When quiting smoking, I have some suggestions.First of all, people should have strong will on giving up smoking.Personal determination is the most important factor.When feeling eager to smoke, people should think about the damage of smoking and the people they love.And then they can strengthen their will not to smoke.Secondly, sweep away all the cigarette around.They can"t find any cigarette when they want to smoke.And then after a while, their wants for smoke will reduce gradually.Last but not least, prepare some candies in the pocket, when people want to smoke, eat candies instead.Hope every smoker succeed in the end.如今,越来越多的人意识到吸烟的危害,以及它带给我们周围的人的伤害。考虑到自己和自己所在乎的人的健康,许多吸烟者都试图戒烟。在戒烟的过程中,我有一些建议。首先,人们应该有坚强的意志来戒烟。个人决心是最重要的。在想吸烟的时候,人们应该想到吸烟的危害和他们所爱的人。这样他们才可以加强戒烟的信念。其次,把自己周围的香烟都清除。在他们想抽烟的时候,却找不到香烟。过了一会儿,他们想要抽烟的欲望就会逐渐减小。最后但并非最不重要的,在口袋里准备好糖果,想抽烟的时候,就用糖果来代替。希望每个吸烟者最后都能成功戒烟。
2023-06-29 06:47:291


首页资讯游戏攻略手游动画输入搜索内容游民星空 - 查攻略必备下载游民App,免费领取游戏大作下载《荒野大镖客2》各人物结局总结 每个人物的结局是什么游民星空[原创] AgentX 2019-12-20 19:100凯伦游民星空  凯伦最大的特点相信各位都有目共睹了,她和西恩还在一次帮派聚会时做了羞羞的事情。凯伦在第六章后期不知所踪,只是亚瑟的日记最后说她酗酒成瘾,亚瑟也对此十分担忧,之后游戏中再也没有提起过她,不知道是不是R星忘了这个角色了。我想凯伦应该没死,如果死了至少会有她的墓,而通关后同伴的墓中并没有她。相关内容请关注:荒野大镖客:救赎2专区责任编辑:Agent文章导航上一页 15/29 下一页本文对您是否有帮助有 18 没有 0荒野大镖客:救赎2PC/PS4/XboxOne 打开游民APP,查看更多精彩内容攻略专题 进入攻略合集流程攻略图文流程攻略流程视频攻略陌生人支线任务金牌挑战MORE纯黑全金牌视频全金牌攻略金牌挑战任务要求金牌挑战流程视频综合推荐100%完成度饰品制作材料全服装图鉴彩蛋合集挑战任务MORE土匪探险家赌徒草药大师骑手捕猎大师神射手生存大师武器专家武器相关MORE全武器获取方法全武器图鉴近战武器收集特殊武器位置武器系统简介武器定制系统马匹驯服MORE马匹图鉴马匹系统详解马匹实用度排名捕获阿拉伯马野马分布位置推升马匹亲密度稀有马推荐马匹勇气度测试收集要素MORE标识地图互动地图坟墓植物香烟卡恐龙骨头珍品农庄藏匿物捕梦网废弃小屋石刻帮派藏身处兴趣点赏金任务藏宝图宝藏MORE杰克霍尔帮剧毒路线危险重重死者的宝物撕裂的藏宝图奇克的藏宝图变态杀手线索刷钱教程MORE赚钱方法汇总抢马车刷钱荣誉值MORE荣誉等级效果荣誉系统详解荣誉值提升方法刷荣誉值教程狩猎相关MORE动物位置狩猎及动物皮讲解全动物素材作用美洲狮刷新点完美击杀条件狩猎手法动物分布图示狩猎请求位置刷完美驼鹿位置传说动物MORE刷新条件灰熊驼鹿河狸野猪鳄鱼山狮狐狸郊狼大角公羊麋鹿狼白野牛公鹿野牛叉角羚美洲狮钓鱼相关MORE传说鱼位置鱼饵用法钓鱼指南传说红鲑钓法小游戏MORE小游戏位置德州扑克21点多米诺骨牌快刀戳指缝剧情结局结尾动画剧情讲解各人物结局总结奖杯成就白金攻略白金奖杯路线白金视频攻略难点奖杯视频全奖杯列表资料图鉴动物植物鱼类武器服装马匹香烟卡线上模式MORE主线图文攻略金牌流程视频全奖杯解锁藏宝图获取武器解锁等级盗贼据点分部刷金块教学马匹属性物品解锁等级营地功能刷钱方法马匹狂奔速度操作与玩法补充核心技巧PVP技能卡创建帮派方法线上模式工具收藏家地图动植物地图线上活动时间表线上模式赏金目标牧羊人"维吉尔""鲍"吉恩·芬利塞西尔 C·塔克赛尔吉奥·文森扎菲利普·卡里尔托宾·温菲尔德“红衣”本巴巴丽娜·阿尔卡猫头鹰家族“育空”尼科洋娃娃BUG问题解决MORE无法进入游戏游戏验证失败间歇性卡顿开启HDR方法1080Ti设置建议隐藏鼠标指针人物资料达奇何西阿奥西苏珊皮尔逊迈卡·贝尔查尔斯比尔·威廉森施特劳斯约翰艾比盖尔杰克凯伦·琼斯哈维尔蒂莉大叔玛丽·贝思蓝尼约西亚斯旺森牧师肖恩赛迪亚瑟·摩根相关推荐《荒野大镖客OL》各职业玩法与能力搭配攻略《荒野大镖客OL》2021.12.07更新介绍《荒野大镖客OL》2021.11.09周更介绍《荒野大镖客OL》2021.10.26周更介绍《荒野大镖客OL》2021.10.19周更介绍《荒野大镖客OL》9月14日更新内容一览《荒野大镖客OL》9月7日更新内容一览《荒野大镖客OL》8月25日更新内容一览《荒野大镖客OL》8月17日更新内容一览《荒野大镖客OL》8月10日更新内容一览APP精彩推荐打开游民APP查看更多腾讯X罗技云游戏掌机外观泄露:人体工学、纯白机身打开游民APP167评论37岁盖尔加朵晒度假美照 大秀修长好身材打开游民APP209评论腾讯X罗技云游戏掌机外观泄露:人体工学、纯白机身打开游民APP167评论日本女作家因换头像被网友喷 晒本人照片反击网友打开游民APP91评论《巫师3》完整版中配尝鲜:口型适配 诚意拉满!《巫师3》完整版中配尝鲜:口型适配 诚意拉满!2022-12-06 世界杯日本1-3不敌克罗地亚 点球大战决胜负世界杯日本1-3不敌克罗地亚 点球大战决胜负2022-12-06 赚翻了!在日华人靠倒卖PS5两年赚了4000万日元赚翻了!在日华人靠倒卖PS5两年赚了4000万日元2022-12-06热门H5手游更多 菲尼西雅战记 消失的轨迹 魔导英雄传说 巅峰冠军足球 游民星空打开App阅读体验更佳,攻略、资讯实时更新下载APP
2023-06-29 06:47:361


