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1、龙井茶对人体的保健功效有兴奋作用,抑菌消炎作用、解除烟酒毒害的作用,帮助消化、降低血糖及血压和防辐射作用等等。因此,人们经常饮用龙井茶,不仅是物质精神享受,而且也是健身防病的一种有效途径。龙井茶比其它茶叶更具有明显的抗癌、抗衰老作用。 2、龙井茶是采摘细嫩芽叶加工制作而成,现代茶叶生物化学的研究结果表明,芽叶越细嫩,内含营养保健成分就越多,加上龙井茶是小锅手工炒制,因而,使丰富的保健成分得到最大限度的保留。另外,龙井茶生产的土壤、气候条件都有利于很多保健成分的形成。
西湖龙井茶,外形扁平挺秀,色泽绿翠,内质清香味醇,泡在杯中,芽叶色绿。素以“色绿、香郁、味甘、形美”四绝称著。春茶中的特级西湖龙井、浙江龙井外形扁平光滑,苗锋尖削,芽长于叶,色泽嫩绿,体表无茸毛;汤色嫩绿(黄)明亮;清香或嫩栗香,但有部分茶带高火香;滋味清爽或浓醇;叶底嫩绿,尚完整。其余各级龙井茶随着级别的下降,外形色泽由嫩绿→青绿→墨绿,茶身由小到大,茶条由光滑至粗糙;香味由嫩爽转向浓粗,四级茶开始有粗味;叶底由嫩芽转向对夹叶,色泽由嫩黄→青绿→黄褐。 夏秋龙井茶,色泽暗绿或深绿,茶身较大,体表无茸毛,汤色黄亮,有清香但较粗糙,滋味浓略涩,叶底黄亮,总体品质比同级春茶差。
西湖龙井茶的特点 ?西湖龙井茶的功效?西湖龙井好喝么? 西湖龙井茶
China is the birthplace of tea. It was here that tea was accidentally discovered by Emperor Shen Nung over 5,000 years ago. Ever since its discovery by China, tea was used only as a green tea for centuries. Hence China produces the world"s finest green teas. The tea leaves used for green tea are steamed or pan-dried immediately after picking, arresting bacterial growth and preventing oxidation. Then they are rolled by hand to squeeze out excess moisture and to release flavor enzymes. The leaves are finally fired in large driers and packed. When brewed, then turn a light green color, with a flavor that is sometimes delicate and somewhat tangy. Green teas are rich in vitamin C. Experts contend that they stimulate the spirit better than any other blend, claiming that it improves their abilities to think and meditate for prolonged periods without fatigue. Young Hyson Chinese for "before the rains," Young Hyson is prepared using young leaves twisted in a long, thin style. The flavor is more full-bodied and pungent that other green teas. It has a golden liquor with a hint of sweetness. Use spring water at a temperature well below boiling. G-YH-1S Young Hyson, 1 oz. Price: $1.25 G-YH-1a Young Hyson, 1/4 lb. Price: $4 G-YH-1b Young Hyson, 1 lb. Price: $12 Temple of Heaven Gunpowder Gunpowder tea gets its name from the appearance of the leaves, which are rolled tightly into small, round pellets. The tight roll helps Gunpowder remain fresher longer than other teas. This example, "Temple of Heaven," has a sweet and slightly smokey character. Use spring water at a temperature well below boiling. G-THG-1S Temple of Heaven Gunpowder, 1 oz. Price: $1.50 G-THG-1a Temple of Heaven Gunpowder, 1/4 lb. Price: $4.50 G-THG-1b Temple of Heaven Gunpowder, 1 lb. Price: $13.50 Emerald Tips Green This tasty tea has a dark emerald green longish leaf with some silver, and brews a liquor with full sweet flavor. Use spring water at a temperature well below boiling. G-ETG-1S Emerald Tips Green, 1 oz. Price: $2.25 G-ETG-1a Emerald Tips Green, 1/4 lb. Price: $7 G-ETG-1b Emerald Tips Green, 1 lb. Price: $21 Dragon Well (Lung Ching) This hand-picked and -processed green tea from the hills just west of Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, has been famous since the eighth century. It is known for its full, round flavor, unique nutty taste, pleasant jade-green color, and wonderful aroma. Hand fired in a large wok, it takes