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波本威士忌英文名叫Bourbon whiskey。波本威士忌又作波旁威士忌,是用51一75%的玉米谷物发酵蒸馏而成的威士忌,在新的内壁经烘炙的白橡木桶中陈酿4~8年,酒液呈琥珀色,原体香味浓郁,口感醇厚绵柔,回味悠长,酒度为43.5度,波旁是美国肯塔基州(Kentucky)的一个地名,所以波旁威士忌,又称Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey。波旁威士忌并不意味着必须生产于肯塔基州波旁县。按美国酒法规定,只要符合以下三个条件的产品,都可以用此名:第一,酿造原料中,玉米至少占51%:第二,蒸馏出的酒液度数应在40~80度范围内;第三,以酒度40~62.5度贮存在新制烧焦的橡木桶中,贮存期在2年以上。波旁威士忌的几大品种KNOB CREEK 9,产地:美国,酒精度:50%,色泽:古铜色,偏琥珀色,芳香:含有烤过的坚果及谷类的香气。口感:醇厚带甜、有木头及水果味道,后段馀香、口感浓郁且持续延展。EARLY TIME,产地:美国,肯塔基州,酒精度:40%,色泽:温柔的殷红色,芳香:紫罗兰的花香加上香薰的香味,口感:风格淡雅,清爽而甘甜,口感非常顺滑,入口即化,是女性喜欢的风格。EARLY TIME带有明显的波本威士忌特征。Blanton"s,产地:美国,肯塔基州,酒精度:46%,色泽:浓红茶色,芳香:无花果干和葡萄干等香味,木桶的烘烤香味,口感:牛奶糖似的甘甜最后在口中扩散,浓郁葡萄干的甘甜中稍带杏仁苦味,有弹性的淡淡酸味。CROWN ROYAL,产地:美国,肯塔基州酒精度:42%,色泽:红茶色,芳香:梅子的味道加上刚刚烤好的热蛋糕的香味,还有蜂蜜的甜味,随时间变化慢慢出现甘甜香味。味道:有香草的味道,口感柔和顺滑,有酒精的甜味,略带果酸味,回味有桃子的感觉。
Scotch WhiskyWhisky is, in its most basic sense, a spirit that is distilled from grain. Sometimes the grain has been malted, sometimes not. It is aged, often for long periods of time, in wooden barrels (usually oak). This barrel-aging smoothes the rough palate of the raw spirit and adds aromatic and flavoring nuances along and the base amber hue, all of which set whiskies apart from white grain spirits such as Vodka, Gin and Aquavit, which are distilled closer to neutrality in taste, and then generally not aged in wood. The basis of Scotch whisky is the heather-flavored ales made from barley malt that the Picts and their prehistoric ancestors brewed. Archeologists have found evidence of such brewing dating back to at least 2000 B.C. This ale (which is still produced today by at least one Scottish microbrewer) was low in alcohol and not very stable. Starting in the ninth century, Irish monks arrived in Scotland to Christianize their Celtic brethren. Along with the Word of the Lord they brought the first primitive stills, which they had picked up during their proselytizing visits to mainland Europe during the Dark Ages. The local Picts soon found that they could create a stable alcoholic beverage by distilling their heather ale. Simple stills came to be found in most rural homesteads, and homemade whisky became an integral part of Gaelic culture.
分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 不需要很长了.....稍微几百字就OK 解析: Scotch Whisky Whisky is, in its most basic sense, a spirit that is distilled from grain. Sometimes the grain has been malted, sometimes not. It is aged, often for long periods of time, in wooden barrels (usually oak). This barrel-aging *** oothes the rough palate of the raw spirit and adds aromatic and flavoring nuances along and the base amber hue, all of which set whiskies apart from white grain spirits such as Vodka, Gin and Aquavit, which are distilled closer to neutrality in taste, and then generally not aged in wood. The basis of Scotch whisky is the heather-flavored ales made from barley malt that the Picts and their prehistoric ancestors brewed. Archeologists have found evidence of such brewing dating back to at least 2000 B.C. This ale (which is still produced today by at least one Scottish microbrewer) was low in alcohol and not very stable. Starting in the ninth century, Irish monks arrived in Scotland to Christianize their Celtic brethren. Along with the Word of the Lord they brought the first primitive stills, which they had picked up during their proselytizing visits to mainland Europe during the Dark Ages. The local Picts soon found that they could create a stable alcoholic beverage by distilling their heather ale. Simple stills came to be found in most rural homesteads, and homemade whisky became an integral part of Gaelic culture.