2023-06-29 06:47:451


 Smoking is Harmful  It has been estimated that smokers have made up half of the population in China. And the smokers are becoming younger and younger, even ineluding some middle school students.  Nowadays more and more people have realized smoking can do harm to people"shealth. However, some people still enjoy smoking. Why? Because some of them think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of GREat fun and others, think that smoking can refresh themselves.  In fact, smoking is a bad habit. It can cause a lot of diseases. Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money. Besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.  Smoking is harmful and it is not only bad for smokers themselves, but also bad for non-smokers.  Therefore, I hope all the smokers can give up smoking for themselves and also for the people around them.  据估计,在中国吸烟者约占总人口的一半,而且烟民的年龄越来越年轻,甚至一些中学生也在抽烟。  如今越来越多的人们已经认识到吸烟有害人体健康,但他们仍然乐此不疲。为什么?一些人认为抽烟是一种时髦,另外一些人认为抽烟很有趣,还有一些人认为吸烟可以提神。  事实上,吸烟是一种不好的习惯,它能导致很多疾病。同时,吸烟很浪费金钱。除此而外,粗心的烟民还可能引起火灾。  吸烟对人们的身体百害而无一利。它不仅有害吸烟者本人,而且对不吸烟者也会造成损害。  因此,我希望吸烟者为自己和身边的人们而戒烟。
2023-06-29 06:47:531


Smoking Is Harmful At the class meeting our teacher read us a report in the newspaper. A certain student in a middle school smoked and he wouldn"t get rid of the bad habit though his teacherand friends warned him not to smoke any more. He even stole money to get cigarettes and was pat into prison in the end. This really gave usa shock. smoking is very harmful to our health. It does great harm not only to our health, but also to our mind, especially for us teenagers. Now more and more people all over the world have given up smoking or have made up their minds to do so, I think we middle school students are the future builders of our country. We should study hard and make progress every day. We should form good habits so that we can spend our time learning things useful and valuable for our motherland and people, I think today"s class meeting is very meaningful to my classmates who have a bad habit of smoking. 中文是:吸烟是在这次会议上我们的老师给我们宣读报纸上一份有害的报告。如果一个中学某学生抽烟,他不会走出坏习惯摆脱尽管他的朋友警告他不要抽烟了。他甚至偷的钱得到香烟,并关进监狱。这确实给了美国的冲击。大家都吸烟是十分有害健康。它危害极大,不仅对我们的健康,而且在我们看来,尤其是我们青少年。现在,越来越多的人在世界各地已放弃吸烟,或已作出决定,这样做,我认为我们中学生是我们国家的未来的建设者。我们要努力学习,天天进步。我们应该养成好习惯,使我们可以花时间学习有益的东西为我们的祖国和人民宝贵的,我认为今天的班会是非常有意义的同学谁有吸烟的坏习惯。
2023-06-29 06:48:001