on a flat shiny appearance. Use spring water at a temperature well below boiling. This quality tea will even steep at room temperature (takes a half hour or longer). G-DW-1S Dragon Well (Lung Ching), 1 oz. Price: $2.50 G-DW-1a Dragon Well (Lung Ching), 1/4 lb. Price: $8 G-DW-1b Dragon Well (Lung Ching), 1 lb. Price: $24 Organic Dragon Well (Lung Ching) Flat and long, the dry leaf has a slight chocolate aroma. The golden liquor yields a sapid brew with a pleasant nutty aftertaste. Use spring water at a temperature well below boiling. G-DW-2S Organic Dragon Well, 1 oz. Price: $2.75 G-DW-2a Organic Dragon Well, 1/4 lb. Price: $10 G-DW-2b Organic Dragon Well, 1 lb. Price: $30 1st Grade Dragon Well (Lung Ching)This is our first grade Dragon Well (Lung Ching). Its leaves are flat, long, and vibrant green and will yield several infusions of delicate, flowery aroma and flavor from its yellow-green liquor. G-DW-3S Dragon Well, 1st Grade, 1 oz. Price: $5 G-DW-3a Dragon Well, 1st Grade, 1/4 lb. Price: $17 G-DW-3b Dragon Well, 1st Grade, 1 lb. Price: $60 Super Fine Dragon Well (Lung Ching)This is our finest Super Fine Dragon Well. A pound of dry Super Fine Dragon Well contains 25,000 bud-and-leaf sets, each snipped off individually by skilled fingers. Pan-frying the leaves requires great skill to match the temperature to the tenderness of the leaves. G-DW-4S Dragon Well, Super Fine, 1/2 oz. Price: $4 G-DW-4a Dragon Well, Super Fine, 1/4 lb. Price: $27 G-DW-4b Dragon Well, Super Fine, 1 lb. Price: $98 Zhejiang Mao Feng This is a popular Chinese green tea, a table-tea for enjoying that healthy everyday cup. Grown in an old established tea garden in southern Zhejiang province, this tea has a good taste and a rich green color. It is a very strong tea with lots of mileage per pot. Best flavor is obtained by steeping with water temperature well below boiling. Infuse one to three minutes. G-ZMF-1S Zhejiang Mao Feng, 1 oz. Price: $2.50 G-ZMF-1a Zhejiang Mao Feng, 1/4 lb. Price: $8 G-ZMF-1b Zhejiang Mao Feng, 1 lb. Price: $24 Bubbling Spring Rolled Green Rolled into small pellets, this deep green tea is very different from Gunpowder greens. When brewed, these pellets are transformed to reveal tender, yellow-green budsets. The dark green pellets belie the fresh sweet flavor of this tea, which makes a very drinkable, satisfying cup. Use spring water at a temperature well below boiling and infuse one to three minutes. G-BSRG-1S Bubbling Spring Rolled Green, 1 oz. Price: $2.50 G-BSRG-1a Bubbling Spring Rolled Green, 1/4 lb. Price: $8 G-BSRG-1b Bubbling Spring Rolled Green, 1 lb. Price: $24 Three Cups Fragrance (San Bei Xiang) This small-leafed green tea from Zhejiang province has a golden-green liquor and a refreshing aroma. Known for its satisfying flavor with a slightly astringent aftertaste, it can stand up to multiple steepings. Use spring water at a temperature well below boiling and infuse one to three minutes. G-TCF-1S Three Cups Fragrance, 1 oz. Price: $2.50 G-TCF-1a Three Cups Fragrance, 1/4 lb. Price: $8 G-TCF-1b Three