禁毒词语 1防毒反毒,人人有责Anti-virus drug,is everyone"s responsibility 2扫除毒害,利国利民.Remove poisoned,and they serve the country.3吸毒是犯罪的祸根.Drug addiction is the root cause of crime 4、吸食毒品,害人害己.Drug addiction,harm to others 5动员起来,打一场禁毒的人民战争!Mobilize,the anti-drug fight a people"s war!6远离毒品 亲近美好人生 Stay away from drugs close to a beautiful life 7珍惜您的生命,请远离毒品 Cherish your life,please stay away from drugs 8认识毒品危害 提高抵御能力Raising awareness against drug resilience 9大力消除毒品危害 保护人民身心健康.The elimination of the drug vigorously protect people against physical and mental health.10、严厉打击毒品违法犯罪活动.To crack down on drug crimes. 禁菸禁毒词怎么写 1、无烟禁毒保净土。 2、吸菸吸毒害人害已。 3、厉行禁菸,严厉打击毒品犯罪。 禁毒诗词 古代是没有禁毒这个概念的,所以没有禁毒的诗词. 只有清朝及以后,才有禁毒一词,因而才有禁毒的诗. 现代的有一些,如: 禁毒英雄赞(诗) 作者:未知 来自:德巨集团结报 时间:2005-8-9 禁毒英雄赞 *张和映* 毒品源源犯边关,祸国殃民罪滔天。 百姓膏粱搜刮尽,瘟疫艾滋肆蔓延。 销形蚀骨人似鬼,吞云吐雾家荡然。 赤县神州今非昔,岂容魔怪舞蹁跹? 缉毒斩妖挥利剑,公安战士勇当先。 前仆后继驱虎狼,围追堵截擒凶顽。 众志成城除烟瘴,齐心协力谋发展。 国富民安人康泰,烈士英名万世传。 罪恶天堂——为国际禁毒日原创(杂诗一首) 妖艳的花枝头摇曳 诱惑着心中的罪恶 恶魔的种子在发芽 驱散了心中的善念 从此 你的生命失去光彩 你的生活失去意义 从此 你的家人日日夜夜牵肠挂肚 你的朋友时时刻刻提心吊胆 有人说这是通往天堂的列车 殊不知天堂的下一站是地狱 有人说它能让你瓢瓢欲仙 哪知它的代价是付出生命 它是沦落的国度 使你泥足深陷不能自拔 它是罪恶的天堂 使你乐而忘死魂无归所 请看清妖艳背后的剧毒 高举手中的真理火焰 将这座罪恶天堂焚烧 禁毒成语 虎门销烟(1839年6月)指中国清朝 *** 委任钦差大臣林则徐在广东虎门集中销毁鸦片的历史事件。此事后来成为第一次鸦片战争的导火线,《南京条约》也是那次战争时清 *** 签订的。 1839年6月3日(清宣宗道光十九年岁次己亥四月廿二),林则徐下令在虎门海滩当众销毁鸦片,至6月25日结束,共历时23天,销毁鸦片19187箱和2119袋,总重量2376254斤。 虎门销烟成为打击毒品的历史事件。虎门销烟开始的6月3日,民国时被定为不放假的禁菸节,而销烟结束翌日即6月26日也正好是国际禁毒日。 120词英语禁毒倡议书 楼主时间。我到网上摘抄了一部分 The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime,(犯罪) or UNODC, selected (选择)“drugs are not child"s play” as the theme of its 2006 international campaign,in an effort to increase public awareness of the destructive power of drugs and society"s responsibility to care for the well-being of children. (为增加公众对毒品危害的了解,和社会对儿童健康所应尽的责任而做出努力)和The latest statistics indicate (资料显示)that 200 million people, or 5 per cent of the global population aged 15-64, have consumed (消费)illicit (不法的)drugs at least once in the last 12 months. But what about children? Although they are seldom the object of national and international studies, children of all ages are affected by drug abuse(滥用) and trafficking (非法交易). Street children, working and living in terrible conditions, are vulnerable,(易受伤害的) as are boys and girls whose family members are buying or selling illicit substances. These kids are exposed not only to bad examples but also to violent (暴力)behavior associated to drug abuse.In some instances, (例如)children have lost their parents to this scourge(灾难) and are now cared for by uncles, aunts or grandparents. At school, the situation may not be any better. Teenagers and peers (同龄人) may be pressuring kids to *** oke cigarettes and drink alcohol (酒精)at first, and then to try marihuana (大麻). Other types of drugs may follow. Saying No to Drugs Good morning, everyone. I am here today to talk to you on the ic of Saying no to drugs. My message to you all is never to try drugs. Say "No" every time anyone ever tries to give or sell you drugs. Don"t speak to that person again. Drugs are addictive, so please do not think that you might be stronger than other people. Even taking a drug just once is very dangerous. Now, let me give you some reasons for my opinion. First, drugs are illegal. Buying or selling drugs, having drugs—these are all against the law. Breaking the law is wrong and it is dangerous too. Now you have a bright future waiting for you, but if you start doing illegal things, all that will change—if you mit crimes you will be punished. Second, drugs can be very bad for your health. Drugs are powerful chemicals. They give you very high blood pressure; they do strange things to your heart rate; they s you from eating properly; they change the way you breathe. Drug addicts feel ill most of the time. They have a lot of pain. Do you want this? Many drug addicts share needles and bee infected with deadly diseases like AIDS. Drugs also make people behave strangely. Drug addicts fall out of windows and hurt themselves with knives and broken glass. Addicts can easily take too much of their drug—and then they die. Please do not hurt yourself in any of these ways. Say "No" to drugs! Drugs cost a lot of money. If you take drugs you will soon be poor. To get money to buy drugs you will do stupid and illegal things. You will lose your friends and have a lot of trouble in your life. Often people take drugs because they are unhappy. Maybe they have love or work problems. But drugs cannot solve these problems. There is no connection beeen them and drugs. People need to talk about problems, get advice and change their behaviour—not take dangerous drugs. Taking drugs encourages people to make them and sell them. You are making a big social problem worse. Because of you other people may hurt themselves and die prematurely, even if you don"t. You make the world a worse place. Finally, please remember: addiction grows. The first time you need just a little crack cocaine, but every time you will want more. You cannot control the drug; it will control you. Please listen to me—and say "No" to drugs! 禁毒标语 1、珍爱生命,拒绝毒品。 2、莫沾毒品,莫交毒友。 3、防毒反毒,人人有责。 4、扫除毒害,利国利民。 5、毒品是人类社会的公害。 6、吸毒是犯罪的祸根。 7、毒品一日不绝,禁毒一刻不止。 8、有毒必肃,贩毒必惩,种毒必究,吸毒必戒。 9、四禁并举、堵源截流、严格执法、标本兼治。 10、极行动起来,同毒品犯罪作坚决的斗争。 11、开展禁毒斗争,保障改革开放和社会主义现代化建设顺利进行。 12、开展禁毒斗争,消除毒品祸害。 13、禁贩、禁种、禁吸“三禁”并举,打击、宣传、防治多管齐下。 14、全党动手,全民动员,深入持久地开展禁毒斗争。 15、坚决查禁毒品,维护社会治安。 16、严厉打击毒品违法犯罪活动。 17、禁毒利国、利民、利己。 18、吸食毒品,害人害己。 19、坚决彻底铲除非法种植的罂粟等毒品原植物。 20、开展禁毒宣传,增强全民禁毒意识。 21、除毒务早,除毒务尽! 22、开展综合治理,根除毒品危害! 23、动员起来,打一场禁毒的人民战争! 24、加大禁毒力度,深化禁毒斗争! 25、禁贩、禁钟、禁吸、禁制并举 堵源截流 严格执法 标本兼治 综合治理 26、禁绝毒品 功在当代 利在千秋 27、全民动员 禁毒防毒 创一流文明城市 28、开展建立无毒害社群活动 确保一方净土 29、远离毒品 亲近美好人生 30、据世界卫生组织统计,每年全世界约有10万人死于吸毒,另有约1000万人因吸毒而丧失正常的智力和工作能力———珍惜您的生命,请远离毒品 31、深入建立无毒社群 促进精神文明建设。 32、大力消除毒品危害 保护人民身心健康。 33、认识毒品危害 提高抵御能力 34、增强拒毒防毒意识 积极投身禁毒工作。 35、大力推行综合治理 深入开展禁毒斗争。 37、吸鸦片烟,吃“白面”,世界上谁能消灭得了?国民党办不到,资本主义办不到。事实证明, *** 能消灭丑恶的东西。-------- *** 38、现在不把贩毒、吸毒问题解决掉,从某种意义上说是涉及到中华民族兴亡的问题。这不是危言耸听。必须提高到这样的高度来认识。---------- *** 39抵制毒品,参与禁毒----------2004年禁毒日主题 一、 禁毒工作方针:“四禁”并举,堵源截流、标本兼治 二、 深入开展建立“无毒社群”工作 三、 大力开展“不让毒品进我家”活动 四、 开展禁毒斗争、消除毒品祸害 五、 禁种、禁贩、禁吸、禁制“四禁”并举,打击、宣传、防治多管齐下 六、 全党动手、全民动员,深入持久地开展禁毒斗争 七、 根除毒品危害、振奋民族精神 八、 坚决查禁毒品、维护社会治安 九、 严厉打击毒品违法犯罪活动 十、 禁毒利国、利民、利己,吸食毒品害己害人 十一、开展禁毒宣传,增强全民禁毒意识 十二、遵守禁毒法规,维护 *** 禁令 十三、坚决查禁毒品,开展综合治理 十四、珍爱生命,远离毒品 。 十五、拒绝毒品,健康娱乐。 十六、抵制毒品侵害,珍惜美好年华。 十七、全党动员,全民动手,打一场深入持久的禁毒人民战争。 十八、炎黄子孙当自强,拒毒禁毒为中华。 十九、据世界卫生组织统计,每年全世界约有10万人死于吸毒,另有约1000万人因吸毒而丧失正常的智力和工作能力——珍惜您的生命,请远离毒品。 二十、深化禁毒斗争。 二十一、普及禁毒常识。 二十二、让泪水远离毒品,让幸福拒绝毒品。 二十三、毒品一日不绝,禁毒一日不止。 二十四、认识毒品危害,提高抵御能力。 禁毒我想歌词 我想歌词 我见过青春的微笑 温暖如阳光 也见过虚幻带来的创伤 无辜的悲凉 怎么会这样 疯狂中撕毁生活的光 毁灭的诱惑 拼命绽放 低吟著粉末的迷幻 乐章将无数将彻底埋葬 我想语录可以找到海洋 我想眼泪远离你的脸庞 我想要天天可以见到你微笑的模样 我绕你我身旁 我想…… 我见过感悟的力量 相信总如往 也见过丢失灵魂的心跳 怎么会这样 疯狂中撕毁生活的光 毁灭的诱惑 拼命绽放 低吟著粉末的迷幻 乐章将无数将彻底埋葬 我想每个生命都能健康 我想梦想可以插上翅膀 我想能拥有更多快乐 快乐环绕你我身旁 ______________ 《我想》歌词 我想 眭磊词 周秀松曲 我想雨露可以找到海洋 我想眼泪远离你的脸庞 我想要天天都可以见到你微笑的模样 我想每个生命都能健康 我想梦想可以插上翅膀 我想能拥有更多快乐快乐环绕你我身旁 我想…… 我见过青春的微笑温暖如阳光 也见过虚幻带来的创伤无故的悲凉 我见过感情的力量相信总如往 也见过丢失灵魂的心跳怎么会这样 疯狂中撕毁生活的光 毁灭的诱惑拼命绽放 低吟著粉末的迷幻乐章 将无数希望彻底埋葬 我想雨露可以找到海洋 我想眼泪远离你的脸庞 我想要天天都可以见到你微笑的模样 我想每个生命都能健康 我想梦想可以插上翅膀 我想能拥有更多快乐快乐环绕你我身旁 我想…… 疯狂中撕毁生活的光 毁灭的诱惑拼命绽放 低吟著粉末的迷幻乐章 将无数希望彻底埋葬 我想雨露可以找到海洋 我想眼泪远离你的脸庞 我想要天天都可以见到你微笑的模样 我想每个生命都能健康 我想梦想可以插上翅膀 我想能拥有更多快乐快乐环绕你我身旁 我想…… 禁毒办与禁毒局与禁毒大队的区别 禁毒办属国务院的 禁毒局属公安部的 禁毒大队属地方分局的, 求禁毒宣传词 1、烟枪一只,打的妻离子散,未闻炮声震地; 锡纸半张,烧尽田地房梁,不见火光冲天。 2、鸦片三分,盖世英雄为绝路; 摊皮四粒,富家子弟入穷途。 3、若不撇开真是苦; 人而能反变成人。 4、陋习好改志为鉴; 顽症难治心作医。 ——这是爱国将领张学良的戒毒联 5、《戒毒词》 天生毒种太缠绵,劫数原知定在天。 不到此时终不悟,只差一念恨从前。 屋舍田园日渐空,可怜身世叹飘蓬。 烟将志气消磨尽,自问无颜见祖宗。 6、林公断瘾橘红参,米壳覆花炒枣仁。 名党半夏炮姜炭,茯苓杞子益智仁。 ——林则徐“断瘾丸”配方歌诀 7、寂寞寒窗空守寡, 逍遥通道反迷途。 8、劝我民, 莫吸菸, 五脏六腑都煎熬。 甘之如饴真鸩毒, 想一想, 速死由己不在天。 ——戒菸歌 9、远离毒品更心爽, 常守法规梦魂安。 10、自打自受伤, 多少英雄汉, 弹死在高床。
2023-06-29 06:48:081


n. 卷,册 (大部头的)书,书籍 (与of连用)体积,容量 The volume of this container is 2 cubic meters. 这个容器的容量是两立方米. (与of连用)(工商业的)额,量 the volume of passenger travel 旅客的数量 the volume of sales 销售量 音量;响度 She turned down the volume on the radio. 她关小了收音机的音量. (pl) 大量 volumes of smoke 大量的烟 If more and more cars run in the street,a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off,polluting the atmosphere. 如果愈来愈多的小汽车奔跑在马路上,会排放出大量有毒气体,污染空气. 习惯用语 speak volumes (for sth.):明白表示;有力地说明 volume n.册,卷,体积,容量,大量,许多,份量,音量 vi.成团卷起 vt.把...收集成卷 a.大量的 【计】 卷 【化】 体积 【医】 容量,容积,体积 【经】 成交量,量,体积
2023-06-29 06:48:141

以Teenger smoking为题写一篇作文

Teenager smokingNow more and more teenagers start to smoke.It"s a bad sign.Many people may think smoking is a fashion .But it"s really harm to our health.We may cough,have a bronchitis or even die.And it"s difficult to stop smoking.We teenagers shouldn"t smoke.Kowning and believing seem to be two different things.If smoking is really as harmful as doctors say,it is time for teenager-smokers to think about it and try to give it up!
2023-06-29 06:48:362

It is said that more than four million people die each year from smoking. That number is fright...

小题1:More than four million people die from smoking each year.小题2:The American Cancer Society says smoking harms the body greatly.小题3:No, it isn"t.小题4:You"ll reduce your chances of getting cancer and other diseases.小题5:Stop smoking before smoking stops you! 试题解析:本文大意:据说每年超过400万的人死于吸烟,这个数字很吓人,但人们仍继续吸烟。美国癌症协会说吸烟对身体伤害极大,吸一定数量的烟是危险的。戒烟不容易,但戒烟会让人活的更久。医生说没有一个正确的方法戒烟,任何方法都是有帮助的,你戒烟越久,你就会越多地降低患癌和其它疾病的机会。小题1:细节理解题。根据It is said that more than four million people die each year from smoking.据说每年超过400万的人死于吸烟,故答案填 More than four million people die from smoking each year.小题2:细节理解题。根据The American Cancer Society(美国癌症协会)says smoking harms the body greatly. 美国癌症协会说吸烟对身体伤害极大,故答案填The American Cancer Society says smoking harms the body greatly.小题3:细节理解题。根据It"s not easy to give up smoking.戒烟不容易,故答案填No, it isn"t.小题4:细节理解题。根据The sooner you stop smoking, the more you"ll reduce your chances of getting cancer and other diseases.你戒烟越久,你就会越多地降低患癌和其它疾病的机会,故答案填You"ll reduce your chances of getting cancer and other diseases.小题5:标题归纳题。根据Stop smoking before smoking stops you!在烟停止你的生命之前戒烟,故答案填Stop smoking before smoking stops you!
2023-06-29 06:49:021