Cups Fragrance, 1 lb. Price: $24 Citrus Green Organic This is an organic green tea mixed with pieces of dried ginger, orange and peach. It yields a light golden-green liquor with fragrant aroma, refreshing citrus flavor, and can be resteeped. Use 1 teaspoon dry leaf per 6-ounce cup and spring water at a temperature well below boiling. Infuse two minutes. G-CGO-1S Citrus Green Organic, 1 oz. Price: $2.50 G-CGO-1a Citrus Green Organic, 1/4 lb. Price: $8 G-CGO-1b Citrus Green Organic, 1 lb. Price: $24 Organic Golden Bamboo Hairpoint Buds are long, pointed and twisted and produce a golden liquor that"s smooth and full with a subdued green finish. Best taste is obtained by steeping with water temperature well below boiling, infusing one to three minutes. G-OGBH-1S Organic Golden Bamboo Hairpoint, 1/2 oz. Price: $1.50 G-OGBH-1a Organic Golden Bamboo Hairpoint, 1/4 lb. Price: $10 G-OGBH-1b Organic Golden Bamboo Hairpoint, 1 lb. Price: $30 Organic Jing Mai Green Produced from old-growth tea plants in the Jing Mai mountain area of southern Yunnan province, this tea has dark green buds that are long and twisted. They produce a slightly aromatic pale golden liquor with complex, full flavor and a refreshing finish. Use 1 teaspoon dry leaf per 6-ounce cup and spring water at a temperature well below boiling. Infuse two minutes. G-OJMG-1S Organic Jing Mai Green, 1/2 oz. Price: $1.50 G-OJMG-1a Organic Jing Mai Green, 1/4 lb. Price: $10 G-OJMG-1b Organic Jing Mai Green, 1 lb. Price: $30 Green Snow This is another of Anhui provinces"s prized green teas. The dark green and white leaves are long, pointed and feathery. It brews a pleasant and complex infusion with a full-flavored and smooth finish. Steep with the water temperature well below boiling, infusing one to three minutes. G-GS-1S Green Snow, 1/2 oz. Price: $1.75 G-GS-1a Green Snow, 1/4 lb. Price: $11 G-GS-1b Green Snow, 1 lb. Price: $33 Organic Gold-flecked Green With almost Tung Ting-like leaves, this organic tea from Anhui province has a floral fragrance. The tawny golden liquor has vegetal tones that lie full on the tongue with a multifaceted finish. Steep with the water temperature well below boiling, infusing one to three minutes. G-OGFG-1S Organic Gold-flecked Green, 1 oz. Price: $2.75 G-OGFG-1a Organic Gold-flecked Green, 1/4 lb. Price: $10 G-OGFG-1b Organic Gold-flecked Green, 1 lb. Price: $30 Snow Monkey This tea has thick white strands among darker green leaves that are slightly twisted. The budsets show after brewing. This is a rich-tasting green tea but without harshness or bite. Steep with the water temperature well below boiling, infusing one to three minutes. G-SM-1S Snow Monkey, 1 oz. Price: $3.50 G-SM-1a Snow Monkey, 1/4 lb. Price: $12 G-SM-1b Snow Monkey, 1 lb. Price: $36 Mist on the Gorges This tea grown in the rugged highlands of Dashennongjia mountain in Hubei province produces a tawny cup with vegetal top notes, full flavor and slightly astringent aftertaste. Steep with the water temperature well below boiling, infusing one to three minutes. G-MIST-1S