  由于随着科技和社会的发展,人们的生活水平不断提高,当代人把身体健康看得越来越重,对自己的饮食习惯,药物的使用与滥用和急救知识等格外关注。下面是我带来的医学科普 文章 ,欢迎阅读!    医学科普文章英文版1   为什么总是睡不好?十大常见睡眠错误   Most of us have struggled at some point with sleep. Whether itu2019s not getting enough sleepor struggling to get up in the morning, it can be difficult to get the balance just right.   大多数人都遇到过一些睡眠问题。有可能是睡得不够,又或者是早晨起不来,很难达到平衡睡得舒服。   However, sleep is essential if we want to be productive in life. It provides us with theenergy we need to get stuff done!   然而为了保证精力充沛,睡眠是十分必要的。我们需要睡足了才有精力干活!   Here are the 10 most common sleep mistakes people make and a few tips for avoidingthem!   下面列出了常见的十大睡眠错误以及纠正小贴士。   1. The snooze button   闹钟止闹按钮   Donu2019t EVER hit the snoozebutton. It really is much more beneficial to just get up on yourfirst alarm. Think about it u2013 the snooze button gives you an extra 10 minutes or so sleep. Inthe grand scheme of your day this really wonu2019t provide you with any more energy. In-fact itdoes the opposite. Research has shown that u2018interrupted sleepu2019 can cause us to feel moretired.   千万不要按止闹按钮,其实在闹铃一响时就起来对身体更好。想想看,止闹按钮可以让你多睡10分钟或者更长一点时间。但相比于一整天满满的计划,这多睡的10分钟根本无法为你多添几份活力。事实上恰恰相反,研究表明受干扰的睡眠会让人更加疲倦。   2. Disorganized sleeping habits   不规律的睡眠习惯   Itu2019s much easier to get to sleep each night (and wake up feeling refreshed) if we have aregular routine. This means going to bed at roughly the same time each night and getting upat roughly the same time each morning. If youu2019re disorganized with your sleeping routine, youend up interrupting your natural sleeping rhythms, which can cause insomnia and fatigue.   如果每天的作息时间规律,每晚会更加容易入眠(醒来时也会感到神清气爽)。也就是说每晚在相对固定的时间睡觉,每天早上在相对固定的时间起床。如果你睡觉的时间不规律,就会打乱你的生物钟,导致失眠和疲劳感。   3. Long naps   小睡时间过长   Long naps can disrupt your sleeping rhythms so if youu2019re desperate for a nap then keep itunder the 30 minute mark (and before 4pm). Short naps after lunch can help to restore energylevels (just make sure you donu2019t sleep in).   小睡时间过长会打乱人的生物钟,所以如果你真的很想打个盹儿的话,请把时间控制在30分钟以内(而且要在下午四点前睡)。在午餐后小睡一会儿有助于恢复体力(只是不要睡过头了)。   4. Caffeine/stimulants   咖啡因/兴奋剂   Donu2019t drink any caffeinated drinks after mid-day. Caffeine stimulatesyour body for up to 12hours after consumption so itu2019s important to restrict your intake later in the day. Be aware ofsupposed u2018herbalu2019 drinks such as green tea, which can have a high dose of caffeine. Alwayscheck the label.   请不要在中午之后饮用含咖啡因的饮料。咖啡因会持续的影响人体12个小时,所以要控制自己不要在中午以后摄取咖啡因。小心一些“草本”饮料,例如绿茶含有很高的咖啡因。每次喝饮料之前都要看一下成份标签。   5. Stress &negative thinking   压力和消极想法   Stress is a large reason why many people find it difficult to sleep. One of the worse thingsyou can do is be stressed before bed. Stress produces chemicals that physically stop us fromsleeping. Try and clear your mind before bed time and make an effort to think positive thoughtsthat aid sleep.   压力是造成人难以入眠的重要原因。在上床睡觉前带着太大压力就更加糟糕了。压力会使人分泌出某些从生理上阻止睡眠的化学物质。尝试在睡前清空所思所想,努力朝有助于睡眠的积极方面想吧。   6. Too much light   光线太亮   Our bodies depend on u2018sleep signalsu2019 to fall asleep and one of those signals is darkness.Make sure your room is as dark as possible before trying to get to sleep. Even a thin stream oflight coming in through your window can disrupt your pinealglandu2019s production of sleephormones and therefore disturb your sleep rhythms, so make sure your blinds are closed!   我们的身体依靠“睡眠信号”来入睡,其中一个信号就是黑暗。所以在睡觉前要确保房间光线尽可能暗。即便是透过玻璃窗射进来的一小束光线也可能会干扰人的松果体分泌睡眠荷尔蒙,从而干扰睡眠生物钟。因此要保证关上百叶窗!   7. Sugar before bedtime   睡前摄取糖分   Sugary snacks before bedtime are a really bad idea. The sugar can disrupt the chemicals inyour body causing you to wake up during the night. Limit all late night sweet treats u2013 if youu2019rehungry go for a protein based snack instead.   睡前吃含糖的零食真的是个坏主意。糖会破坏人体体内的化学物质,导致人在夜间醒来。因此要控制晚间吃甜食的量,如果你饿了,去吃一些蛋白质为主的零食吧。   8. Alcohol before bedtime   睡前喝酒   Alcohol is a sedativeand therefore people get fooled into thinking it will help them get agood nights sleep. The reality is that it may initially induce sleep, however it usually drasticallyimpairs sleep during the second half of the night which leads to interrupted sleep patterns thatwill leave you feeling fatigued in the morning (not to mention the hangover!)   酒精有镇定作用,因此人们会误以为酒精能帮助睡眠。实际上酒精可能会在一开始促进人睡眠,但是它也常会在后半夜严重影响人的睡眠,打乱人的睡眠模式,让你在早上觉得很疲乏(更不用说还有宿醉了)。   9. TV in the bedroom   卧室里摆放电视   It can be easy to fall asleep on the couch in front of the TV. Itu2019s important we donu2019t try andreplicatethis strategy in the bedroom though. The bedroom must only be associated withsleep. When you start to introduce mental stimulation such as a TV this can severely disruptyour sleep patterns.   坐在电视机前的沙发上很容易睡着,但重要的是我们不能在卧室里尝试这一 方法 。卧室应当只与睡眠有关,把电视机之类刺激神经的东西放进卧室会严重打乱你的睡眠模式。   10. Worrying about sleep   担心睡眠   If youu2019ve had a few bad nights sleep, then the worst thing you can do is worry too muchabout it. When we place too much focus on sleeping this can cause anxiety and only make theproblem worse. Try to go with the flow and let your body naturally get into a healthy sleeppattern.   当你几天都睡不好后,最糟糕的事情就是你还总是担心自己的睡眠。当我们把注意力过多放在睡眠上时,就会导致焦虑,而焦虑只会让睡眠问题变得更严重。试着顺其自然地让身体进入健康的睡眠模式吧。    医学科普文章英文版2   5个有害健康的常见生活习惯   Everyday health hazard 1: Lying   日常健康危害之1:撒谎   Whether youu2019re complimenting your best friendu2019s unflattering hairdo or “improvising”on thecost of your new designer shoes, we all tell the odd fibfrom time to time. However, accordingto research, those little white lies could be more harmful than you think. Lying can generatefeelings of stress which are damaging to your health, and a study by researchers at theUniversity of Notre Dame found that when people reduced the amount of lies they told theysuffered from less headaches, sore throats and anxiety.   无论你是在恭维你最好朋友那不讨喜的发型,或临时冲动购物买下最新名牌鞋,在这时候我们通常会撒一些古怪的小谎。但是最新的研究显示,即便是那些无害纯洁的小谎言也会带来意想不到的危害。撒谎会产生压力,而压力会损害你的健康。一项来自圣母大学的研究发现,当人们减少说谎话的次数时,他们就会减少头疼、咽喉疼痛和焦虑的患病次数。   Everyday health hazard 2: Eating at your desk   日常健康危害之2:办公桌上吃饭   If youu2019re having a busy day in work, it can be tempting to skip your lunch break and eat atyour desk. However, missing out on breaks is not only bad for your stress levels, eating whiledistracted may also mean you are more likely to overeat. Furthermore, spending your lunchhour at your desk can lengthen the time you are physically inactive and also expose you toharmful bacteria. According to a study by the University of Arizona, your work station containsnearly 400 times more germs than the average toilet seat, making it a less than ideal place fordining.   如果你工作忙绿,你的午餐休息时间可能没了,就不得不在办公桌上吃午饭。然而错过了休息不仅会让你感到压力紧张,而且心烦意乱的你在这时候吃饭会导致你进食过量。此外,在办公桌上吃饭,你的身体不活动的时间就会增加,还会让你暴露在有害的细菌环境中。亚利桑那大学的研究 报告 显示,办公环境细菌量是马桶座圈平均量的400倍,你还想在这样的地方进餐吗?   Everyday health hazard 3: Housework   日常健康危害之3:家务   Need an excuse to put your feet up? Well, good news: research suggests that leaving thehousework for another day could give your health a boost! Research results published in theJournal of Family Psychology revealed that doing housework when you get home from workprevents levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) from lowering and reduces recovery fromstress. However, stress levels for both men and women were lowered by housework beingcompleted u2013 just so long as they werenu2019t the ones doing it. Look after your health by takingturns to do the housework with other members of your household if possible, and take timeout to relax afterwards.   想找个理由不做家务?那有好消息了:研究显示,人们把 家务活 留到第二天做,身体会更棒!《家庭心理学》刊登了这篇研究报告,报告结果显示,当你下班回家后做家务活,皮质醇(压力荷尔蒙)的释放会被抑制。皮质醇能降低压力,还能缩短受压后的恢复时间。但是当家务被完成后,男性和女性的压力水平都会降低——只要做家务的不仅仅只有他或她。可以的话,你可以和家人分担家务,这样能让自己保持健康,还有家务过后记得要抽时间休息啊。   Everyday health hazard 4: Using cash machines   日常健康危害之4:使用自动提款机   Withdrawing money from ATM machines is a common habit for most of us. However,cleanliness tests in Britain have revealed that cash machines are just as dirty as public toilets,and many of us are failing to wash our hands after using them. Experts assessed swabs fromthe key pads on cash machines and also from nearby public toilets and found that they bothcontained the same types of bacteria known to cause sickness. To look after your health, usean antibacterialhand gel once you have made your withdrawaland after handling money.   从自动提款机中提起现金是大多数人的日常习惯。然而一项英国的洁净测试显示,提款机和公厕一样脏,而且,大多数人在使用后都不会去洗手。专家们在自动提款机的键盘和附近的公厕中提取了样品,发现两者均含有同样致病菌。为了您的健康,请在提款和处理钱款后使用抗菌洗手液清洗。   Everyday health hazard 5: Cancelling plans   日常健康危害之5:取消计划   Find yourself frequently cancelling plans and bailing out on social events to have a bit oftime to yourself? Then it may be time to pay some attention to your social life. While a bit ofu2018me timeu2019 is essential to good mental and physical health, too much time on your own canactually be bad for you. Research suggests that having strong social bonds promotes brainhealth, reduces feelings of depression and stress and encourages you to look after yourhealth. In fact, a study found that having few friends affects your longevityas much as smoking15 cigarettes a day.   发现自己频繁取消计划,还想摆脱社交活动,只为挤出属于自己的空闲时间?那么现在是时候在自己的社交生活中多多用心。拥有少量属于自己的时间,对于精神和身体方面是非常有益处的,但是太多属于自己的时间,反而有可能会害了你。研究显示,较强的社交联系有益于大脑的健康,同时能避免抑郁、降低压力,还能鼓励自己多关注自身的健康。事实上一项研究发现,没有朋友也会减少你的寿命,效果相当于1天抽15根烟。    医学科普文章英文版3   睡前玩iPad会影响睡眠质量   Using tablet computers like Appleu2019s iPad and Samsungu2019s Galaxy Note just before bed can lead toa poor nightu2019s sleep, according to research.   More and more people are taking their tablets to bed with them to surf the web, checkFacebook or email before switching off the light.   But researchers are warning that the blueish light their screens emit can stop users getting agood nightu2019s sleep.   That is because this type of light mimics daylight, convincing the brain that it is still daytime.   Blue light suppresses production of a brain chemical called melatonin, which helps us fall sleep.This is because our brains have evolved to be wakeful during daylight hours.   By contrast, light which is more orange or red in tone does not suppress melatoninproduction, perhaps because our brains recognize it as a cue that the day is ending.   Neurologists have known for years that staring at screens late in the evening can disrupt sleep- be they television screens, computer screens or mobile phone screens.   However, because mobiles and tablets are by nature portable - not to say addictive - morepeople are taking them into the bedroom.   Users also tend to hold them much closer to their eyes than a computer or television screen.   Researchers at the Lighting Research Centre, at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in NewYork, are warning that looking at tablet displays for more than two hours “leads to asuppression of our natural melatonin levels as the devices emit optical radiation at shortwavelengths” - in other words, they emit bluer light.   They say: “Although turning off devices at night is the ultimate solution, it is recommendedthat if these devices are used at night displays are dimmed as much as possible and that thetime spent on them before bed should be limited.”   They drew their conclusions after measuring melatonin levels in 13 volunteers, after they hadspent time viewing iPads at full brightness at a distance of 10 inches, for two hours.   Melatonin levels were significantly lower after they had done this, than they were after thevolunteers had viewed their iPads for the same time, but while wearing orange glass goggles,which cut out the blue light.   They wrote in the journal Applied Ergonomics that tablet makers could "tune the spectral powerdistribution of self-luminous devices" so that they disrupted the sleep patterns of users less.   It is not just a good nightu2019s sleep that could be jeopardized by too much late night screentime.   Researchers know that persistent disruption to sleep patterns can lead to an increased risk ofobesity, and even breast cancer.   However, these studies tend to be comparisons of those with chronic sleep disruption, suchas long term shift workers, with those who have normal sleep patterns.
2023-06-29 06:49:091

老板能否在办公室吸烟 英语作文

2023-06-29 06:49:182


outh is not a time of life;
2023-06-29 06:49:263


2023-06-29 06:49:342

no longer和no more的区别

no longer的用法:no longer意为不再,通常放在行为动词前,be动词的后面。 no longer可用not…any longer代替。no more/not…any more与no longer/not…any longer同义,但用法有所区别:当涉及数量和程度时,要用no more。 no longer用法 no longer意思是“不再”,其确切含意为某状态在某个时刻之后不再继续下去了。所以,当你从学校毕业了,就可以说:I"m no longer a student.我不再是个学生了。 he no longer lives here. =he doesn"t live here any longer. 他不在这儿居住了。(一个时间以前他住在这儿,过了这个时间,他就离开了。) 这时一个状语,表时间,和延续性动词连用。它的位置在句子的哪里是很重要的。例如: 1、-He no longer read books. (在主语和谓语之间) 2、any longer=not...any longer -He doesn"t read books any longer.(句尾) 例句:These conditions no longer obtain. 这些条件已不复存在了。 We are a people no longer subject to foreign rule. 我们是一个不再受外国统治的民族。 The choice is no longer in their disposition. 选择权已不在他们手中了。 This island is no longer a dependency of the USA. 这个小岛不再是美国的属地。 Phonograph is no longer used nowadays. 留声机现在已不再使用了。 It cost me 10 but I"ll knock off 20% as it"s no longer new. 那是我花10英镑买的,因为已经旧了我减价20%. He no longer indulged himself in smoking. 他不再过度吸烟了。 This word is no longer in current use. 这个词现在已经不再使用。
2023-06-29 06:49:411

你不再是一个孩子了 我爸爸不再吸烟了 用上(not...any more)

You are not a child any more.My father doesn"t smoke any more.
2023-06-29 06:49:482

I wish you good luck in the new year.wish为什么不能用hope代替,他俩有啥区别?

hope与wish的区别主要表现在以下几个方面: A.hope与wish都可以跟动词不定式(hope/wish to do sth.),但wish to do sth.比较正式,口气也比较强烈,而hope to do sth.所表达的愿望是最容易实现的,也就是说,是最现实的. 1.Jennie hoped to give her a good education.珍妮希望给她良好的教育. 2.You might tell them that I hope to be back tomorrow night.你可以告诉他们,我想明晚返回. 3.I wish to express my warmest welcome to you.我愿向您表示最热烈的欢迎. 4.I don"t wish to leave my mother.我不希望离开母亲. B.wish之后可以跟含有动词不定式的复合宾语(wish sb.to do sth.),而hope却没有这种用法(×hope sb.to do sth). 1.Why don"t you wish your son to accept this post?为什么你不希望你儿子接受这个职位? 2.You know I wish you to be happy,don"t you?你知道我希望你幸福,你知道吗? C.hope与wish都可以跟从句,但意义和用法全然不同:从用法上讲,hope之后的宾语从句的谓语动词使用陈述语气的一般将来时或一般现在时.从意义上说,hope所表达的希望是能够实现的.而wish之后的宾语从句的谓语动词则只能使用虚拟语气,而所表达的愿望是无法实现的(宾语从句使用动词过去时或过去完成时)或难以实现的(宾语从句使用would do或could do时). 1.I hope you will like(或like)the flowers.(能实现的愿望)我希望你喜欢这些花. 2.I wish I were a bird.(不能实现的愿望)我希望我是一只鸟儿. 3.A:“It would be nice if you had a lot of money.”如果你有许多钱就好了. B:“I do wish I had!”(=If only I had!)(与现在事实相反的愿望)我真希望能够这样. 4.I wish I could have been at the committee yesterday.(与过去事实相反的愿望)要是昨天我能参加委员会会议就好了. D.有时候,wish可用来表示一种客气的请求: I wish you wouldn"t smoke any more.我希望你不要再吸烟了. E.wish可用在wish+间宾+直宾(I wish you success.)结构中,而hope却不能. They wished him good luck.他们祝他好运气.
2023-06-29 06:50:061