Mist on the Gorges, 1 oz. Price: $3.50 G-MIST-1a Mist on the Gorges, 1/4 lb. Price: $12 G-MIST-1b Mist on the Gorges, 1 lb. Price: $36 Organic Mountain Orchid Green This certified organic production green tea is easy to enjoy. The hand-sorted, pretty bud sets brew a light golden infusion with a pleasant taste and vegetal finish that lies full on the tongue. Steep with the water temperature well below boiling, infusing one to three minutes. G-OMOG-1S Organic Mountain Orchid Green, 1/2 oz. Price: $2 G-OMOG-1a Organic Mountain Orchid Green, 1/4 lb. Price: $12.50 G-OMOG-1b Organic Mountain Orchid Green, 1 lb. Price: $37.50 Green Mist These forest-green tea leaves from Anhui province yield a liquor with fresh, grassy aroma and a playful, vegetal taste with plenty of flavor. Steep with the water temperature well below boiling, infusing one to three minutes. G-GM-1S Green Mist, 1 oz. Price: $3.50 G-GM-1a Green Mist, 1/4 lb. Price: $12 G-GM-1b Green Mist, 1 lb. Price: $40 Organic Clouds of Green The dry leaf of this organic green tea has silver spirals which produce a deep and intense green tea flavor with a smooth finish. Best taste is obtained by steeping with water temperature well below boiling, infusing one to three minutes. G-COG-1S Organic Clouds of Green, 1/2 oz. Price: $2.50 G-COG-1a Organic Clouds of Green, 1/4 lb. Price: $15 G-COG-1b Organic Clouds of Green, 1 lb. Price: $45 Organic Lu"An Melon Seed Green This organic green tea is grown in Lu"An county located in the Dabie Mountains of Western Anhui province. Its partly open leaves, when brewed, yield a tea liquor with a light spicy fragrance that is nectar sweet in the cup and rich in the finish. Best taste is obtained by steeping with water temperature well below boiling, infusing one to three minutes. G-OLMS-1S Organic Lu"An Melon Seed Green, 1/2 oz. Price: $2.50 G-OLMS-1a Organic Lu"An Melon Seed Green, 1/4 lb. Price: $15 G-OLMS-1b Organic Lu"An Melon Seed Green, 1 lb. Price: $45 Green Pearls (Silk Balls) Rolled "pearls" unfurl into three or four leaves that include a delicately pale tea-leaf bud. These pearls, also called balls or pellets, yield a lovely aromatic brew of a golden liquor with at least three infusions. The "agony of the leaf" is spectacular, and the ensuring drink always satisfying. Best flavor is obtained by steeping with water temperature well below boiling, infusing one to three minutes. G-GP-1S Green Pearls (Silk Balls), 1 oz. Price: $4.50 G-GP-1a Green Pearls (Silk Balls), 1/4 lb. Price: $15 G-GP-1b Green Pearls (Silk Balls), 1 lb. Price: $45 Peach Blossom Green Peach Blossom Green is a "display" tea. It is meant to be enjoyed not only for its taste, but for its appearance as well. This tea is made from quality spring-picked leaves, then hand-tied into beautiful blossoms surrounding a central pink-dyed chrysanthemum flower. It is a fool-proof tea to prepare. Simply place an entire blossom in a glass, add hot water and enjoy. An 8-12 oz. wineglass will show the tea at its best, and is ideal for savoring its delicate taste. Peach