出国留学的好处 最好是英文版

出国留学的好处 最好是英文版 出国留学的好处: 接触到全新的想法和趋势,增加知识,拓宽视野 Being exposed to entirely new ideas and trends,they can enrich their knowledge and expand their horizons. 在国外生活,更快地掌握外语 by living and studying in a foreign country, one can improve his foreign language much faster than at home. 减少对父母的依靠 A great gift a parent can give is to let a child spread his /her wings and be independent Reduce their dependence on their parents 出国留学的好处英文 Firstly, studying abroad is the best way to learn a language.there is no better and more effective way to learn a language than to imersed in a culture that speaks the language. Secondly,studying abroad allows you to get to another culture firstt hand.Culture difference are more than just language food and personal habits.Student who experience culture difference personally can e to truely understand the real difference. Thirdly,studying abroad can give you the opportunity to travel and make friend around the world,and broaden your horizon. E智网为你解答,希望可以帮助到你! 英语《出国留学的好处》, 出国留学的好处英语作文 Firstly, studying abroad is the best way to learn a language.there is no better and more effective way to learn a language than to imersed in a culture that speaks the language. Secondly,studying abroad allows you to get to another culture firstt hand.Culture difference are more than just language food and personal habits.Student who experience culture difference personally can e to truely understand the real difference. Thirdly,studying abroad can give you the opportunity to travel and make friend around the world,and broaden your horizon. 英语作文出国留学的好处 Nowadays more and more young people are going to study abroad. Like everything else, studying abroad has both favorable and unfavorable aspects. Generally, the favorable aspects can be listed as follows. Firstly, they think by attending a college in a foreign country they can learn not only useful knowledge, but also the culture and customs of other nations. Secondly, they can take advantage of this opportunity to gain a good mand of the foreign language they are learning very quickly. Moreover, they can meet different people and experience different cultures, which may help to broaden their views. Every coin has o sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. The costs are much higher than those in their native country. Most overseas students have to work for a living, which can"t allow them to pay all their attention to study. What"s more, they may feel very lonely. Through above *** ysis, we can see that the positive aspects oueigh the negative ones. Therefore, I am in favor of going abroad to study. 留学好处(英文版)~急! The Benefits of Study Abroad Personal Growth “Overall, I learned a lot more about myself in that one semester than I did in the three and a half years in my home school because of the unique space in which I learned, experienced, and spent exploring another culture,” says Carolyn Valtos (IES Adelaide, 1992). An overwhelming majority of respondents echoed Valtos" feeling. When asked about personal growth, 97 percent said studying abroad served as a catalyst for increased maturity, 96 percent reported increased self-confidence, 89 percent said that it enabled them to tolerate ambiguity, and 95 percent stated that it has had a lasting impact on their world view. Findings also show that study abroad leads to long-lasting friendships with other U.S. students and still impacts current relationships. More than half the respondents are still in contact with U.S. friends met while studying abroad, and 73 percent said the experience continues to influence the decisions they make in their family life. Alexa Sand (IES Milan, 1989), who is still very close to U.S. friends she met abroad ten years ago, explains, “I think the shared experience of living fully immersed in another culture made these friendships particularly poignant and enduring.” Intercultural Development Study abroad educators often assert that one of the goals of study abroad is to train future global leaders to be more effective, respectful of other cultures and political and economic systems, and willing to take a stand for the world"s welfare, not just what benefits a specific country. The survey findings indicate that study abroad is sueeding in its mission. When questioned about intercultural development, 98 percent of respondents said that study abroad helped them to better understand their own cultural values and biases, and 82 percent replied that study abroad contributed to their developing a more sophisticated way of looking at the world. “ The experience of living and studying in another country was so eye-opening … [it] tested preconceptions and habits I wasn"t even aware were so ingrained in me,” says Cynthia Perras (IES Paris, 1981). It is significant to note that these intercultural benefits are not fleeting but continue to impact participants" lives long after their time abroad. Almost all of the respondents (94 percent) reported that the experience continues to influence interactions with people from different cultures, and 23 percent still maintain contact with host-country friends. Niy percent said that the experience influenced them to seek out a greater diversity of friends, and 64 percent said that it also influenced them to explore other cultures. “It has been nearly ten years since I was a student in Vienna, but not a single day goes by where its impact is not felt in my life,” says Jason Thornberg (IES Vienna, 1994). “My time there fundamentally changed how I view the world and has given me the ability to view the world, and its issues, from several perspectives.” Education and Career Attainment “My semester [abroad] launched me into a personal and professional involvement with Spain that has already lasted 25 years. A political science lecture in Madrid about U.S. and Spanish involvement in an obscure war in Sahara … led to a graduate fellowship to Spain and North Africa, which led to work as a foreign correspondent based in Spain,” says Gary Abramson (IES Madrid, 1978). It is noteworthy that the majority of respondents gave academic and professional aounts similar to Abramson"s. When questioned about academic pursuits, 87 percent of respondents said that study abroad influenced subsequent educational experiences, 63 percent said that it influenced their decision to expand or change academic majors, and 64 percent reported that it influenced their decision to attend graduate school. Nearly half of all respondents have engaged in international work or volunteeri *** since studying abroad. “ An entire range of professional opportunities have opened up to me in recent years, partly due to the skills and internship experiences I gained,” adds Joydeep Sengupta (IES Madrid, 1998). Similar to Sengupta"s experience, three-quarters of respondents asserted that they acquired skill sets abroad that influenced their career path, and 62 percent said that studying abroad ignited an interest in a career direction pursued after the experience. Longer Stays Mean Greater Benefits Consistent with national study abroad statistics, the survey found that students are generally studying abroad for a shorter duration, with the number of full-year students declining dramatically. In the 1950s and 1960s, 72 percent of respondents studied for a full year, but only 20 percent of respondents did so in the 1990s. The number of students studying for less than 10 weeks tripled from the 1950s and 1960s to the 1990s. For many years, conventional wisdom in the study abroad field has been that “more is better”—the longer students study abroad, the more significant the academic and cultural development and personal growth benefits. Aording to survey results, the “more is better” idea holds true. However, results of the study also suggest that programs of at least six weeks in duration can also be enormously suessful in producing important academic, inter- and intra-personal, career, and intercultural development outes. These findings are significant considering the current national increase in students attending shorter programs. Students attending full-year, semester, and summer programs all report the following benefits: Enhancing the Study Abroad Experience Although all students benefit from the study abroad experience, there are a few choices that students can make that have the potential to increase their long-term language and career benefits. Continued language usage was greatest among respondents who lived in a homestay, with 42 percent saying they now use a language other than English on a regular basis. Students who lived in an apartment or a residence hall with local students reported results slightly lower than homestay participants (38 and 32 percent respectively). However, the results of those who lived in an apartment with other U.S. students lagged far behind the rest, with only 18 percent reporting that they use a foreign language on a regular basis. Importance of Internships For students who hope to gain the most career impact from study abroad, results indicate that they should choose an internship as part of their curriculum. Remarkably, 70 percent of intern respondents reported that study abroad ignited interest in a career direction pursued after the experience, pared to 60 percent of non-intern respondents. In addition, 83 percent said that it allowed them to acquire skill sets that influenced their career path, pared to 75 percent who did not intern. Although there is not always a significant statistical difference beeen students who attended local university classes and those who did not, it is important to mention that students who attended courses at the local university did experience greater long-term language benefits and were more likely to work or volunteer abroad than their counterparts. The biggest difference beeen the o groups is in the area of relationships. Of those who attended local university classes, 31 percent still maintain contact with host-country friends, pared to 16 percent of respondents who did not study at the local university. A Lifetime of Benefits Few other experiences in life have proven to such a positive and sustainable impact. With study abroad offering so many life-changing and enduring academic, career, intercultural, personal, and social benefits, students should carefully consider studying abroad when searching for a college and during their collegiate career. Students should question potential colleges about the study abroad programs they offer and find out how petitive the application process is and if grades and financial aid transfer. In addition, colleges, parents, and employers should encourage and enable students to study abroad. As Michael Preziosi (IES Madrid, 1978) says, “My wife and I feel so strongly about the value of this experience that we have told our o daughters that a semester abroad while at college is an absolute requirement for each of them. It is not an experience to be missed.” 出国留学的好处有什么 畅时留学 为您解答 出国对于自身的技能的提升都有帮助的哦 不过出国也是要做好很多的事情准备的呢 准备工作 1、对留学意向国家的政治、经济,文化背景和教育体制,学术水平进行较为全面的了解; 2、全面了解和掌握国外学校的情况,包括历史、学费、学制、专业、师资… 出国留学的好处?有人清楚吗? 出国留学的好处有很多哈: 1、了解外国的多元文化,增长见识,结交各国各地朋友 2、会改掉拖拉懒散,缺乏时间观念等陋习,道德素质也会有很大提高,至少不会再象某些中国人那样随地吐痰和乱闯马路,乱扔电池和白色垃圾等等 3、出国对个人毅力和独立生活的能力是一种极好的锻炼,能很好地培养吃苦的精神,也许出国这几年就能让你一辈子拥有这样的顽强品质  4、有张过硬的洋文凭和真正的本事,此生可衣食无忧 5、练就一门地道的外语,终身受益 6、或许还能赚回一笔美圆,欧元或英镑,能完成创业前的原始积累 7、如果移民了,就可以过上某种意义上的幸福生活 8、没准能成为外国公司驻中国的业务代表,领国外工资,在国内生活,想穷都难  9、短短几年的国外辛苦拼搏后,或许从此坐享稳定的高收入,这是国内很多人干一辈子都难以实现的 10、如果是男的,理应借此青春年华好好磨练磨练自己,然后再闯出一番大事业,那是何等的辉煌!如果是个女的,出国镀了金之后,身价自然提高了,从传统意义上讲,这也就注定了你的老公多半会较有品位,你很可能过上富裕的或高品位的生活 11、现在大学毕业工作难找,与其在国内考研不如到国外去镀金,从时间上讲都差不多,但含金量自然不可相提并论 12、留学还能领略国外的优美风光并开阔眼界,而且在国外生活工作几年之后你可能就有了国外那种先进的思想理念,将会对你的生活和工作产生较为深远的影响 希望这些能为你提供参考哦 从小送小孩出国留学的好处(英语辩论) First of all, a child can acquire the correct pronunciation and intonation of the language. This is difficult to get after one"s puberty. Secondly, the child can learn independent thinking. Independent thinking, the focus of the western education, is one of the most important quality for one"s future study, career and even his entire life. Finally, going abroad to study at an early age enables the child to mix himself into the social and cultural life of the target country which helps to form his own identity in the long run. 出国留学的好去处 出国留学有以下十大好去处:  1、“自由的足迹”(Freedom Trail),波士顿 了解美国的历史,要从波士顿开始,到了波士顿则由一条“自由之路”引领你寻找自由的足迹。在波士顿公园的旅客服务中心可以索要“自由之路”的免费地图,然后沿着一条红砖铺就的特色小路前行,就是著名的“自由之路”,这条约2.5英里的引导路线,沿途散落着16处反映美国殖民战争及独立革命历史的重要景点,都是免费的。 2、国际玫瑰实验花园,俄勒冈州波特兰 这个玫瑰实验花园自从1917年开始启用至今,玫瑰花园常年开放,不过最好的参观时间是每年的6到10月,也是玫瑰花开最美的季节。在园内参观是免费的,美国留学生们千万不要伸手去摘,否则将面临500美元的罚款。 3、“洛杉矶的卢浮宫‘——盖地艺术中心 盖蒂艺术中心,盖蒂艺术中心收藏了美国本土最为精美的名家手稿和老照片,是美国同类艺术品最大的收藏机构之一,被誉为“洛杉矶的卢浮宫”,免费开放。收藏的经典珍品有梵高名画《鸢尾花》、克劳德·莫奈(Claude Mo)的《日出》等。注意,盖蒂艺术中心在周一不开放,请安排其他时间参观。 4、华盛顿的“天安门广场”——国家广场(National Mall) 华盛顿的国家广场,是一片绵延2.5英里的绿色大草坪区域,也被称作“国家草坪”,在那里你可以探寻马丁·路德·金国家纪念园、美国国会大厦、著名的史密森城堡等众多代表美国精神的标志性景观。国家广场是美国密度最高的博物馆区,无论是世界级的博物馆还是历史名胜,都是可免费参观的。 5、林肯公园动物园,芝加哥 林肯公园动物园位于林肯公园的南面,建立于1868年,是美国最具悠久历史的免费公共动物园。想象下海狮、大猩猩、犀牛、北极熊等野生动物就生活在距离芝加哥市中心不远的地方,而且这个动物园在一年内的任一天都是免费开放的,这样就可以在美国留学生活中任意安排时间游览。 6、美国大烟山国家公园,北卡罗来纳州&田纳西州 美国大烟山国家公园(great Smoky Mountains National Park)是美国著名的国家公园之一,位于美国东部的阿帕拉其安山脉(Apalachian Mountains)南端的蓝色山脊上(Blue ridge),行政地理位置为北卡罗林那州西部与田纳西州南部交界处。已被联合国认定为国际生物圈保留地和世界自然遗产。 7、旧金山的象征——金门大桥 金门大桥于1937年建成开通,2012年正是金门大桥75周年纪念日。金门大桥全长约2.7千米,是世界上最大的单孔吊桥之一,被视为旧金山的象征
2023-06-29 06:50:151


Yu yi childish, to date, penetrative broader. See insignificant, will mark the micro texture. So when the store.Summer mosquito into rem, private underlying group dance empty crane. Their hearts, or it is 100 thousand or crane. With a view to the strong. And stay in grain tents, mosquitoes by xu, spray smoke cigarette, make flying blunt, as crane concept albatron Li clouds, wow ChenKuai crane.On wall, children small grass bump, often contacts, and its squat, fine mesh machine together. With grass, with for plexus worm in soil for beast, ant debris for convex He for high, concave, travel, unbounded.1st, saw two worms fights between grass, view, a monster, pour a mountain, a toad. A tongue to try and insect. More young, but without thought, fear;? God, catch toad, whip away.this dozens, neither.
2023-06-29 06:50:244

花样男子插曲one more time歌词韩语译音

2023-06-29 06:50:335

问问:WWE Jeff Hardy出场音乐No More Words的歌词是什么,急需。。。

2023-06-29 06:50:483

英语Induge alittle more怎么翻译?

英语:Induge a little more.翻译: 放纵多了点。例如:You could indulge a little more when you are stressed at work.
2023-06-29 06:51:0311