Blossom Green can be enjoyed throughout a meal, simply adding additional hot water as needed. It won"t become bitter from over-steeping, even after several hours of infusion. G-PBG-1S Peach Blossom Green, 3 "blossoms" Price: $2.50 G-PBG-1a Peach Blossom Green, 1/4 lb. Price: $16 G-PBG-1b Peach Blossom Green, 1 lb. Price: $48 Purple Bamboo Years ago we could detect faint hues of 损urple?where the leaf meets the stem, but no longer. But there are still many budsets, and this is still a prized tea. Sold out in recent years, we are proud to be offering this Zhejiang speciality again. The tea has open type leaves in a vibrant green, and a sweet mouth-filling, fresh flavor. Use spring water at a temperature of 80?to 90?nbsp;C. (180?to 195?F.) and multiple short steepings. G-PB-1S Purple Bamboo, 1 oz. Price: $4.50 G-PB-1a Purple Bamboo, 1/4 lb. Price: $16 G-PB-1b Purple Bamboo, 1 lb. Price: $48 Golden Buds (Jing Zhen Li) This green tea from Fujian province features tiny golden buds with silver downy hairs that smell mildly nutty and sweet in the dry leaf. It brews an enormously satisfying and pleasant fragrant cup. Best flavor is obtained by steeping with water temperature well below boiling, infusing one to three minutes. G-GB-1S Golden Buds, 1 oz. Price: $4.50 G-GB-1a Golden Buds, 1/4 lb. Price: $16 G-GB-1b Golden Buds, 1 lb. Price: $48 Thousand Island Green Needle From the renowned Green Thousand Island Lake in Zhejiang province (also known as Qingxi Lake) comes this fin
好龙井茶的特点 好龙井茶的特点是什么
1、颜色:买龙井茶的时候,先从颜色观察,真正好的龙井茶是绿色的,且那种绿色是很漂亮的,但是细看之下有一点点淡黄缠绕其中。而假的或者还是劣质的可没有这种颜色。 2、气味:买龙井茶的时候凑进去一点,用鼻子闻一下龙井茶的气味,会闻到淡雅的清香传来,而假的龙井茶会有人工制作出来的味道,及时是香气也过于浓郁。 3、外观:看一下龙井茶的外观,真正好的龙井茶外形很是秀美且修长的,不会出现乱七八糟的形状,而假冒伪劣的龙井茶则没有这样的好身形哦。 4、口感:如果你能够品尝一下的话,真正好的龙井茶真正的回味久久,没有涩涩的味道,这是好茶。反之龙井茶的质量是值得怀疑的。
西湖龙井茶的特点 西湖龙井茶有什么特点
1、西湖龙井茶素有“色绿、香郁、味甘、形美”的美誉,其茶口感鲜醇甘爽,豆花香浓郁,入口清香持久,满口生津,饱满丰盈,且茶汤顺滑细腻,回甘较好,韵味持久,其次,西湖龙井茶原料细嫩,内含物质丰富,饮之虽汤色清淡,但却饱满馥郁活力,饮后令人愉悦。 2、西湖龙井茶之名起源于宋,闻于元,扬于明,盛于清。龙井既是地名,也是泉名和茶名。
春茶中的特级西湖龙井、浙江龙井外形扁平光滑,苗锋尖削,芽长于叶,色泽嫩绿,体表无茸毛;汤色嫩绿(黄)明亮;清香或嫩栗香,但有部分茶带高火香;滋味清爽或浓醇;叶底嫩绿,尚完整。 其余各级龙井茶随着级别的下降,外形色泽由嫩绿一青绿一墨绿,茶身由小到大,茶条由光滑至粗糙;香味由嫩爽转向浓粗,四级茶开始有粗昧;叶底由嫩芽转向对夹叶,色泽由嫩黄一青绿一黄褐。夏秋龙井茶,色泽暗绿或深绿,茶身较大,体表无茸毛,汤色黄亮,有清香但较粗糙,滋味浓略涩,叶底黄亮,总体品质比同级春茶差得多。 机制龙井茶,现在有全用多功能机炒制的,也有用机器和手工辅助相结合炒制的。机制龙井茶外形大多呈棍棒状的扁形,欠完整,色泽暗绿,在同等条件下总体品质比手工炒制的差。
龙井茶的特点 功效与作用
茶有着悠久的历史,并且传承至今,而中国有十大名茶,龙井茶是其中一种,并且是十大名茶之首,那么龙井茶的特点是什么呢?龙井茶功效与作用是什么呢?接下来就跟随本期的饮食文化一起来看看吧! 龙井茶的特点 龙井茶,浙江省特产,中国国家地理标志产品。 龙井茶素以色翠、形美、香郁、味醇冠绝天下,其独特的“淡而远”“香而清”的绝世神采和非凡品质,在众多茗茶中独具一格,冠列中国十大名茶之首。 龙井茶采摘有三大特点:一早,二嫩,三勤。茶农常说,“茶叶是个时辰草,早采三天是个宝,迟采三天变成草。”龙井茶还以采摘细嫩而著称,鲜叶嫩匀度构成龙井茶品质的基础。勤是指采大留小分批采摘,全年采摘在30批左右。 传统的龙井炒制有十大手法:抛、抖、搭、煽、搨、甩、抓、推、扣和压磨,不同品质的茶叶又有不同的炒制手法。由于产地生态条件和炒制技术的差别,西湖龙井向有“狮”“龙”“云”“虎”“梅”五个品类之别。 龙井茶的功效与作用 1、生津止渴,提神益思,消食化腻,消炎解毒。 2、抗氧化、抗突然异变、抗肿瘤、降低血液中胆固醇及低密度酯蛋白含量、抑制血压上升、抑制血小板凝集、抗菌、抗产物过敏。 3、消臭、助消化功效:口臭时食物残渣在酶的作用下形成甲基硫醇化合物产生臭味。西湖龙井茶汤可抑制这种酶的活性,起到消除口臭的作用,更能刺激分泌更多的消化液,有助于淀粉、蛋白质和脂肪的分解,帮助消化。 4、减肥养颜:龙井茶中的咖啡碱、肌醇、叶酸、泛酸和芳香类物质等多种化合物,能调节脂肪代谢。茶多酚和维生素C能降低胆固醇和血脂,所以饮龙井茶可减肥,不过冷饮会适得其反。 5、延缓衰老:龙井茶中的茶多酚可以有效清除多余的自由基,防止脂肪酸的过氧化。 6、消除疲劳:龙井茶中的咖啡碱能兴奋中枢神经系统,帮助人们振奋精神、增进思维、消除疲劳、提高工作效率。